Aomine x Asthmatic! Reader

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Aomine's POV

I grumbled for the thousandth time since Momoi and I started walking to Tōō. I didn't even want to go to school today but Momoi dragged me outside, blabbering about how important the first day of high school was. Not that I cared anyway.

"Aomine-kun," she suddenly spoke up. "Are you going to join the basketball club?"

I scowled, glaring down at her as I clutched my bag tighter. "Why the hell would I do that, Satsuki? After what I've done? Have you forgotten that quickly?"

She just looked ahead of us, her lips pursed in a frown. "I still miss Tetsu-kun too. You're not the only one who's still hurting. But I just don't think he would want to see you like this."

I just grunted, not wanting to have this conversation again. "I'm not playing basketball ever again. That's final," I said shortly. I picked up my pace, not even glancing back to see if she would follow after me.

Classes were boring. I was zoned out for all of the morning classes. I didn't even hear any of the teachers' names or what they said. It felt like a blur when lunch came around. I got up and without waiting for Momoi, left to find a place where people wouldn't annoy me. I had already heard some whispers in my class from kids recognizing who I was. It wasn't long until I found myself on the rooftop of the school.

This seems good enough, I thought.

I threw my bag on the ground and laid down, putting my hands behind my head and looking up at the sky. It felt peaceful.

"Hey Aomine-kun!" I heard a familiar call just a few minutes later. I was snapped out of my trance and tried not to groan. I was grateful for Momoi, especially after what happened at Teiko but did she really have to bother me every free minute she had?

She came up to me, giggling with a (h/c) haired girl I didn't know.

"Who's this?" I asked sitting up and eyeing the unfamiliar girl.

"This is (L/n) (F/n)!" Momoi said enthusiastically. "She's in our class and we were talking for a while. I wanted to introduce you to her!"

"It's nice to meet you Aomine," (L/n) said with a smile.

I just nodded, not in the mood to talk to her but Momoi gave me a sharp glance. "Err. . . same to you," I said hastily.

(L/n) then turned to Momoi, giving her a small bow. "Excuse me Momoi but I need to go to the nurse before lunch ends. I need to give in my inhaler for the school."

I froze when she mentioned the word 'inhaler.' Not again. . . Not like him. . .

"Okay (L/n)-san! See you back in class!" Momoi said, waving to her.

As soon as she was gone, I turned to Momoi sharply. "Satsuki, of all the people in our class you chose the one that's like him?" I hissed. "Are you crazy?"

Momoi just smiled sadly at me. "(L/n)-san seems really nice," she said. "Even if she has asthma, I think she'd be a good friend. We can look after her."

"I don't want to be friends with her," I said stubbornly.

"Aomine-kun, what happened to Tetsu-kun wasn't your fault," she said gently, but she really wasn't helping.

"Tetsu died because of me!" I shouted, my voice cracking. "I could've saved him!"

"He could be playing basketball with us," I whispered, sinking onto my knees and screwing my eyes shut, as if that would take me away from all of this. I felt Momoi hug me tightly and I put my arm around her and buried my head in her shoulder.

Dammit! Why did I have to be so weak?

(F/n)'s POV

Momoi and I were becoming really good friends. I was glad that I was able to make friends quickly in school. I already knew most of my classmates and was friends with nearly all of them. All of them except for Aomine that is. I wasn't sure why but he always ignored me or wouldn't talk to me, even if I was with him and Momoi for lunch. I didn't understand why he was avoiding me. I hadn't done anything to him to make him hate me. Or at least I hoped not. I really wanted to be his friend too.

I decided to ask him today during lunch. Momoi had to go to help the basketball club since she was their manager so Aomine and I were by ourselves. His eyes were closed and he was facing away from me as I picked at my lunch.

"Hey Aomine," I said.

He didn't answer or acknowledge that he heard me but I continued on regardless. "Do you hate me?"

"No. But you have asthma," he said coldly. "And I don't want to be responsible for you."

I furrowed my eyebrows, confused by his response. "What are you talking about? Just because I have asthma doesn't mean I'm helpless."

He raised his arm lazily and waved me away. "Leave me alone, would you? Go bother Satsuki."

Defeated, I sighed and went to find Momoi in the gym. She was already leaving for the cafeteria. I jogged up to her to catch up.

"Oh hey (L/n)-san!" Momoi smiled. "I thought you were with Aomine-kun."

"Yeah. But he said I was bothering him so I left him alone," I told her.

"What happened?"

"I just asked why he didn't like me and if he hated me and he said stuff about my asthma."

