Chapter 8

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Disclaimer- I do not own Death Note only Claire and her story



For the first time in forever, I was skipping school. It wasn't because I didn't want to go to school. No, I was actually working on the Kira case which was much more important. I wouldn't doubt it if the teacher didn't even notice though.

When I went to go hack into L's computer on one of three computers that I had in my tri-monitor setup, I noticed that Watari had brought two laptops. I guess they knew that I would be using L's computer again and just decided to bring another laptop. Awwww, how sweet. Though, Watari didn't need to bring two cameras. I had the security of what was going on on my other computer. There was currently barely anyone there. There was Chief Yagami and about two others at first, but others slowly began to trickle in.

"Alright" Chief Yagami said as the meeting finally started. "Let's start with the tip-line reports."

"Yes sir!" A guy who I believe is called Mogi answered and before you ask, I did look at all the profiles of the members working on this case. "Up to this point, we've received 3029 responses about the murders via telephone and email. Most of these have been curious citizens and prank calls. But there were fourteen people who claim to either know Kira or to have seen him. All fourteen accounts were followed up on and carefully documented. However, nobody could provide any information that wasn't already publicly available.

"And lastly, there were an additional twenty one people who called in claiming to be Kira." The people in the room let out annoyed sighs or groans at this comment. "We didn't want to rule anything out, so we followed standard procedure and created files for all twenty one of them."

"Alright, onto the victim reports." Chief Yagami said.

"Yes sir!" Another person stood up. "Upon further investigation, we have confirmed that information of the heart attack victims was in fact publicly available in Japan immediately prior to their deaths. Also, concerning L's request that we investigate the time of death for each victim, we found that all of them occurred between the hours of 4:00 pm and 2:00 am on weekdays local time with sixty eight percent of them occurring between 8:00 pm and 12:00 am. Weekends and holidays appear to be the exception to this rule as the times of death vary much more widely than during the week."

"Then it could very well be that Kira is a student." I said trying to keep my sentences as simple and to the point as possible as many people stood up and turned to look at the laptops.

"Based on the fact that Kira's only killing criminals, I think it's safe to assume that he's driven by a very idealistic notion of justice. It's highly possible he may even aspire to be some sort of God like figure. We're dealing with an individual who has a very childish concept of right and wrong." L continued for me.

You don't know how right you are L. Light is no more than an insolent teenager who thinks he can use the notebook to control the world. People began whisper and murmur about the different possibilities of this being true.

"Of course, this is a mere speculation at this point. But still, I recommend you reexamine any assumptions you've made at to whether or not our suspect could be a student. We need to consider every possibility. I believe that this is the shortest route to finding and arresting Kira. Please, continue with your report." I said as the detectives stood there in silence.

"Oh... Right." Chief Yagami said as he came out of his stupor. "Does anybody else have something they'd like to add?"

"Uh, yes sir!" A guy, who I believed was Matsuda and was pretty new, commented unsure.

"What is it Matsuda?" Good, I got the name right.

"Umm, well I'm not saying this to support Kira or condone the murders, but..." And here we go. "In the past few days throughout the world, but especially here in Japan... We've observed the dramatic decrease in the number of violent crimes committed."

I have to admit, he had a lot of guts for saying that at this kind of meeting. A few investigators even let out irritated sighs and mumbles causing Matsuda to fidget nervously. I kind of felt bad for the guy.

"Well, I suppose it makes sense. We suspected something like this would happen. Anything else?" Chief Yagami brushed the comment off.

"No sir." Matsuda said as he sat down.

I suppose it's my turn to give them a few hints about what's going on.

"I would also like to point out that when L challenged Kira, he didn't die. Lind L. Tailor however was. What I'm trying to make a point of is that Kira would have been able to see Tailor's face along with his name which had no spelling errors. L on the other hand, could not be seen nor does anyone know his real name. My hypothesis is that in order to kill, Kira needs a name and a face to go along with it most likely so they don't kill people with the same name." I told them causing them to one again go into a stupor.

"Exactly." L agreed.

"Well, that about sums up our report for today. L? C?" Chief Yagami said as he was the first one to come out of his stupor again.

"Thank you everyone. We are one step closer to finding Kira. Before I go, I'm afraid I have one additional request to make. This is directly to the teams investigating the victims, TV news, and internet. I would like you to go back and take a closer look at the exact way in which the victims identities were made public. Be particular. I want to know if photos were made available to the public in Japan. This will be used to confirm C's theory. I'll leave it to you." L concluded.


"What? I don't believe this!" Chief Yagami exclaimed. "Another twenty three victims yesterday? Are these confirmed?"

"Yes sir." An investigator told him slightly nervous.

"The day before, there were another twenty three victims. He's killing every one off by the hour."

"Considering this new pattern has been going on for two week days..." One investigator trailed off.

"It does punch some holes in the theory of the suspect being a student." Another finished.

"Maybe not. Anybody can miss two days of school."

"You're missing the point." L said causing everyone to go silent. It does appear less likely now that Kira is a student, but that isn't the message he's sending."

"Ask yourselves: Why the sudden change?" I spoke up. "Kira is most likely not only telling us that he can kill from a distance, but that he can also determine the time of death."

"But something's not right." L continued. "As soon as we began to suspect that Kira might be a student, the pacing of the killings changed, as if to contradict that theory. Coincidence? No... Too convenient. This can only mean that Kira has access to police information. It's obvious now. This is a direct challenge to me."

