Chapter 9

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Disclaimer- I do not own Death Note only Claire and her story



"What's this about!" Chief Yagami demanded as three agents handed him their papers.

"With all do respect Chief, we're resigning." The middle one stated. "We demand that you assign us to a different case otherwise you can have our badges right here and now."

"But why? You're good cops!" Chief Yagami asked in disbelief.

"Isn't it clear? It's because we value our lives, sir." One of them told the Chief.

"And what L and C said is true. Kira has some some weird power that enables him to kill people indirectly from anywhere."

"If I were Kira, I would probably be wanting to try and get rid of the people trying to catch me."

"Let's face it. He knows he'll be sentenced to death if he's caught."

"We all sat here and watched when L decided to pull that media stunt and challenge Kira to kill him. While it was very impressive at the time, L never had to show his face or reveal his name for that matter. And what's more, nobody but the police even know of C. I'm sure you recall L's last request? He asked that we take a closer look at how all these victim's identities were made public and specifically to determine whether photos of the victims were made public prior to their deaths." The man speaking slammed his hands onto the desk. "Well it turns out L and C were right! Every single one of those victims names were broadcasted to the Japanese public, and then they died! Unlike certain someones we know, we're out there investigating this case wearing police IDs with our names and photos on them. Anybody with a computer can find out who we are! We don't hide our faces. We're out in the open!"

"Sir, the truth is, we can be killed by Kira at any time." One of the others admitted more politely.

"For these reasons, we refuse to continue to work any farther on this case. Excuse us Chief." Said one of them before they bowed in respect then walked away.

"Hey, stop! All of you!" Demanded the Chief as he stood up from his desk. "Hold it right there!"

The door closed as the inhabitants of the room delved into silence. I watched quietly as I had expected this would happen eventually. It will be quite amusing though when they find out that I have been into contact with Kira. Knowing the police though, they probably won't believe Light Yagami is Kira which is why I have to prove it. Knowing L, he'll probably have agents from another country come in and investigate the task force and people tied to those in the task force. It's only a matter of time before L begins suspect Light as well.


The phone rang in the office that the Kira case was going on in as I continued watching. I didn't necessarily speak very often during the meetings. I merely spoke during moments where I am needed. Currently is not one of those times.

"Yeah, it's me." Chief Yagami spoke as he answered the phone. "Another six inmates were found dead last night? All were heart attacks? It's him... Strange behavior before they died? Could you be more specific? So they didn't just die from heart attacks?"

The Chief went silent as the guy on the line began to explain the strange behavior of the new victims. Apparently, one drew a pentagram in his own blood, another left a letter, and one ran all the way to the staff bathrooms before he died. It appears that Light has been experimenting with his Death Note. I wonder though, how much does he truly know about the Death Note and its powers?

"Chief," L spoke up suddenly causing everyone to look at him while the Chief stood up. "We can't release the details of these men's deaths to the media. As far as they're concerned, these are just heart attacks. I have reason to believe Kira was performing some kind of test using these criminals. And if that's the case, we don't need to give anymore results of this information to the public."

"Right, I understand." Chief Yagami agreed.

"So now he's experimenting on his victims?" Whispers rose up across the room.


"He's playing with people's lives, as if all of this was just a game. It's unforgivable."

"How could he do something like this and have no remorse?"

After that, I just ignored all comments made and began to look over the pictures that were sent from the crime scenes. The pentagram and the guy who ran to the bathroom were virtually useless, so I went to the letter instead. This would be the most likely place for a hidden message.

I scanned the letter in many different ways before finally figuring it out. There was a secret message in the note, and it appears it was meant directly for L. The message was rather short though.

'L, did you know-'

Since the message breaks off so suddenly, we can assume that Light is most likely going to be sending more messages through his murders. Just what exactly does Light want L to know though? Is Light merely taunting him or actually giving him a hint? Knowing Light, he could be doing both for all I know. Light is one pain in the neck. I'll give him that much.


Once again, another suicide note had appeared days later with another hidden message just as I had predicted. This message actually confused me a bit. It practically gave a confession to those who know of Death Note's, that Kira owns a Death Note. I suppose Light never thought of the possibility that someone working with the police would ever have knowledge of a Death Note. I wouldn't even be surprised if he didn't even know that more than one Death Note could be in the world at a time. If I remember correctly, up to six Death Notes could be in the world at a time. I just hope that no more Death Note's are dropped into the human world. More Death Note's would only cause more trouble, but I'm starting to get off track. I need to analyze what Light is meaning to do with this message.

'L, did you know- gods of death-'

The second message had ended as abruptly as the first, but Light is practically confirming the existence of shinigami's. I sort of doubt that anybody will take the existence of shinigami seriously though. In a way it's smart. Light can figure out how to use the Death Note to it's greatest potential and attempt to psych L out at the same time. The downside of the plan is if when the message is finished, it will make it easier for the police to find Kira. I wonder, does Light know that those who use the Death Note are cursed to have an unhappy ending?


