Chapter 11

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Disclaimer- I do not own Death Note only Claire and her story



"I apologize for questioning you all like that, but I'm afraid I had no other choice. I have determined that Kira is not among us." L states as the others breathe a sigh of relief.

"Ryuuzaki, how can you be certain that none of us are Kira?" Mr. Yagami questions.

"Well, to be honest, from the beginning I set a number of traps that would reveal if any of you were Kira. But after speaking with you one-on-one, I don't feel the need." He confessed just as his cellphone rang causing him to answer with holding the phone in between his thumb and index finger. "Excuse me... Hello... Understood. I'm just about finished up here anyway. You have the key, so let yourself in." He hung up before looking back towards us. "Watari is on his way."


Watari, who was dressed in a tux and hat, walked in and bowed in front of us. He really is formal, isn't he?

"Lady and gentlemen, it is an honor to meet you." He spoke as he was bowing.

"This person is Watari." Aizawa whispered off to the side.

"Um, what about your usual outfit?" Matsuda asked Watari even though the answer should be obvious.

"If I dressed like that, then I would be announcing to the world that I am Watari." Watari explained for Matsuda in his usual polite tone.

"Oh, right." Matsuda said rather sheepishly.

"Ordinarily, I would never show my face to you." Watari told the task force since I've technically already seen his face before. "The fact that I am here proves that L trusts you."

"Now that you mention it, I do feel kind of honored." Matsuda gave a nervous laugh as he rubbed the back of his head.

"I have brought the items you requested. It's all here." Watari spoke to L as he looked at his suitcase.

"Items?" One of the task force members questioned.

"Good, could you please pass them out to everybody?" L asks him.

"Yes," Watari opened the suitcase which revealed fake police badges. "Everyone, these are your new police IDs."

"Uhhh, what for?" Aizawa asked, clearly confused.

"Our names and ranks are false." Chief Yagami observed as he received his fake badge.

"Why would you give us fake IDs?" Matsuda asked L.

"Mr. Matsuda," I spoke to him directly which gained his attention. "We have determined that Kira needs a name and face to kill someone. If or when we confront him with this in mind, the answer should be quite obvious. But if you still do not get it, put it this way, the less Kira knows about you, the longer you will live."

"That's correct." L agreed with me as he drank his sugar filled coffee or was it tea? It was hard to tell from this angle.

"But," Ukita started. "Of all people, the police shouldn't use fake IDs."

"That's enough." Chief Yagami silenced them. "What choice do we really have given the circumstances. As long as we're working on this case, I think we're going to need all the protection we can get. It would be foolish not to use them."

"Yeah, I guess you're right." Matsuda says.

Remember, anytime you're in a situation where you have to give out your name, make sure to use the name from the fake ID, understood?" L asks. "And make sure not to take them out in the presence of other police officers. I shouldn't need to tell you that that would cause problems for us."

"I'd also like to request that you wear these at all times. They each have a transmitter in the buckle. This will allow Ryuzaki to monitor your whereabouts. If you press the belt buckle twice," Says Watari as he demonstrates how the belts work." My cellphone will ring, displaying your name, and I will call you back immediately, though, you will not see my number displayed. In the morning, all of you, except for Miss Kuro, will head to the police station as usual. Then, later on in the day, we'll use this method to confirm the name of Ryuzaki's hotel and room number. Please use these for emergencies as well."

"No way, this is totally cool!" Matsuda exclaims. "I feel like some kind of secret agent going after Kira!"

"Quiet, Matsuda! This is not time to be fooling around!" Mr. Yagami demands.

"Yes, sir." Matsuda replied a bit sadly as he cast his head down.

"Come to think of it, who is at the police station right now?" L asked after some silence.

"Actually, no one is there at the moment." Mr. Yagami admits almost making me facepalm.

"That's not good." L says practically stating my thoughts. "We need someone there at all times. Work in shifts if you must."

"I understand." Replied Mr. Yagami. "Aizawa, you'll be in charge of that for today."

"Yes sir. I'm on my way. Won't take me long." Said person spoke up as he got up and started to leave.


"That was footage of the surveillance cameras at the station. The death of one of the FBI agents is shown on here." Aizawa states rather tiredly as he pinched his nose almost as though he had a headache.

Come to think of it, I'm pretty sure the only ones not tired were me, L, and Watari who was currently giving ice-cream. Considering I haven't eaten in the past few days, I wouldn't mind one of those ice-creams right now. Anyways, I'm getting off topic. I should probably pay attention to what I was about to say before my mind went off track.

"Let's go over the following scenes again. Mr. Penber passing the ticket gate on his way in, him boarding the train, then finding the part where he dies on the platform." I requested.

"Okay, let's see..." Aizawa says as he resets the tapes.

"I think it's next to that." Matsuda says trying to help Aizawa who was having trouble and finally got it to start working. "So, um, based on the records I have here, Raye Penber comes through the west entrance of the Shinjuku Station at 3:11 pm. Then at 3:13, he boards a train at the Yamanote, but even if he was following someone at the time, it's probably gonna be difficult for us to draw any real conclusions from this video. Then at 4:42 pm- oh, thank you very much Watari." He says to Watari as he had just been given one of those delicious looking ice-creams. "Um, and at 4:42, he exits the train at the Tokyo Station and dies on the platform."

