Kuroko x Reader + 1K Special Announcement

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I sighed, looking over at the far side of the room. I didn't see him at first, but after a little hard staring I noticed my crush, Kuroko Tetsuya. He was writing in his notebook absentmindedly and didn't seem to be paying much more attention to our teacher than I was.

"That's the last of the review," our English teacher said. "Now we're going to move on to English pronunciation. I have this for everyone." He passed out a sheet of paper to the class. I looked at mine curiously. It seemed to be a song or a poem since the sentences were so short and there were only four lines to it.

"This is a section from a song called 'You Are My Sunshine,'" Ishikawa-sensei explained. "Kagami-san, since you're familiar with English can you read it for us?"

"Yeah sure," Kagami said. He stood up, holding his paper and began to recite.

"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are grey
You'll never know dear, how much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away."

"Thank you." Ishikawa-sensei nodded as Kagami sat back down.

That song is really pretty, I thought wistfully. And I recognized the words 'I love you.' It must be a love song.

"We're going to practice this song and the meaning of it over the next few days," Ishikawa-sensei told us. "On Friday, everyone will recite it to someone else in the room. You should put some feeling into it and be creative with how you deliver the message. You are dismissed now."

He gathered his things and left the classroom, leaving us to pack up and tidy everything away. The classroom started to fill with the sounds of students chattering and the scraping of chairs. We were an efficient class and cleaned up quickly. We finished our duties and left to go home in no time at all.

The whole walk home, I mulled over what Ishikawa-sensei said about those presentations. It was an unusual assignment but Ishikawa-sensei was the kind of teacher to do something less traditional than how we normally learned things. It was why his class was much better than any of the others. And the thought of presenting a song did sound fun.

I reached my house and walked in, kicking off my shoes and greeted my mother in the kitchen before I went to my room. Flopping on my bed, I sighed as I rolled over onto my back to stare at the ceiling. What was I going to do for my song?

I sat up and got out the paper from my bag. The word 'love' instantly jumped out at me while I reread the song in my head.

Love. . . I mused. Maybe I could. . .? I started to wonder but then shook my head. No!

The last thing I wanted to do was use this song to confess to Kuroko. The entire class would be staring at me. It was the worst possible thing I could do.

But wouldn't it be nice? the little voice in my head spoke up bravely.

My eyes wandered over to the small trinket box on my dresser and an idea started to form in my head. I also had to make sure that my partner would be Kuroko and not another classmate. The more I thought about it, the more I was tempted to execute my idea.

It can work, I told myself, feeling a sudden burst of confidence.

During lunch the next day, I found Ishikawa-sensei in the teacher's center. He was grading our essays from last week.

"Excuse me Ishikawa-sensei," I said.

He looked up at me, adjusting his glasses. "Yes (L/n)-san?"

"For the presentations we're doing on Friday, can you partner me with Kuroko?"

"Is there a specific reason?"

"N-Not really. I just have something special I'd like to do for him," I admitted, feeling heat creep up to my cheeks.

"I see," he said thoughtfully. "Well there's no harm in making you both partners. I'll write it down right now." He grabbed the class roster and a pen, scribbling down a few words on the paper.

"Thank you!" I beamed, relieved that my plan would work after all. "But please don't tell him. I want to keep it a surprise if that's okay."

Ishikawa-sensei chuckled. "Alright (L/n)-san."

"Thank you," I repeated, bowing to him. I skipped out of the teacher's center, my heart fizzing with both excitement and nervousness.

The fateful day came quickly. I was anxious the entire day, from morning and all the way through lunch and the class after.

Finally, it was time for our English class.

"Good afternoon," Ishikawa-sensei greeted us as he walked into the classroom. He set his bag and papers down on his desk. "As you know, today we will be doing our presentations. I will be grading you on your pronunciation of the song and how you deliver the message."

I slipped my hand in my pocket, clutching the small metal item in my fingers to ease my growing anxiety. I didn't know when I would be going but I just hoped I wasn't first.

"I'll give everyone a minute to practice before we begin."

There was a shuffling of papers as everyone took out the song. I copied them and ran the words through my head again to be sure that I could say them properly.

Ishikawa-sensei was holding the class roster, ready to call names to present. "Kagami-san, you and Nakamura-san can go first."

Both of them blushed and went to the front of the room. Kagami stood rigid and spoke dramatically and gave his partner a very awkward hug. Her face went red, and she sang the song back to him sweetly. I heard a small chuckle as they sat back down and Kagami muttered a "Shut up Kuroko!"