Hmmm, that's no fun. Why does L get to be the only one that gets challenged? I mean sure, nobody but the police know of my existence, but still... Anyways, Light is quite stupid for showing the fact that Kira actually was a student. And this is why he can't compete with me at school. Though... He may have done this because he wants L to investigate the police and once the police find out, Light thinks that they will turn on L. I suppose it's somewhat smart but not smart enough. While the members of the police would be angry, they wouldn't actually ever turn on L.

I sighed with relief as the meeting ended. Honestly, it was beginning to get a bit boring as well as annoying. Those investigators sure liked to argue and complain. I just need a little break I suppose.

I pulled on a light sweater before I made sure to go quietly down the stairs and out the door. I decided to go for a walk to get some fresh air. I may even stop by a cafe and get some cake or something. Cake sounds really good right now... Yeah, to get cake I go!

I walked down the sidewalk of the city as I fiddled with hair. It was a habit I had gained from Near after all the time I spent with him. The city was a busy place as always, but it had some of the best cafes that sold cake. Cake... Cake is the best especially strawberry cake.

"Kuro! Hey Kuro!" Someone called out to me breaking me out of my daydreams about cake.

"Hmm?" I mumbled as I turned around only to see my number one suspect in the Kira case. Oh joy.

"Hey, where have you been? You haven't come to school in the past few days, and I was starting to get worried." Light said as he caught up to where I was.

"I have been taking care of a family member who is currently quite sick." I lied quite easily through my emotionless voice. "Also, I believe you were most likely the only one who noticed I was missing."

"Heh, I suppose you're probably right about that. If you keep missing school though, your grades might go down." He warned me.

"Actually, I have been getting all my work via email from the teacher." I replied truthfully.

"Oh, I suppose that's pretty smart. Nothing I wouldn't expect from you though." Light chuckled. "Where are you headed anyways."

"I am off to a cafe in order to get cake and perhaps coffee." I told him as I began walking again and of course, he followed.

"Someone at your age shouldn't be drinking coffee." Light tried to scold me.

"I'll be fine." I reassured him.

"Do you mind if I join you?" He asked.

"I suppose you can join me, but please refrain from making anymore comments about what kids my age should be doing." I agreed but stated my terms.

"Alright, Alright. You know, Sayu has been wondering when you might come over to our house again." Light said trying to make conversation as we walked into a cafe and took our seats.

"Hmm, maybe I'll come over sometime soon." I said to him since I actually kind of considered Sayu my friend. My only female friend as well.

"May I take your orders?" A bubbly waitress came over to our table.

"Hmm, oh, I'll have a slice of strawberry cake and coffee with sugar cubes and sweetener on the side please." I gave the waitress my order.

"And I'll just have tea." Light said to the girl before she walked off. "Hey Kuro?"

"Hmm?" I questioned.

"Why exactly do you sit like that?" He asked me.

"I have always sat like this. Any other sitting position is simply uncomfortable to me." I said to him truthfully.

"Heh! Strange girl." The shinigami, who I just noticed was there, said.

"And I would prefer if you wouldn't call me strange. I already know from the countless other times people have seen me in public." I continued.

"Oooh, it's almost as though she knew what I said." I believe it's quite obvious mister shinigami.

"Don't worry. I won't call you strange." Light assured me, yet he looked distracted and slightly confused.

"Thank you, I appreciate it." I told him blankly before the waitress finally came over with our orders.

We said our thanks to her before she walked off once again, and I quickly began putting about six sugar cubes and all three sweeteners in my coffee. Light stared at me in disbelief as I sipped my coffee.

"I never would have guessed that you of all people had a sweet tooth." He told me honestly.

"Not many do. I suppose it's because according to many, I have a cold personality." I said simply before taking a bite of cake with my spoon.

"I wouldn't say you're cold. You just don't have a tendency to show your emotions which I'm sure you do have." Light tried to comfort me as he sipped on his tea.

"You're right. I do indeed have emotions. It just takes quite a bit for someone to get me to show them. For example, I have a friend where I am from that can get me to show emotion no matter what the case." I replied.

"Where exactly are you from anyways?" Light questioned.

"Over seas." I said quite simply as to not give much information to my enemy.

"I see, so I take it you haven't seen your friend in a while." He observed.

"You would be correct in that assumption." I replied as I finished my cake and downed the rest of my coffee.

I began to search my pockets for my small spare amount of money that I kept with me just in case and called over the waitress. I asked for my check and quickly paid for my meal.

"I will see you some other time Light. Try not to get in trouble. Good bye." I said as I stood up and turned away smirking at Light having his brows furrowed in thought while the shinigami simply laughed.

I wonder what Light thought of me telling him not to get in trouble. He is most likely overthinking it and is thinking that I somehow know that he is Kira and that is my way of saying don't get caught. While I do know that he is Kira, that was actually just my way of psyching him out. It will cause him to be distracted which was what I was going on. The shinigami was probably just laughing at Light's confusion and frustration. I have to admit myself, that shinigami is actually rather amusing. It appears as though it has no side and simply watches from the sideline. It also has a tendency to mock Light which I actually quite enjoy. Who would have guessed. I suppose not all shinigami are that bad after all.

I let out a small grin as I walked causing several people to give me confused and frightened looks as they steered their paths away from me. I'm not that scary when I have a chaotic grin on my face, am I? Eh, oh well

"Just try to find out who I really am Light. I dare you."


2409 words excluding A/N

Hey people! Sorry I once again updated late at night and all. I know some of you readers probably don't stay up that late, but I have troubles when it comes to sleeping so yeah... Updates can come pretty late at night. I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter. I am trying my best here to uphold the promise of updating every other day. I also hope you guys are having a good summer so far.

Finished at 11:18 pm on June 20, 2015

Ja ne!

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