"I'm sorry (L/n)-san," she said. "Something happened in middle school and he's still not over it." She looked away and admitted quietly, "I'm not over it either." But then she looked at me, a fiercely determined expression on her face. "Ask him who Tetsu-kun is. You should know what happened anyway."

"Are you sure?" I asked doubtfully. I didn't want to keep bringing up bad memories. "What if he gets mad again?"

"I think it'll be good for him," she said, sounding firm. "He needs to let go. It's not your fault that you have asthma. And he can't be mad at you forever."

"I guess so," I said slowly, still unsure of her idea. "Alright then. I'll ask him tomorrow."

"Great!" She said, her bubbly nature back once more and she pulled me to the cafeteria, talking about which lunch options she hoped were still available.

During lunch the next day, I went in search of Aomine to confront him again. I made my way up to the rooftop. I was certain he would be there, and I was right.

He was sitting against the railing, looking out at the view beyond. I took in a deep breath to calm myself and walked up to him.

"Aomine," I said. "Who is Tetsu?"

He turned rigid at the name, as if I had said the foulest curse in the entire world. His voice was quiet and tense when he spoke. "How do you know that name?"

I gulped. This seemed like a bad idea but I was already too deep into this to back out. I had to know what was going on. "Momoi told me," I said. "But I don't know who he is. She said it was important that you tell me."

"It's none of your concern," he said stiffly, getting angrier by the second.

"But—" I tried to say but he cut me off.

"Just get lost already!" He yelled at me as he stood up, his fists clenched. "Stop reminding me about the past! Tetsu died from an asthma attack and I couldn't save him! I don't need you here when I know that he's dead!"

My eyes grew wide. "He. . . died. . .?" I repeated in disbelief.

Aomine lowered his head, his face filled with regret. "I was the only one in the gym with him," he said. "He pushed himself too hard against me and had an asthma attack. I could've helped him. Got him his inhaler, got him some water, anything. I panicked. I called 119 but it was too late. He stopped breathing by the time the ambulance came."

"Aomine. . ." I whispered, my heart shattering at the tragic experience he had gone through.

That just made him even more agitated. "I haven't forgiven myself for that day. And I don't need you around to remind me that I let my best friend die!" He pushed past me and bolted off back into the school building.

"Aomine wait!" I called. I ran after him, struggling to keep up.

The stairs hindered me and I was winded by the time I reached the first floor, but I spurred on and continued chasing after Aomine through the halls.

I can reach him! I thought. He was just a few paces ahead of me. I could do it.

Just then my breath caught in my throat and I stopped, coughing, but the tickle in my throat didn't go away. I grabbed at the wall for support and coughed louder, each one spasming my body. My lungs squeezed with effort to breathe but to no avail. I moved my mouth to try to speak but no words came out. Aomine! Please help me!

Aomine's POV

I whirled around and froze at the sight. (L/n) was leaning heavily against the wall. She dropped her bag and sank to her knees. There was a pained expression on her face, and she was looking at me pleadingly. I could see the tears in her eyes.

Her coughs rang loudly in my ears. They sounded just like Tetsu's. Helpless, feeble, pained. . .

I tried to move, tried to do something but I was too scared to. I can't do this. I can't. She's going to die like Tetsu did. Another life I can't save. Dammit, why can't I be stronger? Why can't I help her?

I will always believe in Aomine-kun. . .

I heard Tetsu's voice in my head, filled with determination like when we used to play together.

Something spurred inside of me and I ran back over to (L/n) and grabbed her bag, ripping the zipper open and dumping everything out on the floor. Through the mess of books and folders I saw her inhaler and snatched it up, shaking it out of the box. I cursed as my hand fumbled while uncapping it. Every second I wasted was another second she was closer to death. I brought the inhaler to her mouth and she held onto it tightly, pumping it twice.

I didn't realize I was holding my breath until I heard myself exhale in relief after (L/n) took a shuddering gasp for air once she removed the inhaler from her mouth.

I looked amongst her things and found a bottle of water. I opened it and offered it to her. She drank it down and tried to catch her breath. But she was definitely breathing.

I did it. . . I saved her! She's okay.

If only I could've saved Tetsu too back then, I thought almost bitterly.

(F/n)'s POV

Aomine looked at me helplessly, a mixture of emotions on his face. I could see the grief in his eyes, unshed tears welling up in them.

I crawled over to him and practically fell on him, my body still tired from my asthma attack. I wrapped my arms around him as best as I could and hugged him.

"Aomine," I rasped, my voice still a little wheezy. "I know Tetsu would be proud of you."

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