Chapter 7: A Piece of Cake

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The Goblin Princess watched the crystal as her father was talking to Sarah.

"It's not fair!" Sarah said and Roselea rolled her eyes.

"Well of course it's not fair! Life isn't fair you pathetic girl!" She said as she sat up and saw the goblins around her.

"Princess Roselea, do not get mad." One goblin said.

"Yes, princess, we like to see our happy princess!" Another said.

Roselea looked at them. They cared about her. They were around her all the time. All her life they cared for her and were happy to help.

"Please be happy again, your majesty!" Another goblin said.

Roselea smiled a little.

You are my sunshine,
My only sunshine.
You make me happy,
When skies a grey.
You don't know dear,
How much I love you.
Please don't take my sunshine away.

The Goblins sang to the princess as she started to cry a little at the display. That was a song her father sang to her, anytime she was sad. He picked it up from the aboveground.

The Goblins then started singing it in round and Roselea would sing. Her beautiful alto voice added the right touch compared to the oddness that was goblin singing.

Jareth flew in and noticed his little rose in his throne. He silenced the goblins and placed a hand under his daughter's chin.

I saw my baby,
Cry as hard as babe could cry.
What could I do?
My babe's fun had gone and left my baby blue.
Nobody knew

Jareth sang under tempo and softly to Roselea.

What kind of magic spell to use...

Slime and snails?
Puppy dogs tails?
Thunder or lightning?

Then Roselea looked up and smiled at her father.

And baby said...

Roselea smiled and then started singing.

Dance Magic
Dance Magic Dance!
Put that baby spell on me!

Jump magic
Jump magic jump!
Put that baby jump on me!

Slap that baby
Make him free!

Roselea hugged her father as the Goblins kept partying and dancing.

"Don't ever be sad, my little rose. You are surrounded by love and I love you. Don't you ever forget that." Jareth said as he kissed Roselea on the forehead.

"I love you too, Father..."


"Oh no! The Cleaners!" Hoggle yelled as he ran. Sarah ran with him and then looked behind her.

There was a very big drill bit looking contraption with millions of whirling blades that twirled while the drill spun.

Sarah ran with Hoggle, until he fell. She then came back for him even though he said no, but she didn't want to leave him to fend for himself with The Cleaners.

They ran until they came upon a locked gate. They kept shaking the gate, hoping it would break open.

"You really got his attention now! The Bog of Eternal Stench, The Cleaners! And its all your fault!" Hoggle yelled as they kept trying to open the gate.

Sarah looked around franticly and she found a wall that looked like it could easily be broken. She then took Hoggle's hand and went to the wall. They started pushing all the wall until it fell over and they were safe from the cleaners.

Then they were able to find a ladder that led them to the center of a hedge maze. They were coming out of a tarra cotta pot.

"That's it! I quit." Hoggle said as he came out of the pot. "Jareth scares me and I don't need to be dipped into The Bog of Eternal Stench."

"That's not fair! You said you would take me as far as you could." Sarah said as she got out of the pot.

"This is as far as I can. You are on your own."

"That's really not fair." Sarah said as she tried to reason with Hoggle. After a bit more arguing she notices a red cloth pouch that jingled as he walked. That was where he kept his treasure, such as jewels and coins.

Sarah grabbed it and teased Hoggle with it.

"That's not fair! Thems my jewels!"

"You are right, it's not fair. This place isn't fair." Sarah said as she places the bag on her belt loop on her stone washed jeans.

Suddenly out of nowhere, an old man was seen by Sarah and Hoggle. He was heading to his stone chair.

"Excuse me sir, but can you help me?" Sarah asked the old man as he sat in his chair.

"Oh? A young woman... And who might this be?" The old man said as he looked at Hoggle.

"He is a friend."

"Oh... ok, what may I help you with, young lady?" The old man said. The bird hat on top of his head was chattering as the old man talked.

"Won't you be quiet?!" The man scolded to the bird.

"Ok..." said the bird

"Now what do you seek?" The old man asked.

"Do you know how to get to the center of the Labyrinth?" Sarah asked, hoping that the wise old man could help her.

"Well... young lady..." the old man dragged on for a little while trying to find the words...

"You may seem like you are getting nowhere when you really-"

"-Are!" The bird quickly chimmed in.

"...Are..." The man said, annoyed then he continued. "Sometimes the way forward is the way back." Then the man fell asleep as Sarah tried to figure it out in her head.

"Well if that wasn't brain power, and I think that was your lot. Leave a contribution in the box." The bird said as the man pulled out a beggars box.

Sarah was about to grab something out of Hoggle's sachel but he whined and convinced her to not do that. She instead took the ring off her finger and put it in the box.

"Why did you say I was your friend?" Hoggle asked as he walked with Sarah.

"Because you are. You are the only one I have in this place." Sarah said as they walked away.

Hoggle questioned her actions but then a huge roar came from the hedge maze and he ran off.


"She made it through your curve ball, Father." Roselea said as she watched Sarah and then took it away.

Jareth was holding Toby in his arms, all content and happy. Roselea looked up at her father and didn't really like that he was taking a liking to Toby. He sometimes didn't answer Roselea. He was usually busy watching Toby or Sarah.

Roselea then decided to go look through her fruit basket. She had picked fresh fruits that morning before Toby and Sarah came to the Underground.

She came back into the throne room with her basket. It was filled to the brim with apples, pears, plums, and peaches.

"So Sarah actually survived The Cleaners..." Jareth said as he set Toby back down with the goblins.

"She did. And now she is just going to still try to find the center of this Labyrinth." Roselea said as she chose a green apple from her basket.

"I doubt she will be able to find the center. There are wild creatures about in the Labyrinth."

"Lots of them. I was planning on heading back into the Labyrinth and visit our little runner."

"Be careful if you are going near those Fireys..."

"Of course, Father. I'll be okay." Roselea said as she turned into an owl and flew into the Labyrinth.

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