"Let's have. . ." Ishikawa-sensei looked down at the class list, pretending to think. "Kuroko-san and (L/n)-san."

I looked over at Kuroko. He stood up and started walking to the front of the room. I followed him quickly and we both faced each other.

My heart was already hammering in my chest. "You may begin. (L/n)-san, you go first."

This was it. I met Kuroko's eyes bravely and started to speak.

"You." I grabbed his hands and clasped them together. His eyes widened slightly in surprise but he remained poker-faced.

"Are my sunshine. My only sunshine," I continued. I put my all into the words that I had practiced over and over again these past few days. English wasn't my strongest subject, but the pronunciation came to me easily and I said them wholeheartedly. "You make me happy when skies are grey."

I let go of one of his hands and started to get down on my knee. My free hand reached into the pocket of my skirt. "You'll never know dear, how much I love you." As soon as I said the three words, I slipped the silver ring on his finger. "Please don't take my sunshine away." I finished.

I was a blushing mess as I stood up. Kuroko was staring at the ring, and I could hear the laughs of some of our classmates, especially Kagami while others were clapping.

"That was very well done," Ishikawa-sensei commented. He gave me a kind smile. "Good job (L/n)-san. Kuroko-san, it's your turn."

Kuroko nodded and cleared his throat. He looked back at me. "You are my sunshine," he said. "My only sunshine." He put his hands together over his chest and gave me a small smile. I blushed and smiled back at him.

"You make me happy when skies are grey." He looked around the room for a second and gestured to the windows behind him. I almost laughed. The sky outside was clear and bright.

"You'll never know dear, how much I love you. Please don't take my sunshine away." He ended the song with a sincere whisper. He blinked at me and I stared back at him, smiling so hard that my cheeks were hurting.

The class clapped again politely and after a nod from Ishikawa-sensei, we were allowed to sit back down. My face was still hot and I drank from my water bottle to try to calm myself.

"Haha, that was so lame Kuroko," I overheard Kagami's teasing voice.

Kuroko shrugged. "It was just acting. And mine was better than yours."

My heart dropped at those words. Acting. Of course it was just acting. That's all it was. He would've done the same thing for any other girl in our class. I tried to pay attention to everyone else's presentations but my thoughts were too distracting. Each 'I love you' spoken by my classmates during their performances pulled me back to Kuroko's words. At last, the final pair went and Ishikawa-sensei approved of how the class period went before we were dismissed.

I finished my class chores quickly and grabbed my bag, leaving the classroom without a word to any of my friends. I had just reached the school gates when I heard a shout behind me. "(L/n)-san!"

I turned, startled. Running up to me was Kuroko. My eyes widened. What was he doing? He stopped in front of me, panting as he clutched his knees and tried to catch his breath.

"Excuse me (L/n)-san," he said through ragged breaths.

"Yeah?" I asked, clutching my bag's strap tighter. I wouldn't lie and say I wasn't nervous. Did he want to talk about the performance I did? What if he was about to tell me that he didn't like it?

"I have something for you." He interrupted my whirling thoughts and I realized he was holding something in his hand.

"What is it?"

He straightened up and handed me the object. The foil crinkled under my fingers and I looked down to see what it was. A yellow candy ring.

Sunshine Sorbet, I read the flavor on the wrapper.

I looked up at Kuroko in confusion but he just smiled at me.

"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine," he quoted the song. He took the candy ring from my hands and opened it with his nimble fingers. He held my hand gently in his and slipped the candy ring on my finger. "So would you like to be mine?"

His cheeks were dusted pink and he looked at me inquiringly. I stared at him in shock and blinked, a smile slowly forming on my face as my surprise subsided.

"Yes Kuroko." I hugged him suddenly which caught him by surprise, but he wrapped his arms around me in response.

Hand in hand, we walked home together, enjoying each other's company under the sunshine.

A/N: Thank you to everyone for 1k views! We just hit it today and I'm very grateful for you guys for reading these. In honour of this milestone I'd like to write five special one shots using characters from KnB as well as Haikyuu. So the upcoming one-shots will be formatted as (KnB Character) x Reader x (Haikyuu Character). But don't worry if you haven't watched Haikyuu. I haven't either and I promise there will be no spoilers for either anime, so I hope you all will give them a shot and enjoy them! Again, thank you very much!

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