Chapter 12

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Disclaimer- I do not own Death Note only Claire and her story



The next morning when I returned, everybody acted like the conversation the night before never happened. I was thankful for that. I would really rather not talk about the Blood Moon. Everything was going pretty normal until Watari received a phone call.

"I understand, would you please hold for a minute?" Watari says into the phone before turning to L. "Ryuzaki, it's Mr. Ukita. He says he's on the phone with someone who has information for us."

"I see, give Mr. Ukita the number for line 5 and have him ask the informant to call that line instead. It will be safer that way." L told him before turning to Matsuda. "Mr. Matsuda, it's okay for you to turn your cell phone on now. Actually, please turn it on right away."

"Um, alright." Matsuda says seemingly rather confused.

The phone began to ring as soon as Matsuda switched it on. L swiped it away from his hands before he could even get the chance to answer it and instead, answered it himself. Though, he changed his voice just a little bit.

"Yes, this is Suzuki, head of the Kira investigation's public information division." He answered in a rather bland tone before switching to his normal voice again. "...Raye Penber's fiance?... Naomi Misora..."

Hmmmmm, I could swear that I've heard that name before. Now where was it that I heard it. Gah, I have so many different memories jumbled up in my head, it's hard remember something right off the bat. Hmmmmmm... Thinking face.... Ermmmmm.... Wait a minute! She used to be an FBI agent that helped out on a case I was working on some time ago. From what I remember, or feel like remembering, she was pretty smart. I wonder if she's been killed by Kira as well.

L hung up the phone and gave it back to Matsuda. Aizawa and Matsuda both stood close to L as he began to talk again.

"It would appear that she has been missing since the day after her fiance died." He explained to us.

"Well, I'm sure someone in her situation would feel depressed." Matsuda says before continuing. "Could it be..."

"Suicide?" Aizawa finished for him in a rather grave tone.

"No." I said gaining their attention. "Naomi Misora was not the type of person to do such thing. She used to be an intelligent and quite determined FBI agent. It's more likely that she was trying to catch Kira, and she may have found something out. Kira must have gotten to her first though."

"Yes, I agree." L agreed with my opinion. "Everyone, at this point, I believe we should focus solely on those Raye Penber was tailing. In particular he was assigned to two police officers and those closest to them."

"Very well." Mr. Yagami responded. "Who are the two individuals he was investigating?"

"Deputy Director Kitamura along with Detective Superintendent Yagami and their families." L replied without any hesitation, and Mr. Yagami seemed shocked. "At this stage, I would like to place surveillance cameras and wire taps in both households."

"Surveillance cameras!" Matsuda spoke up in a surprised tone.

"Ryuzaki!" Exclaimed Aizawa. "I don't even see how you can consider this! If this got out, we'd have a civil rights scandal on our hands! We'd all lose our jobs."

"You told me that you would be willing to risk your lives for this investigation, but you wouldn't risk your jobs?" L questions them in his monotone voice that had a bit of an edge to it.

"Ryuzaki, what are the chances that Kira is in one of these households?" Mr. Yagami asked after a pause.

"Maybe 10... No, it's closer to 5%" L answered him.

"Seriously!" Matsuda exclaimed "I'm sorry, but that's not worth the risk!"

"No." Mr. Yagami said. "Of all the people we've investigated, not one of them was deemed suspicious. Even if there's a 1% chance, we can't simply afford to ignore it."

"Chief..." Matsuda said quietly before trailing off as Mr. Yagami began to speak again.

"I can't tell you how offended I am that my family is under suspicion. Having said that, just go ahead with it." Mr. Yagami tells L. "And make sure you place them everywhere. I don't want any blind spots, including the bathroom."

"Thank you." L tells him. "That was my intention."

"C'mon chief, you don't have to agree to this!" Aizawa exclaimed and seemed a lot angrier than Mr. Yagami.

"Yeah, what about your family?" Matsuda tries to help Aizawa out. "You have a wife and daughter at home, don't you?"

"Yes, I'm very well aware of that fact." Mr. Yagami sounded as if he was almost at his breaking point right now. "But there is no point in doing this if we can't be thorough. Now I suggest you keep quiet!"

"Sorry Chief..." Matsuda whispers.

"No, it's okay, and Kuro." Mr. Yagami gets my attention.


"What are your thoughts on putting surveillance cameras in the houses?" Oh, so he wants my opinion on this to help reassure him.

