Anarchist!TommyInnit (1) - The Syndicate

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My Anarchist!Tommy AU where Tommy got fed up with being pushed around and being told what to do and how to act, so he decided to 'fuck the government' and become a full on anarchist (with an obsession for blowing things up).

This is just a oneshot I made because I lacked motivation to write anything else. I've been reading and watching too many things Dream SMP related that I couldn't help but contribute to the ever so growing Villain!Tommy story list, but instead of making Tommy a mere villain, I decided to make him an anarchist. Gotta be original with these ideas, right?

Anyways, enjoy the oneshot!

It was a quite day in the arctic and Tommy was sitting on his brothers desk, sharpening his sword as he mentally planned his next grand debut. Being a known anarchist and branded L'Manburg traitor most certainly has its perks, especially when it comes to heavily annoying the servers admin, Dream.

Tommy and Dream go way back, always going  head to head against each other in the constant battle for dominance. Of course Dream won most of their battles, but Tommy always made it a habit to always challenge his adversary whenever he gets the chance to. What can he say, the green homeless teletubby pisses him off?

The only thing the two of them had in common was the fact that their friends left them in the dust (George and Sapnap being too busy with something random Tommy couldn't even care to remember, and Tubbo exiling him to avoid another war). Being trapped on an island far away from the main SMP with Dream and occasionally Ghostbur being his main visitors also didn't help the rivalry out any, especially since Dream was one of the main catalysts to his exile.

Either way, Dream's plans to turn Tommy into another one of his puppets didn't work out well for him; it only made Tommy stronger and more resilient towards his adversary. About the only influence he left on Tommy was the fact that his porcelain mask was inspired by Dream's, but instead of a :) it was a :(. The look on Dream's face when they were destroying L'Manburg together (alongside Philza and Techno) probably added more fuel to the fire as well.

Tommy smiled at the memory of them destroying his once beloved nation. It was both his grand debut as an anarchist and proving to the whole SMP that he wasn't going to get pushed around anymore. After that day he was branded as a traitor and is currently no longer welcomed in any other countries, including the now abandoned L'Manburg.

Who knew being bad felt so good?

Tommy's head jolted up as he heard his brother walk down the steps with a book in his hands.

"Hey Techno, what's up with the book?" Tommy asked the piglin as Techno looked him in the eyes.

"It's something I've been planning for a very long time," Techno said as he handed Tommy over the book.

"The Syndicate?" Tommy looked through the book with curiously in his eyes, "You want me to join the Syndicate?"

Techno nodded, "You, dad, and three others."

Tommy promptly handed the book back to his brother before going back to sharpening his sword, "Sounds cool, but I'm not interested."

"So you're not going to join the Syndicate?" Techno tilted his head as he looked at his brother with confusion written on his face.

Tommy nodded, "I do prefer to work alone, but that doesn't mean I won't crash in on your meetings every once in a while."

Techno sighed, "I might as well add an additional seat and show you where the meeting room is at."

"Oh, also don't forget to put 'Theseus' on my chair too," Tommy grinned as he hopped off the desk, "Since everyone now knows that I'm alive."

Techno slowly nodded, "I guess I'll see you there?"

"Depends on rather or not the time fits with my (nonexistent) schedule; actually yes I will be there, but don't count me as an official member. Just refer to me as an ally or The Great TommyInnit," Tommy jokingly responded as Techno grunted.

"5:00pm, Friday afternoon, meet at my place,"  Techno said as he picked up a nearby axe and walked out of the house.

Tommy promptly nodded, "Sure, I'll see you there."

The day of the meeting has finally arrived, and Tommy was quite curious as to who the other members of the Syndicate are. Of course he's not joining the group, as he prefers to work solo, but it couldn't hurt to check it out and be there to support his family....right?

Donning his signature porcelain mask and cloak, Tommy promptly made his way over towards Technoblade's cabin, slaying any hostile mob that's in his way. His brother, father, Ranboo, and Niki were waiting outside for him.

Tommy internally sighed, wondering why both Niki and Ranboo decided to join the Syndicate. Last time he checked, they both were about as pro-government as he was before exile happened (though Niki did burn down the L'Mantree during the fall of L'Manburg). Both of them had changed a lot here in the past few weeks; Niki's skin has become a lot more paler and she dyed her hair pink, donning Wilbur's coat and seemed like she was fed up with everybody's bullshit. Ranboo still had on his signature suit, but his hair was more disheveled and he looked like he barely caught any sleep in the past few days.

"Everyone, please follow me to the meeting room," Techno said as he gestured for the group to follow him.

Tommy looked at his dad with confusion written on his face (barely visible underneath the mask), before following closely behind his brother.

Eventually the group had made it to the far north of the arctic to a set of two lava pools. Tommy wondered why they were standing in front of the smaller pool for a few moments before he heard Techno speak.

