Mitobe x Reader

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I yawned, doodling in the margins of my notebook in class. The teacher was going on about some historical event that I already knew, so I wasn't really paying attention. I glanced over at Koganei in the first row. He looked like he was about to fall asleep. Mitobe was sitting in front of him, writing down notes.

I went back to my scribbles and doodles, trying my best not to groan in boredom. I was snapped out of my idle thoughts when the phone rang sharply, startling me and making me flinch at the sound.

My teacher stopped speaking and went over to the phone and answered it. "Hello? Yes. Yes. Okay, thank you."

She hung up and returned back to her place near the board.

"Mitobe-san." She addressed him. "You need to go to the main office during lunch."

I looked over at Mitobe again. What could he possibly be needed for? I hoped that he wasn't in trouble. Mitobe nodded to our teacher and she continued the lesson.

The bell finally rang after what felt like years and the lesson ended. I stood up and stretched, then packing up my things quickly. I shouldered the strap of my bag and then went over to Koganei and Mitobe who were just finishing packing up.

"Mito, me and (F/n) will wait for you at the rooftop," Koganei said as we all walked out of the classroom.

Mitobe nodded and gave us a small wave before turning down the hallway. Koganei and I went up the staircase and found a spot to sit. We talked about our weekend plans for a while until the door opened and Mitobe walked over to us. I saw that he was holding an envelope in his hands.

"Mito!" Koganei said cheerfully. "What did they need from you?"

He dropped his bag gently on the floor and sat down, holding the letter in both of his hands.

"Oh a letter for your parents?" Koganei asked. He plucked the letter from Mitobe's hands and examined it. "What for?"

Mitobe just shrugged, shaking his head. He had no clue what it was.

"It's probably not bad," I said in case he was worried about it. "I doubt you've done anything wrong."

He gave me a small smile at that and we got out our lunches and began to eat, talking about the essay we were set to write for history and the math test we had at the end of the week.

The next day, I walked into school and greeted my friends.

"Hey (F/n)! How are you?" Koganei asked with a bright smile.

I smiled back at him. "I'm fine, how are you guys?"

"I'm good!" Koganei replied, but Mitobe stayed quiet; not his usual silence but a sad silence. He wasn't smiling and he seemed distracted, as if he was thinking about something.

"Mitobe-kun, are you okay?" I asked.

He just nodded, expressing to me that he was tired. I looked at him doubtfully but nodded slowly. "Okay, if you say so."

We all went to class and began our lessons, but the whole morning Mitobe was subdued, answering questions with simple shakes or nods of his head and added little with his facial expressions. I kept looking over at him all throughout class, trying to figure out what was wrong.

At lunch, a few boys asked Koganei to join their tennis match and he agreed. In fact, most of the students had gone out either to the rooftop or the courtyards to enjoy the sunny weather, so the cafeteria was pretty empty. It was easy to find a table and Mitobe and I sat down together.

We opened our bentos and began to eat– or at least I did. Mitobe picked at his lunch, not eating any of it.

"What's wrong Mitobe-kun?" I asked him worriedly.

He looked over at me reluctantly, his lips pursed together. Something was obviously wrong. He had been acting strangely all day.

"Was it about the letter from yesterday?" I pressed.

He sighed wearily and ran his hand through his bangs, nodding. He took his bag and rummaged around, pulling out the letter and handed it over to me. I took out the contents and read them quickly.

To the parents of Mitobe Rinnosuke,
        We are aware of the fact that Rinnosuke is mute and does not prefer oral speech, but we like to give him the opportunity to communicate better with his teachers and peers with speech therapy, should you choose to place him in our speech therapy program. He can learn how to meet the standards of verbal speech in the classroom, as some teachers have noted his silence and inability to participate can be viewed as insolence. Please inform the school of your decision as soon as possible so we may accommodate for your child. Thank you.

"What?!" I exclaimed, looking at the letter in disgust. "This is stupid!"

None of our classmates had a problem with Mitobe. They included him in conversations and asked him for things. He was kind to everyone and they were just as kind back. It was hard to dislike a person like him.

"Do you want this?" I asked him, gesturing at the letter. Of course, I already knew the answer.

He shook his head, the look on his face enough to tell me that he was happy staying mute.

I looked at him for a moment and then back at the letter. Never had I felt so angry at a piece of paper before. I gripped it furiously and marched over to the nearest trash can and ripped it up into small pieces. I found a strange satisfaction in watching the bits of paper fall into the garbage can.

Once I shredded the entire thing, I turned back to Mitobe. His eyes were wide with shock. I laughed at his expression and shrugged sheepishly.

"Well, you don't need that anymore," I said with a giggle.

Mitobe's surprise faded and he smiled at me. I smiled back and grabbed his hand, taking him back to our lunch table.

I felt his hand give mine a gentle squeeze, which I knew was his way of saying thank you. I smiled at that. Mitobe's actions spoke louder than any words could have.

A/N: Whoo another one shot! I'm not proud of this one at all lol. It sounded better in my head and then I made this garbage. Hopefully the next one will be better. Thanks for reading and supporting this story!

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