"It's quite strange, don't you think?" L speaks up after Matsuda's review.

"I'm sorry, but what's strange?" Mr. Yagami questioned. (Oh my cheese and crackers. I almost made a Harry Potter reference except in Harry Potter, he asks what's curious when he's talking to Ollivander. Sorry, just had to say it.)

"Yeah, what is it?" Matsuda speaks up curiously. "Did you find something?"

"Well for one, Mr. Penber was on the Yamamote line for an hour and a half before exiting and dying on the platform. However, the Yamamote Line only takes an hour to complete its circuit. And then, more importantly, there's an envelope." I told them almost wondering how they missed it, but I guess they just weren't as observant or their tiredness was getting to them.

"What do you mean?" Asked Aizawa.

"What I mean is- oh thank you." I interrupted myself as Watari handed me an ice-cream, and it was cookies and cream flavored. He remembered! Everyone else had gotten sherbert or something. "Anyways, what I mean is that Mr. Penber is holding an envelope at the ticket gate."

"You're right! It's right there under his arm. But in the footage before death, its gone! I can't believe you two actually caught that!" Aizawa exclaimed as we looked through the footage.

"Well, I don't see an envelope on his list of personal effects." Mr. Yagami states as he looked at a list which obviously contained a list of his personal effects.

"Which means it was left on the train." L told them. "And if you watch it closely, it's almost as though he was straining to look inside the train before the doors closed."

"If that's the case, do you think it could mean something?" Mr. Yagami asked.

"Wouldn't it be interesting if Kira was on the train?" L questions.

"That's impossible."

"I admit, I find it hard to believe as well." L admitted. "There's no reason for Kira to come to the scene of his own crime when he can kill from a distance. He could planning for us to make that assumption and figured he could get away with such a bold move."

"There could be a reason behind Kira being at the crime scene though." I spoke up already having several theories about why Light would need to go to the crime scene. "If Mr. Penber was the one following Kira in the time period where many different task force families were being watched, it's a possibility that Kira somehow obtained Mr. Penber's name and had to trick him in order to get the names of the other FBI agents. If he was close to Mr. Penber at the train station, Kira could have used transmitters to communicate with him because the transmitters would be non-traceable, but Kira would have had to keep close to Mr. Penber in order to use them."

After I spoke, the whole room was in silence. They all looked dumbfounded, except L, he just looked like he was in thought. Oh geez, I hope the task force doesn't make me explain it in simpler words. Too much of a hassle.

"Did you come up with that in a matter of seconds?" Matsuda asked.

"Well, yes." I replied while glancing at him with bored eyes. "I already have a guess at how Kira is killing, so scenarios are much easier to come up with." 

"What do you mean?" Mr. Yagami asked.

"Yeah, how could you possibly know how Kira kills?" Aizawa questioned with an almost accusatory stare.

"This wouldn't be the first time that people have been killed through heart attacks. There was once a rather large criminal organization that would experiment with this method of killing. They also often experimented on children as they tried to bring out the weapon's full potential." I replied with a rather hard and fixed stare.

"That's awful." Aizawa said as he looked away down.

"Yes, but it would appear that the world itself is an unfair and cruel place." I said in one of my most emotionless voices.

"How exactly do you know so much about this in the first place?" Ukita questioned out of curiosity.

"That would not be any of your concern." I told him rather coldly.

"You weren't one of those children, were you?" Mr. Yagami guessed correctly as the whole room went quiet. Come to think of it, L hasn't spoken in a while.

"That does not matter." I answered, practically telling them that he was right, before getting out of my seat and walking towards the door. "If you will excuse me, I am going to go and get myself some coffee and perhaps cake."

Nobody stopped me as I left even though it was a bit late for a teenager to be wandering the streets. I can't believe that I let them find something out about me so easily. I was careless. Now they all knew that I was just some lab rat that probably did not belong in the world.

The world... it was so dark. Nobody could be seen and neither could I. There was nobody there to see me anyways as I walked the lonely, dark, and cold road. Though, I suppose it would be better if it was always like this. If I stayed away from people, would those around me stop dying. Would I get rid of that stupid curse if I stayed isolated? The thing is, I don't want to be alone. I've been alone so many times, yet it has brought me nothing but pain. Where's the justice in that? Is my loneliness the cost for peoples lives? Surely not. I sometimes wish I could have just lived a normal life, but then again...

Where's the fun of being normal?


2052 words excluding A/N

I'm sorry, I am soooooooo sorry! Please forgive me. I know you guys probably want to smack me or something for taking so long to update. I would like to thank those who stuck with the story though. It means a lot to me. I hope the chapter's okay. I haven't written much lately, so I may have lost my touch. Anyways, I hope you enjoy.

Finished at- 12:10 am on Nov. 13, 2015

Ja ne!

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