e i g h t e e n t h ♂

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A/N: This chapter contains extreme violence. Please read at your own risk.




Streams of light slowly seeped into my blackened sight, disrupting my peaceful slumber. As I fluttered my eye open, the bright light somewhat blinded my vision, so I tried to use my hand for a protective shield, but for no reason, my whole arm was restrained in place, as if something was holding it down. I squirmed, but nothing happened. I also began to feel the hard surface beneath me, which was supposed to be comfy and all.

What the fuck is going on? I forced my muscles to at least make a single motion, but none of them obliged to my command. Even my legs were immobilized right on their spot.

Regardless, I was able to turn my head over to my side to see what was going on. That was when I knew, all my arms were stretched out and strapped down by tightened straps. I didn't expect this at all, and my breaths were getting more heavy and fast. Calm the fuck down, Ed and don't start panicking. First, you have to figure out where the hell is this, then you can find ways to get the fuck out of here.

I pushed myself to haul my body up. When I looked over my surroundings, there were literally nothing but complete blackness. I couldn't see beyond the darkness, no matter how hard I tried to concentrate, despite the fact that there was a light source that shone upon me. I also managed to see my legs were bounded pretty tight, rendering them useless.

What... Where is this...?

Despite the bondage, I had been attempting ways to set myself free. I tried to loosen the straps, or even try to slip my hands off them as slowly as possible, but none of the plan worked. In the middle of doing this, I suddenly heard someone chuckling, sounding as if it was just near my place.

"God, you're finally awake." It said. "You've been out for hours, dude."

I immediately shot my head up, frantically trying to identify the source of the voice. There, I noticed a blurred outline of a figure emerging from the dark. The characteristics were still too vague, but based on the build, I immediately knew that it was a human. Now, that the light shone against figure, I could see his appearance clearly, and there, I froze on the spot and stopped what I was doing.

He was wearing a silver hat, with nicely trimmed black hair and a pair of brown eyes. They were supposedly warm and welcoming, but now, they screamed sadistic and were completely the opposite of what I saw days earlier. Despite so, I instantly recognized him.

"...Ra..." I tried to force my words out of my throat, but I firstly choked on them. I swallowed most my saliva, but when I saw that he was holding a pair of scissors, my heart started to pound hard, and I felt like I was going to hyperventilate. "...Raphael...?"

"Sup." Raphael greeted, grinning in a sinister manner. He began snipping his scissors, and those noises made my body tensed up further. I kept my gaze fixed on the scissors as he grew even nearer, as my chest heaved up and down. I felt cold sweat forming on my forehead, trickling down my skin.

I didn't say anything, nor did he.

He only smiled ominously at me, and that was when I noticed that more figures started appearing. As they got nearer, I realized that they were everyone: Seb, Florence, Alyssa, and even Rena. All of them had, disturbingly, the same exact expressions as Raphael. They didn't do anything; they just stared down at me.

"Rena, what the fuck is going on...?" I asked, but she didn't reply. She remained stoic, standing beside Seb and kept her smile, but her blue eyes spurted with hatred. My body soon trembled at her stare, despite the straps holding me down.

"She won't listen to you, Chris. Quit it." Raphael interrupted me. "She's well better off with Seb than being with you."

His response stirred flames inside of me. I bared my teeth and clenched them tight, and if it weren't for the straps, I would already have thrown my fist right at his face. I might even break a tooth or two from his mouth, if I have the power too.

There's still some hope. I told myself.

I turned my attention towards Rena, who was still on her place. Inside, I was hoping that she replied the opposite, or at least do something that might help me get out. Instead, she simply nodded, as if she was agreeing with Raphael, without any forms of hesitation. At her reply, I widened my eye, as my heart shook with terror.

...Everything seemed to be falling apart...

"I told you, Chris, yet you are still stubborn." Raphael smirked. "I heard that you made her heartbroken. Awh man, what did you do to the poor girl?"

"Piece of shit!" I yelled. "Go rot in a hole!"

I pushed to the best of my effort. I wriggled and squirmed, trying to wipe that fucking smirk out of his face. I wanted to punch this fucker so badly.

"Well, that's enough us babbling around," he said as he raised the scissors, "let's get to the fun part!"

The sharp object glinted due to the light, and at the sight of it, every of my actions ceased, even the anger. For a moment, it was all blank. Then, everything rushed back into the corners of my mind, including the flashback of the scissors on ground, entirely bloodied. My body recoiled at the memory, as my unstable breaths grew louder by each second, so did the sounds of my heartbeat.


This is not happening...

I shook my head furiously, even though I knew nothing will happen.

"They said that blue eyes are the prettiest, you know." Raphael complimented, using a handkerchief to rub his scissors. "They're used in a lot of things."

"Stop..." I muttered between my teeth, before I writhed again, trying to loosen up the straps. I kept my gaze fixed on him as he was still wiping his scissors off dirt. I felt my eye dilating with fear, and every inches of my body shook tremendously.

