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The wind that had been blowing against my face grew unusually hefty. Strange, because from what I remembered, I didn't really blast my air conditioner. Even if it brought a part of my consciousness back to being, I decided not to mind with the mysterious change and tried drifting myself off to sleep. However, the more time passed, the larger the wind, which eventually shot me back to reality.

I groaned quietly as I slowly flutter my eye open, despite its refusal at first. Everything was still quite foggy, but when bright lights suddenly pierced my sight, I quickly covered it with my arm, as to reduce the intensity. I recalled turning off the lights before going to bed, so someone must have flicked the lights on and messing out with my sleep.

Adjusting myself to the brightness, I finally got to see what was going on. The ceiling was the first thing I saw, but it didn't seem to belong to my room. It was totally unrecognizable, the color was immaculately white, and not to mention, at closer look, there was no end to it. What the hell is going on here? How did I manage to end up in this... room?

If it was, it wasn't a typical room most people would have.

Forcing my body to a sitting position, I rubbed my eye, making sure that it wasn't merely hallucinations playing with me. As I began to observe again, everything stayed the same. Not only the ceiling, but the entire area, including the floor I had been lying on, was completely white. To add more, there were no walls that surrounded me.

There were so much questions filling my head, each and every of them demanding to be answered. However, the only way to answer these was to stand up and explore the place.
The unusual wind that woke me up tousled my hair, but upon a closer hearing, I thought I heard words; words as though it was whispering me something. I didn't know what it was talking about, but I felt like it was asking me to get up and move. The more I stayed, the louder the muffled whispers got. Ultimately, it drove me.

I rose up to my feet, and started walking. All of my senses were fully alerted, and I was completely ready for any sudden attacks or noises that might come after me. Over the course of the journey, I have seen nothing odd in particular, however, it was not until long before something caught my attention.

From the left side of my peripheral vision, there was a faint blob that wasn't white like the others, which quickly caught my attention. Immediately, I perceived it as a clue to identify this place, or at best, it was the door to get away from here.

I immediately turned my head to face the figure. It looked tangible and did not exhibit any characteristics of an apparition, so I was positive that it was real. Despite so, it was so far away that I couldn't make out what it was, no matter how much I tried squinting my eye. All I knew, the blob appeared to be like that of a normal human.

There was nothing inside my head but the strong urge to investigate the figure. At first, something was telling me not to come after it, so there were so much hesitation, but I couldn't take my thoughts out of it regardless.

You shouldn't have ignore it. It might be a good clue... to something.

I wondered, while consuming all the fears that had been building up inside of me. I shouldn't let it get the best of me, but I was partly expecting for the worst to happen. However, I knew I could maintain a safe distance away from it, and nothing will happen. Furthermore, I shouldn't got so distracted.

In the end, I ambled closer to the figure. The more it neared, the more clearer it got and the more humane it was. I ultimately stopped at a certain point, merely inches away from it, and began to mark each and every of its details. I sensed no ominous vibe, nor did it seem to be ready to attack anyone on its line of sight. Looking even closer, it was, indeed, a human.

A girl, to be exact.

Her back was facing me, so it was a relief since it would mean lower chances of getting caught. She possessed bright, lavender hair that stopped right on her shoulders, gently soaring along with the wind. Its ends were trimmed neatly albeit slightly wavy. Due to the white background, the color of her hair was what made her easily recognizable.

Another feature was that, she was dressed in a dark apparel; a short, black cape that draped most of her back and a midnight dress that flowed freely through her body.


For some reason I knew her, and I remembered seeing her somewhere else...

I found myself getting drawn towards her, despite the fact that I knew I shouldn't have. An unknown force was dragging me towards her, as if she was some sort of a magnetic field. Now, I couldn't control my footsteps anymore, like someone was possessing me. I tried stopping on the way, but to no avail.

The familiar girl slowly whirled her body towards me, while simultaneously placing her arms were placed behind. I quickly stopped on the spot, as I finally got to see her recognizable face.

L... Lynn...?

The name quickly popped out in my head as soon as she revealed herself.

Why is she here...? Did she...

I didn't finish the sentence.

