t h i r t y - t h i r d ♂

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A/N: Video above is Seb and his theme song.



The moment Asher recognized both Seb and I from afar, I could barely notice the wide smile that lazily slithered upon his lips. His face brightened up as he trod towards us, while his eyes, bearing resemblance to the earth's soil, expressed delight. As the breeze hit through him, his earrings slightly bounced in mid-air along with some strands of his hair. Seb was probably judging Asher mentally, as he was dressed in a very casual manner.

I didn't know why, but it felt so odd being around him now. The Asher that I knew was never this friendly and welcoming to me; he would always give me a cold, criticizing look. Well, I knew Rena had confronted him, but I never knew he would have a change of heart. Second of all, the fact that he dyed his hair from brown to bright orange was the least of my expectations.

Well, I did say that people changed over time... so why should I be so surprised...? I lowered my head. While Seb greeted and slapped Asher in the back, I simply nodded and gave him a nod of acknowledgement.

"You came here last week, didn't you?" He asked. "You were with the girls as well."

"Yeah, we did, but Ed wanted to see her again, so I accompany him." Seb answered for me, to which I was glad of. Asher then turned around to stare at one particular grave in the distance, and this paled the brightness reflected on his face. He clenched the bouquet tight in his hands, before turning back at us and gave us a single-sided smile.

"Wait for a moment, I'm going to go to my grandma." He announced.

"Well, go ahead." Seb tried convincing him. "No one's stopping you, man."

He nodded silently but gave my friend a soft punch on the shoulder. He spun his heels around and set off, leaving the both of us alone.

"Now, shall we greet our friend, Ed?" While Asher was out to seek his relative, Seb's head abruptly shifted to face me. I tried to say something, but nothing came out of my lips, so I threw him a sign of approval. We simultaneously turned our bodies around to the spot, where Lynn was barely six feet under our feet. The flowers that we had left had disappeared; they probably wilted and the cleaners discarded them.

By just looking at the headstone, my heart immediately felt dense. The gloomy air surrounding me seem to weigh down on my shoulders, and seemed to thicken by each second. The cemetery, itself, was covered with the blanket of sorrows, but the one around Lynn's grave seemed as if it was choking me to death.


I recalled her distressed call back in my dream this morning. Her saddened face always got the best of me, especially those darkened eyes she has. Swallowing the lump that was lodged in my throat, I quietly took a step forward and crouched down until I was in the same eye level as the headstone. Seb didn't say anything, but I did feel his gaze boring through my back.

I stared hard at the small inscription engraved on it, like I always did. I blinked like they would disappear without a trace, but of course I knew that they were still there. However, I'm the one idiot wishing that the writings would disappear. In that way, I wouldn't have to worry about reading it again.

I placed both my hands on the gravestone, and lowered my head down, letting my bangs cover every part of my face.

I should have been looking forward, just like Seb and the others. I should be enjoying life a typical guy at my school; having fun with friends, dancing in parties or getting wasted, finding a cute girl and try to get her before anyone does. Even if I'm not interested in those, at least I should be doing something else.

Instead, I stood here, not dreading about what will happen, but what had happened. It was a different situation for me; being haunted by the ghosts of the past wasn't normal for the others.

The only way to forget them was to simply accept that they happened. It sounded so much easier than solving most of my school subjects, and I thought I could do it, but I never knew... it was so difficult.

"Lynn..." I mumbled under my breath, making sure that Seb didn't catch this. "...Why are you calling for me? What are you trying to tell me? Is it that... you're disappointed with me?"

I noticed Seb had hunkered down as well, but he saved my personal space and kept his distance. He seemed to be in a deep thought as well, so I didn't bother him and continued whispering my words.

"If I am, I'm sorry." I muttered, shaking my head. "I know you want me to move forward and have fun in life... but, it's just too hard, especially when he, Raphael..." It was hard to pronounce his name without flashbacks recurring on the corners of my mind. "... came back. Everything suddenly turned 180 degrees, Lynn... and it just got worse than I ever imagined."

Just speaking about this needed so much effort. I have to bottle up most of my feelings or else I would end up like shit.

"Rena had given me advices...but it doesn't affect me when it should have..." I breathed. "Maybe... you would have told me to go consult my therapist, but I don't want to. I don't like her, and I just hate her sessions. I hate telling my problems to someone I barely trust, especially when it involves about... the past."

"I don't know what to do... Lynn..." My fingers tightened around the stone, clenching it tight. I kept shaking my head. "I just don't know... I'm sorry..."

Silence gradually consumed over me as I remained quiet for the rest of time. Seb never said anything for now, although it seemed like he wanted to. I didn't know what to say next, but at least I had spoken to Lynn about a piece of my life.

It was about a minute later that finally, I decided to stand back up, then followed by Seb. My bones groaned at my sudden movements, as a piercing pain shot out from my muscles. I staggered a bit, before I could regain my balance. Ugh, I must have been crouching down for too long.

"You done?" Seb raised his eyebrow, as he placed one of his hands on his hip. He gave me a questioning look.

"Yeah." I replied, eyeing at him.

