Chapter Three

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It was early Sunday morning and all of the Loud House residents were just getting up for the day. Everyone was ready to do some family bonding together and prepared Lincoln's suit so he could bless them with good luck. Meanwhile Lucy was still trying to figure out what this unknown force was that was coming to seek vengeance on her family. She wanted to tell someone about it and get their input, but she knew that none of her family would believe her and telling someone else about what their family has done is too risky. Eventually she sighed and sat down at the table, watching as her mother pulled out a bowl and poured some cereal inside it. 

"Leni, Can you give this bowl of cereal to Lincoln?" Rita called out and watched as her daughter lifted the bowl up and walked outside towards the backyard. While the rest of her sisters enjoyed their breakfast and talked about any current events that were coming their way. Only for it to stop once they heard Leni yell to their mother:

Mom, Is Lincoln invisible?

The others slowly looked at each other and wondered what Leni meant. Lincoln was still outside and wouldn't run away...right? 

"What do you mean Leni? Lincoln's still outside?" Rita asked.

"No. He isn't.." Leni said which caused everyone to rush outside and search everywhere for him. When their search proved fruitless, the Louds looked at each other and knew that this wasn't good. Never knowing that this is the beginning of their troubles. 

At the same time, Lincoln woke up and quickly looked around before sighing in relief. He wasn't back at his home with the people who seemed determined to make his life hell. Sure, he'll miss Lily..but other than that, he wouldn't miss the other members of his family. They have truly crossed the line this time and would much rather see them suffer the consequences of their own actions for a change without passing it off it him. 

He was unaware that La Llorona was busy in the kitchen making some food for her child. As she did this, she was thinking of who to punish first for causing her child so much pain and misery (excluding Lily of course). Every single one was despicable in their own right and were such disappointments that none of their ancestors are willing to step in and try to help them. Not like she could blame them considering how they treated their son like some type of good luck charm.

Hopefully this time around my child will finally have a happy life without those LOUDS around.

She said to herself as she carried his breakfast to his room. She was also thinking of transforming him into a ghost and introducing him to a couple of girls that were hanging around. While also thinking of this Ronnie Anne girl and possibly transforming her as well. But she could think about all of this another time since she needed to make sure that her child was well fed and taken care of.


La Llorona waited a couple of seconds before she could hear a quiet come in. She slowly opened the door and noticed that her child looked a little bit uneasy. Almost like he expected her to do something that a true parent would never do to a child. 

I brought breakfast. 

She said as she noticed that Lincoln's eyes light up and he stared at the door like it was sacred. Another fact that she'll make sure to punish the Louds for later. 

"T..Thank you." Lincoln said as he started to eat. He was happy that he was finally able to eat a real breakfast instead of just cereal and scraps. She was someone that would never treat him as his old mother did. Rita always took his sister's side of things like his spineless  father and would never let him get a word in to defend himself. Sure they bonded one time, but unlike the others..she never bothered to spend time with him ever again. 

It was sad that the person who was actually a mother to him was a stranger that he met the night before. But it totally wasn't expected since any kind of respect or trust he had in the woman died when she locked him out of the house without any care of his health and safety. He was still stuck in his thoughts when La Llorana managed to snap him out of it.

Is everything alright my child.

"To be honest, No. I was thinking about my "mother" and how our relationship managed to get destroyed." Lincoln said.

Listen my child, she was never a mother to you. What kind of mother locks you out of the house just for a silly reason as bad luck? What kind of mother follows along with her daughters without a second thought? She has failed you in every way possible and doesn't deserve such a sweet and caring child like yourself.

"I knew it. I always knew that she wasn't a mother to me, but I still had hope that maybe she could change." Lincoln said.

She had plenty of chances to change before like your weak, spineless father...but instead of using them..she decided to waste them. And it's easy to see why..those awards and praises that her daughters received have completely gone to her head. She thinks that everything is perfect when in reality it isn't. But she did do one thing right.

"Which is?" Lincoln asked.

Having you run away and meeting me. I'll be your mother. And unlike her...I'll always be there for you and treat you like you really deserve. Look, I know that you don't really trust me, but....

La Llorona was interrupted by Lincoln jumping up and hugging her. She was stunned for a bit, but quickly hugged him and smiled softly. Her child was safe in her arms and this time...she'll make sure that he will stay there.

No matter what it takes.

Author Notes:

How was the chapter?

Any suggestions?

Bye 👋

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