She adopted the same hairstyle from back then; I still remembered the style of fringes that were cut straightly. However, her sapphire eyes appeared to be darker in tone than before, and looked it lost focus, albeit staring right at me. Her eyelids were loose, and the corner of her lips were slightly pulled down.

She looked... distressed...

I started walking again, but this time, I was a little bit faster than before. One of my arms reached out towards her direction, as if I was trying to grab her. However, for no apparent reason, I never got to reach her nor did I had the chance to at least touch her...

"Ed..." Lynn called me out, her lips mouthing the same word that I was hearing her. My heart quickly wrenched and dropped drastically, especially when I noticed the pain on her voice. My stomach slightly twisted, while I felt a stinging infliction spreading through my veins.

Lynn, I'm sorry...

I ruined all of your dreams and life...

I ruined your family...

I ruined your friends...

I ruined everything...

It's my fault...

I tried my absolute best to reach out for her. A foggy air gradually surrounded her, causing her to fade away from my sight. In less than in a minute, she was gone, and my hand that extended out towards her never got to reach her. The next thing I knew next was agony devouring my bones and muscles, before everything blackened out.

I'm so sorry... Lynn...


I immediately snapped out of everything, as a faint gasp broke loose from down my throat. I tore my eye open as I heavily breathed in and out, retrieving back the oxygen I had subconsciously knocked out.

Pants entered and escaped fast from my mouth, as sweat dripped quick from my forehead. I was still extending my hand towards the ceiling, which, to my notice, wasn't white anymore. I scanned around, realizing that I was still in my room.

Looking at my bed, I saw Ted lying right beside my me. At first, I freaked the hell out, wondering how the fuck did this doll ended up in my bed. Later, I recalled bringing the doll to bed with me, as I had been feeling so sentimental yesterday.

Ugh... must be another dream... I quickly pulled back my arm and shut my eye. Fuck... what is it with dreams and me...

The morning sun's rays diffused through the curtains, slightly brightening my darkened room. There were birds singing and chirping outside, signalling that it was another new day to confront.

Sighing, I gradually crawled out from the bed, with my legs cramping out. I decided not to mind the numbness and stumbled towards the mirror beside the table. Once in there, I ran my hands through my hair, which was fortunately soft and smooth. I wiped the sweat off with my hands, and straightened up my wrinkled tanktop.

I gazed hard at the mirror while my own reflection stared back, with the same intensity. Like what Seb often told me, I did look like shit every morning: the bag underneath my eye was sagging, my skin was pale, my clothes were straight from thrift shops and my hair looked as if I just have a rough sex last night.

I huffed loudly, and attempted to brush my hair to straighten them once more, but some strands kept standing up. In the end, I just gave up and hopped back to the bed, but not before I realized that Ted had fallen onto the floor. I quickly picked the doll up, brushing the dirt away.

I ogled at the doll, which reminded me of the saddened Lynn back at the dream. My heart throbbed at the abrupt flashback, especially when she sounded so depressed as she called me out. My fingers clenched tight on the furs of the doll, as I lowered my head down.

Maybe, she wanted me to visit her today... I thought, looking at my feet. Even if I had did it a week ago, I felt a compelling push telling me to do so.

In that way... I can also learn to accept my past...


08:28 AM

"Are you seriously visiting Lynn, like right now?" That was what Seb asked for the fucking second time, inducing me to roll my eye. I was hastily wiping my body with my towel and wearing my boxers.

"No, I'm going to the fucking moon." I answered brusquely, glowering straight at the phone screen, where my friend was there. He was lying on the bed, with half of his clothings stripped away.

Well not really. Seb just had his shirt unbuttoned, showing off his 'well-build' chest. My best guess was that it was for his Facebook post, which hadn't been updated since days ago, and his fans had been searching for his existence. Way to make me throw the hell up.

"Jesus Christ, how would you get there, man? You're gonna need a hella lot of permission, not to mention, you need to rent NASA's rocket." Seb's eyes widened as his mouth went agape with mock horror. Seeing it made me wish that my hand could teleported to the other side of the phone, and closed his ass of a mouth.

"Clean your ears the next time you call me." I snapped. While so, I thoughtlessly took out a navy hoodie from the closet, and worn it over my torso. It was a great choice, because I had not worn it for the past few weeks.

"Calm your tits down, dude. God, you're really cranky today." His deep breaths could be heard clearly, before he chuckled. "I'm just playing around."

