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Several hours had come and gone since Nona got here, most of which was spent watching T.V. She had told me a few details but said it was mostly a surprise. Though I did know some of her dad's friends had already emptied my apartment and gotten me out of my lease, which was nice.

I was a bit skeptical about everything, I never liked asking for help. Though I knew complaining would not end up well, Nona would just berate me again. So I was just going to accept whatever comes my way at this point.

Through the day of watching T.V. and lunch and Luna warming up to the two of us. She seemed to be doing ok, i guess the thought of never having to go back to that man helped. I didn't know exactly what he had done to her but I knew she was better off without him.

After a lunch of ham and cheese sandwiches, courtesy of Nona going to the cafeteria, I was sitting on the hospital bed with Luna in my lap and Nona seated at the foot of the bed.

Nona had been talking to Luna pretty much non-stop, telling her stories about our life, growing up together and being best friends, all the time we spent playing together as kids, and Luna was enjoying every word. Sitting there mesmerized by the conversation as she learned about our lives.

"And that was when we learned that turning up the temperature and lowering the time doesn't cook it faster. It just catches the stove on fire." Luna laughed slightly at the story.

"Yeah, that's why i decided to learn to cook, so she could never burn the house down." I laughed at the thought but noticed Nona looking at me with a slight tint to her cheeks.

Luna took notice as well and spoke up. "Are you ok? Your face is really red."

Nona jumped slightly as if being shocked from a trance. "Im fine!" Her face flushed a small bit more as she spoke, "Just got a little distracted."

Before anything else could be said there was a knock on the door and a doctor walked in. "Hello there, my name is Dr. Lake. I came by last night to check in on you but you were both asleep."

"It's nice to meet you Dr. Lake." As I spoke I sat up with Luna to face the doctor.

"Now i understand it's been a rough couple days but i do have some good news for you." The doctor opened up her chart and took a look at it for a moment. "The good news is you can go home here in a few minutes. The bad news is I will have some prescriptions for you. One is an antibiotic for the two open cuts on her left arm as well as the bruising. You will need to keep her bandages changed twice a day too. Other than that she's going to be fine. I'll have a nurse come by and remove her I.V. then you will be good to go."

"Thank you doctor, i'm glad to hear she's going to be fine." I looked down at Luna who had a small smile on her face.

With that said the doctor left the room. "So Luna, are you excited to go home with Max?"

Luna's smile widened as she looked up at me and nodded. "I'm ready to go home."

A moment later and the nurse came in to remove the I.V. from her arm and give me the papers for us to be discharged. However as I went to stand with Luna, Nona blocked the door.

"Before we leave I have something for you Luna! Please come into the bathroom with me!" Nona grabbed the plastic bag she had come in with and reached for Luna to come to her. The little girl looked up at me first and I nodded letting her know it was ok. Luna reached over to Nona who picked her up and walked over to the bathroom with her.

I sat back down on the bed and waited for them to finish. Not long after they went in there I heard a tiny and adorable gasp of excitement. Some shuffling followed soon by Nona's signature squeal of excitement.

As the sound died down the door opened revealing the two, Luna however was no longer wearing the hospital gown and jacket. She was wearing a pair of white shorts matched with a pink shirt that adorned a unicorn. She had white socks on inside a pair of black glossy shoes that had a pink little bow on the top of them.

Luna's face was tilted down slightly with a small blush as she walked out. "So how does she look Max? Cute right?"

I knelt down in front of her and turned her chin to face me. "You look so cute. The cutest."

She smiled a bit bigger before running forward and wrapping her arms around me as much as she could. "Thank you." I returned the hug and picked her up in my arms to stand with her.

"You don't have to thank me. I should be thanking you for being this adorable." She buried her face into my shoulder to hide her smile as she held onto me.

"Alright, you two ready to go?" I turned to Nona who had grabbed my bag from the night before.

"I am. How about you Luna?" Looking down at her i coulndt hellp but smile. "You ready to go home?"

Luna looked up at me with a smile and nodded. "I'm ready to go home."