I watched silently as Chief Yagami finally found out about the twelve FBI agents and began to confront L about it. You could say that Chief Yagami wasn't exactly the most happy of people.

"L, I just got off the phone with the director of the FBI. According to him it seems as if you arranged for the FBI to come to Japan and investigate everyone associated with the Task Force." The Chief spoke angrily.

"Yes, I did." L replied calmly not phased one bit.

"So how do you explain this? Are we now suspects in our own investigation?" Chief Yagami questioned.

"I felt it was necessary in order to uncover Kira's identity." L spoke in his modulated voice.

"I cannot except that!" Chief Yagami yelled. "I find it unbelievable that you would spy on us! The very people working with you on this case."

"Hear that? Well I knew all along that we couldn't trust that guy." Someone commented.

"And what about C? I bet he played a part in this as well!" Me? And wait..... Did he just call me a guy?

"Yeah, he probably distrusts us as well." Another person accused.

"More importantly, Kira killed all those FBI agents, didn't he?"

"It's obvious he'll kill anyone that gets in his way. Whether they're criminals or not."

"So much for his sense of justice. He's a murderer."

"Hmmm, I don't deny that I knew what L was up to." I spoke up surprising a few people. "I however did not take part in executing the setup of the FBI agents. I do agree with L's logic though. If you think of it logically somehow Kira has managed to obtain classified information. There are two logical reasons as to how he obtained the information. He could have either hacked the computer system or the other option which is that he could be closely connected with someone in the Task Force."

A silence filled the room as I finished before quiet whispers sprung up. You know, for detectives, they don't exactly use their brains much.

"If he got to classified FBI files, he can definitely find our information." A man named Aizawa commented off to the side.

"You're right." Matsuda speaks up. "But I still want to catch Kira... but I don't really want to die either. He killed them after only a few days..."

Soon after this conversation, another note came in. I quickly deciphered the message before putting the pieces together. All in all, to those who had never heard of a Death Note, it was completely and utterly useless.

'L, did you know- gods of death- love apples?'

I wonder if Light realizes that not all gods of death love apples. Based on what I have observed, the shinigami connected to his Death Note is just insane. I'm sort of relieved that the shinigami doesn't seem to be choosing sides.


I walked downstairs quietly as I went to go get some food. During the time of the Kira case, I hadn't eaten very much. I also refrained from sleeping to do even more research. I wasn't exactly the best at keeping my body healthy.

"Oi, brat! Where are you off to?" I heard a voice to my right as I was about to walk out the door.

"Oh, erm, I was going to, um-" I was cut off by my adoptive father grabbing me by the neck.

"You were going to sneak out, weren't you?! I know you've been skipping school as well. Did you think I wouldn't notice? I'm a lot smarter than you give me credit for! I bet you were spending all that time in your room thinking of ways to run away. You're an ungrateful little brat, aren't you?!" He yelled as he threw me against a wall.

"Actually, I was merely going to get something to eat due to the fact that the kitchen is entirely empty except a few poptarts and some water. I also assumed that you would notice me staying in my room. I merely hoped that you wouldn't notice. And I am not ungrateful to you. I am quite thankful that you and your wife gave me a home when I needed it." I answered even though I knew Mr. Rozario's questions were rhetorical.

"You just have an answer for everything, don't you?" He growled as he gave me a kick to the side while I was still on the floor.

"I have answers approximately 83.3% of the time." I replied unfazed by the kick.

"Also, a little robot like you shouldn't need food. After all I've seen how you can go over a week without food. Why would you need food now?" Mr. Rozario asked ignoring my reply.

"Because like you, I am a human being. At some point, I must eat something or else I would become quite unhealthy. Just because I don't eat as often as you does not mean that my body does not require the nutrients and energy that food provides." I spoke calmly as I stood up from my hunched position on the floor.

"Oh yeah! If you're a human, then why don't you show emotion?" He questioned.

"You're wrong. I do have emotion. It simply takes quite a bit to get me to show them." I said with a bored glance.

"Just shut up!" Mr. Rozario shouted before throwing a punch towards my face.

I didn't bother to stop him. This was his way of venting his anger and sadness at the fact of Mrs. Rozario being dead. It wasn't like I couldn't handle the pain either. I had handled worse. This was mere child play compared to other injuries I had received.

It ended with Mr. Rozario beating me up some more before dragging me back up the stairs by my hair. Now my scalp feels all funny. It's annoying. I constantly feel like somethings crawling on my head or something. I could also feel my eye begin to swell where Mr. Rozario had hit me. So going to get food was probably not one of my best ideas, but oh well. I can always sneak out eventually.


