Chapter 5

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Disclaimer-I do not own Death Note only Ruin and her story



"What's the matter?" A voice asked causing me to look at my white haired friend as I paced around his room.

"I have a bad feeling." I told him truthfully.

It had been a year since L had left, and I was now twelve years old. I had also taken the place of number one in the ranks as well. I never received any room mates either which I was actually okay with. The only person I would socialize with was Near. Near and I were practically inseparable nowadays. The only time you wouldn't see us together was either when I was working on cases or when Near went to sleep. We normally just stayed in his room and did puzzles. Often, we would make a contest out of it and see who could finish the fastest. I hadn't lost once! There were a few times when we would tie, but he would never outright win. I think it actually irritated him a bit that he couldn't win.

"What do you mean by 'bad feeling'?" Near questioned me.

"I just feel weird, like something big is going to happen soon." I said with a frown.

"Hmm, I highly doubt that something bad will happen. After all, nothing interesting ever happens here." He reassured me. "The worst that could happen is that Mello would beat you in a fight."

"Near," I started. "That is the most illogical conclusion you have ever made. You know as well as I do that Mello is to scared of me to pick a fight with me anymore."

"I suppose you're right." He chuckled.

"Thanks for the reassurance though." I added with a slight smile.

"Um, n-no problem." He stuttered as he tried to hide his red face by looking down.

"Eh?! Near you're turning all red again! You should really see a nurse or someone about that." I advised.

"I-I'm fine, really!" He protested as I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Are you sure?" I said in a slightly accusing tone.

"Yes, I'm quite sure." He replied.

"Hmmm, alright. I'll let you go this time, but only so we can finish the puzzle." I told him with a smirk as he gave me a dead panned look.

"I really don't understand you at times." Near shook his head at me.

"Of course you don't! I'm like a blank page that no one can read." I said with my smirk still sketched onto my face and crossed my arms as I shook my head at him. "You should know this by now Near."

"It's still strange." He argued.

"At least I'm a good sort of strange." I shot back.

"You always like to have the last word, don't you?" Near gave a small smirk as well while I looked up in a thoughtful way.

"I suppose it mainly just depends on the situation." I said as I looked back towards him. "Now let's finish that puzzle already."

"Oh, right..." Near trailed off as we both looked at the puzzle while I sat down in my crouched position.

Unfortunately, the puzzle was done in a matter of about two minutes due to both of us working on it at the same time. The puzzles we solved were always to easy. The one we just finished was of a fairy's shadow in the moonlight. It was one thousand pieces but was beyond easy.

"We need to find some harder puzzles." I frowned.

"Indeed we do." Near agreed. "But for now I'm going to go to sleep if that's okay."

"Oh, right, sorry." I had forgotten that it was already midnight, and Near already looked like he was on the verge of passing out right there.

"No need to apologize." He frowned at me as I stood up.

"Sorry, I just feel like it's my fault with my insomnia and everything that you're not getting to sleep early enough." I looked at him slightly guilty.

"Ruin, it's-"

"I'm going to head back to my room, see you tomorrow." I waved goodbye as I walked out of his room.

I sighed quietly as I walked down the hallway as to not wake anyone up. I really did feel a bit guilty about always keeping Near awake. He shouldn't have to deal with exhaustion just because I rarely sleep.

I reached my room without trouble but frowned as I saw the door wide open. Hmm, I'm sure I closed the door before I left. Maybe Mello came to try and fight me only to see I wasn't there. I walked in cautiously as I observed my surroundings with narrowed eyes. They widened when they fell upon the open window. That window was always closed as well as locked. My eyes narrowed in thought about who or what could have came and opened the window before finally widening in realization.

"Crap, The Bloo-" I was cut off by a knife getting placed against my neck.

"You didn't think we'd leave you idly by that easily, did you?" A cackling voice asked as I went back to my emotionless facade.

"What do you want?" I asked in my monotone voice.