"This is what we call a leap of faith," Techno said as he gestured over to the pool of lava, "Welcome to the Syndicate."

Everyone, asides from Phil, looked at Techno in confusion before Phil dived head first into the lava. Tommy soon followed, then Niki, Ranboo, and lastly Techno.

Ranboo gasped as he saw Phil, "You're alive!"

"Alright everyone," Techno said as he grabbed a boat out of a nearby chest, "Grab a boat!"

Tommy and Niki decided to share a boat on the ride down to the ice tunnel, stopping once they reach the entrance to the end portal fortress. Noticing that he had achieved the 'Eye Spy' achievement, Tommy heard Techno joking about 'nobody being able to find them' before turning his attention back onto Phil.

"So here we have some other exits and entrances," Phil said, gesturing to the two tunnels, "But we don't have to worry about that."

Suddenly the group heard a button being pushed.

"But what you do have to worry about is this..."

Suddenly a secret entrance opened up from the wall, showing a meeting room on the inside. Everyone gasped in shock as Phil headed down the staircase.

"Welcome to the Syndicate room."

Tommy looked around the room shocked, taking in the sight of the meeting room. It was oddly sophisticated and it suited their purpose greatly.

Grabbing a chair beside Ranboo, Tommy looked down below and noticed there was an ender pearl status chamber below his feet. Alongside everyone else, Tommy threw an ender lead down into it before closing it up.

Niki mentioned something about another member named 'Hapocrates', but Techno responded with "not feeling comfortable mentioning their name."

"Oh, and you guys get to pick out some cool code names or whatever...I'm Protesilaus and Phil is Zephyrus," Techno mentioned as Niki and Ranboo looked at Techno with curiosity in their eyes.

Tommy nodded before looking the group in the eyes, "I'm going to go with 'Theseus', since apparently everyone in my family keeps calling me that instead of fucking Tommy Big Man Innit."

Niki chuckled a bit, "I'll be called 'Nemesis'."

"The goddess of devine retribution and revenge, it suits you," Technoblade complemented, "Ranboo?"

"Lethe, Greek spirit of forgetfulness, oblivion, and concealment," Ranboo said as Tommy snickered.

"Why doesn't that surprise me? You do have memory issues after all."

Ranboo glared at him, "And you have attachment issues."

Tommy shrugged, "I've gotten rid of most of my attachments ages ago, hence why I helped blow up L'Manburg and became an anarchist."

"I wanted to visit you in exile, Tommy, but Dream wouldn't give anybody coordinates as to where you were located," Niki said as Tommy chuckled.

"That doesn't surprise me any, he's always been one manipulative bastard. I guess I picked up a few things from him during the last six months, and one of them is how to blow shit up. Dream thought he could break me during exile, but it only made me rethink my life choices and become stronger in the end."

"And then you broke into my house and stolen half of my food before running out," Techno interjected.

Tommy chuckled, "I'll make it up to you, I promise."

"Hey guys," Philza said in an attempt to switch onto a different topic, "What the fucks up with the egg?"

The meeting lasted about a couple of minutes, discussing things related to the Egg and the Eggpire, what's going on in Snowchester (Tommy was shocked to figure out Tubbo created some sort of government-like territory, but not surprised considering he picked up some of Jsclatts mannerisms over the course of the Manburg vs Pogtopia war), and something relating to Kinoko Kingdom (probably has something to do with George getting high off of mushrooms). The members, asides from Tommy due to personal reasons, all decided to investigate Snowchester and see what the fuck was up with them.

Tommy had fun at the first meeting; he enjoyed getting to know everyone better and seeing Niki and Ranboo again after the destruction of L'Manburg. Taking into consideration about what he previously said about 'working alone', Tommy decided to finally take up his brothers offer and become a full fledged member of the Syndicate.

Walking around in the depths of his cave-like home, Tommy was quite curious to see what the group found out about 'Snowchester'. Was it yet another government they would have to eradicate or was this just a peaceful section of the server?

'Yo Tommy, they have nukes.'

Tommy heavily sighed, looking at the message Techno sent him.

'You have to be fucking kidding me!'

'Nope, I saw them with my very own eyes.'

'Give me the coordinates and I'll come with an army of withers and fuck that place up.'

'Dude just relax, they seem pretty peaceful. Tubbo said that they won't use the nukes unless they have a reason to.'

'Fine, but I won't hesitate to do so.'

'Fine by me, we're leaving now.'

'Okay, I'll see you later.'

Tommy closed the chat and groaned in annoyance. So Snowchester is in possession of deadly nukes now? knowing that information Tommy formed a sinister plan within the depths of his mind; he was going to keep a secret stash of TNT and gear hidden away from everyone (asides from the Syndicate) and keep an eye on the place for a while. After all, Tommy would hate to find a reason to blow the place up?

As for Tubbo....well let's just hope that Tommy doesn't hurt his feelings too much once he discovers his beloved home in ruins...

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