Chapter 6

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Disclaimer- I do not own Death Note only Ruin and her story



"Why?" I asked though I already knew the answer.

"It's for yours, as well as the other children's protection." Rodger told me sadly.

"Why do I have to change my name as well though? Ruin is already an alias. Though they unfortunately somehow know my real name as well." I muttered the last sentence under my breath.

"There's the chance that those people found out about what alias you're using, so receiving a new name would throw them off track." He explained as I frowned.

"What about Near? I don't want him to be all alone." I said with furrowed brows as Near looked at me in surprise.

"I'll be fine. Your safety is much more important." He stated.

"But-" I started but was cut off.

"I don't want you to get hurt again." Near said causing me to frown.

"When would I have to leave?" I asked as I turned back to Rodger.

"Later this afternoon as it is already twelve p.m." Rodger spoke in his sad tone. "We'll let you and Near go ahead and say your goodbyes now since Near needs to return back to Whammy's."

The three adults left the room and Near and I sat there in silence. I couldn't bear the fact that I would have to leave one of my only friends, and I'm sure Near felt the same about the matter. Life just wouldn't be the same. We had been friends for three years already.

"Alright," I said suddenly startling Near. "If I'm going to be leaving, I have to give you two things to remember me by!"

"Eh? You don't have to do do that!" Near told me. "It would be kind of hard to forget you anyway."

"I really hope you don't mean that in a bad way." I said with an unsure look before perking back up. "Anyway, yes I do! The first thing will be that I am going to give you is my real name!"

"You really don't have to do anything." Near tried to tell me, but I just ignored him and continued on.

"My real name is Claire Lawliet." I told him.

"That name suits you." Near said while scratching the back of his head. "But since you told me your real name, I'm going to tell you my name. It's Nate River."

"Thanks, and that name suits you as well." I smiled at him as he blushed. "Now for the next gift you have to close your eyes."

"Why?" He questioned with a suspicious look on his face.

"Just do it!" I frowned.

"Yes ma'am!" He said slightly afraid of getting me mad.

He did as I told him and closed his eyes. I smirked thinking about the reaction I would most likely receive from giving him this gift. I slowly leaned towards him and gave him a peck on the cheek. His face immediately reddened as he opened his eyes again.

"Eh? Near you're getting all red again! Should I call in a doctor?" I asked concerned for his well being.

"N-no, I-I-I'm fine." He told me.

"Okay, but just to let you know, if you ever forget me in the future... Let's just say you would need to book a hospital room because I would be slapping some sense into that head of yours. Ya' hear?" I threatened.

"Y-yes ma'am." Near stuttered probably remembering what I did to Mello when I sent him to the infirmary.

"Glad you understand." I said with a smirk just as Rodger came in saying that it was time for Near to leave. "I'll see you someday Near. You can count on that."

"I'll look forward to that day." Near replied with a smirk as he followed Rodger out of the room while my two new 'parents' walked in.

The couple stared at me with smiles as the only two people I was familiar with left. They looked like nice people, but you could never be sure. As many people say, you can't judge a book by its cover.

"Hello, I'm Yuki Rozario and this is Ikimono Rozario, my husband." The woman introduced the them to me.

"I normally go by Ruin, but I suppose I will have to change my name, correct?" I questioned even though I already knew the answer.

"Yup, and you can choose any name you want." The woman said rather cheerily as the man only continued to smile.

"You can call me Kuro." I told them.

"That name definitely suits you." The man finally said with a chuckle probably talking about my clothes and hair.

"I like to use names that define me." I said with a smirk.

Later that evening I was in a cab that was currently heading for the airport. I admit, I was slightly nervous about going on a plane for the first time but the nervousness was drowned out by my curiosity. I was curious as to how the plane worked. Mechanics and engineering were two things that interested me quite greatly for some reason, so this would most likely be an interesting experience.

When we arrived at the airport, we got our tickets and went through security before finally boarding the plane. That security check thing was quite an annoyance. It took forever to get through simply because a lady in front of us kept on forgetting how much jewelry she had on her. I mean seriously, who needs that much jewelry? I personally thought that jewelry was just an annoyance and just weighed you down, but everyone has their own opinions I suppose.

I ended up getting a window seat on the plane, but I was separated from Mrs. and Mr. Rozario due to the amount of seats left. The person next to me was a teenage girl who had black hair and green eyes. She acted as though she was trying to block the whole world out as she had her head phone on and the music was so loud that I could hear it. Other than that, she just looked as though she was trying to fall asleep. I don't know how she could though with music that loud.

I sighed as the plane finally lifted off and looked out the window. It was so different looking at the ground from up here. All the things below simply looked like ants. The scenery went on and on from cities to snow capped mountains. It was quite beautiful seeing the Earth from this height.

I ended up falling asleep about two hours into the trip which kind of surprised me. I guess my head was still a bit messed up from all the blood loss causing me to become tired easier than usual. I slept for almost the rest of the trip.

