Chapter Thirteen

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It has been two days since Lincoln meet Daniella, Georgina, Yuki and Phantasma and he knew that there was a connection between them. However, he didn't want to make a move too fast knowing the consequences of trying to kiss Ronnie Anne. Shaking his head, he remembered that his sisters pushed him to do it for their messed up belief that she liked him.

Speaking of which, he wondered when he'll be able to see her again. He still needed to get control of his new abilities and once he finished...he planned to check in on the people that stayed by his side through thick and thin.

"I'll see them again soon. I just need to get used to these powers." Lincoln said to himself as he started to read one of the many books that La Llorona gave him. She was always supportive of him and allowed him to have a normal childhood. Which meant..No looking after how younger siblings (excluding Lily), having a decent amount of sleep and not having him be his sister's helper 24/7. These were many reasons why he liked her better than his birth parents who often stood by and allowed his sisters to get away with everything. They even took their side during arguments and grounded him for everything that his sisters did. 

Shaking his head, Lincoln left his bedroom to check on his sister. He didn't need to concern himself for thinking about the people who made him miserable in the first place. Besides, he had La Llorona now and she was all the parent that he needed in life.

Meanwhile, Lori was brushing her hair and wondering what is going on. First, she sees that woman in the mirror then Lola had those strange markings on her shoulders. Last, but not least...Luan was sent to the hospital with marks and scratches. Lori wanted to blame Lincoln for this, but knew that he was no where near them. 

"This entire situation is a mess." Lori said. As she exited the bathroom, she noticed something strange: Lincoln's door was open. She thought that no one was allowed to open it as a reminder of the way that they treated Lincoln, but it seems like someone wanted to ruin that.

"I swear, Lynn doesn't know when to quit...." Lori said as she made her way over to the room. When she entered, she noticed someone looking down at the ground on the floor. Lori inched closer, but as she did so...the door slammed behind her making her jump in fright. 

"What in the...." Lori started to say before she heard someone whispering nearby which reminded her that she wasn't alone.

W..y d.. yo..aban...m.?

"Huh?" Lori asked before the whispering grew louder.

Why d.d you aban... me?

Lori was about to say another comment before she finally heard what this person was saying which made her blood run cold.

Why did you abandon me?

"L..Lincoln?" Lori said as she reached her hand towards her little brother before he grabbed her wrist and started to squeeze it hard.

You abandoned me. After all that I've done for you....

"I..It was a mistake. We're sorry for what happened...." Lori tried to plead.

NO. You abandoned me when I needed you. I hate you. I HATE YOU!!!

Lori gasped in shock as her brother lifted his head which showed that he had pale skin and numerous wounds on his body.

You should burn in the pits of hell for what you've done to me.

Lori was too shocked to say anything and closed her eyes in order to trick herself into thinking that this was only a nightmare. When she opened them again....Lincoln was gone which only made her shiver in fright. Looking down, she noticed that her wrist was bleeding. 

As she scrambled away from the room...she knew that things were only going to get worse. Meanwhile La Llorona was looking at the scene with a smirk on her face...these fools had no idea what was going on which was perfect. The Louds will learn that their actions have consequences and that there was no hope of redemption coming for them at the end of the road. 

I wonder if I can get that ditsy blonde girl next...

La Llorona said as she wondered what horrors to give the girl next. She was the closet one towards her son besides that rocker girl and the goth after all. But it all didn't matter...they would all pay for what they did.

No matter what lengths she had to go to in order to teach them a lesson.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter...Bye 👋

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