Fictional Fiasco (Barba)

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Dedicated to @sadiegirl0314

Things could not be worse for me. It was my wedding day; it was a day that was meant to be magical and special in every way imaginable. However, I was completely stressed out. As a social worker, not even my worst clients had given me so much to worry about.

I was having doubts. Not the usual doubts about the actual marriage but doubts about how I looked. All I saw in the mirror was a pillow case that tried to be anything but a pillow case. I tried fixing my dress and picking at my hair. I added a bit more makeup, but nothing satisfied this feeling of insecurity.

My maid of honor and certified bad ass woman, Olivia Benson, noticed my nitpicking. She took my hands in hers and forced me to look at her.

"What are you doing?" she asked.

I scrunched my face up, "Nothing! I'm just making sure everything is alright."

"Really?" she scoffed, "Because to me it looks like you are trying to find a flaw in perfection."

"That is very sweet of you, but just let me look and fix what I need to," I said.

"Natalia," she sighed, "No matter what you looked like Barba would say yes. You could come out in a trash bag and he would say you were the sexiest trash he had ever seen. He loves you and there is nothing to worry about. You don't know how many times he has mentioned this day during different investigations! You are gorgeous and never forget that."

I looked down at the ground, "I don't know. It's just this feeling."

"That is called anxiety," she laughed, "Just breathe in and out."

We started to take deep breaths together. I felt my nerves calm down slowly. We looked like a pair of weirdos. I started to laugh and so did she.

My wedding coordinator, Monica, came by and opened the door. She shook her head before saying, "We are ready for you. Come on!"

Olivia and I walked out to see my parents. My mom was dressed in her best floral print dress, and my dad was in his most hated suit. They both looked at me. My mom had a tissue, and I knew my dad was holding back tears.

"Oh honey you look so wonderful," my mom hugged me tightly.

My dad added, "I can't believe this day has come so soon."

"I'm twenty-eight," I smiled.

My father hooked his arm with mine, "But you are still our little girl."

My heartbeat ran wild. This moment was happening. All these weeks of stressing and emotions were finally about to pay off. My father and I stepped out into the courtyard where the wedding was. Rafael took one look at me and grinned like a teenage boy getting his first kiss. His eyes beamed with joy as he looked at me up and down. I blushed and smiled at the ground. It was weird how he always had that effect on me.

My father handed me off and whispered, "Don't ever change."

I was a bit confused by his words. I was sure I would know what he meant later.

The wedding took forever to get through. I was in white heels and a heavy dress. The officiant took all the time he need to just say a few simple phrases. I blocked out most of what he said. I could tell Rafael did not really care for what he had to say either. We just giggled and looked at each other for long periods of time.

Finally, he was done with the opener, "Now you shall exchange vows."

Rafael looked deep into my eyes, "Honestly, I prepare for everything. But this time, I have nothing prepared. There is no way to describe you or the love we share for each other. I know it seems like a cop out, but it's true! Natalia, I thought I would never get married. I thought I would never be waiting for the most beautiful person to walk down the aisle and become my wife. I promise that this feeling will be inside me for the rest of my days. I promise that there is no one else I would rather be with. I promise that once we kiss, it will be the beginning of a long story."

I told him mine, "Rafael, I knew from the moment that I first saw you something was going to happen. I did not expect a sassy lawyer with a coffee addiction to be the love of my life. I did not expect that on our third date my feelings were going to blossom, and I would be vulnerable. I did not even expect you to propose, but here we are. We are in love, and we are happy. So many things have made me anxious, but you are by far the best worry I have ever had. You have been here for me since day one when I dropped my coffee all over your expensive shoes. I promise to keep this youthful feeling of love inside me and give it to you when you need it most. All you have to do is accept my offer."

After that we exchange rings and the officiant said the usual lines they say at every wedding. Rafael and I took turns glancing at him and glancing at each other.

At long last he said, "You may kiss the bride."

We were standing there awkwardly. We could not believe the wedding was finally over and we were now married. Rafael took a step forward and kissed me. He dipped me and deepened the kiss. We earned a few ews and a few aws. Even my parents made a comment or two. None of their words matter though because that kiss was the most magical and special thing that had ever happened to me.

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