As we left the hospital room I felt Luna grip me tighter, most likely due to the increased number of people around. I doubt she had ever really been around a lot of people. So as we walked I held her tight against my body, carefully rubbing her back to comfort her.

We had stayed on the bottom floor so it didn't take long for us to get to the parking lot. As soon as we stepped through the door I felt Luna shiver in my arms. "Are you cold Sweety?"

She turned her head to look up at me for a moment before nodding. "C-can i wear your j-jacket again?"

"Sure thing sweety." I turned to Nona who had the bag and had already started removing the jacket.

She handed me the jacket and helped me drape it over Luna who snuggled into it as she warmed up. "Better?" Nona asked as she rubbed Luna's back.

"Better." Luna rested her head on my shoulder as she stopped shaking from the cold.

Nona jumped to the front of our little group, "Alright, my car is down at the end of the lot, so if you will follow me."

She turned with a bit of an excited air about her and led the way through the parking lot. "Now i don't have a carseat for her yet so you'll have to ride in the back and hold her. But dont worry, I'm an excellent driver."

"No, no you are not." She spun around and started walking backwards as she gave me a hurt look. "Do you not remember Thanksgiving last year?"

Her face flushed red as the memory came back to her. "That was a one time incident, the deer came out of nowhere!"

Luna had looked up slightly to see Nona's embarrassment and giggled to herself. Though we had made it to the car before I could continue teasing her.

We loaded up the car, myself sitting in the backseat so Luna could stay in my lap, and Nona drove us. The car ride was interesting to say the least, new york city traffic was bad on its best day, though that wasn't the most interesting bit. Luna was settled in my lap and watching out the window as the world passed. She looked as though she had never seen it before, or I guess it was more like she was seeing it all in a different light.

I just watched her as we drove, leaned into my chest as she looked out the window and watched the world pass her by. There was a hint of a smile on her face as we sat in the back seat of the car.

"Were almost there you two." Nona's words caught my attention and I looked back out the window.

As I looked at all the buildings and things passing me by I realized pretty quickly where I was, "Where are we going? This looks like a very fancy neighborhood."

"It is. Now keep quiet and let me drive. Were just around the corner."

The street we were on seemed to ooz money. Brickface townhomes, Bentleys and BMW's, a whole level of society i had never seen before. It was also the exact opposite of my last place. Luna seemed interested in it too, as she marveled at the fancy stuff she was seeing.

"It looks so pretty. There are so many colors of leaves." She leaned into my chest as she marveled out the window.

As I watched her adorable wonder I noticed us pull into a parking spot along the side of the road. Looking out the passenger side I could see the front of a three story townhouse with a beautiful brick front with flowers in the terrace under the front window.

"Nona, this can't be right. I looked at this area and these townhomes are extremely expensive." I climbed out of the car with Luna in my arms and Nona had already spun around to face me.

"Did i not say to keep quiet!"

"Yes she did." I looked down to Luna who was leaning into my chest.

I smiled at her before I responded. "Yeah yeah yeah. I feel like you're both cornering me." Luna giggled slightly at me as I spoke before we were both dragged in the direction of the townhouse.

"Come on now. Dad's waiting inside and he's already worried it took us this long."

"Ok ok, let's get the stuff out of the car first before you give us the grand tour." When I turned to the car I felt Luna move slightly in my arms.

As she pulled away from my shoulder she spoke in a confused manner. "I thought we were going to your home?"

"Well we are technically. See his old apartment was an awful place and I was not about to let you set your adorable little feet in that place. So my folks helped out and got their hands on this place. So this is your new home." Luna looked over to Nona and then to me as if looking for verification.

"Yep, so this will be our first home together. All nice and clean. And not infested with rats." She made a disgusted face at the mention of the rodents. "Yeah it wasn't a good place."

I heard Nona shut the trunk and turned to see her holding the bag of clothes from earlier and starting to walk inside. "Alright you two hurry up. Don't wanna keep an old italian man waiting!"

And that's when we heard her father yell from inside. "I HEARD THAT MISSY!"

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