Spin-off: 03

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The next night, Namjoon went straight back to the bar. He was glad to find the same bartender from last night, so he got his jacket back, along with a thank you for his actions.

"It was nothing..." He smiles slightly before looking around. "Is your friend... is your friend going to drop by again?"

The man called Ken blinks twice and, if only Namjoon hadn't completely adored the man last night, he would have found Ken's actions cute.

But he had completely adored the man, so that action wasn't as cute as the other's.

He didn't get to ask for his name, Namjoon suddenly remembered.

"Ah him? He doesn't really go to places like this. So last night was an exception since he wanted to de-stress... But know, since that thing happened he probably would be too shaken up to go back for a while."

Namjoon just found himself nodding in understanding, he wasn't planning on drinking tonight, maybe just check up on the guy if he shows up.

"If he does drop by, or if you talk, tell him I said 'hi' and that he should take care of his self." Ken nodded, a soft grin on his face. "Since I probably wouldn't be around much, I need to look for a job." He mumbles, but since it's still around half past seven in the evening and the bar wasn't that busy, Ken heard him clearly.

"You're jobless?"

"I quit." Namjoon counters, before realising his wordings, scratching the back of his head. "Actually I got fired, it was a bad system anyway so I was glad to leave that job." He says instead, Ken nodded again.

"I see, see you around then...?" The grey-haired male trails off.

"Kim Namjoon."

Ken's grin changed, much wider this time. "See you around, Namjoon."

It's been two weeks since that encounter, and as he had said to Ken, Namjoon didn't go to any bar during that time and just focused on job hunting, but most of the jobs that are available: he's either too good for it (not that he's boasting, okay?) or he just knows it won't suit him.

Don't get him wrong, he pretty much can do anything except dancing. That's one thing he knows he still needs a lot of time, effort and practice to improve on, and taking a job that focuses on that one is pretty farfetched.

The morning after Namjoon's encounter at the bar, Hoseok was there in his house as expected. What he did not expect, however, was for Hoseok to announce during breakfast that he had finally flipped and screeched at his now former boss before yelling a final "I QUIT THIS JOB!" and walking out. Not to mention that he had prompted a few more workers to do the same, leaving the poor guy with only one cook and two waiters.

Goodbye performance ratings, Hoseok laughed hysterically, nearly choking on his toast.

It was then Hoseok started to grow busy, since he landed a new job as a choreographer in a not-so-famous but nice idol company, he was employed with a man called 'Bin' (as Hoseok had told, Namjoon wasn't so sure who would call their children that but, anyway) and was away to teach trainees and soon-to-debut idols nearly all day every day.

"Don't overwork yourself." Namjoon reminded, only to receive a grin and a, "I wasn't planning on it." from Hoseok.

The last few days of summer, Namjoon was sitting on his couch as he watched the sky. His head was on the floor and his feet dangling on the backrest of the purple couch when Hoseok bursts into his living room.

"I have a job offering for you!"

He only answered with a guttural groan. Eyes closed when a cloud left.

"What is it?" His voice was low and quiet, he wasn't in the mood for job talk, his sitting position for the past two hours melted his mind and his presence of mind.

"I know someone from the company, he said his writer friend is looking for an assistant," Hoseok explains, but then adds. "Well not really an assistant, you'll be his face."

Namjoon is smart, but he didn't really understand what Hoseok was saying that moment.

"Sure sure, when do I start?"

"You have to meet my friend today. So get your lazy butt up and wash, you stink." Hoseok made a face, yelling when Namjoon's foot suddenly smacked his chin. His answer made Namjoon run to his room and take a quick but decent shower.

Around fifteen minutes later, Namjoon came back down to his living room, where he found Hoseok laying across it, messing with his phone.

"Hey get up, it's the middle of the day weren't you supposed to be teaching that  big-ass group their choreography?" He prodded Hoseok with his feet, smoothing up his shirt.

"They're called Seventeen, Joonie." Hoseok rolled his eyes and walked to the door, tying his sneakers on. "And I already did, we had the practice earlier since I want to accompany you," he paused as he burps, Namjoon making a face at how disgusting he casually did it. "I knew you'd screw up one way or another, gotta be sure."

He finished tying his laces when Namjoon suddenly pushed him out of the door.

"Thanks for believing in me, geez." He mumbles, locking up behind him and they walked down to the bus stop.

"Where are we meeting your friend?" Namjoon asked, paying both his and Hoseok's ticket before they sat down.

"That cosy cafe on the mall's 3rd floor." His friend answered, sending a text on his phone. "Matthew said he's already there."

The younger ran a hand through his faded blue hair as he hums in acknowledgement. "You should dye your hair again." He notes and Namjoon nodded and asked again. "Is your friend nice?"

"Who, Matthew?" Hoseok snorts, locking his device and placing it in his pocket. "He can be a jackass sometimes. But he's still nice. But don't think about him much," Hoseok took a breath, grinning at his friend. "You'd deal with him less than the one you'll dummy for."

And just in time, the bus stopped in front of the mall.

"Alright let's go, I want to buy some iced latte too," Hoseok muttered, walking in a moderate pace with Namjoon close behind.

Once they made it to the café, Hoseok waved at a tall man by the back, a drink in hand. "There he is."

The man stood up when the pair made it to him and bowed as a greeting.

"Hello, I'm Kim Woojin, nice to meet you."


so it was Hoseok that introduced Namjoon into this mess and basically he became busy that he isn't mentioned much after this point orz what have i done I didn't think this through much did i aahahahhehehe

anyway 1 I did change my username so hope you guys weren't surprised and 2 I entered this story into Red and Gold Bangtan awards I hope you guys support hehe

Anyway around 2 more chapters before we finish the backstory *wipes tears* what will my life become now

august 30, 2017

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