Chapter 10: Talking To Nate

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Okay. So remember a couple chapters back I talked about how my friend was going to introduce to her boyfriend's friends???

Well. My friend's boyfriend and I are going to make a collage with pics of her and he is going to give it too her. Well I'm providing him with the pics. And he's in the army and I told him that I would watch over her because he's upset that he's not here with her.

Well he said he owes me big time and I told him not to worry about it. Because me and her have been best friends for a long time. Like she was my very first best friend actually.

But he was like, maybe I can introduce you to some of my friends.

And I was like. Oh how ironic lmao.

So I guess I get to meet the country men with jacked up trucks after all!! Hahaha :)

Oh boy. But I'm just trying to not think about my ex. It's kinda hard, because I really did love him. But oh well. Real men can't be stolen.

Almost cried the other night. But instead I just stared at my wall listening to music.

Going strong lmao. But sometimes, it's hard being strong. And you just have to let go for a little bit.

Welp on with the story!! That's my escape from reality.

Ugh. Marry me by Jason derulo just came gotta be kidding me.... Oh well. Enjoy the music!!



"He did what?" Sapphire asked from the front seat.

I nodded. "He used his alpha voice on me."

"I can't believe him." Jamie said from behind us.

We are on our way back home. And once I picked them up from school, I told them everything.

We decided it was a good idea to skip study hall and just go straight home.

"I know. He broke the promise." I said pulling into the pack house garage.

"So now what?" Sapphire asked getting out of my truck.

"I ignore him. I don't want to even look at him right now." I said walking up the steps of the pack house.

"I don't blame you." She said. "But what are you going to tell Nate?"

I froze with my hand on the door knob. "Shit. I didn't think about that." I said looking at her.

"You need to talk to him right now." Jamie said.

"Will you guys be in the room with me? Not in the video chat, but like in the room?" I asked scared.

"Of course." Sapphire smiled.

I smiled back and we walked in the house.

All my pack members looked at me with sad eyes and Asher, Levi, and Spike came running into the living room.

"Alex." Asher said.

I ignored him and walked right past him with Jamie and Sapphire.

"Please." He begged as he grabbed my arm.

I growled and ripped my arm from his grasp.

"Leave me alone." I said to him.

"Please. I didn't mean too." He begged again.

I felt bad because all of the pack members are watching us.

Watching the alpha fight with his sister...

"Just leave me alone." I said once again and turned away.

"But Alex-" Asher started again but I cut him off with a loud growl.

"Stop!" I said glaring at him. "I understand that you were mad. Okay? But you had no right. Absolutely no fucking right to keep that from me. And the fact that you used your alpha voice on me. Your own sister? I can't believe you. You promised me that you would never use it on me and I would never use it on you. But you broke that promise." That was all I said to him before I turned towards the stairs to my room.

Once I got in my room, I slammed the door behind Jamie and Sapphire and crumbled down on my mushroom chair.

"I hate life sometimes." I mumbled into my hands.

"Don't we all." Jamie laughed.

I opened my mouth to say something, but I saw my laptop blinking and letting out a ring.

"Nate's calling on skype." Sapphire said after looking at it.

I walked over to my desk and answered it.

Jamie and Sapphire gave me a thumbs up.

'Wow. Thanks.' I thought to myself.

"Hey babe." Nate smiled.

"Umm hey." I said with a nervous smile.

"I just wanted to call you before I went to bed." He smiled again.

"Uh that's good." I said letting out a nervous laugh.

"Are you okay babe?" He asked his voice full of concern.

"Umm Nate." I said sighing."I have to tell you something. It's really big."

"Okay. Shoot." He said with a nervous frown.

"Umm. There is no easy way to say this. But." I took a deep breathe as I let my voice trail off.

"Alex. You're scaring me." He said.

"I-I found my mate today." I finally let out.

There was a long pause as Nate just stared at me.

"You're joking right?" He asked after the long pause.

I shook my head. "No. I'm not."

"Alex. This isn't Aprils fools day." He said seriously.

"I know." I replied not looking at the screen.

"This isn't a funny joke." He said getting angry.

"I'm not joking." I said firmly looking at him finally.

"Listen. You're probably just depressed that I'm gone. I understand."

"Umm?" I asked confused. "Nate. I'm being serious."

"You probably just had a dream that you found you're mate and you think it's real." He said letting out a small laugh.

"I didn't!" I yelled at him. "This wasn't a dream. I really did find him!"

"Listen. I'll call you sometime tomorrow. Babe. I love you." He said and pressed the end button on skype.

"What the hell just happened?" I asked as I turned around in my desk chair.