***************************************Time Skip************************************************

I was currently standing in front of medium sized house that had brown paint and a cozy look. The lawn was well kept and it looked liked your everyday neighborhood house.

"Welcome to your new home Kuro." Mrs. Rozario said to me as she walked up beside me. "How 'bout we go get you settled in, okay?"

"Alright." I replied as the three of us walked towards the door.

The door was a simple light colored wood with a single glass pane on the right side. When we walked in, a stairway was to the right while a living room was to the left. The living room had white carpet flooring and a black couch and recliner. A coffee table stood in front of the couch, and a TV was against the wall.

"Your room is upstairs, first door on the right." Mr. Rozario told me. "You can go ahead and unpack."

I walked up the stairs and went to the first door on the right as told. My eyes widened in surprise as I looked around the room. The walls were a navy blue with snowflakes painted a lighter blue in the top corners. The floors were the same white that was in the downstairs living room, and the bedspread was a dark gray with blue pillows. A dresser was across the bed with a TV on top. In the corner of the room was a white desk with a black chair and on top was a brand new computer. It looked like a newer model than the laptop that I already had, so hopefully it would be easier to do work on it.

"I hope you like it." The voice of Mrs. Rozario came from behind me.

"It's quite beautiful." I told her as I turned around to look at her. "Thank you very much."

"It's no problem. I've always wanted a child but due to certain circumstances, I'm unable to have a child of my own. So we're very blessed to have been able to adopt you." She said to me.

"Erm, would you mind telling me when I'll be going to school?" I asked her.

"Next week I believe. Also, since you are a special case you will be going to high school." Mrs. Rozario explained to me.

"Thank you." I said to her.

"Now why don't you get settled in while I start dinner." She told me.

"Alright." I walked in and set my back pack on the bed while Mrs. Rozario went back downstairs.

I sat on my bed after I took my shoes off and grabbed a book out of my bag to read. Perhaps staying here wouldn't be so bad.

************************************Time Skip****************************************************

I was currently standing outside a hospital room a year after I had arrived in the Rozario household. We had previously found out a few weeks ago that Mrs. Rozario had cancer. Mrs. Rozario took the fact quite easily and never grew angry or sad at the fact that she could die. Truth be told, Mr. Rozario was taking this even worse than she was. He was constantly pacing and checking up on her. A frown had been almost been implanted permanently onto his face. I was quite worried myself. I just didn't make myself a distressed mess like he did, and I would stay calm throughout the ordeal.

The reason I was standing outside the hospital room right now was because Mrs. Rozario was currently in surgery. Unfortunately, in this surgery there was a chance she could die. So as soon as one of the doctors came out, I asked if Mrs. Rozario was okay.

"I'm sorry, but I'm afraid she died during the surgery." The doctor told me sadly as my face became a blank abyss with a barely visible tinge of sadness while Mr. Rozario, who had been waiting with me, broke out bawling his eyes out.

Why was death and danger always surrounding my life. I had already seen the death of my biological parents, then I saw all those kids back in the lab be killed, and now Mrs. Rozario was dead. How could my life get any worse? Wait... I shouldn't have asked that. I probably just jinxed it. I had no idea just how right I was.

"Oi, brat!" Mr. Rozario called out to me in a strange anger filled voice. "This is all your fault!"

"W-what?" I stuttered as my eyes widened.

"You heard me! This is all your fault! Before you came here, Yuki and I were living the dream! But then you came along and everything was ruined because of you!" He yelled at me as my eyes continued to widen when he continued. "You're not even sad that she's dead. You're just an emotionless little robot! You couldn't care for a single human being, could you?!"

"You're wrong. I cared very much for Mrs. Rozario. The only reason why I'm not crying like you are is because Mrs. Rozario never would have wanted that. She would have wanted us to carry on with our lives instead of sitting around mourning all day." I told him in a strong voice, but he didn't listen.

"You never belonged here, and you never will! You're the reason Yuki is gone. You're just a cursed girl who has danger surrounding her every footstep!" Mr. Rozario continued to bawl as my eyes became wide and blank.

A curse. Who knows, he could be right. Danger did follow me everywhere I went. In a way I was cursed especially after that one experiment. The one that caused my life to change forever. I thought I would be able to escape my nightmares, but no matter what happened or where I went, the demons know as nightmares would always find me.

"Why me?"


2066 words excluding time skips and A/N's

Yay, I updated! I know it's late at night, but I still updated today. I almost forgot because I was so obsessed with a picture I was drawing and yeah... Anyways, I actually posted a new story on my account called Crimson, and if I continue Crimson will depend on if anyone wants me to continue writing. Crimson is an original story of mine that I decided to post, so I would appreciate if any of you guys read it.

Finished at 11:51 p.m. on June 16, 2015

Ja ne!

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