"Then don't." I pulled the hoodstrings while looking at the mirror, making sure they each had the same length. Satisfied by it, I pulled up my dark blue jeans. "I'm not in the mood of fucking around with you."

"Fine, I'd be serious now." He finally listened, and I finally have some freedom to sigh. "Why did you have to visit Lynn again, Ed? We all had done it last week."

"... Just an urge." There was a pause at first as I thought for a credible answer.

"Well, would you like for me to accompany you?" Seb offered, as I watched him gently getting off the bed. He placed the phone on the table, so that its front camera faced the ceiling. I could still see Seb's head peeking into the screen, as he started to button up his clothes.

"If you have the time to." I murmured. "You have a lot of projects to do, right?"

"Yeah, I did, but I'm nearly finished with them, so I can just relax for a while." He explained.

"I would be waiting in front of the cemetery if you're coming." I finished grooming with myself, before folding the blankets up. I threw the pillow and bolster at their right places and placed Ted gently on the corner of the mattress.

"I will be there, don't worry." Seb gave me a small smile. "Are you going to buy flowers?"

"No." I answered. "I brought flowers last week."

"Well, if you don't, I guess I won't bring anything. How about asking Mrs. Whiteside's permission? Have you done that?"

"She said we're free to visit her anytime, Seb." I answered. I texted Lynn's mother before taking a shower, and she said that we actually didn't need their acknowledgement at all.

"Oh that's cool. Well, I gotta tidy up myself, so see ya, man."

"You too." I muttered, before pressing off the red button to end the call.

Next, I slipped in both of my phone, iPod and earphones in the front pocket, while I slid my wallet in my back one. Making sure that I didn't leave anything behind, I skimmed throughout the room, before eventually, I turned off the lights and left. In the middle of the way, I saw that Lu's room was still dark, based on the bottom of her door. It was still half past eight, anyway, so clearly she was still asleep.

When I finally reached the first floor, Myla welcomed me, as usual. She licked my fingers and jumped in a manner, so I picked her up and wrapped my hands around her soft furs. She lolled her tongue, and with her fast breaths, her minute, black eyes glittered as it looked upon me.

...Reminds me of Lynn...

I saw Mother, carrying a small handkerchief on her arm, coming out from Katherine's room. For a brief moment, I could still see Katherine sprawling her feet on the blanket and her long blonde hair spread all over her pillow. Her loud snores were unbearable to hear, but they became faint when Mother closed the door.

"Mom, I'm going out." I announced, and quickly, her gaze trailed at me. I thought her green eyes flashed in less than a second, but I shrugged it off.

"... Sure, go ahead." Mother allowed me, without any signs of hesitation. "Who are you going out with?"

"Just Seb."

"Okay, have fun, Ed." She gave me a warm smile, before going to the kitchen.

Seeing this, Myla quickly propelled her hind legs, which forced me to let her go of my grasp. The dog barked as it quickly propelled towards where Mother had been, probably she sensed her morning food.

Kei, Lu's zebra finch, had been on the cage since days had passed. It seemed to be refusing to come out even if its door was wide open, unless Lu loudly whistled on it. I broke my gaze from the cage and stepped out of the house.

Closing the gates behind me, I placed the hood over my head and took long steps. Today, thick, gray clouds prevented a part of the streaming sunlight and covered most parts of the blue skies; a distinct sign that it would rain soon, but I had no idea when. Due to such unfavorable weather, the visit should be as timely as possible before the pouring began. In other words, I should be fast.

Arriving at the bus station, my pace quickly grew into strides as the bus that I would be riding for thirty minutes was already stopping there.

Fucking hell... I walked as fast as I could, to the point where I felt like I was running. Come on Ed, or else you have to wait for fifteen or twenty minutes straight...

The driver was closing its doors, I managed to arrive on time and slip effortlessly through the gap. The latter simply gazed at me with a ridiculous look, as if he saw pigs fly. He then took my fare, and in the corner of my vision, I saw him shaking his head. I cared less about what he thought, and simply went back of the bus as it started to move.

