Chapter 2 I would be Glad if you Stayed

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Adrien smiled as he went home. He entered the quiet apartment he lives in all alone. He looked in the cabinets and saw there is no food. He checked the refrigerator and found an apple.

He rinsed off the apple with some water from the kitchen sink, then turned the sink off. He ate the apple.

Once, he finished, he decided he must going shopping because it is either that or he straves since he is all out of food. He gets out some money, and left. He made sure to lock the door and is on his way.

Adrien selected some grapes, cheese, crackers, apples, ham,honey, and various other foods. He looked around for some milk.

He smiled as he added this to his shopping cart, along with a bottle of apple juice, and some laundry detergent. He did not recall how much he has left for washing clothes.

He was almost to the front of the line when he realized he forgot to get some dish detergent and dishwashing liquid. He went back to the aisle where he saw it and added it to the cart along with some paper plates,

paper towels, a new spatula-his old one at home is worn out- some paper cups, a few straws, and some plastic ware. Satisfied he goes back to the register. He waits in a long line.

Adrien purchased the groceries, and headed home with the bags in his arms. On the way there, he droppped one of the bags and it landed in the street.

Ladyblanc saw the bag in the road, grabbed it up, and carried it. She followed him home, and waited until he went inside. She goes in with him and sets the grocery bag down on the kitchen counter.

"Whoa, I like what you have done with the place!" Ladyblanc commented.

Adrien turns around at the sound of her voice. "Wow, I did not know you were coming over," He said.

"Yes, well I saw that my friend had almost misplaced his bag full of celery, carrots, and other salad stuff. I brought it by for you," She remarked.

"Oh, thanks, I wondered what had become of it," He answered.

"Is all this for you or you having company over?" She asked.

"Oh, it is just me," Adrien replied. He laughed when he saw the puzzled look she gave him.

"Oh, so you were serious earlier when you said you had no one," Ladyblanc replied.

"Yes, well you do not have to gloat about it," Adrien said. He sighed as he began to put away his groceries.

"I am going to have pizza and a salad tonight. I would be Glad if you stayed," He said.

"Ok, sure, sounds great ! I happen to like both," Ladyblanc told him.

"Is it rule you have to wear that all the time?" Adrien asked her.

"Oh, you must mean my costume,'' She said with grin. "To answer your question, no, but I like it." The girl remarked.

Adrien thought the girl is so weird, but cute. He dared not to say as much though so as not to offend her. He was not sure what might bother her though as she seems so bubbly all the time.

Then, again, how should he know what she is like when they had only just met earlier that day. Nevertheless, he smiled as he made the salad, and worked on the pizza.

Ladyblanc watched him in amazement as he cooked. She wondered where he had learned the skills for such a thing. She certaintly did not know about such things.

Sure she could makes some pies, cookies, and such, but much more than this, forget it. She waited for him to tell her when the meal was ready.

Twenty-minutes later, she was about to leave when something or rather someone grabbed her arm. "Hey, the food is ready!'' Adrien said.

Ladyblanc nodded her head in approval and sat down in the chair he pulled out for her. She thought wow he can cook and is a gentlemen. She decided it was a good thing to be friends with this Agreste boy.

The two enjoyed the Italian dish and the salad, then for dessert, Adrien whipped up a nice chocolate pudding, and added a few sprinkles, and cool whip on top.

"The cool whip and sprinkles are to give it some style!" Adrien stated.

Ladyblanc thought that was the silliest thing she had ever heard, but did not say as much so as not to hurt his feelings. She just smiled and ate it.

"Well, what do you think?" Adrien asked her.

"It is fantastic! The whole meal was great and the dessert was even better!" Ladyblanc complimented him.

"Good, I am glad you approved of it," He said. Suddenly, he felt shy around this cute girl in the cat suit.

Adrien sighed, and Ladyblanc hugged him. "Well, see ya!" She told him.

"Yes, see you around!" Adrien replied.

Just like that for the second time that day, she extened her stick and off she went. Adrien did not ask her where she was headed. He just grinned and blushed.

Adrien slept well that night as he dreamed about him and the new girl, this Ladyblanc. Ladyblanc daydreamed about him and sighed as she drifted off to sleep.

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