"You know what the punishment is for running away." The man hissed with amusement lingering in the undertone of the sentence.

"Death." I said grimly.

"Oooohhh, aren't you smart. And remember, no screaming or that little friend of yours across the hall dies." I tensed at the threat as the man chuckled.

"Fine." I stated simply waiting for the pain to start already.

"I'll make sure to make a piece of art out of you to make sure no one ever thinks about crossing The Blood Moon ever again." I could almost sense the smirk that was growing on his face.

"Just get it over with you idiot." I said getting slightly annoyed with his ramblings.

"Tch, just for that, I'm going to give you a slow and painful death." He hissed as he swiped the knife against my cheek drawing blood.

"Weren't you planning on doing that anyways?" I asked blandly as I ignored the cut on my cheek.

"Grrrrr, you little imbecile." He growled as he lodged the knife into my right arm.

"Actually, I believe you are the imbecile." I told him as he growled even more before he kicked my legs out from under me while taking out another knife since the first was still lodged in my arm.

He ended up cutting my legs first rather deeply before lodging the knife in my stomach. A sadistic grin appeared on his face while I only felt like I was being sacrificed or something. I guess I sort of was since I was dying in order to protect those close to me. I still managed to keep my bored facade though.

"You aren't very good at inflicting pain, are you?" I taunted as blood dribbled from my mouth.

"Gah! Screw this! I'm going to make sure you never taunt The Blood Moon ever again!" He said before lodging his last knife into my chest. "You're as good as dead now."

He closed the door so nobody would see me before disappearing out the window. The pain actually wasn't that bad. I mean, I had had plenty of fatal injuries before, so this didn't really faze me much. It annoyed me though that my blood was making such a mess on the floor. Tch, I spent so much time making sure the room stayed clean and my blood had to go and ruin it. Ah well, might as well get up and clean it up. I should also stitch and bandage my wounds.

I took out the knives with my only good arm before standing up and heading towards the bathroom. I admit, I was a little dizzy, but I had survived this psychopathic life so far. I might as well try to survive a little bit longer.

I looked in the mirror that the bathroom contained. My blood trickled down my body like a waterfall especially from the wound on my chest. That was to be expected though. I'm just surprised by the fact that the knife didn't pierce my heart.

I frowned when I saw there was nothing in the first aid kit that could help me stitch my wounds. I suppose I could go to the nurse's office, but then that would just cause havoc. I suppose my only option was to wrap my wound as tightly as possible and hope that the bleeding stops.

I wrapped up all the wounds before taking some paper towels to clean up the blood on the floor of my room. Unfortunately, as I went to go open the door to my room, Near came walking down the hallway before his eyes widened when he caught sight of me. He froze completely staring at my cut up clothes that were currently covered in blood.

"What happened?" He asked as he unfroze and ran over to me.

"Nothing that bad." I tried to reassure him.

"Then why are you bleeding and have your clothes cut up?" He asked with narrowed eyes.

"Ummmm, for once I don't have a response for that." I said looking down while scratching the back of my head.

"Just tell me what happened. And what's with the paper towels?" He demanded causing me to sigh.

"Someone from my past broke into my room and attempted to kill me. Oh, and the paper towels are for the filth my blood caused in my room." I scrunched up my nose at the thought of the filth. "Who would have thought that blood would cause such a mess?"

"You're seriously more worried about how much of a mess your blood caused than your own health? And why didn't you call out for help?" He asked giving me a disbelieving look.

"I learned to block out pain a long time ago, and I also didn't want to wake anyone up." I told him a half lie about why I didn't call for help. I really didn't want to wake anyone up, but I also didn't want Near to be hurt because I was concerned for my own well being.

"You're hiding something, aren't you?" He questioned with narrowed eyes causing me to sigh.

"You're right, but that'll be a story for another day. Now, after I'm done cleaning would you mind telling me where I can find supplies to stitch my wounds?" I asked of him before feeling slightly woozy. "On second thought, I'll just do it tomorrow. I'm tired."