The rest of the ride was basically silence. No one was speaking; they were either blasting their music off with their earphones just like me, taking a short nap, or simply playing their phone. There was a couple that sat diagonally of me, and they were peppering kisses on each other's lips or cheeks. I tried not to pay attention on them, and stuck my face on my iPod.

I usually never mind about public display of affections, such as holding hands, hugs and flirtings. I have seen this at the mall, the park, and even at school, and I didn't give a damn. However, if they were to kiss and shit, they should do it somewhere private and not in public. Honestly, watching paint drying would be 100 times better than watching them making out.

I never felt this uncomfortable before, and it was really getting on my nerves. After an unbearable minutes of me stealing glances between my phone and them, I decided to quietly moved seats, probably to the front.

Ugh... I groaned mentally, changing the song. Have some dignity, you two... Get a fucking room or something...

Nothing happened for the rest of journey; only the sound of my favorite, Coldplay music filled my ears. When my destination was gradually here, I allowed an old man to board the bus first, before I disembarked. From the window, I could still see the same couple, now snuggled up together.

I rolled my eye and started walking as the bus sped away. I placed my hands on my hood pocket, where my iPod was, and started walking towards where the cemetery was.

Thanks to that couple, I felt so much crankier today.

Seb was not there the moment I arrived, so I decided to stand by the gate, slightly leaning against the fences. There were no other visitors other than me, although this was understandable because it was still early in the morning. I immersed myself on the music until my friend eventually showed up.

His mouth broadened into a small grin once he approached me.

He had a change of clothes, adopting the same style as the Sebastian I knew. He was dressed in a simple polo shirt, tucked underneath his jeans that was neatened up with a belt. A metal watch was strapped on his left hand, adding more to his elegant, luxurious vibe. His silver hair was glossy underneath the light, as if he wore an excessive amounts of wax.

"I was about to tell you to change your clothes because I thought that didn't suit well," Seb initiated, "but the more I look, the more it matched."

"Stop judging me." I grunted, pulling my hood off my head. "I'm aware of my bad taste of clothes, but I'm trying my best here. You have no choice but to deal with it and grow the fuck up."

"Dude, I wasn't criticizing you man! I said that it looked good on you!" He insisted, in the midst of his chuckles. He then waved his hand as a sign of dismissal. "Trust me, you improved and looked even more better than back then."

I didn't reply anything, as we both entered the cemetery together.

"I'm still wondering, what brought the change, though?" Seb began. "You used to give zero fucks about clothes and simply dress yourself without thinking too much."

"I don't know, probably because of your complains." I shrugged, looking at the skies. "That or I automatically changed."

"Automatically? Wow okay, what a way to describe it."

"It happens, Seb." I looked at him. "People changed over time."

"You said that like thousand of times." He commented. "Like I don't get it already."

"Probably because you don't. You're a dense idiot after all."

"Look in the mirror, and see who's more dense." Seb playfully slapped my shoulder. "Well, no matter what, though, Lynn's still right."

"Lynn...?" At the mention of her name, I quickly turned around to face him. "What about her...?"

"She told me you're that one stubborn, sarcastic guy who will turn into a mush whenever when you're given so much love and comfort." Seb winked. "Like what Ren did to you."

I sneered on the outside, but on the inside, a tingling feeling tickled me.

"Didn't you learn in basic physics?" He continued. "Warm air is always attracted to cold air, just as Ren is attracted to you. It's the simplest law of thermodynamics."

"I know."

I kept looking away from him as our feet crunched through the grasses, creating noises at the silent graveyard. Rena... she sure helped me through all of my shit.

"Ed, Seb? You guys are out here again?"

We were about to reach Lynn's grave, but not before a voice suddenly interrupted both of our actions. It scared the living shit out of me, because I didn't expect anyone to know nor call me, but I managed to keep my composure.

Seb and I turned towards the source of the voice, and there stood a boy our age, looking straight at both of us. He was holding a bouquet, and was placing his dyed orange hair behind his ears that were decorated with cross earrings. Both of his eyebrows raised up in surprise.

It took my brain time to register who this person was.


A/N: Hmm... I wonder who the person was... but well, you guys probably had known xD

Anyway, this is such a long chapter but it took so much time, so thank you so much for the wait and read! Hope that you enjoy it, and don't forget to leave your thoughts, comments and a vote!

Hoping to see you all again next week!

- Tara

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