"We now know that Kira doesn't just target criminals. He'll kill anyone who opposes him." Chief Yagami spoke up as the meeting started. "It's quite possible that we may all be killed by Kira. Think of your own lives, your families, and all the others you'd be leaving behind. If anyone chooses to leave the investigation, now is the time. You won't be demoted if you choose not to stay. You have my word. But if you're note absolutely sure, then we don't need you. You have to be willing to fight against him even if that means making the ultimate sacrifice. That is all."

I noticed how Chief Yagami had his eyes closed the time people began to leave. I guess he didn't want to see those leaving. I feel a bit bad for him. By the time everyone who was leaving had gone, there was only six people including Chief Yagami. It would be eight with L and I.

"Five investigators huh?" Chief Yagami spoke out loud after he opened his eyes. "That's five people, and six including myself. Still, I'm grateful to see that there is as many as five of you are willing to risk your lives to face evil."

"The fact that you have chosen to stay means that you have a strong sense of justice." L spoke up from his computer causing everyone to turn towards him. "I trust all of you."

"Hold on a second," Aizawa started. I rolled my eyes at him considering he always seems to like to start complaining. "L just said that he's decided to trust us now. But honestly, what reason do we have to trust him? Or C?"

"Look L and C," A person name Ide I believe said. "All of us have agreed to put our lives at risk to bring Kira to justice. So I hope you understand what this means. We're really sticking our necks out here."

"You wish for us to show our faces." I stated joining in the conversation for the first time.

"Yes actually," Aizawa replied rather rudely. "But you never have to show your faces, do you? You two just give the orders. I don't see how you can expect us to work alongside you under those conditions."

"L and C," Chief Yagami said after a pause. "If all of us are going to work together on this investigation, and if you truly meant what you said about trusting the six of us, could you come here so we can all meet in person?"

"The thought had already crossed my mind." L told him. "After all, I did say that I trusted all of you."

"I suppose I shall trust you as well. Do not make me regret it." I agreed to meeting them as well and soon enough L was typing a message for the investigators on instructions for the meeting.


This time I was sneaking out through the window that was in my room. Thankfully, there were vines that I climb down on, so I didn't have to jump. The reason why I was sneaking out my bedroom window in the middle of the night was quite simple. I was to meet up with L and the other investigators at Tei-Tou Hotel about thirty minutes after the Task Force investigators arrived. Unfortunately, it was quite late and already past midnight. It didn't help that I had to walk all the way to the meeting place. I would call a taxi, but that would probably raise questions. I'd rather not run into anybody while I'm out.

It took me about twenty minutes to walk to the hotel. If I was a normal person, my feet would most likely be throbbing due to the fact that I was wearing flip flops. The flip flops were pretty cheap to, so they weren't the most comfortable to wear.

I made sure to cover my bruised eye with my hair as I reached the hotel room where I would finally reveal myself as C. I smirked at the thought of the reactions they would have. Chief Yagami would probably be the most surprised considering he knew me. L's reaction would probably just be a raise of an eyebrow.

I sighed as I put my emotionless mask back on my face before finally knocking on the door. The little amount noise that had been coming from the room moments before went silent. I heard someone get up and slowly but surely someone opened the door. I had to look up at the person who opened the door to see that it was Aizawa. Curse my shortness.

"Hello, how can I help you?" Oh jeez, he probably thinks I'm some little girl selling cookies or something.

"It is a pleasure to meet you sir. I am C." I bowed slightly with a smirk on my face that he thankfully couldn't see.

"Y-You're C?!" He was most definitely shocked.

"That would be correct." I straightened up with an emotionless look back on my face.

"B-But, th-there's no possible way that you could be C." Aizawa said in disbelief.

"Let her in." I heard the familiar voice of L come from inside the hotel room.

"Alright." Aizawa grumbled before stepping out of the doorway and allowing me to pass. "Follow me."

I gave Mr. Aizawa a nod as I followed him through the hotel room into the living room where everyone was situated.

"It's a pleasure to meet all of you. I am C."


3049 words excluding A/N

Hey guys! I'm terribly sorry for the long wait. I just haven't really been in the mood for writing and all at the moment, but I didn't want to keep you guys waiting forever. I was really surprised when I saw that I had over 700 reads on this story, and that made me super happy. I really appreciate your support. I am also trying to end the chapters at a place where Ruin says something that adds suspense to the story. I hope that it's okay. Also, thank you guys so much for reading. I don't know when updates will be anymore. It's going to be pretty random especially since I have school starting again on August 17. I also still need to do my summer reading homework along with practice my flute, so yeahhhhh. I'm going to be somewhat busy. Anyways, again I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

Finished at 3:49 on July 24, 2015

Ja ne!

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