Murasakibara x Reader

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Disclaimer: The names used for Murasakibara's family members are NOT canon. I took the canon information about his older siblings and made names for them myself.

Seven pairs of eyes were staring at me, six varying shades of purple and one blue. This was pretty awkward. I was sitting in the living room of the Murasakibara household, the entire family gathered around me.

I darted a nervous glance towards my luggage near the doorway. It wasn't much, just a backpack, my school duffel and a small suitcase. Murasakibara's father had already promised we'd get the rest of my stuff from my house over the weekend.

If it wasn't obvious enough, I was moving in with the Murasakibara family. My classmate Murasakibara had somehow convinced his family to adopt me due to my situation with my biological family. I thought they would decline seeing as his parents already had five children but instead they welcomed me with open arms.

"Hi (F/n)!" The young woman said cheerfully, breaking the small silence. She had dark purple hair that cascaded over her shoulders. "I'm Akito."

She pointed to the three boys next to her. One had short lavender hair, the second sported long periwinkle bangs that fell around one side of his face and the last one had violet hair done in a braid.

"These are Hiroki, Natsuo and Saburo," Akito introduced. "And you know Atsushi of course."


"What's up?"


The three older boys chimed their greetings, all smiling at me.

"H-Hi," I said, still self conscious about the whole situation. "Thanks for having me."

"Of course. I've always wanted another daughter," their mother joked. "But I got stuck with four boys instead." She looked at her sons in mock disapprovement, but an affectionate smile twitched on her lips.

"Love you too Ma." Hiroki grinned.

"Let's go eat now," their father said, rising up from his seat.

"I'm starving," Murasakibara agreed.

Everyone stood up to go to the kitchen. They all towered over me and I gulped. Being constantly surrounded by people a foot or more taller than me would take a while of getting used to. Hopefully I wouldn't strain my neck from looking up at all of them.

We all sat down at the large table and began to eat our dinner. I was surprised by how much food there was, but it did make sense for such a large family.

"(F/n), you can sleep in my room." Akito offered once all the dishes had been cleared away.

"It's fine," I said. I didn't want to bother her or the others anymore than I already had with everything that was going on. "I'll just take the couch."

She looked at me in surprise. "What? No! Come on, there's probably an air mattress in the closet. Let's go find it."

Without even waiting for me to answer, she walked off and all I could do was follow to help her.

The rest of the evening was spent setting up the mattress and moving my things to Akito's room. She insisted we put my clothes away in our for now shared closet, though I managed to convince her to leave my books and other things in my suitcase until we could set up a proper room for me.

After hanging up the last piece of clothing, I took a moment to stretch. Somehow all of that took longer than I thought it would.

"I'm going to the bathroom," I told Akito. "I'll be right back."

"Okay!" She said as she pulled down a blanket from the top shelf of the closet.

I left the room and saw several doors but I couldn't tell which ones were bedrooms and which one was the bathroom. And god forbid I accidentally walked into one of my new siblings' rooms. I noticed one of them in the kitchen; the one with the long braid. I could ask him.

"Um. . . Excuse me," I said awkwardly as I walked up to him, "where's the bathroom?"

He turned to me and gulped down the bite of his banana before answering. "On the left side of the hallway, it's the second door."

"Thank you uh. . ." Yep. It had only been a few hours and I already forgot almost everyone's names.

"It's Saburo," he said helpfully.

"Thanks Saburo-san."

"San?" He repeated, narrowing his eyes.

I froze, panicking for a moment that I had said something wrong or stupid, but he just smiled kindly at me. "We're family now," he said. "No need for formalities." He paused for a moment. "I know this must be really weird for you but I hope that you'll let us take care of you."

I gave him a small smile back. "Thank you. I think it's gonna be nice having a family like this."

He grinned at me, his eyes lighting up at my words. It wasn't long until it was time for bed. I wasn't even sure if I would be able to sleep, but I was already in my pajamas and sitting on the air mattress.

"Ready for bed?" Akito asked, her hand on the lightswitch.

"Yeah," I said. Maybe sleep would be kind just this once and I'd sleep easily tonight.

"Let me know if you need anything."

"I will, thanks. Goodnight."


With that, she flicked off the lights, the room now pitch black. As I heard her clambering into bed, I snuggled into the mattress and closed my eyes but sleep was stubborn to come. I turned this way and that, trying to find a position that would allow me to rest properly. After what felt like my fiftieth turn, I sighed softly in annoyance, not wanting to disturb Akito.

