Chapter Fourteen

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After Lori's scare....Luna started to head out to meet her friend, more like crush, Sam so they can talk about the latest Smoosh concert. She knew that Sam was going to ask questions which made her kinda nervous. Sam had expressed her dislike of anyone who treated their siblings badly....a trait that developed when her little brother, Simon was born. 

"Oh man. What am I going to do?" Luna asked herself as she continued to walk towards her crush's house. As she did so, Luna was unaware that Valak and La Llorona were watching her with sneers on their faces.

I hate how she plans on wooing her crush while leaving her brother to suffer.

Valak stated as she wondered how this girl was one of the closest sisters to La Llorona's son. A fact that made her sin against him worse since she should know better than to follow along with her other sisters.

It's to be expected. Those "parents" of hers never taught her the value of respecting her brother. A fact that irritates their former ancestors even to this day. 

La Llorona said as she remembered the meeting between her and Harriet. They have truly forsaken the Louds, excluding her son and daughter of course, and have allowed her to continue her punishment towards them. If she had to guess...they have disappointed them far too many times which caused them to stop seeing them as one of their own and more like stains against their family line. 

It's not surprising. Have you noticed how they acted in last couple of days when they noticed that their punching bag was gone? It seems to me that they only want him back in order to keep their lives in tact. 

La Llorona nodded to those words since she knew that they were true. Her son's former family didn't care about him and only wanted him back to make sure that no one discovered what they did. It was like they cared more about their reputations then facing what they did to their only son/brother. 

As much as I would like to comment on how disgusting and selfish they are....we need to focus on the task at hand. We need to punish them and our next target is currently walking away as we speak. 

La Llorona said as she snarled at Luna who was still thinking on an excuse to tell her crush, Sam. She could punish that ditzy blonde later...for now she needs to target the sister who always claimed to be his guardian only to fail in every single way. When a devilish thought crossed her mind....and the best part, her crush will be apart of it. 

Meanwhile, Lincoln was reading a book while Lily played next to him. His mother had some errands to run which often left him alone with his sister. However, he didn't mind. La Llorona made sure to spend time and take care of him. A major difference compared to his former parents and sisters who would often mock, brush off or find some excuse to do their own things. 

"Hm...I wonder how they're doing without us." Lincoln mused. He was curious about what his former family were handling themselves without their favorite punching bag around. He knew that he was the center of the family and without him...they would most likely fall apart. Then again, they would most likely stick their nose into his business or do something idiotic and the same routine of forgive and forget would always continue. 

"Linky?" Lily said which quickly snapped Lincoln out of his thoughts. He could think about his former family later...right now, he had to look after Lily. Lincoln had a new life now and wouldn't give that up for the world....and could probably find some girlfriends along the way. 

However, he knew that his needed to visit his friends soon and inform them of what occurred inside that hell hole of a house. A house that was filled with happy memories and pain...with the added bonus of multiple problems that are still with them to this very day. As he held his sister, he quietly vowed to make sure that his sister would never go back to their former family. 

"We will never go back." He said. This was their new life now and he wouldn't trade it for the world. Unaware that some trouble was brewing back in his hometown...


Hope you enjoyed the chapter....Bye 👋

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