Aomine x Reader - Game (semi-smut)

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"Aomine, how long are we going to wait for this new game?" You groaned as you shivered in the cool autumn air.

"Stop whining would you? Just a bit longer.." you could tell he was growing impatient as well.

"Sorry.. it's cold.. meanie." You mumbled under your breath.

"You're weak.." He made a face as he pulled you tight into his jacket. "Better now?"

"Y-yeah.." You wrapped your arms around him and leaned close to his chest.

Aomine has been talking about this new game for however many months already and today was finally the release date. He encouraged you to tag along with him to purchase the game early in the morning. You just didn't know that you would be waiting in a line prior to buying the game.

"Ah! They're opening!" Aomine looked excited as he followed the crowd of people into the store and he dashed for the game as you tried to keep up with him.

"I'm so glad I got it!" He held the bag up with lit eyes.

"I can't believe we went through that just for a game.." You held onto his arm as the two of you headed home.

"Hey, it's not just any game, _______!" He continued to praise the game as you blocked out his voice from your head.

"Time for the moment of truth.." Aomine slipped the game into his PSP and waited eagerly for it to turn on. You examined him closely and waited for the title screen to appear. A blast of epic music played and Aomine lost it.

"THIS IS SO COOL!!!" He practically rolled all over his bed as you peered over his shoulder not understanding his excitement.

"Okay Aomine.." You just said as you idly laid.

Days later, Aomine could be found still playing the game whenever he could. He played a bit during class and skipped out on practice sometimes just to play. You wanted him to stop before it got out of hand but you knew his PSP would never leave his hands.

"Have you beaten it yet..?" You walked with a semi-sweaty Aomine.

"Not yet.. Practice is taking so much time away from playing.."

"And how are your grades..?" You asked.

"Huh?" He paused for a second, taking his eyes off the screen. "They're okay.." He concluded.

"Aomine, I don't want you to not do well because of this game okay..?" You nudged him on his elbow. "It's all I see you do lately. You don't even have time to spend me." You silently pouted.

"Oh sorry.." he replied shortly.

"Ugh, Aomine," you sighed. "I'm going home.." you walked ahead and left him behind.

That night you didn't receive a call or text from him which made you feel worse but what could you do? You didn't want to be jealous over a game but you couldn't help it. You tried to shake the feeling away and fell asleep that night.

"Oi, _______, wake up, we're going to be late!" You heard an aggressive bang on the door and you groggily arose from your bed.

"Huh..?" Your vision blurred until you focused on your clock and frantically scrambled to get yourself ready for the day. You opened the door and saw Aomine standing there.

"Good morning, _______.." There was a smirk on his face.

"Good morning.." you walked passed him and straight out your door. "Hurry!!" You called out to him.

"Yeah, yeah.."

The walk to school was silent the two of you spoke no word to each other. Aomine was still playing his game but he stole some glances toward you.

"You okay..?" He gave your arm a bump.

"Yeah.." You yawned. "I'm just tired."

"Oh.." he paused. "Sleep earlier next time."


The days continued with with distance creeping in between the two of you. You decided to try to focus more on school rather than worrying about Aomine. He was probably too busy with the game anyway. But soon enough, you were beginning to feel a void grow in your heart. You missed Aomine.

You laid in bed trying to resist the urge to call him because you really didn't want to seem like a desperate person and call him up. You were his girlfriend but you knew that after he beat the game he might just come back to his usual self.

You laid and laid until you heard a sound from your phone.

"New text..." You mumbled. "Ughhh.." You stuffed your face in your pillow and sighed deeply.

You escaped your house on that Friday night and stumbled across Aomine's home. You stood in front of the door as you stared up towards the partially darkened sky. You squeezed your hands in your pockets from the cool weather and counted a few seconds before entering.

"What do you want.." You knocked on the door to Aomine's room and waited for an answer.

