Hanamiya x Reader - Steal Your Breath

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"That's all for today class. Everyone is dismissed." As the teacher dropped his notes on the desk, the school bell had rung.

You woke up from your short snooze and rubbed your eyes. Finally you could go home and get some sleep. As you got up you were approached from behind and a voice cooed. "You're staying after, right?"

You shivered down your spine as you turned and saw the dark haired male stand over you. It was Hanamiya.

"What do you mean?" You asked hesitantly.

"We have some research to do.." He reminded you.

"T-that's right! I don-"

"Good, then let's finish it all today."

"Oh, are you two are staying to finish your project?" Your teacher adjusted his bag over his shoulder.

"Yes, we are." Hanamiya answered him.

"Good good. I'm glad. Work hard!" He waved as he slid the door shut.

You didn't really want to stay after since you were exhausted from the recent exams this week. You tried to find an excuse to escape. "Hanamiya.. don't you have basketball practice today?"

"I cancelled it so we could finish this project.." He had already opened a book and began reading from it. "Why?"

"I just thought maybe today we couldn't stay after.."

"Look.." He slammed the book shut. "We're going to finish the research today. We're both here already, what's so wrong about staying here after school?"

"Nothing!" You waved your hands in the air. "Sorry, let's get this done then.." You dragged your feet and walked to a seat beside him and began to do your work.

"It's so hot.." He groaned as he stretched. Hanamiya looked like he was working really hard.

"I'll open a window, if that's okay with you.." You stood up. "You should also take off your blazer too."

"Sure.." He stretched his arms and took it off, placing it behind his chair.

"There you go!" The window was now opened and letting a cool breeze in.

"That's better." He sighed in relief. "Now, back to work."

After about 2 more hours, the two of you we're finally ready to leave. The two of you we're able to get a lot of work done. It was probably enough that you two could just start the project.

"Good work today." You said to him as you stretched. "We got a lot finished!"


"Oh, the window is still open!" You walked over and held the window, slowly pushing it before seeing all the students still outside playing. "Oh wow, look at the soccer club!" You were now leaning against the window, watching over the people who were all outside. "It would be fun to play soccer on a nice day like this."

"Tch.." Hanamiya was stepping towards you. "Basketball is better.." His voice tickled by your ear as his body pressed behind yours. You felt his chin on your shoulder and an arm wrapped around your waist.

Surprised, you straightened up and turned to your side. "Hanamiya, what are you-" His lips sealed yours shut.

"You know, you shouldn't flaunt your body so much like that..?" He raised a brow.

"Like what..?" You managed to escape his grasp and tried to back away from him but he got closer and closer.

"Your skirt is pretty short, isn't it..?" He backed you up until you hit a desk.

"Hanamiya.." you shut your eyes tight as you leaned away from his face.

"Don't shy away like that.." His hands cupped your chin and he turned your face towards him. "You know your face is too good to be hidden." He was slowly closing in on you.

You helplessly stared into the dark void in his eyes as he looked back.

"Don't be scared.." he finally said as he leaned into your lips again.

"Mmmph!" You tried to pry him away but be was just getting stronger and stronger on you.

"You don't have to resist.." He licked his lips seductively as you tried to take breaths from his deep kiss.

"Ha-Hanamiya.. Stop it.." You pushed against his shoulder.

"You're not having fun?"

You nodded your head as you tried to push him further but he wouldn't budge.

"Well, don't worry.. it'll be fun." He dove again, sliding his you tongue against your soft lips, waiting for an opening.

You were afraid to let him in. You were also nervous. For some season you felt good though. It was nice to feel his lips against yours. It was nice to have someone hold you like he was doing. It was nice that someone craved you so much the way that he was. It wasn't soon until you let out a deep breath against his lips and his tongue slipped into your mouth.

"Heh." Hanamiya slowly entered, playing with your tongue before being a little more rough. You played along with him and tried to tease him.

Squeezing your eyes tight, you stretched your tongue out, you decided that you want to tease him more. You felt his smooth lip and glided over it with your tongue. Soon you slipped into his mouth and entered his cavern.

"Ughnn." He moaned out as he brought his head back. Hanamiya took a few quick breaths as he smirked looking at you. "Now you're getting into it."

"D-don't say it like that!" You shouted in embarrassment.

"Look at you.. if I continue I might not be able to hold back on you." His body pressed against yours and a certain area was poking you.

You didn't know how to reply to him since you we're still flushed.

"It's okay. I've tainted my innocent _______ enough already." He leaned in and left a sloppy kiss. As he scooped out you were still longing for more. "See, look at you."

"It's because you we're teasing me!" You defended yourself.

"Whatever.." He stepped back and stretched. "It's time for us to go."

"Hmph.." You crossed your arms. "You're a horrible man."

"I already know."

"A guy wouldn't leave a girl hanging like that." You pouted your lips.

"What are you trying to say, _______?" Hanamiya leaned down into your ear. "You need more?" He sucked on your ear with his lips, sending electricity down your spine.

"O-of course not!" You shook from the contact.

"That's what I thought. Maybe another time." He kept walking ahead of you.

"You're such a tease Hanamiya!"

-- idk Hanamiya is just so asdfghjkl

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