Human! Nigou x Reader

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"(F/n)!" My grandmother called for me.

"Yes?" I shouted back from the living room, walking into the kitchen.

"Your Grandad and I have an appointment to go to," she explained. "Our doctor cancelled it last week but he just called to say that he can still see us. Teppei still has basketball practice so we'll drop you off with him so he can watch you, okay? I already texted him."

"Yes!" I pumped my fist in the air. "I get to see Teppei-nii practice! He's the best on his team."

My grandmother laughed and smiled down at me. "Come on, let's get you ready. We're leaving soon."

"Okay!" I ran to the shoe rack at the front door and kicked off my slippers. I grabbed my favourite sneakers and sat on the floor to put them on.

My grandmother walked over much more slowly. "Do you need help with the laces?" She asked.

I shook my head. "No. I'm old enough to do it by myself," I said. And to prove my point, I fumbled with my shoelaces and managed to knot them. "See?" I looked up at my grandmother proudly.

She chuckled. "You're getting really big now (F/n)," she said, which made me smile.

"As soon as I get to high school like Teppei-nii, I'm gonna join a sports team and win a lot for my team too!" I promised.

"I know that you will," my grandmother said fondly, and I felt a burst of pride and confidence. I'd definitely make my brother proud once I'm old enough for high school.

I waited for my grandparents to finish getting ready and then we started walking to Seirin. Kiyoshi was waiting at the front of the school when we got there. I let go of my grandpa's hand and ran over to him.

"Hi Teppei-nii!" I said excitedly.

He laughed and bent down to pat my head. "Hi (F/n)-chan. Ready for basketball practice?"

"Yes!" I said, looking up at him. Even when he was crouching down he was still a lot taller than me. But he gives the best rides on his shoulders.

"Are you sure your team will be fine with it?" Our grandmother asked, sounding a bit worried.

Kiyoshi stood up and smiled at our grandparents. "I'm sure Gran. The team would love to meet her."

She nodded, smiling now that she was reassured. "Okay, we'll see you at home then."

"Bye!" Kiyoshi and I both waved to them before he took my hand and led me to the gym.

"Kiyoshi there you—who is that?" One of the boys asked, surprised.

Heads turned to look at me and I smiled shyly, stepping closer to my brother. Kiyoshi chuckled. "This is (F/n). She's my little sister. Our grandparents have a doctor's appointment so they dropped her off here so I can look after her."

"It's nice to meet you." I finally gathered enough courage to say.

"Aww so cute!" A girl cooed, hugging me tightly. I stumbled and let go of my brother's hand in surprise. My brother laughed. "Careful Riko," he said, sounding amused.

She let go and stroked my hair, staring down at me with sparkling eyes. "She's adorable! Teppei-kun, why didn't you tell me your sister was so cute?"

Kiyoshi chuckled. "Gran's always been protective of her," he said. He kept talking to her about my grandmother and I as I looked around at the other people in the gym. My eyes lit up once I saw a familiar boy.

"Shun onii-chan!" I barreled towards him.

"(F/n)-chan, it's good to see you." Izuki smiled and picked me up. I wrapped my arms around him and nuzzled my face into the crook of his neck.

"Izuki, you know her?" A boy with spiky hair and glasses asked, walking over to us.

"Our families are close friends. We invite each other over often," Izuki told him, then looking at me. "(F/n)-chan, this is Hyuga. He's our captain."

"Oh, you're Teppei-nii's best friend!" I exclaimed, remembering how much my brother talked about Hyuga.

Hyuga's eyes widened in surprise and he stammered for a moment. "Err. . . sure."

"Has anyone seen Kuroko?" asked a boy nearly as tall as my brother with dark red hair. "He's disappeared again."

"We didn't leave him in the locker room, did we?" Hyuga asked, turning to him.

"I'll go check!" A much smaller boy piped up, running through a door on the left. His head poked out a few minutes later. "He's not there!"

Just then, the gym doors opened again and I turned my head as everyone looked at who had come. In the doorway was a boy with light blue hair, and standing next to him was a younger boy with messy black locks that fell into his eyes.

