Chapter 11: Meeting The Stranger

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Welp. It's been 2 years since my grandmother has passed away.

And I miss her so so much.

Never stopped loving you grandma!!

I'm writing this chapter because I wanted to get my mind off of things. So I'm sorry if this chapter sucks.

This chapter is dedicated my my amazing grandmother that was taken away from us. But, God only takes the good ones.

Heaven got a new angel 2 years ago.



"Step on it!" I groaned to Trevin.

"Ms. Taylor. I have to go the speed limit." Trevin laughed.

"Trevin." I said sternly. "Do I ever go the speed limit?"

"She got ya there bro." Daniel laughed.

"Does Ms. Taylor ever obey the rules? Along with Ms. Wilson or Ms. Cambell?" Roger chuckled.

"This." Jamie paused as she pointed at the guards. "Might be true." She sighed defeated.

"Exactly." Roger laughed.

Our brothers assigned us each a bodyguard if they couldn't look after us.

Mine was named Trevin. He is pretty tall, muscular, had short bleach blonde hair, and amazing ice blue eyes.

Jamie had Daniel. He was the same height as Trevin and Daniel had spiky brown hair, with hunter colored green eyes.

Whereas for sapphire, she had Roger. Roger was a little taller than Trevin and Daniel and Roger had shaggy black hair with striking ocean blue eyes.

I waved them off and turned to see we were pulling into the mall parking lot.

"So. Ready to shop till you drop?" Sapphire smirked. "We have guards. So that means more shopping bags."

I laughed as I heard the guys groan.

"Ya I'm ready. I just want to forget about everything right now." I said unbuckling my seatbelt.

"Oh. Like how Kaydon is your mate?" Jamie asked.

"Yes Jamie." I said glaring at her. "I said I wanted to forget. Not remember."

"Right." She smiled sheepishly. "Forget that I mentioned it."

We got inside and we all spotted a vanity.

"Vanity!" The girls and I yelled as we ran to that store.

"Girls!" The guards yelled. "You can't run off."

"Sorry." I smiled laughing.

"Remember. We are at the human mall. You guys must stay close by." Trevin said sternly.

"Yes sir." I fake saluted him.

He rolled his eyes but he let out a small laugh.

As I was looking around the clothes, I spotted a blue head.

I looked closer and I saw Aiden, Ryder, and Jason watching us from afar.

"Kaydon's three little goons are watching over me." I whispered to Jamie and Sapphire.

They both looked up and rolled their eyes.

"I understand that your Kaydon's mate, but he doesn't need three goons watching your every move." Jamie said.

I don't understand why Kaydon has these guards watching me. I have my own guards.

"Tell them to buzz off." Sapphire said grabbing a shoe. "Because if they don't, this shoe might be down someone's throat."

Jamie and I gulped as we watched Sapphire take the shoes up to the check out.

"The sad part is." I said looking at Jamie. "She isn't joking."

"Oh trust me." Jamie laughed. "I know. Which is why it scares me."

This is how the entire day went.

Us girls dragging along the guards, and seeing Kaydon's little goons following our every move.

I let out a squeak as Jamie pulled me and Sapphire into a dressing room.

"Ouch." I yelled rubbing my arm.

"What the hell was that for?" Sapphire growled.

"Okay. Have either of you notice the creepy guy following us around the store?" Jamie asked getting serious.

"The only people that I know that are following us, are our guards and Kaydon's goons." I said in a duh tone.

"No." Jamie groaned shaking her head back and forth as she slapped me upside the head. "He's tall, has short brown hair, with these really creepy piercing brown eyes."

"Come to think of it." Sapphire paused tapping her chin as I rubbed the back of my head. "Is he wearing black pants and a black coat?"

"That's him!" Jamie exclaimed.

"I haven't noticed anyone." I said.

"That's because you're stupid." Jamie laughed with a smirk.

"Hurtful." I said storming out of the dressing room.

"There you girls are." Roger said running over to us.

"Don't scare us like that!" Daniel yelled.

"Sorry." I said putting my hands up in surrender.

"Ooh!" Sapphire squeaked. "Victoria Secret!"

"Im pretty sure this is where you guys are hungry." I laughed.

"You're right Ms. Taylor. Meet you outside the store when you're done." Trevin said with a red face.

Jamie laughed as all the guys ran out of the store like their assess were on fire.

"Let's go." I laughed.

Jamie and Sapphire ran into the store, and I was cut off by some tall, muscular guy. Rudely might I add.

"Excuse me!" I yelled as the guy put his hand up right in front of me.

"Hello Miss." He smiled.

'Creeper!' I yelled in my head.

"Umm hi?" I said awkwardly.

"May I ask you a question?" Creeper asked.

"Uh I guess?" I said but it came out more like a question.

"What's your name?" Creeper asked studying me. "You look familiar."

I opened my mouth, but Jamie beat me too it.

"Alex!" Jamie yelled from behind the creeper.

"What's taking you so long?" I heard Sapphire asked.

They came and stood next to me, but both froze when they saw the creepy guy.

"So you're Alex." Creeper smiled in victory. "The great and beautiful Miss Alex Taylor."

"Who are you?" Jamie asked grabbing mine and Sapphire's arm.

He paused a bit before he smirked and grabbed my free hand and kissed it. "Kyle."


Oh shit.

Kyle payed a visit!

What do you guys think will happen next?

I already know though *evil smirk*

And in the next chapter, we will see a little of Skylar in Alex haha.

I can't wait!!! I'm gonna have so much fun writing these two chapters!!

Love you all faithful shifters!!

Momma Shifter out!

R.I.P. Grandma.

Will always miss you and love you <3

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