"Well, I successfully pulled out your left eye four years ago," Raphael said, as his hand reached out for my bangs, and brushed it away, revealing the scarred eye underneath, "but I didn't get to pull the right one. Now it's my chance..."

I hyperventilated as he neared his scissors towards my sight. Waves of throbbing pain conquered my ribs as I took rapid breaths. It was as if someone pressed on it hard. My head severely ached from the breathing and all, and this caused me not to think clearly.

All the memories of that day flowed into my brain, and I could even still remember how the scissors clearly went through my eye.

"No!" I screamed, as tears brimmed my sight. "NO!!! STOP IT!!!"

"Sst, Chris, stop squirming around! It won't take long, I promise." Raphael convinced as he secured his sight with lab googles. "It might hurt a little, but the next minute you will feel peace."

"NO!!!" I screamed.

I squeezed my eye shut and looked away, but then someone suddenly forced it open with its fingers. The last thing I saw was Raphael forcing my eye open with everyone grinning, before he forcefully thrusted the scissors through it.


Excruciating pain instantly rocked my body as I inevitably let out a blood-curdling scream. It was as if someone placed seared rocks against my eye, as the burning, unbearable agony conquered every corners of my body. It also felt like someone cracked open my skull with a large hammer, as my brain had an intense aching that I could no more handle. In the midst of the agony, I could hear everyone laughing, enjoying the sight.


More waves of pain crashed against me as I felt the cold metal started going deeper. I kept screaming, even though my throat had been pushed through its limits, and so it felt like someone was ripping it off. My screams never ceased, especially when the scissors started twisting around, hearing both my flesh and eyeball tearing apart.


My entire voice finally cracked after screaming for so long, and the only sounds I made were gurgling noises.

"Ah.. garrgh... ggg... urghh...."

The scissors eventually left, but it brought the eyeball along, based on its squishing and squeaking noises. I also managed to hear Raphael chuckling as everything around me started to cease. Of course I gladly welcomed the abyss, as to free myself from all of the excruciating pain.

"He.. h... he..."

I tried to whisper out a word before succumbing into the eternal darkness, but I didn't make it. The next thing I knew was that I didn't hear anyone anymore.



I shot out from my spot, finally realizing that the straps didn't hold me down any longer. However, as I kept squirming, gravity abruptly forced me to land on the floor, hard. Upon the collision, I grunted as it the fall inflicted my shaking bones, but I was able to tolerate it. It was nothing compared to the pain I had suffered.


I didn't even know what I am doing.

I just mindlessly ran, and didn't even bother to look at the objects below my feet. When I crashed upon something, I loudly yelped and as a result, I slipped onto the floor. My breaths were still as extreme as earlier, and my stomach kept churning with might, causing the contents inside to shoot up my throat.

I coughed and hacked, when I couldn't hold it any longer, I vomitted right into the floor. When I fluttered my eye open, there was a mixture of bile, bodily fluids and the remains of my digested food from yesterday. However, I wasn't bothered at the sight at all, I was focused on the fact that I...

...I can see...

I can still see...

I instinctively but lightly pressed my hand against my right eye, and it was still there, and there were no signs of blood nor severe damage. Scanning around the familiar area, I noticed my bed, my study table, my closet and my wardrobes. Raphael and the others fortunately disappeared as well, stranding me here.

It... it was a dream...?

Even though I knew that it wasn't real, I still have trouble catching my breath. I was forced to clamp my mouth when a feeling of nausea struck me.


A voice shouted as the door suddenly swung open. I snapped my head towards it, and saw both of my parents coming in. Mother was literally horrified when her gaze wandered at the vomit, while Father quickly jumped through the mess I made and crouched beside me. They were probably awaken all of my pained screams the whole night.

Father wrapped his arms around my shaking body, pulling me closer to him. He gently tapped my back as I was on the process of recovering from the shock.

"Sst, it's just a bad dream, son... Calm down." He whispered softly into my ears.

Listening to these words, eventually triggered every of my feelings to spill out. Tears quickly decorated my cheeks as I quietly sobbed in his embrace, while Mother decided to join in, imparting me the warmth I had been craving. I clenched my fingers tight on his shoulders, digging my nails hard into his clothes.

The searing pain lingered inside of me, but as time passed, it finally faded away. My breaths finally slowed down, and I was able to gain much oxygen to think straight. It was just a nightmare, but it was twice as worse as those I have in the past. Not only did it feel realistic, but it seemed to be realistic. Thankfully, it was only a product of my imagination that I could snap out of, and that I could get back to the real world safely.

When I felt relaxed, I finally released myself off their grasp. I sat down on the floor, blinking myself off the tears that I had shed earlier. Each of their respective eyes gazed worriedly at me as I lowered my head to the ground.

"Sorry for waking both of you up." I mumbled, and pushed myself to stand up.

"It's fine, darling." Mother answered, while a sweet but thin smile flashed across her face. Father decided to join in, but later on, he rubbed his sagging eyes. He was probably still tired and exhausted after all of his works last night.