"What are you talking about?" He abruptly asked, rubbing his chin. "I heard you saying something, but it wasn't that clear."

"It's something I wanna tell Lynn." I instantly blurted out, squinting my eye into a slit. "...You shouldn't know about it."

"Alright, I get you on that one." Seb sighed, looking at the ground beside him. "I don't want to know either."


Looking around, I saw Asher from the distance, still crouching near the his grandmother's grave. He had his eyes shut and he was folding his hands together, in a prayer position. His lips were mouthing out words, but I couldn't make out what kind of words he was saying, probably because he said it way too fast for my brain to process.

Seb followed my gaze, and seconds later, we were all observing the same person. We were probably thinking the same thing: Asher really loved his grandmother.

When I felt that it was the right time, I left the grave, joined by Seb beside me. Peering at my friend, I watched as he tidied up with himself. He slowly brushed his hair, fixed his watch and dusted some non-existent dirt off his clothes. I rolled my eye, and covered my head with my hood. Here we go again with Sebastian and his grooming shit.

"Say Ed," Seb called out, "where are you going after this?"

"Home." I answered. "Why?"

"Hmm? You're not hanging out with Ren or something?" Seb simpered. Hearing this made me remember about what all Rena did to me yesterday. She had brought me popsicles, ridden with her around the town and... unexpectedly kissed my cheek, which had left a lipstick mark. I stiffened at the thought, and turned away.

"I've done it yesterday." I answered.

"Where did you guys go?" Of course, he would be asking me that, especially when I was going out with Rena.

"Nothing much." I answered. "Just spending some time in my house, then hanging out around the town."

"Nice." He grinned, which further raised my suspicion of him.

After all, Sebastian Allington, the famous fashion designer of the town and the most egocentric friend I ever met, had feelings for Rena. I knew this, because he treated her differently than the other girls. The fact that he tried finding ways to impress her was obvious. Whenever she was around, he would dress neat and formal, he would act all nice and sweet.

He really want to steal Rena's heart away... I clenched my fists on my sides. I have to do something... I can't let it happen...

"How about you?" I asked him back, looking him in the eye. "What's with all the neatness and all?"

Sure, he was mindful of his appearance and all, especially when he clearly had an 'exceptional' fashion taste. Regardless, I was sure that he's rarely this organized...

"Oh, this." Seb looked down his clothes, then proceeded to chuckle. "I'm going to an upscale restaurant this noon and have lunch with Florie. She haven't gone there since almost a year."

Florence... huh... I sneered. I've seen her hanging out yesterday with him... Did Seb know about this, or...?

"I saw her yesterday," In the end, it would be the best to tell him, "she was in Downtown buying things with Raphael."

"Yeah, she told me everything." Seb explained. "She was going to the bookstore to buy novels when she saw him. Apparently he was looking through some magazines for his sister, as well as exploring the town."

"Oh." That was a good news for me. In that way, he won't disturb me as much. He won't spending his days on the park all the fucking time, so that I could visit there without any doubts.

I said nothing more. We walked through the entrance, and made out of the cemetery. Asher had finished with his duty and then ran after us to catch up. He had grabbed both of our shoulders with his hands, as to stop us.

"Man, I'm starving!" Asher exclaimed, as he stretched his arms. "Wanna have some food somewhere?"

"I would be eating soon, anyway," Seb dismissed, "so I'm not going."

"How about you, Ed?" He turned around to look at me.

"...I don't know." I shook my head slightly, staring at some random space. As usual, I had some bread that Lu bought for me this morning, although I only ate a few loaves instead of the usual six. After eating like two bread, my stomach was already satisfied. Like always, my appetite really had decreased so much...

"How about I drive you home for once?" Asher offered, as his brown eyes glinted, "but first, we'll stop at Taco Bell and buy some food. How's that sound?"

At this point, I had not clue whether I should accept or refuse his assistance. I was leaning towards the latter, and was about to mutter out, but it faltered when Seb leaned towards me. He quietly whispered these words into my ears: "You really need it, Ed."

Thanks to him, I was in a complete dilemma, feeling my mind torn between sides. I could buy the food and go home by myself, but at the same time... my guts was telling me to just accept Asher's help and let him drive me home. Ultimately, after a few minutes of battle, the pro side convinced me the most.

"S... Sounds great." I mumbled, stammering at my reply.


Seb bid us farewell and went off, going back to the town for the lunch date. Before he left, though, he lastly gave me a reassuring smile, telling me that it was all going to be fine. At that point, I was buried in my thoughts of what will happen, despite sensing no ominous nor uncomfortable vibes from Asher.

Nothing will happen, Ed. I berated. Stop being overly sensitive.

"Dude, don't just stand there! Get in!" Asher shouted, which snapped me back to what I was doing.

The car had ignited to life, as I could hear the rumblings of its machine. Furthermore, he was already on the driver's seat, with his seatbelt on, his hands were on the steering wheel. With a deep, profound breath, I gently got into the passenger seat, and closed the door.

"Suit yourself." He announced. When there was a satisfying click on my seatbelt, Asher pressed his foot on the gas pedal. The car then revved as it accelerated through the streets. While so, he turned on the radio, which was playing some song I didn't know of.

