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The little girl slowly sat up in her bed as she held onto her now sore head. She sat on her dingy cot in the corner of her "room", which was the only piece of furniture in the entire room. Her tears were the only thing that would indicate the levels of pain she was in as she held back the sobs in her throat. Something she had become accustomed to doing.

Oddly enough her sleep was not interrupted by a loud noise, but by a strangely absent fright from a nightmare. No one would be able to tell what had frightened the poor girl so much, but it had brought her jerking back awake and had caused her head more pain from the bruising.

She tried for several excruciating minutes to keep from letting her cries out to be heard. As she feared he would come again. She simply lay huddled against the wall as tears soaked her dingy shirt.

She felt herself begin to finally calm down as the pain dulled from having been pulsing for so long. Time was usually the only thing that healed her wounds since the man would never take her to a doctor.

He didn't take her mother either.

I woke up as the sun crept into the room and crossed over my eyes. As they finally peeled themselves open I could see the sterility of the hospital room I had stayed in the night before. Laying in the bed I could feel Luna nestled into my chest still, cozily wrapped in my jacket as she let out small little snores. I couldn't help but stare at how adorable she looked laying there in my jacket.

Her few bandages on her body had been changed to fresh ones before I went to bed the night before. Which meant I saw first hand all the injuries she had acros her arms and legs.

My gaze drifted to her back where the worst of her previous injuries was located. A single scar reaching from the top right of her back and down across to the bottom of her spine. I carefully moved my arm around her back and moved my hand across the scar, I could feel it through the hospital gown she had on.

Luckily as long as I was holding her she slept through everything, being changed out of the ragged shirt she was wearing like a dress, having the bandages removed and her wounds treated before being re-wrapped, and then being wrapped back up in my jacket and us going to sleep finally.

I carefully adjusted her so I could lay on my side and hold her into my chest. As i did i felt her stir a bit as i pulled the covers over us, however she simply nuzzled into my chest with a warm little smile. I couldn't help but smile as I looked down at her resting peacefully. It seemed like this was the first time she had ever slept soundly. Now that she had slept through the night with an I.V. her cheeks looked like they were gaining some color and she looked a bit healthier.

I layed there for a bit and watched her sleep as the sun rose in the distance, she looked so small and fragile. My attention was pulled away by a slight tapping on the door, A nurse slipped her head inside, most likely checking if one of us was awake. "Well good morning. It looks like you slept well. And it looks like she's getting some much needed rest."

"Yeah, as far as i know she's been asleep through the whole night."

She smiled at the two of us as she started messing with the equipment that was attached to Luna. "That's nice, it looks like it's helped her too. Or I'm guessing it did, since i can't see her, all bundled up in daddy's jacket."

That word, it was the first time anyone had said that to me. I'm a dad. It welled up a feeling of joy mixed with fear inside me. Because it meant so many things. Was I really ready for this?

I couldn't respond with more than a little chuckle at her comment. Her words had shaken me slightly. Not because i didn't know what i was doing when i decided to take her in. just hearing it for the first time was shocking for me. Because it seemed to make everything a scary level of real.

The nurse smiled at Luna again before leaving the room. Once we were alone again I tried to distract myself with the news, however as I lay there I couldn't stop from thinking about the steps I would need to take from here on. I have to find a new place and I should probably get a car to. As if things weren't already stressful.

That was when my phone started ringing and it was Nona. "Boras horses, how can I help you?" I could immediately hear the chuckles from the other end of the line.

"Haha very funny. Anyway I'm on my way to the hospital, I grabbed your favorite breakfast sandwich from Lola's, extra cheese like always." I could feel my mouth water at the thought of that delicious sandwich.

"That sounds amazing Nona."

"I know, why do you think I got it?"

"Fair enough."

I could hear her laugh again from the other end of the line. "Anyway, dad heard from some of his buddies so i'm gonna be spending the day with you till you get out of the hospital to go through the details. I just wanted to let you know i was pulling into the parking lot now so i'll be up in a minute."

"Alright, well i'm still here. Watching this adorable little thing snore louder then should be possible for something this small." Nona released an awe from the other end of the line as I spoke and I couldn't help but smile.

"Ok well im coming into the hospital now so i'm about to lose signal, but i'll be up in a minute."

"Then I will see you in a few." As soon as she ended the call i could feel the tiny human that was comfortably sleeping on my chest start to stir.

I put my phone down to the side and looked down to see her open her tired blue eyes. As she did her right hand moved up to rub the tiredness from her eyes and she started to yawn, only to panic and cover her mouth to stifle a yawn. "Hey it's ok. You can yawn."

She looked up at me as I rubbed her back gently, confusion in her eyes as she tried to fight off the yawn. "I promise, it's ok." I smiled down at her as I spoke and she settled down some and the yawn started to win and slipped out.

