Sakurai x Reader - Lunch

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"Hmm.." Your eyes scanned the area of the lunch room as your lips pursed. "What should I have today..?" You softly whispered to yourself. "I don't really want to eat lunch here!"

As you had your little moment lost in your dilemma, you felt a light tap on your shoulder. "Uhm.. _______. Would you like to have lunch with me?"

You turned to the source and saw Sakurai standing there quite nervously. "Ahh, Sakurai!"

"Sorry! I didn't meant to interrupt you or anything.." He cowered.

"No no, it's not like that at all, I'd love to have some lunch with you." You assured him.

"Here, I made an extra today and thought I could share it with you.." He pushed a bento box across the table in front of you shyly. "I hope you like it. I'm sorry if it's not good enough!"

"S-Sakurai!" You tried to calm him. "I know it's going to be delicious, don't worry!"

You took the lid off and revealed the neatly packed food. It was all placed nicely and looked too good to eat. "Sakurai.. you made all of this?"

"Yes.." He nodded his head nervously.

"It looks great! I couldn't eat such a masterpiece!"

"Thanks.." He slowly bit into his food and chewed with pink cheeks.

You finally dug into the food he made and it tasted just as good as it looked. "Sakurai, it's wonderful!!" Your face beamed as you took in all the flavors of the food in your mouth.

"I'm so glad you think that." He tried to avoid showing his blushing face.

"You're a great cook Sakurai!" You continued to eat the food and savored the deliciousness.

It's been a few weeks since then and each day, you've spent your lunchtime with Sakurai. He always prepared a bento for you and it always looked amazing. But today, you wanted to treat him this time.

You convinced him to only make one box instead of two which he refused to do but after a few more pleadings, he agreed and presented his one bento lunch to you.

"Here.. I made only one like you said.." There was a slight pout in his lips. You giggled at his cute expression.

"Don't worry, I have something too!" You rummaged through your bag and laid out your own bento box. "Sakurai, this is for you!" You pushed it closer to him.

"Wah! You made your own!?"

"I can cook too you know!" You crossed your arms and sat up proudly in your seat.

"Hmm.. I'll have a taste then.." He happily opened the box and set the lid down. "Wow! _______, it looks good!"

"Thank you, I know.." You leaned in, waiting for him to try the food after praising you.

"Now let's try it.." He grabbed his chopsticks and picked up some of the food. He closely examined it as of to make sure it wasn't contaminated.

"Hey, I didn't do anything to it!" You exclaimed to hurry him up.

"Okay, okay!" He put it in his mouth and began chewing.

You watched his face closely as his eyes gazed at the ceiling. You were nervous about how it might taste to Sakurai since he was amazing at making bento lunches.

"So..?" You looked at him with wondering eyes.

"Hmmm..." He was done swallowing his food and placed his hand on his chin while tilting his head. "Hmmmmmmm."

"Just tell me how it was!!" You couldn't take it anymore.

"Haha," He let out a small chuckle. "I loved it!" He smiled brightly.


He nodded. "I want to eat more!"

And so he did. Sakurai was so excited to finish your bento that he forgot about his own. You just watched as he munched on your delicious cooking and even fed you some of your own food.

"Here," He put the food in front of your mouth with his chopsticks. "You made it, so eat some."

"Ahh, it's for you!"

"No, here!" He moved it closer and you gave in. "There you go!" He looked proud of himself.

"I guess my cooking isn't too bad!"

"It's something special! Oh.." He stopped completely. "I forgot! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" He put the chopsticks down and turned his attention to his bento he brought.

"I didn't give this to you yet!" He grabbed it and offered it to you. "I-it's for you.. I'm so sorry.." He bowed his head.

"Sakurai, it's okay! I'm full just watching you eat!"

"No.. still.. Please have lunch with me." He said as he lowered his reddening face.

"Of course I will!" You put the box down and opened it.

"W-w-w-wait! Don't-" He blurted out but you already saw the food in the box.

"Sakurai.." You were speechless.

He was blushing madly as he just stated at you closely. You could only look at the bento over and over again, taking it all in. On top of the rice were red letters saying, "I ❤ You!" with many other of your favorite foods that Sakurai made.

You began smiling and looked at Sakurai. "You like me..?" You shyly asked through your blushing cheeks.

"Yes, _______. I like you a lot.." He answered you.

"Well.. good. I like you too, Sakurai!"

"You do..?" He slowly looked up at you.

You nodded your head trying to hold back your happiness.

"I-I'm so glad then.." He smiled and breathed a sigh of relief.

"I am too.." You couldn't help but just looked at his smiling face.

Just a few seconds later, students began leaving the cafeteria which signaled the end of your lunch period. "Oh.. Lunch is over already.." He quickly looked around at all the people getting up.

"Let's get to class then." You packed up your lunch and stood up.

"You didn't even eat though.." You could tell that he felt as if was his fault.

"I'll eat this later, Sakurai, don't worry! I know, I'll take it home and you can take mine home! We'll just trade it again tomorrow!"

"I guess we could do that.."

"Yeah, don't worry." You gave an assuring smile. "Now let's get to class on time!" You reached out your hand to him.

He was hesitant at first but stretched his arm out and wrapped his hand in yours. This seemed to have made him feel a lot better after. He held your hand and led you all the way back to your class.

-- Ryo was requested so here it is! I hope it's okay that I used Saukurai (his last name) instead. He also seems a little out of character... but despite his apologetic nature, I'm sure he's a sweet sweet guy! //I'm so rusty tho, this isn't good.. :(

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