Chapter Four

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After it was discovered that Lincoln ran away, the Louds were driving around trying to figure out where he went. They already searched the house and noticed that he took off with his clothes and some food. Something that didn't help settle their nerves knowing the storm that was bound to happen if anyone knows what they did. So they hoped in Vanzilla and searched for their missing brother/son...unaware that they left someone behind. 

"Poo Poo." Lily said as she looked around her shared room with Lisa. She was hugging Lincoln's stuffed bunny, Bun Bun. The others wanted to throw it away since it was infested with his supposed "bad luck", but quickly changed their minds due to her resistance to giving it up. Especially since it reminded her of her dear older brother who hasn't been around her as of late..which worried her greatly. 

Now they left her behind in the darkness which only served to make her clutch Bun Bun tighter. When suddenly, she heard a couple of footsteps coming up the stairs. Slowly she stared at the door as the footsteps approached her room when they stopped. 

"Poo Poo?" Lily asked as the door slowly started to open and an unknown woman walked into the room. Who was she? Lily didn't know, but for some reason felt like she wasn't a bad person. 

You poor thing. Those people that you call family left you behind. 

"Poo Poo." Lily said again as the woman picked her up with Bun Bun. As the two started to walk away...Lily couldn't help, but feel like this was the last time that she was ever going to see her family again which conflicted her. On one hand, she was sad mainly because she would miss her parents and sisters..who always took good care of her. But on the other hand, she felt like this was a new beginning for her with the added possibility of seeing her beloved brother again. A brother that has often been mistreated by the others for things that weren't even his fault. And even if it was...he was the person who always tried to make it right. 

Slowly Lily closed her eyes and fell asleep ready for the start of her new life. Unaware that her family returned home after an unsuccessful search for their brother/son.

"Where could he be?" Luan asked.

"He couldn't have gone far honey. We'll find him soon." Rita said. As the group entered the house and went to their separate ways. Everyone was ready to relax for a bit before starting the search again...only to be cut off by a scream. As the Louds rushed to see what happened, they heard:


Which filled them all with dread. They lost two family members over the last couple of days. It was like the world was punishing them for something that they did wrong. But what? The Louds didn't know...but one Loud knew that this was the beginning of the end for them. And without the help of their ancestors, none of them will get out of this alive. 

At the same time, Lincoln was sitting in his room reading a book. His new mother had something to do so he figured that he could read one of the books from the library. As he kept reading the pages, he often looked up and then started to read again. Since his sisters barged in and often pulled him away from whatever he was doing. What made it worse was that his parents never scolded them for doing so. And if he tried to make a statement about it..they often called him selfish and grounded him. 

"Sigh...This is the first time that I'm able to read something without any of the noice and distractions coming from the house." He said to himself as he heard his mother call him down the stairs. When he came down the stairs after setting his book to the side, he came face to face with his younger sister.

"Lily! What's she doing here?" Lincoln said.

Your family was trying to find you and left her behind. Poor dear could've been hurt if  I didn't intervene. 

"I should've known. Sigh...So I'm guessing that she's staying here with us." Lincoln said. La Llorona nodded and gave his little sister to him. She never expected to find her alone in the house and decided to hit two birds with one stone. If she took her away, then she wouldn't be in the house when she started to punish the Louds. Plus she wouldn't violate the agreement with their ancestors who didn't want anything to do with the others. 

My child....

"Yes?" Lincoln asked.

I have something to ask you. 

"You're not sending us back to those people are you?" Lincoln asked.

Never. I was actually going to ask if you wanted to become a ghost.

"A..A ghost?" Lincoln asked.

I know that it's a lot to take in. However being a ghost has it's immortality and gaining supernatural abilities.

"But what about my friends?" Lincoln asked.

You can still see them. Without any of the Louds seeing you and dragging you back.

Lincoln looked at the ground and weighed his options. He could stay human and turn a ghost later, but that will take too long (same if Lily was turned into a ghost as well). There was also the fact that he couldn't go anywhere without alerting his former family of his location. Or he could turn into a ghost now and possibly grow older with his sister and never run into his family. But that would mean leaving behind his friends until an unknown amount of time. With his mind made up..Lincoln looked at La Llorona and said:

I made up my mind. I...

Author Notes:

How was the chapter?

Any suggestions?

Bye 👋

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