While I felt comfortable enough, I tried loosening myself for a bit and leaned to the back of the seat. Asher took a glimpse at me, before reverting back to the roads.

"Don't be so tense, Ed." He said between his laughs. "Relax."

"I know." I murmured, placing my elbow on the armrest, then stared out of the window. Buildings and trees whirred past me fast, and sometimes, I couldn't take a good look of the walking pedestrians.

"It's been a while since I ate tacos, so I think I'm gonna get them." Asher began. "What about you?"

"...I'm quite full." I responded.

"What?!" He burst out. "It's like 10 o'clock man, you gotta eat something up. If I were you I would have eaten a horse!"

"I've eaten two bread in the morning, so it's fine." I breathed.

"Dude, do you wanna get sick or something?" Asher cried, as he looked at the rear view mirror, before turning to the left. "Bread ain't enough for breakfast, let me tell ya. You gotta eat, like a burger or a taco, or at least some french fries."

"I'm fine, Ash. It's just that I didn't really sleep well." Every words I uttered came out as some sort of a whisper. I gave him a look that screamed seriousness, but he didn't seem to comprehend.

"And you'll end up being sick, Ed." He broke in. "The only way to counter that is to eat, and there, you'll be fit enough."

There was no way I wanted to keep this shit going. If I kept rejecting, Asher would still insist. Anyway, it was a dead-end for me, and I couldn't argue more. I decided to shut myself up and simply leaned back, and just looked down at my hands.

Asher was supposed to not care about me and give me the cold shoulder. He would always insulted me whenever I was around him. He always supported his seniors, especially that fuckface Alfred, but now... he didn't. He had joined Seb and even insulted them together.

It was like he quitted his old ways.

"I wanted the crunchy one but I wanted double too..." Asher was currently pondering as I watched him. "Jesus... this is hard... Yo, Ed, what do you think should I get..."

When he realized I was observing him, his voice trailed off. He blinked as his lips frowned. "Ed?"

Well, there was no choice but to find out the truth.


"Why..." He repeated. "Why what?"

"Why are you being kind to me?"

As the car approached the traffic lights, which had turned red, Asher quickly braked, which put us into a stop. I kept my eye on him, making sure my gaze wasn't wandering anywhere else, even when he refused to look at me. No answer escaped from his lips; he simply lowered his head as his earrings silently jiggled.

"You despised me, Ash. I know you do. You called me a shitload of names I can't even recall." I clarified. "You often told me to fuck off the team, and you would always butt heads with me."

"...Well about that..." I thought Asher was going to stay low, but then he dared himself to turn towards me. His frown gradually turned upside down, albeit being a very tiny smile. "It's a long story, but... to make it short, you know the girl that you're often with? The one that wears different straw hats everyday."

At the description, her name popped up inside my mind. This was followed by her showing her white sets of teeth at me, which made my heart jolt every single time. When the lights told Asher that it was good to go, he started driving and turned right. Barely a few meters ahead, Taco Bell was already on sight. He drove inside, then stopped his car on the drive thru, where there was a queue.

"She taught me a lot of things, Ed. Before my grandmother passed away, she scolded me too." He paused. "She taught me that I shouldn't be too quick on judging someone, and that I should be... more attentive. I should have learned about their story before deciding which is which."

I remembered the time when she confronted him and his friends. While I was rotten to the core, she was screaming at them to leave me alone.

"I was so much immature at that time. I called out on a freshman just because he had his nose pierced. I bullied boys that I thought are weak." Asher ran his hand through his orange hair. "...It's just hideous, Ed. I had no idea what had been going through my mind. Probably a lot of shitty things."

He held his breath, as if he was holding something back. I didn't know if it was just my imagination, but I thought he clenched his hands tight on the steering wheel.

"It was because of her that I began to realize everything." Asher said. "And it's a good thing I did. I stopped doing bullshit, and yeah... that's kinda what happened. Now, everything's in the past, anyway, and I'm kinda starting anew."

Seeing that the queue was over, Asher moved his car to the counter, where he, after a few minutes of grumbling, finally picked the crunchy tacos. I decided to order the same food as him and tried to pay, but he refused and he used his money instead.

Well... another free food...

While we were waiting for the tacos, I found myself sinking in my own thoughts. Despite huge regrets, I could see that he had found his way to able to restart his life. If Asher could accept the past and the fact that they happened, why can't you?

"Ed, catch this." I was distracted, so I was oblivious of the fact that Asher threw me my taco. However, I was grateful of my reflex, which told my hand to quickly catch it in mid-air. The moment my fingers touched it though, the instant hotness surged through my veins, in which made me almost throw the taco away.

"...Thanks." I mumbled, while I subconsciously blew my fingers.

While closing the window, Asher threw me a smug look, giving me a peace sign.


A/N: Asher might have a bad past with Ed, but with Asher's change of attitude, they could actually be good friends :D Anyway, thank you so much for reading, and I hope you enjoy this chapter! As always, don't forget to leave vote, comments and your thoughts!

Question: What do you think of Asher? :)

See you all next week!

- Tara

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