Chapter 6: The Forgotten

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Roselea watched Sarah as she sat in her father's throne.

"What is so special about this girl?" She said as she watched.

"She is like the other girls that come here. They are spoiled and always wanting attention. They read the book, get the brilliant idea to wish away their child and then they end up here. Some are foolish to run, others just give up." Roselea said as she sat in the same style as her father.

"He pays attention to her more than me!"

Then one of the goblins came up to Roselea.

"But princess, it's been a long time since we have had a runner in the Labyrinth. The king just wants to make sure he is winning."

"But the way he looks at her. And the way he cares for the little baby over there. He cares about them more than his own daughter."

"But princess-"

"But nothing! My father is forgetting me and only thinking about the runner and this child. That's all he is worried about."

The goblin then comes closer to her.

"Princess, the King loves you. He is just busy right now. I bet when he gets back he will pay attention to you."

Roselea looked to the goblin and gave him a half smile. "I hope so..."


Sarah, now in the Oubliette tried to figure out where she was. The dust in the room made her cough and sneeze as she entered it.

"Help! This isn't fair!" She screamed.

"Well that serves you right." A voice came from the shadows and then lit a candle in the middle of the room.

Once the room was filled the best it could with the lit candle, Sarah noticed who it was.



"Where am I?" Sarah asked as she looked at Hoggle.

"You are in an Oubliette. The Labyrinth is full of them. They are everywhere."

"An Oubliette?"

"If I hears right from the princess, Oublier is the word 'to forget' in a different language... Some language in the aboveground. The Oubliette is a place where people forget about you." Hoggle said as he kept pacing in the room.

"Let me guess, that princess made sure that I get forgotten here." Sarah scoffed.

"Oh no, she is not like Jareth. She is actually really nice."

"That's what everybody here says. I feel like everyone is delusional! She is clearly a spoiled brat!" Sarah said as she tries to find an opening in the Oubliette.

"Well everythings in this place is not what it seems, especially the princess."

Sarah scoffed. "Sure... I bet you can't say anything bad about her so that's why you praise her."

Hoggle rolled his eyes. "You are stubborn you know that?"

"Takes one to know one, Hogwart."


Sarah rolled her eyes then looked to Hoggle.

"So why are you here?"

"Well I was going to help you go back to the beginning of the Labyrinth."

"No!" Sarah whined, "I don't need to go back there! I need to get to the center."

"I won't be ables to do that! That there is treason against the Goblin King!"

Sarah sighs as she tries to figure out how she can make a teammate out of Hoggle. Then she notices that on Hoggle's pants there was a bag of what looked like jewels. Sarah also notices she has a bracelet on with plastic gems.

"Maybe I can barder with him." She thought as she took her bracelet off.

"Hoggle, what if I gave you this." She said as she held the bracelet up to let is sparkle a little in the candle light as best as plastic could.

Hoggle was now intrigued. He saw the plastic bracelet and became a little more negotiable. "Oooh what is it."

"It's a plastic bracelet."

"Ooh! Plastic! If you give me that I'll takes you to the beginning of the Labyrinth."

"You were going to do that anyway! I want to get to center. Just please take me as far as you can. Please?" She pleaded with the goblin.

Hoggle thought about it for a moment, then decided to help Sarah. Once he agreed to help her, he found the door on the floor and placed it on the wall. Once he opened it like a normal door, brooms, mops, buckets, and other cleaning supplies fell on Hoggle.

Once he emerged from the pile he cursed to himself then opened it the other way.

"This way, come on. You haven't got all day." Hoggle said as they entered the hallway that was lit poorly by some hatches that only made people drop down, no way back up.

A crystal ball rolled down the hall and into a pail that was a begger's pail.

"Oh this isn't good..." was all Hoggle whispered to himself.

They walked down and followed the crystal till they came to the begger. He was little, stout, and has a really big skinny head that was covered with a huge, rugged hat.

"Ah, what do we have here." His voice was creaky and old sounding.

"Uh... nothing." Hoggle said.

"Nothing? Nothing?" Each nothing became more familiar and the begger began to grow taller. The begger then gripped his face and tore off his mask, revealing the tall, handsome, and well built Goblin King.

"Nothing tra-la-la?!" He said as he shook the disguise and then threw it on the ground. He looked to Hoggle.

"Have you been helping this girl?"

"No your majesty! I was just um..." then Jareth came down to his level. "I's going to take her back to the beginning of the Labyrinth-"

"What?!" Sarah squeeked but Hoggle kept going.

"-Telling her I would get her to the center, a little trickery on my part-."

"What is that plastic thing 'round your wrist?" The Goblin King questioned.

Hoggle then started getting even more nervous. Then he pretended he didn't know what that thing was and how it got there.

"Higgle..." The Goblin King straightened back up.

"Hoggle!" Hoggle corrected.

"Yes... if I thought for one second that you were helping this girl, you would be committing treason against the throne and I would be forced to dip you head first in The Bog of Eternal Stench-"

Hoggle then grovled at the feet of the Goblin King, whining that he didn't want to end up in the bog. Jareth simply kicked him off of his boots and Hoggle hit the wall.

Jareth then went over to Sarah and leaned against the wall and near her. He looked into her eyes with his intimidating mismatched eyes.

"So... Sarah... how are you enjoying my Labyrinth?" He said as he dragged out some words, making him intimidating.

"It's a piece of cake!" Sarah told him. He then conjoured up the thirteen hour clock of the Labyrinth and started winding the clock so she only had eight hours left.

"That's not fair!" Sarah screamed.

"You say that so often... I wonder what your basis of comparison is." He then walked down the hall a little, near the edge of darkness.

"So you say my Labyrinth is a piece of cake. Let's see how you deal with this little slice." Jareth said as he created a crystal and threw it. Mechanical sounds and the sounds of scraping rock echoed in the hallway as Jareth disappeared in the darkness of the hall.

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