Chapter Five

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I don't own the picture belongs to their creator.

I made up my mind. I'll become a ghost.

Once she heard that..La Llorona was stunned and surprised that he wanted to become a ghost like her. But she knew that he didn't see any other option that will allow him to see his friends and family. Thanks in part to those Louds...who are running around like headless chickens. So much..that they actually gave her an opportunity to take Lily away. 

Okay. We will do the ceremony tonight and remember once you do this..there is no going back.

Lincoln looked conflicted when she said that, but he quickly locked that side of him away. If he didn't do this...then how is he supposed to see his friends without running into his "family". A family that will just drag him back, tell him a fake apology and do something else that will make life more difficult for him. 

"I won't back down. Besides I don't want to leave you behind Mom." Lincoln said. 

That's sweet of you. But what about your sister?

"We should do this to her once she's a little bit older. No offense, but I don't want my sister staying a baby for over a century." Lincoln said. He wanted to do this to, but that would just be selfish. His sister deserved the right to grow up a little first before they turned her into a ghost. La Llorona nodded her head at his answer and started to make preparations on turning her son into a ghost.

Meanwhile, The Louds were crowded around Lily's empty crib and dreaded what happened to their baby sister. 

"What kind of mother am I if I managed to lose two babies over the course of two days?" Rita said before breaking down in sobs. The others felt bad for her since they didn't know who took her or what they were planning to do to her.

"Lisa...Do you have any footage of her kidnapping?" Lori asked.

"I should. Just give me a couple of seconds to pull it up." Lisa said as she went to her large computer and opened up the security footage. With most of her sisters looking at her bathroom footage in disgust. 

"Now let's see what happened to our sister." Lisa said as she pushed a button and saw their sister sitting in her crib and hugging Bun Bun. When the footage started to glitch and a couple of seconds later...she was gone.

"What happened to the footage?" Leni asked.

"I don't know. The kidnappers must have had a scrambling device that effects the cameras littered around the house." Lisa said.

"Could it be?" Lucy said quietly to herself. She was sure that Lily was taken by supernatural forces, but...who would hold a grudge against them? Sure, they made mistakes but they can surely make up for them..right? 


After placing his baby sister to sleep, Lincoln followed La Llorona to one of the many rooms in their house. He could feel his heart beating fast in his chest and his blood run cold. Unlike his room, this one was dark and some of the wood was almost rotted away due to age. 

This is where the ceremony takes place my child. Now before we do this...I do have to tell you that there are only two ways to become a ghost.

"Which are?" Lincoln asked.

Sigh...The first way is simple and quick. But if I was to be honest, I wouldn't do it since it involves killing you.

"K..Killing me?" Lincoln shuttered.

Don't worry Lincoln. I wouldn't do that to you. Instead I want you to drink from this.

La Llorona said as she raised a black cup that was filled with reddish black liquid. Lincoln slowly grabbed it and looked inside...wondering how this was going to transform him into a ghost.

This is the second way. What you're holding is a potion that has the sole purpose of transforming people into ghost. It may take some time for it to take effect, but it's the most humane thing that I could do.

Lincoln just looked at her for a couple of seconds before raising the cup to his lips. As it hit his tongue..he struggled to drink it. Mainly because it tasted like his Aunt Ruth's feet and a sweaty gym sock smashed together. It took a while, but he managed to take it down...officially starting his new ghost life with his mother (and eventually his little sister as well).

Author Notes:

How was the chapter?

Any suggestions?

Bye 👋

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