Near's eyes widened as I collapsed in his arms. Black spots danced across my vision as I attempted to keep my eyes open, but it was pointless. The last thing I heard before passing out was Near calling my name.

***********************Le' Time Skip*******************************************

My eyes flickered open only to be blinded by a very bright light. I was laying, oddly enough, in a bed with a white bedspread and sheets. I was distracted from my surroundings though by a warmth in my right hand, and I looked over to see Near asleep with him holding my hand. I smiled slightly at how he most likely stayed by my side while I was out of it.

"Near!" I whisper-yelled while poking his cheek. "Near! Neeeaaarrr! Wake up Near!"

"Nngh, five more minutes." He complained as I smirked at his response.

"~If you don't wake up, I'll hide all your puzzles~" That got him up.

"Ruin! You're awake!" He said with wide eyes.

"Wonderful observation." I said with a smirk. "I take it by all the white that I am currently at a hospital."

"Yeah, apparently you were in critical condition. The doctors don't even know how you managed to stay conscious so long." He explained.

"Oh well, this isn't the first time I've surprised a doctor." I told Near dismissively. "By the way, you can let go of my hand now."

"O-oh r-right, sorry." He mumbled as he looked away embarrassed while letting go of my hand.

"No need to apologize. I was kind of glad that you stayed, so thanks." I told him as I sat up.

"No problem." He replied.

"By the way, has anybody cleaned the blood off the floor in my room yet?" I asked causing Near to dead pan.

"You're still worrying about that?" He asked me incredulously as I nodded causing him to sigh. "Most likely, but I'm not sure. I've been here the whole time."

"Awww, you're such a good friend." I teased him.

"Yeah, and your only friend." He shot back with a smirk.

"That's not true! I'm friends with L." I told him with a slight pout.

"But you haven't seen him for a year." Near countered

"Yeah, but we're still friends. And truthfully, two friends is all I need." I spoke honestly.

"There's no winning an argument with you is there?" Near questioned with a raised eyebrow.

"Nope, after all, the girl is always right." I said with the smirk back on my face.

"That isn't always true." Near defended as I continued smirking before my attention got pulled away when the door opened revealing Rodger, the one who ran the orphanage when Watari was away which was quite often these days.

"So you're finally awake I see." He gave a small smile that had a tint of sadness to it for some reason.

"Yes, that is correct. Would you mind me asking how long I was out?" I said in a monotone voice that was different than the tone I used with Near.

"You were unconscious for two days." Rodger frowned.

"What's wrong Rodger?" Near asked as he also picked up on Rodger's strange behavior.

"W-well, it's better if I just show you first." He said nervously before turning to the door. "You can go ahead and come in now."

Near and I gave each other questioning looks as two people walked into the white hospital room. One was a woman with long black hair, light blue eyes, and a warm face that seemed quite happy considering she was smiling rather widely. She was wearing a light brown trench coat with black pants and a white shirt underneath. The other person was a man with shaggy, dark brown hair and onyx colored eyes. He also had a smile, but it was a bit smaller than the woman's. He wore a plain black coat with a white button up polo underneath and had khaki pants.

"Ruin, in order to guarantee your safety, you will have to move and change your name. These two will be your new adoptive parents from now on, and you will be moving to Japan." Rodger stated in a sad tone.

"Wait, WHAT?!"


2449 words excluding A/N's and time skips

 I am so sorry for not updating yesterday. I promise I tried, but my internet stopped working, so I had to wait until today. I hope you guys enjoyed my story so far. I am also so glad to see that it has over one hundred reads! It's a major accomplishment for me because this is the first time that the readings have gone over 40 on one of my stories. I will still upload tomorrow if possible. I truly am sorry for making you wait. Also, read the quote on the picture above. I thought it was pretty good.

 Finished at-3:46 p.m. on June 15, 2015

Ja ne!

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