It was definitely late. I squinted at the clock on the far side of the wall, trying to read it through the darkness to no avail. Grabbing my phone from the charger, I turned it on and decided to check my messaging app. I scrolled through my missed chats and read up on some of them.

It was a few minutes when I noticed Murasakibara's status showed that he was online too. What was he doing up so late? I sent him a message to see if he would answer.

(Username): hey

It showed that he was typing for a brief moment and then a new message came up on my screen.

JusticeTitan: hi

(Username): why aren't you sleeping?

JusticeTitan: dunno

JusticeTitan: why are u awake?

(Username): I can't sleep

JusticeTitan: wanna come to my room?

JusticeTitan: its the door with the lollipop on it

Well it wasn't like I had anything better to do. And I doubted that I was going to sleep anytime soon like this so I decided to accept his offer.

(Username): ok

I slipped out of bed and tiptoed past Akito, trying not to make any noise. I made it out of her room and then found my way to Murasakibara's.

Entering the dark bedroom, I closed the door behind me quietly. Murasakibara was laying on his bed, his back resting against the headboard. His laptop was sat on his legs, and he was tapping away lazily with one hand.

"Mm, hi." He hummed in greeting, glancing over at me before turning back to his screen.

"Hi," I whispered back. I walked over to him and set my phone on his snack-littered bedside table before sitting down on the edge of his bed. "Whatcha doing?"

"Being bored." He shrugged. Looking over at his laptop, I saw that he was playing 2048 Cupcakes. It was a slider game where you match two of the same type of cupcake to make a new cupcake. I had played it a few times too but never actually got very far. Murasakibara however, was surprisingly good at the game. There were a few cupcakes I had never even seen before on his gameboard.

He kept playing, moving the cupcakes around the board and making his score go even higher.

I wasn't sure how much time passed watching him play the game. I yawned, my eyelids drooping. "I'm–" I started to say but broke off with another yawn.

"You can sleep here with me if you want," Murasakibara said bluntly, noticing how tired I was.

I blushed lightly, my cheeks growing warm. I still wasn't used to this; it was my first night with my new family after all, but I was too tired to try going back to Akito's room quietly. So I complied, laying down next to him and leaned my head against his torso, the rhythmic clicking of his keys lulling me to sleep.

I woke up to the sound of footsteps and loud whispers. Cracking my eyes open a little bit, I saw that it was morning.

"Look at them!" It was Saburo's voice I heard first, followed by Hiroki.

"Yo, they are so cute!"

"(F/n)'s gonna be such a cute sister for Atsushi!!" came Akito's squeal.

"Us too." That must be Natsuo. "She's our sister now too, idiot."

"I know!! And that's the best part!"

I smiled to myself at the remarks of Murasakibara's—no—our siblings. I turned around to snuggle back into Murasakibara's side and his arm wrapped around me lazily. I heard some shuffling from Akito, Hiroki, Natsuo and Saburo and then the door clicked shut. I closed my eyes. I was safe, and I finally had a family I could love.

A/N: Just as a note, this one-shot doesn't promote/condone incest or anything of that sort, as this was a family/familial themed prompt. The interpretation of this one-shot is meant to be platonic between Murasakibara and (F/n).

Moving on from that, this is probably one of my favourite one-shots I've written for several reasons. I'm really proud of how it came out but what I like the most are the names I gave to Murasakibara's siblings. I did a lot of research on their names to find what would fit and that led me to making a whole system for their names. I'll explain it for those who are curious. I feel like it gives more depth to the characters to have things like this even though they aren't presented in the one-shot or story itself.

I made Akito the oldest out of them, and as the firstborn her name would have importance in the family so when Natsuo and Subaro were born they both got names ending in -o just like Akito's. Hiroki is the second youngest at 19 years old. Since Akito, Natsuo and Subaro all have the -o ending in their name, I thought it would make sense for Murasakibara's parents to choose something different. Atsushi and Hiroki both have -i at the end of their names so that they could show the similarity of names between them just like their elder siblings, while having a different suffix letter to separate them as the two youngest.

Let me know what you think of this system and the names! I put a lot of work into this one-shot and I would love to know your thoughts on it! Thank you and have a good day/night!

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