"Uhh. I don't know how to answer that." Jamie said. "Do you?"

"Nope. Not a clue." Sapphire answered shaking her head.

I walked over to the door and opened it.

"Mom!" I called to her.

A second later, I heard her answer back. "Yes?"

"Can you please come here?"

"Sure thing sweetie!" She yelled back.

"What are you going to do?" Jamie asked taking a seat on my bed.

"Talk to my mom and ask if she has any advice." I said shrugging. "I don't know what to do."

"Hello ladies." My mom smiled knocking on my door and opening it up.

"Hello momma S." Jamie laughed as well as a Sapphire.

My mom laughed, but was cut off with a knock on my door.

"Come in." I said.

I watched as Casey, Rose, and Lilly walked in.

"Hey Alex. How come your brother is so upset?" Casey asked. "He won't talk to me."

I sighed. "Well. We got into a fight."

"What happened?" Lilly asked sitting next to Jamie.

"He used his alpha voice on me." I replied looking at my hands.

"What?" Rose gasped. "What the hell!"

I gave her a small smile. She was always protective.

"I found my mate today. And he knew the entire time. Then when I confronted him about it, he used his alpha voice on me saying that he forbids me to be mates with him." I said looking at girls.

"Are you kidding me!" Casey growled standing up.

"Wait. Who's your mate?" Lilly asked.

"Kaydon. As in alpha Kaydon of the Midnight Rose Pack. The new pack that he moved here a couple days ago." I informed them.

"Oh dang. Asher and Kaydon hate each other." Rose commented.

I gave her a small laugh. "I know."

"I'll be right back." Casey growled again and stormed out of my room.

"Uh oh." Rose said looking at Lilly.

"You son of a bitch!" We heard Casey yell.

We heard a slap like noise and it was followed by a yelp.

"How dare you forbid your sister to be mates with Kaydon. That is her mate. Not yours!" Casey continued her yelling. "And how dare you use your alpha voice on your sister!"

"We better go help Asher." Rose laughed.

"Sorry about all this Alex." Lilly said.

I shrugged and watched them walk out.

"Well. That was interesting." My mom laughed. "Now what do you help with dear?"

"Well." I sighed and hugged my knees when I brought them up on the chair. "Nate called me over Skype and I told him I found my mate today."

"Ouch." My mom said as she cringed. "How did he take it? Was he upset? Sad?"

"That's the thing. He didn't believe me."

"What do you mean he didn't believe you?" She asked confused.

"Alex told him that she found her mate. And Nate thought it was a joke." Jamie spoke up.

"Then Nate said that she had a dream about finding her mate and she thought the dream was real." Sapphire added.

"So he thought you were joking?" My mom asked with wide eyes.

"Ya." I nodded.

"So he's in denial." My mom continued. "Oh Lord. Sounds like someone I know." She mumbled the last part.

"What do you mean?" I asked confused.

My mom looked scared for moment before she masked it. "Nothing sweetie." She said letting out a fake laugh.

"No." I shook my head. "You said it reminded you of someone."

My mom looked like she was thinking before giving me a smile. "Oh. It's just your father was like that. Axel never wanted to believe something he didn't like."

"Oh." I said with a smile.

Ya. I didn't believe anything she just said.

I watched my mom stand up. "I need to go prepare dinner. You should talk to Asher, honey."

"When hell freezes over." I growled out.

"Alex." She sighed sternly.

"No mom. He used his alpha voice on me and forbidden me to be mates with someone. He has no right. I don't want to talk to him right now."

My mom sighed again as she walked to my door. "Fine. But you can't stay mad at him forever."

When she left, I groaned and let my head fall back on the chair.

"I hate when she is right." I grumbled.

"Don't we all." Jamie laughed.

"Come on. It's Friday and that means no school tomorrow." Sapphire smiled.

"Good job. You know your days." Jamie teased.

"Shut up." Sapphire laughed. "I'm saying lets go shopping to get our minds off of things."

"Sounds good to me." I said standing up.

"Good. I need to get new jeans." Sapphire said. "Levi thought it was a good idea that he tried to do laundry. And well, my jeans came out pink and twice as small as they are suppose to be."

"How?" Jamie and I asked laughing.

Sapphire shrugged. "I don't know what goes on up inside Levi's brain."

"I don't think he has one." Jamie laughed.

"Very true." I smiled.


Welp. Nate's in denial...

How do you guys think that is gonna go down???

Gonna have to wait till the next chapter to find out.

Oh my gosh. The next chapter is gonna hold a huge surprise. Ugh I just want to write it already lmao.

Welp. Tootles faithful shifters!!

Momma Shifted out!

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