Midorima x Older Sister! Reader

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I stepped out of the terminal gates, stopping for a moment to stretch before grabbing my suitcase and wheeling it behind me. Thankfully the airport wasn't too busy since I chose to travel in the middle of the week. It was also late here in Japan, about six p.m.

I took in a deep breath, the sharp and cold smell of the airport tingling my nose. Finally back home, I thought. I checked my phone and smiled down at the homescreen, an old selfie of me with my younger brother. Both of us were smiling at the camera, my arm around his shoulders and our heads pressed together, light and dark green hair side by side.

After checking my message notifications, I hailed a taxi. It zipped through the busy city, and I watched the scenery eagerly as it took me down familiar streets. I saw the ice cream store where we fought over the best flavour, mine (favourite/flavour) and my brother's strawberry. I saw the shoe store where he bought his first pair of basketball sneakers, and just a few blocks down, the antiques shop where he bought nearly all of his lucky items.

And then finally, I was home.

I paid the taxi driver and took my luggage out of the trunk and knocked on the door. My elderly mother opened it, her once bright green hair streaked with grey and white.

"Mom!" I exclaimed, hugging her tightly.

"(F/n), it's good to see you again," she said, hugging me back. She led me into the living room. "How are you?"

"I'm good. Flight was a little tiring though," I answered.

"(F/n)," my dad said kindly, walking into the room. "I take it your work in (country) is going well?"

"Yep!" I replied happily. He smiled, the wrinkles on his skin more defined. He was balding, but I could still see the (h/c) hair that contributed to my shade of green hair, while my brother had gotten our mom's emerald color.

"I'm very proud of you," he said.

"Thank you." I bowed to him with a smile. He nodded in approval.

"Where's–" I started to ask but my mom cut me off, smiling at me.

"Shintaro's not home yet," she said. "He has basketball practice."

"Can I meet him at his school?" I asked.

"Of course. I'm sure it'd be a lovely surprise for him."

She gave me the address of his school and I set off, wanting to be early to see my little brother. The sky was darkening, the first stars starting to appear as I turned the corner and saw Shutoku High School.

I saw Midorima walk out of the gates with a black haired boy. He had changed from the last time I had seen him, back in his first year of Teiko. He was much taller now, and his face was more serious. His glasses actually fit him better now. I chuckled, remembering how large they had been on his small head back then.

"Ryo!" I called, waving as I jogged over to him.

He turned sharply, surprise clearly written on his face. "(F-F/n). . . !" He stammered, ducking his head and pushing his glasses up his nose in embarrassment. Despite him trying to hide it, I could see the faint blush on his cheeks. "I told you not to call me that anymore nanodayo."

I just laughed and hugged him. "You'll always be little Ryohei to me, Shintaro," I said teasingly.

"Shin-chan, you have a sister?" The other boy asked, grinning.

"You must be Ryo's friend Takao-kun," I said, looking at the other boy. I remembered my brother mentioning him every now and then during our weekend calls. "It's nice to meet you!"

"Nice to meet you too (F/n)!" He replied cheerfully.

Midorima cleared his throat, looking at Takao with a raised eyebrow. "Don't address her so familiarly. She's twenty three nanodayo."

"Twenty three?!" Takao repeated, eyes wide. "No way Midorima-san!"

"That really makes me sound old." I chuckled. I was usually addressed as that by my colleagues at work, but the name coming from a high school student made me sound like I was as old as my parents. "(F/n)-san is fine."

"Got it! And what's with this 'Ryo' name? Is it a joke or something?" Takao asked.

"It's nothing nanodayo!" My brother said quickly.

Takao just snickered and looked at me, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"Ryohei was his name before our parents changed it to Shintaro," I happily explained for him. "They settled on Dad's suggestion about a month after we found Mom was having a boy. So I was calling him Baby Ryo at the time but when he was born, Mom wanted to call him Shintaro so they changed his name. But he's always been Ryohei to me."

"(F/n)!" Midorima groaned, chopping my head lightly.

"Ha!" Takao laughed. "Ryohei Midorima. Sounds interesting."

"Shut up Bakao," Midorima snapped. "Only (F/n) can say that. I can barely tolerate your stupid nickname nanodayo."

I giggled at Midorima's fierceness over his name. No one else had dared to try to say Ryohei to his face. Well, there was one kid in primary school when I went to pick him up once. Midorima 'accidentally' tripped him up with his lucky item, a yo-yo that he had flicked out underneath the boy's foot as he was walking. I remember asking him about it but all he said was that the yo-yo slipped from his hand and that it wasn't his fault the kid stepped on it and fell. Of course, I knew the truth.

"I'll leave you guys to it then," Takao said. "See you tomorrow Shin-chan. And it was nice meeting you (F/n)-san!"

"You too Takao-kun. Bye!" I waved as he jumped on his bike and pedalled off.

I turned with my brother and we started our walk back home. There was silence for a few moments before I decided to break it. "So how's basketball been?"

"It's fine nanodayo," Midorima replied. "We're going to the Winter Cup. How's work?"

"Busy." I sighed. "But I'm glad I'm back in Japan. I missed you."

"I. . . missed you too," he said quietly.

"You've grown up haven't you? I keep forgetting that you're not a kid anymore." I chuckled.

He scoffed. "You're just old nanodayo." But I could tell that he didn't mean it and was just teasing me.

"Hey!" I said in mock offense, bumping his shoulder playfully. I looked over at him and saw the faint smile on his face.

"Hey," I said again, looking at my feet. "You still want me to call you Ryohei?"

"Where's this coming from nanodayo?" He asked, sounding surprised.

"You're growing up now." I shrugged. "So it's fine if you don't want me to call you that anymore since you're always embarrassed by it."


The answer was so quick I almost missed it.

"What?" I asked.

"You can. . . You can keep saying Ryohei nanodayo," he said, fiddling with his glasses again.

"Are you sure?" I couldn't believe he was saying that. Ever since he was a kid he used to bicker with me about his name in public, and sometimes even at home.

"Do you want me to change my mind nanodayo?" His face was scrunched up in an annoyed pout, and I found myself smiling.

"Ryohei or Shintaro, you're still my little brother," I told him. "That won't change."

A/N: I found one of those KnB fact posts and it said that Midorima was almost named Ryohei instead of Shintaro so I felt like I had to make this one shot! I hope you guys liked it. Next up hopefully will be the Fantasy AU one shot!

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