Spin-off: 02

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Namjoon has done a lot of dumb things, well, sometimes the cause is not so dumb but because of his reckless decisions (and the want to help anyone he can) most of them, well, they end up making him feel dumb for doing that.

Like going in between that v.i.p. customer and the lady, maybe if he didn't act recklessly and punched back the guy, he'd still have his job, a chef-- yes, he was a chef there, just so happened that he had to go outside the kitchen that day and butt in.

And now, another dumb thing Namjoon has done; which had a (sort of) positive outcome...

It was the second night after Namjoon had quit his job (read as fired) and there he was, fresh out of the shower as he sent a quick message to his friend, and former co-worker, Hoseok. Saying that if the other plans to crash his place that Saturday night he should not wait up for him since he's going to drink.

fr: 마구간지기 호석아
(Stableboy Hoseok-ah)

Got it, but honestly, next time just drink in your own house. I'm guessing that I'm not picking you up later?

fr: 부엌 몬스터
(Kitchen monster)

Yeah, I'd probably stay until it closes or if I end up getting murdered--

fr: 부엌 몬스터
(Kitchen monster)

but I'll manage, if not I'll just call you to pick me up, I'm going to the usual place anyway.

He didn't wait for Hoseok to reply as he shrugged on his navy blue denim jacket and locking the house behind him.

10:49 P.M.

So far, Namjoon had about a whole bottle of booze and he's only been there for around an hour, the earlier spacious dance floor slowly getting filled with people.

He just stared ahead, not really planning on going anywhere near that dance floor because aside from the fact that he isn't much of a good dancer, the depressing feeling of getting fired was still fresh from his mind. He didn't want to add stress on the list when he ends up hooking up with someone who's already taken, that, and also the fist fight that could possibly happen.

So he just sat there, on his second bottle of booze, just blankly staring at the people on the dance floor. He was still about .09% sober and could make out movements on the side that does not look like dancing.

Looks like he's going to skip the dancing, and go straight to the fist fight.

He walked behind the two people, seeing a guy with dark red hair pressed against the wall, a tall orange haired male in front of him, the faded colour standing out whenever the bright light shone on it.

Namjoon didn't have the chance to stop his own body, but the way that the shorter of the two seems so uncomfortable he just had the urge to go closer. And when he did, boy was he glad he did, because when the bar's lights shone again, he noticed something gleaming in the hands of the taller one.


He said, loud enough for both males to hear as he grabbed the red-haired male and placed him behind. The other immediately clinging to Namjoon's jacket, burying his face into the denim fabric.

Namjoon eyed the man's hands as he swiftly tucked the small knife he was holding earlier into his pockets.

"What were you doing?" He asked, the sound of the dance floor tuning out of his ears the more he stared at the orange haired guy.

"I was doing nothing." He grins. "Just planning to give, this fella over here what he came here for." He then snorts. "Pleasure."

Then he continued talking, a mocking tone obvious. "You with him man?"

Namjoon grits his teeth, a forced grin on his features, as he looks back to the shaking man behind him, he gave the guy a soft nudge before turning back to the other one.

And punching him straight on the face.

It took about five minutes, Namjoon guessed, before he was pulled out of his trance by a gentle hand laying on his forearm. He looked up from the passed out guy, small knife thrown on the ground out of their reach, to look into the eyes of the guy that he saved.

"Stop that, please." He forced out, voice shaking. Namjoon immediately stood up and noticed the bartender earlier behind the man, a concerned look on his face.

"I think you both need fresh air. Go out for a while man." The grey-haired male suggested, a hand on the red-haired male's shoulder as he adds. "I'll call the cops on this one."

Namjoon reached out to his pocket, "I'll accompany him, here's my payment for the drinks I had."

The man waves his hand. "It's on the house, just make sure my friend calms down." This surprised Namjoon, knowing that the bottle cost at least more than average, why he had the courage to order that one, he didn't know.

"Thank you Ken." He heard the other male mumble before he started taking shaky steps away. Namjoon quickly followed after saying his thank you and goodbye to the man called Ken.

The two stopped a street away from the club, finding a random bench, they both sat down, taking in the fresh air.

"Are you feeling slightly better now?" Namjoon asked, now soberer than earlier, as he looks over the man beside him. "Take deep breaths, I'll stay with you until you completely calm down."

And that, they did, they stayed in place for more than ten minutes, just sitting beside each other. The second time Namjoon looked over he noticed goosebumps appearing on the other's skin.

"Here." He observed the red-haired male's face, the moonlight giving off natural light, and Namjoon can't understand how this man looked good even without professional lighting.

What more if they met under different circumstances?

The shorter of the two looked up, meeting Namjoon's eyes. "Why?" His stable voice is beautiful, Namjoon had concluded, and this made him chuckle. "Wear this, you're cold."

When the man didn't move, Namjoon just laughed and wrapped the denim over his shoulders. "Much better now, isn't it?"

Namjoon decided to thank the sudden cold summer night. Because he can't help but internally coo at the blush that had spread across the man's face as he tried to hide it by lifting up the jacket wrapped around him up to his cheekbones. Only to turn redder when he caught the scent that Namjoon left behind.

The two didn't speak much after that, just sitting beside each other, until they realised it was midnight, where Namjoon waved goodbye as soon as the other turned the last street to his house, as his own request for Namjoon to accompany him longer.

He said he was still scared, but honestly, he just wanted to feel the kind stranger's presence longer.


fun fact: la-di da-di was supposed to be one of those bar!au fanfictions

Also subtle!RaKen switching jobs because Ken in a coffee shop and Ravi in a bar is too common wink wink

august 13, 2017

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