Near Calamity (Amaro)

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Dedicated to @JessieHarper0

It had been a stressful evening. My boss had forced me to stay because she felt like I was not involved with the team. I could not help being quiet! It was just who I was. She had a long talk with me and kept trying to act like a mother towards me. I tried to shake her off, but the more I pulled away the more she felt like she had to keep me close. I was finally able to escape at 10:05.

I was a little wary going home so late. I lived in a big city and you have all kinds of people here. Drunkards and criminals loved to wander the streets and subway at night. I looked all around me to make sure nothing was coming for me when I got onto my train. Only a few people were on the train: a woman who looked homeless, a man in a fancy suit with wild sex hair, and a teenage boy with headphones glued inside his ears. They reminded me off a game of Clue. From the outside, they looked to have their own little quirks defining their character. I wondered what I looked like to them. Did they even look at me as I walked to find a seat that was nice and empty?

The ride went smoothly until we stopped. The driver halted the train and then got up from his seat. He laughed quietly for a moment. My heart started to pound.

The rich man got up from his seat, "Hey pal! The hell is goin' on here?"

"Shh," he whispered.

He pulled out a gun and shot the man.

The teenager finally looked up with wide eyes, "Ah!"

The driver whispered again, "Shh."

The teenager was also shot. Both men lay on the ground helpless and bleeding.

"So now that we have some peace and quiet in here," he cracked his neck and hands, "Who wants to start the game?"

I grabbed my phone and texted Nick quickly. I was in the very back of the cabin and hoped that the man did not see me.

Nick! Please help. There is a psycho who just killed two men. I took my usual train home. I'm not sure where I am in the tunnel. Please come quickly!

With that I turned off my phone and hoped for the best.

"Do you want to know what the game is?" the man asked.

The homeless lady and myself nodded our heads, too afraid to speak.

"Good! You know the first and only rule. No talking is allowed. No matter the circumstances you must never speak. Speak and you are dead! Understand me?" he explained.

We nodded our heads again.

"Darling," he called out to me, "I can barely see you back there. Why don't you come a little closer?"

I scrambled to get up and rushed to sit next to the homeless woman.

"I'm so glad you two decided not to speak during the time I stopped the train," he said while sitting across from us, "I like women better anyway. They are so soft and so submissive...why don't you come sit next to in the rags?"

The woman lifted herself off of the seat. She stumbled and tried not to pass out from the fear. I would have pissed myself if I had to be so close to him. She sat next to him and began to have a horrified look on her face. She closed her eyes and hitched her breath. She let out a sneeze and looked at him in horror.

He laughed, "Don't worry dear. It's only natural."

She closed her eyes again and fell back into the seat.

Good God Nick hurry up!

"So...are you ladies single?" he asked.

The woman next to him nodded her head, and I stupidly shook mine.

"Oh," the man gasped, "You aren't? Not surprising! This woman here is so filthy, but you look presentable...tired...but presentable. So who is the lucky man?"

I did not say one word. He stood up and walked over to me. I started to shake and for the first time in a long time, prayed. He took out his gun. He held it to my head.

"Who's the lucky man?" he repeated his question.

I had never missed Nick so much in one moment. Since he left early that morning, I had gone the whole day without seeing him. That man could have ended everything for me.

Suddenly, a dozen police shattered the glass door and came into the train. They all had their weapons and two charged at the man; they had special vests and helmets on. He gave up and dropped his weapon; they cuffed him and he was escorted off the train.

A few rushed over to the homeless woman and Nick rushed over to me.

"Are you okay?" he stared into my eyes.

I felt like crying, "Y-yes. I'm just a little frightened."

He could see the tears welling up in my eyes and pulled me into a tight hug, "Everything is going to be just fine."

"I just wanted to go home and see you. I missed you so much. You left the house without saying goodbye or I love you. The thought of never hearing those words from you or saying those words to you again was absolutely terrifying," I let all of it out.

He ran his fingers through my hair, "Calm down. I have you, and that man is not going to hurt you."

"I love you," he kissed my forehead.

I gave his cheek a soft peck, "I love you too."

He helped me off the train and put his arm around me, "Now let's go home."

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