"KUROKO!" Nearly everyone shouted at once.

"Sumimasen." The boy with blue hair—Kuroko—bowed. "This is my brother Nigou-kun." He put his hand on Nigou's shoulder. "My mother had to go see my grandmother so she dropped Nigou-kun off so I could watch him."

"Hi!" Nigou flashed a smile and waved.

"Awww!" Riko rushed over to Nigou and squished his cheeks. "Not just one but two cute kids!"

Hyuga sighed and pried her away from Nigou. "Oi Coach. We have to start practicing. You kids," he said, turning to look at Nigou and I, "you can sit wherever you want. Just don't come on the court."

"Okay!" We chorused together.

Izuki set me down and my curiosity got the better of my shyness, so I zipped over to Nigou and his brother.

"Nigou-kun, I want you to be on your best behavior, okay?" Kuroko looked at Nigou seriously.

"Okay Tetsu-nii!" He said enthusiastically.

My own brother turned to me, smiling. "(F/n)-chan, we can get some ice cream after practice if you're good. How does that sound?"

"Thanks Teppei-nii!" I smiled at him.

They both turned to get their basketballs while I looked around to find a place to sit. I went over to the side of the gym and sat down against the wall. Nigou followed me and sat down next to me.

"Hi," he said. "What's your name?"

"I'm (F/n)," I introduced myself. It was easier talking to a kid my age than to my brother's friends. They were all so old.

"Nice to meet you (F/n)-chan!" Nigou smiled.

"Nice to meet you too," I replied. "How old are you Nigou-kun?"

"I'm eight! Just turned it last week!" He said.

He's the same age as me! I thought happily. "I'm eight too! My birthday's in (month). And Teppei-nii taught me a new basketball trick and gave me a new ball cause I'm getting bigger."

"What does he do on the team?" Nigou asked curiously.

"He guards the hoop. And he catches the ball when it doesn't go in," I explained.

"That's cool, but my brother is better," he boasted. "Tetsu-nii makes the ball disappear. And he also disappears too."

"No, my brother is the best," I argued. "Teppei-nii has the. . . the right of. . . the right of postman!"

"The what?" Nigou made a face, wrinkling his nose. "That sounds weird."

I glared at him and crossed my arms over my chest, pouting. "It's a hard word, okay? But I know that my brother does it best."

"Well what can you do?" He asked.

"I can (favourite hobby/activity)," I told him. "What about you?"

"I like soccer!" He said happily. "And frisbee. I actually brought it with me." He shrugged off his backpack and opened it, pulling out a frisbee in the Seirin colors. In the middle was a red 'N', which must be for his name.

"Woah, it looks really cool!" I said, admiring it.

Nigou grinned. "Thanks! Tetsu-nii painted it for me. He's really good at that kind of stuff."

"Really?" I asked in disbelief. I looked over at Kuroko on the court. "He doesn't look like it."

Nigou laughed. "My brother is full of surprises. Hey, do you want to play?" He asked, giving the frisbee a little shake.

"How? We can't play in here," I replied dubiously. And not to mention I didn't even know how to play frisbee. But it wasn't like I was going to tell Nigou that.

"We'll sneak outside, come on." He grabbed my hand and pulled me up.

He looked over at Riko, who was watching the team critically. When she turned her head to scold one of them for losing their basketball, we made a fast break for the door, the sounds of the team running and dribbling their balls masking our own feet thumping on the floor. The door was propped open with a chair to let the breeze in, and Nigou and I shot through the small gap. We stopped around the corner of the gym to catch our breaths.

"See?" Nigou said proudly, panting a little, "they won't even notice we're gone since they all practice so hard."

"Are you sure we shouldn't have told them about leaving?" I asked, not liking my brother being worried about me.

"It'll be fine. Besides, we don't wanna bother them just to ask for permission, right?" He reasoned. "And now they can practice without any distractions!"

"I guess so," I reluctantly agreed with him.

"Come on then, let's start! You stand there." He pointed to the pavement behind us and I walked over to where he said while he turned and jogged a few yards away from me.

I forgot about my worries once he threw the frisbee to me and I squealed, dodging it and letting it skid on the ground behind me.