"Hey, so you actually showed up." He opened the door revealing him in a tank top and sweats.

"I'm hungry.. let's go out for some dinner."

"What, have you been playing your games all day?" You scowled in a crueler tone than you wanted.

"Huh?" He rose a brow.

"Nothing.. let's go eat then.." You stepped back and went on your way out.

"Hmph.. sure." He went inside his room quick to get ready and met you outside.

"So, whatcha feel like eating..?" He asked with his hands shoved in his pockets.

"I don't know.." You watched your breath disappear into the air.

He didn't answer as he kept on walking next to you.

The two of you found your way to a small street stand and you both ate there. The food warmed your soul down to the core and filled you up.

"How was that!?" Aomine asked with a smile on his face.

"Pretty good!" the corners of your mouth pulled slightly. "If that's all.." You hesitated. "I'm going to go home. I have to study."

"What!? But we just.."

"Sorry Aomine.." You looked down at your shoes and kept on walking.

"_______!" He stopped walking. "What's wrong with you lately? I haven't seen you at all.. Even today at school I didn't see you.." He clenched a fist.

"School has been working me hard Aomine. I don't want to fail." You didn't lift your face to see him.

"That's how you always are but you always make time for me."

Your heart jerked as you stomped your foot. "But do you make time for me!? Tell me, do I always have to go looking for you just to be with you!? Why don't you come visit me or find me when you want to see me then, Aomine!!" You turned on your toes and walked furiously, tears burning in your eyes.

"_______.." He yelled out. "What's this about..?"

You bit your teeth together and let out a breath. "What do you mean?" You laughed. "You mean that you don't know?"


"Your game.. Ever since we got it.."

You just walked away too embarrassed to continue on.

You walked home and you didn't care if Aomine was following you. You wanted him to anyway because you knew that you wanted to sort out this issue before you fell asleep thinking about it. You went into your room and sat on your bed, burying your face in your arms.

"I'm sorry.. _______.." He kneeled in front of you. "I guess you were right.."

"No.." You shook your head. "I'm so stupid.." you lifted your face and he saw your tears.

"Why are you crying?" He reached out.

"I'm so pathetic to be jealous over a game, huh?" You smiled sourly.

"No.. you're just an idiot.." He moved your arms and legs and embraced you tightly. "You're so cute to cry over such trivial things.." He rubbed your back.

"You just make me mad.." You told him.

"I know.. I shouldn't have neglected you.." He backed away and rubbed your head. "You don't have to be jealous of a game, okay?"

"Yeah whatever.." you felt lighter on your shoulders and smiled at Aomine who was in front of you.

"I would always choose you over any game.." He leaped over you and kissed you on your lips. You pulled him into your arms and held the man you missed so much.

After you both pulled back his gaze on you was more enticing. You were being stared down by his dark eyes and he had you right where he wanted you. "Play me.." You whispered.

He was shocked at first but did exactly as you said. Aomine lifted you from your bed and brought your head to where your pillows were. "This is much better.."

He lowered his face towards yours and leaned in to steal more wet kisses from you. You both fought with your tongues that glided over each other's and he was dominating you. You could feel the heat in the room rise so you naturally took off your sweater you had on.

"You're quick to strip.." He taunted as he helped you out.

"You are too.." You tugged on his sweater until he took it off.

After that, he dove again for another make out until you could feel his hips begin to move against yours. You couldn't resist a moan as it escaped your lips from the contact.

"How cute.." He cooed. "I've never heard that before."

"Sh-shut up!" your face was red.

"Well, do I have to demand for more?" He licked your earlobe as you sighed.

"You're such a tease.." You went close to his ear as you rubbed your knee against a forming tent in his sweats.

This caused him to release a moan from his lips.

"If you really want to play like that, then let's go." His voice shivered your spine and you caved in to your lustful desires that night.

-- quick publish for ahomine hope you like it! (smutty Aomine is nice /runs and hides)

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