I couldn't help but smile as she yawned into my chest, "See, it's alright." As she finished yawning she leaned back into my chest some. "Goodmorning sweety, did you get some good sleep?"

She fidgeted slightly in my lap for a moment before pulling the jacket she was wrapped in over herself more as if trying to hide herself in it. "Yes."

Her voice was small from inside the jacket, yet I could feel her settled comfortably into my chest. "Are you hungry? The nurse is gonna bring you some food soon." She nodded inside the jacket to answer me. "Ok. She should be back soon. Also Nona is gonna come by here shortly. She's bringing me breakfast since the hospital is only feeding its most adorable patient."

"Adorable?" The hem of the hood raised slightly so she could peek out and look at me, and the look of confusion in her eyes just by that one word made my heart break a little.

"Yes, adorable. Cause you're adorable. The adorablest. I know that's not a word but you are." She smiled a little before leaning back into my chest and snuggling up to me.

"Thank you." She spoke lightly as she buried her face into my chest.

My smile was interrupted by the door opening to reveal Nona who had just arrived carrying a paper bag from Lola's and a plastic bag that looked to have clothes in it. "Hey you two. How did you sleep Luna?"

Luna looked over to her and watched her hesitantly as Nona put the bags down in the hospital room chair. For a moment Luna just looked at her, I could see her mouth open, then close, then open again. She was clearly trying to say something but was unsure. Finally she spoke, "Am I adorable?"

I couldn't help but snort as I tried not to laugh at the question. Nona though was smiling ear to ear. "Well of course you are sweetie! You're the adorabalist!"

We both watched as Luna smiled into my chest. "He says that's not a word."

"I did in fact say that. Doesn't make it any less true." Luna nuzzled further into my chest to hide the smile on her face.

Nona practically swooned at the sight of the little girl's smile. "Ok i have to push past the adorableness or i'm gonna get side tracked."

"You have always had a soft spot for cute stuff." She blushed slightly as I laughed.

Nona tossed the bag from Lola's at me and I barely managed to catch it. "Thanks for the breakfast. I haven't had one of these sandwiches in weeks."

She tried to speak but was interrupted by the door being opened. "Good morning sweety, I brought you some breakfast. Some eggs, sausage, and a fresh baked biscuit."

The nurse came in and set the tray down on the bed table. "Thank you." Luna was still quiet as she spoke to her thanks to the nurse.

"You're welcome sweety, I hope you enjoy it. I'll be back in a little bit to check on you.

With that said the nurse left us with a smile, and I could tell Luna was waking up more as she looked at the food. "I don't remember having eggs before. Are they good?"

"So good. Nice and fluffy. If you want I'll even share some of my sandwich with you." Nona scoffed from her seat in the chair.

"Wow! He won't even share that with me. You must already have him wrapped around your tiny little finger." Luna looked up at me curiously and I couldn't help but chuckle slightly. Though to no one's surprise she fell right back into my chest and buried her head there again. She's gonna be a snuggler.

"Alright alright, it's time to eat." I pulled the table over to the side of the bed and sat Luna beside me, my sandwich unwrapped in front of me and her plate of food in front of her.

Though as she tried to reach for the fork it became clear she wouldn't reach, so Nona walked over and picked her up and sat her back in her lap. Now Nona was elbow to elbow with me and helping Luna eat her breakfast.

As soon as the eggs touched her tongue she melted slightly. "It's so good. So fluffy, just like you said."

"Yep, and once you get home with Max, you'll be eating like a princess. No one knows food more than he does." I looked over to the two with a smile on my face. Though what i saw made me feel something i had never felt before. A small pain in my heart.

Luna was still wrapped in my jacket as she sat in Nona's lap. The older of the two had moved her hair to the left so I could see her face clearly. Slightly tanned skin with a light dusting of freckles across the bridge of her nose. Forest green eyes shining down at the little girl in her lap, and a look in those eyes I had never seen before. A soft look, comforting and strong, like she was exactly where she always wanted to be. It was something I admired in her, my best friend.

I started opening my sandwich as Nona helped Luna eat her breakfast. "Be careful sweety, no need to rush. You want some of the orange juice?"

Luna nodded and Nona helped her with the large cup which was gulped down by the little girl. "It's so good."

As we ate I watched Luna, who seemed very comfortable with Nona as she ate. Once our meals came to an end I watched as Luna leaned back to rest against Nona as she wrapped herself more in the jacket.

"How was your breakfast sweetheart?" Nona asked as she wrapped her arms around the little girl.

"It was good, I haven't had sausage before." She leaned into Nona and sighed in content with her breakfast.

Nona turned to me as she did and her face melted in awe at Luna, who was basically nuzzled into Nona. She started squealing in excitement, which startled Luna at first but was quickly replaced with the little girls giggling voice as Nona hugged her close and fell back on the bed.

"You are just too cute Luna!"

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