"Why didn't you catch it?" Nigou asked, running over to me.

"It was going too fast! I thought it was going to hurt me," I said defensively.

"It's okay!" He reassured me. "I'll throw it slower okay? And you catch it like this." He mimicked how to catch the frisbee with his hands.

"O-okay!" I said, feeling a bit more confident.

He ran to fetch the frisbee and went back to where he had been standing. Aiming the frisbee, he tossed it again and it glided over to me slowly. Clumsily, I reached out and jumped, clamping it between my arms like an awkward hug.

"I did it!" I cheered, holding up the frisbee in the air.

Nigou grinned and clapped his hands. "Good job (F/n)-chan! Throw it back now!"

"Hai!" I responded, throwing the frisbee with all my might. It zipped past Nigou and he ran after it, jumping up and catching it easily. "Nice throw!" He threw it back and we continued to play, shouting and laughing in delight.

After a while, my arms and legs started getting sore. I yawned and rubbed my eyes. "Nigou-kun, let's take a break. I'm tired."

"Sure," he said. "I'm tired too."

He walked over with the frisbee to a tree just a couple of feet away. I followed after him and we both sat down and laid our backs against the trunk. The bark dug uncomfortably into my back and I fidgeted and squirmed around, accidentally bumping against Nigou's arm. He roused, jerking awake from his doze. "What's wrong?" He looked over at me sleepily.

"Sorry," I said, feeling bad that I woke him up. "The tree is too hard. It's all itchy."

"You can lay on me then," Nigou said with a tired smile. He patted his shoulder and shifted closer to me. I laid my head on his shoulder and snuggled into his side, closing my eyes and relishing his warmth. "Mmm. . . you're comfy," I mumbled, soon drifting off to sleep.

I was awakened by large hands shaking me gently. "(F/n)-chan, wake up!"

"Mhm. . .?" I opened my eyes slowly, squinting at the familiar face in front of me. "Teppei-nii?"

The sky was dark, and I could see stars in the sky. Kiyoshi was looking down at me with worry, but once he saw that I was awake, relief washed over his face and he sighed.

"Oh thank god you're okay," he said, sitting back up, "do you know how worried I was?"

I noticed Kuroko standing a little behind my brother, looking sternly at a meek Nigou next to him.

"Nigou-kun, that was very irresponsible," he was saying. "Please tell us next time if you want to do something like that."

"I-I'm sorry," I said to the two older boys as I stood up. They both looked at me seriously and I almost shrank under their gazes. "Nigou-kun said that we shouldn't bother you because you're practicing really hard and it seemed like a good idea because we didn't want to ruin your practice."

Kiyoshi smiled slightly, his eyes softening. "It's okay. Just please, don't do anything like that again. Something bad could have happened to you."

Nigou and I nodded quickly and earnestly.

"It won't happen again," he promised.

"Are you still mad?" I asked, looking up at my brother shyly.

"No," he said gently. "All that matters is that you're both safe."

I let out a loud sigh, relieved that he wasn't angry with me and jumped forward into his chest, hugging him tightly. He hugged me back and then took my hand. Kuroko was holding Nigou's hand, and they led us to the gates of the school.

Kiyoshi gently tugged me to the right while Kuroko took Nigou to the opposite direction.

"Goodbye Kiyoshi-san." Kuroko nodded to my brother.

"See you," my brother replied. "Good work today."

"Bye Nigou-kun!" I waved to him.

He grinned, the mischievous twinkle back in his blue eyes. "Bye (F/n)-chan!"

Kiyoshi and I turned and started walking back home.

"So what do you think of Nigou-kun?" He asked.

"I like him!" I said cheerfully. "He's fun!"

My brother chucked and smiled. "I'm sure you'll be good friends with him. Provided that you both don't get into trouble again," he teased.

I couldn't help but smile too. "I can't wait to play with him again!"

A/N: Hello everyone! Would you be interested in an AU one shot soon? I have a few I plan to write so please let me know which one I should publish first! I have a Steampunk AU, a Fantasy AU and a Hogwarts/Harry Potter AU. Thank you!

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