"Well," I begin. "If your family is truly innocent, then there should be nothing to worry about. Think of this as ensuring that your family is innocent. It could be considered a win-win situation. You get the comfort of knowing no one in your family is Kira or we end up catching Kira. Either way is beneficial."

"I see, thank you." He said understanding my reasoning. "If you'll excuse me..."

We watched as Mr. Yagami went to go stand on the other side of the room with his head down. L just went and sat on the couch that was nearby.

"As a curtsy to the Chief and his family, only Kuro, me, and him shall conduct surveillance of the Yagami household." L stated with that blank look of his as I raised an eyebrow.

"You wish for me to help you conduct surveillance as well?" I questioned him.

"Yes, as Matsuda said, Mr. Yagami has a wife and daughter, so it would probably be better to have another female watching as reassurance for him." L explained.

"Alright, I have no problem with that." I told him. "How long will it be before we can install the surveillance cameras and wire taps?"

"Starting tomorrow given that the households are empty." Watari told me causing me to give a nod.


"It appears your son has arrived home." L pointed out as we watched the surveillance in Mr. Yagami's house.

Light had just walked into the house and was looking around as though wondering why nobody was home.

"I'm home!" He called out to make sure that there was really nobody there.

He shrugged before heading upstairs to his bedroom. I narrowed my eyes as I saw him pause for a second in front of his door before going in causing the paper to fall to the ground. Did Watari miss something else that made Light pause like that?

He lays on his bed for a little bit before going to put the paper back in the door. However, I wasn't particularly paying attention to Light. I was paying more attention to his Shinigami. It kept on complaining about Light not talking to him which pretty much proves that Light is aware of the cameras and wiretaps.

"I don't believe it..." Mr. Yagami says as he stared at Light almost disappointed. "I never knew he went to such great lengths. What could he be hiding that he would need to hide?"

"For a seventeen-year-old kid, this behavior isn't very strange." L reassured Mr. Yagami. "I did strange things too when I was his age."

Yeah, no kidding. Though his strange was a bit different then Light's. I mean, who tries to hold a fork with their foot to eat a piece of cake while typing on their laptop and talking to someone at the same time?

"Have you ever talked to your son about the investigation?" L asked Mr. Yagami.

"Of course not!" Mr. Yagami answered indignantly. "I've never once revealed classified information to my family. Besides... I don't see my family very often, and whenever I am home, all I can do is sleep."

"I see." L replies off-handedly.

Light soon left the house. It's too bad we can't put surveillance on him when he's not at home. I know he is Kira. I just need evidence to convict him.

When Light returns home and goes to his room with a bag, I raise an eyebrow as he lays on his bed and takes out a playboy magazine. Now that is definitely not like him. Does he really expect us to believe this act?  My eyebrow was also raised at the Shinigami looking around the room searching for the surveillance cameras.

"I can't believe my son is looking at those types of magazines." Mr. Yagami said clearly disappointed in Light.

"Again, this is normal for someone his age." L tells Mr. Yagami. "However, it seems too contrived. It's almost too obvious. I mean, he doesn't want anyone in his room just because of these magazines? No, that's what he wants us to think."

"I feel as if I should be offended from those magazines." I said in the middle of the conversation causing both Mr. Yagami and L to jump slightly in surprise.

"Kuro!" Mr. Yagami exclaimed. "I forgot you were there."

"Close your eyes Kuro." L told me as he put his hand over my eyes. "You're too young to look at those magazines."

"Hmm, why? I'm female, so it shouldn't be a problem, correct?" I raised an eyebrow at L's actions.

"I agree with Ryuuzaki. While you may be female, you still shouldn't be looking at those types of magazines." Mr. Yagami agreed with L.

"Alright. I'll keep my eyes closed, so could you kindly take your hand off of my eyes?" I told them and L took his hand off of my eyes while I kept them closed.

"Anyways back to the main topic, I don't think that owning those magazines would drive someone to go to such lengths to hide them." L continued.

"That's my son you're talking about!" Mr. Yagami exclaimed. "You can't honestly be telling me that you suspect him."

"I do actually." L told him without any hesitation. "That's why I installed wire taps and surveillance cameras in both yours and the Deputy Directors house."

"Kuro, do you suspect Light as well." Mr. Yagami asked me.

"I take any suspicion into account. It is not just Light, Mr. Yagami. I apologize." I told him the half truth not wanting to tell him that Light is my only and prime suspect.

"I see..." Mr. Yagami replied and we delved into silence once again.