"Sometimes, nightmares can be real terrifying too, son." He commented. "What is it about this time?"

"Just a terrible one." I answered, swallowing the lump on my throat and stared off to the distance. "Don't worry about it, I could just forget it."

"...Is it about the past?" Mother questioned, and at the last word, it struck me real hard. I didn't answer her, and kept ogling at the floor tiles.

"Ed..." She reached out, concerned. "You really need to continue your therapy sessions. Once those disturbing thoughts had disappeared, doesn't mean you're already free from them."

She's right.

I'm not even freed from the past.

I'm that a clueless guy who will never move on, no matter what I do.

I had been through countless of treatment with the therapist for months. They worked, and when I thought those events had been under control, I decided to quit and resumed my days as usual. I thought everything will be fine, but then at a random time, those past events will be brought back to me in an instant and the old me was back.

It will just be the same.

"No, mom." I refused, shaking my head. "I'm good."

"Ed, stop forcing yourself."

"No, I'm not." I said. "I'm seriously fine. It's just a nightmare that I could forget."

"Christopher, listen to your mother." Father supported. "We're all worried about you, even Lucas and Katherine."

"I'm fine, alright?!" I snapped. "For fuck's sake...!"

"Watch your language." Father's firm voice echoed throughout the room.

"Yeah, I'm sorry." I retorted, trying to clear the mess that I made. I pulled a lot of tissue from the box and used to wipe the puke I had thrown up.

Jesus, they surely made profanities like it was a big deal.

While Father sighed heavily and scratched his head, Mother's look on me didn't change a bit. There were a lot of wrinkles in her forehead, as she straightened her lips. When I inspected her closely, her green eyes clearly glittered with worry.


07:21 AM

I had rolled several times in my bed, simultaneously casting off the memory.

Regardless, I wasn't able to sleep at all, and I remained alert and on guard until the next morning. When I heard birds chirping outside my window, I covered myself with my blanket to shut them off. I put myself in a fetal position, still feeling a bit sick from the dream that night.

As time went by, I have no intentions to move further from my room, nor my bed. I just lie there, doing nothing but playing with my phone. I checked Facebook for updates, but there were no new posts from my friends, even Seb himself, which was pretty surprising.

I wonder what happen...

...huh, why should I care about Seb, anyway? He can go fuck himself.

A few minutes later, I set the phone on the nightstand, finally moving my ass off the bed and do something. As my feet touched against the floor, I slightly hopped off, before walking towards my table and hovered over my pictures. One of them was recent; it was the cheery picture of Rena and I made from the photobooth.

I took the photograph from its place and observed it closer. Both Rena and I were smiling as we posed for the camera, decorated with brilliant, joyful stickers. Even if it was only a picture, I could still imagine both of us playing at the game center, having fun and all. It was before Raphael came into being then ruined everything. If it weren't for him then I wouldn't have gotten so upset at Rena yesterday.

I realized myself tensing up, my fingers pressed hard against the photo. Before I have any regrets, I placed the photo on the spot where I last left it and stepped back. There, I found myself going for the closet and opening it. The first thing coming out was Ted, the only doll I have, since it lifelessly dropped right in front of me.

Flashbacks of my late friend, Adelynn, began playing in my vision. However, all the happy moments I had done with her didn't last long, when suddenly, an image of her bloodied corpse seeped through.

Obviously it freaked the fuck out of me, and subconsciously, I breathlessly tossed the doll across my room, hitting the other side of the wall. It came tumbling down, landing face-first onto the ground. I panted for a while, and shook my head to regain my full control.

I have to get that fucking graphic image out of my mind. It always scared the shit out of me.

But how...?

Unexpectedly, my phone suddenly blared its ringtone out, indicating that someone was calling me. Ugh, who called me this time?

I slowly ambled towards my phone, identifying the name of the caller. Pulling the gadget closer, I read the name of the caller printed on the screen.


Speak of the devil.

Firstly, I was frazzled as to why the fuck would he call me when he knew something happened between us. The confusion then quickly turned into wrath, as I recalled him being the main cause of bringing Rena into this so-called mess. I quickly hung up his call.

I knew that in a few minutes, he would call again, so it would be better to confront him via text. Straightaway, I went to his message board, and typed in my response, then punched send.

Don't fucking call me.

I didn't expect Seb to reply that fast.

I'm outside your house.

At the text message, I immediately rolled the curtains aside and peeked through the window, for confirmation. Unfortunately, he was telling the truth, as he was standing outside the gate, alone and carrying something on his hands.

His facial features softened when my mother appeared from the doors.

He's fucking here...


A/N: Geez, amidst the fight they had, Seb suddenly visited Ed's house! What the heck is he thinking? Hmm... you have to tune it next week to find out. Hehe :p

Hope you enjoy this chapter! This chapter was really gory, even though it's only in Ed's dream, and hence the R+16 rating xD

- Tara

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