Soon enough, I heard the sound of the magazine being closed and I opened my eyes again to see Light put a hand to his head.

"Man, these covers mislead you all the time." He sighed before walking over to one of his bookshelves and hiding the magazine in a book cover.

"Oh Light..." Mr. Yagami whispered as he probably became more stressed out.

"Light, dinner's ready!" Sayu called out to Light from the bottom of the stairs.

When he walked down, Mrs. Yagami was at the dining table while Sayu was watching a movie with Hideki Ryuuga. She really likes those movies.

"Oh, Hideki Ryuuga! I swear he's perfect." Sayu swooned. "Why can't the guys in my class be like that."

"Sayu." Mrs. Yagami says in an exasperated tone. "Come eat your dinner."

"I'll eat later." Sayu told her.

"Mr. Aizawa," L said with a phone next to his ear. "Is the Kitamura family watching television right now?....... Watari, please contact the broadcasters and tell them to play our message."

"Of course." Watari replied before leaving. I almost didn't notice he was there.

Within the next few minutes, the message finally appears on the Yagami's TV. Sayu is the first one to notice the message.

"Huh, what's this? The I.C.P.O.? They're saying that in response to the recent Kira murders, they're dispatching fifteen hundred investigators to Japan. The investigators were drawn from the law enforcement agencies of its member nations." Sayu read. "Wow, fifteen hundred investigators?"

"The I.C.P.O. sure is stupid." Light comments a few seconds after Sayu says the message. "I mean if they're sending all these people to Japan, wouldn't it be better to keep it a secret. Even the FBI agents who were investigating in secret were killed by Kira. Why would this be any different. If you asked me, I would say that this is just a ploy to shock Kira in the hopes that he'll reveal himself. Quite frankly, I wouldn't be surprised if Kira saw right through this."

"Hmm." L smirked with amusement. "Your son is quite clever, isn't he?"

"Well, yes." Mr. Yagami replied.

"Thanks for dinner." Light told Mrs. Yagami before going to grab a bag of chips from the cabinet.

"Huh, you're getting chips? But you just had dinner." Sayu said as she looked at Light. "If you keep that up, all of your good looks are going to go down the drain."

"It's a midnight snack for studying." Light told her before going upstairs to study. "Alright! Time to hit the books."

"After dinner, your son goes right back to studying without turning on his TV or computer?" L questions.

"Well, yes." Mr. Yagami replied. "It's because the entrance exams are only five days away."

"Only five days?" I questioned with a dead pan look on my face. "I almost forgot about that."

"That's not strange considering you've been here most of the time." L tells me before going into thinking mode.

The rest of the night was spent watching Light study and eat potato chips. So all-in-all, nothing interesting, unless you count the Shinigami doing hand stands. That was rather amusing.

"Ryuuzaki." Watari comes in hours after the surveillance of watching the Yagami family began.

"Yes, what is it Watari?"  L questioned.

"A few minutes ago, a bank clerk on suspicion of embezzlement and a purse snatcher being held in a detention center was reported on the news. They both just died of sudden heart attacks." Watari reported.

"It's him." Mr. Yagami said as he jumped up.

"While all of that was happening, your wife and daughter were both watching television. When that was over, they turned the TV off and didn't watch anything afterwards. At 7:30 until now, your son has done nothing but study." L observes while putting his thumb up to his lip. "Kira needs a name and face to kill. Without those, he can't kill. So I suppose anyone who didn't watch the news can't be Kira."

"You said it yourself. That means my family is clear." Mr. Yagami says probably still irritated at the fact that we suspect his family.

"It doesn't make sense that Kira would kill two petty criminals right after they were broadcasted." L told Mr. Yagami. "The Yagami household seems almost too innocent to me."

"You can't be serious?!" Mr. Yagami exclaimed.

"It's only been a day since the surveillance cameras and the wiretaps were put in. Please be patient Mr. Yagami." L told him.

"It won't do you any good for your stress levels if you keep on worrying so much." I reminded Mr. Yagami.

"You're right." Mr. Yagami sighed. "I apologize."

"It's fine." I told him.

 "After all, we all worry about those who are close to us no matter how far away they are."


2,576 words excluding A/N's

Holy unicorns, I actually updated after months. I apologize for the long wait. I hope the wait was worth it though. I also updated 'Crimson' for those of you who have read that story. I actually had a snow day today, so that's why I have so much time to update my stories. Hooray for no school! Anyways, I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

Finished at 2:45 PM on January 22, 2016


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