Chapter 3 Popsicles

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      Adrien's POV:
 Adrien pulled out the small reusable sticks with covers out of his cabinet. He does not recall when they were last put to use.  It must have been ages since he last saw them. He is glad he found them now.

    He washed them first to get the dust off them. Then, he got out the cherry-flavored kool-aid mix, poured it into the pitcher that sat on his counter, added some water to it, and found a spoon.  
   "There, that looks great," He said as he stirred it up.

    LadyBlanc's POV:
     Ladyblanc smiled in amusement as she overheard Adrien talk to himself. She thought he is cute, but still strange indeed. She noticed the kitchen window near the table was opened, she climbed inside and shut it behind her.

     "Who are you talking to?" Ladyblanc asked.

         Adrien did not notice her as he poured the red liquid into the funny looking plastic lids, then added the sticks to them. He hummed as he placed them in the freezer and closed it.

      "Well, Adrien?" Ladyblanc remarked.

     "Whoa, you startled me," Adrien stated.

      "Startled you, well you are the one to talk,'' She said.

     "Oh, yeah!" Adrien blurted out.

  Adrien's POV:
     Adrien wondered, what made her drop in like this? Then, again they are friends. He was glad to see her too despite acting as if he is not.  He was just too happy to admit it.

    "I was making popsicles," Adrien explained.

   "Popsicles, oh so that is what they are called," Ladyblanc said as if that explained it all.

    "Do not tell me you have never heard of them," Adrien scoffed

     "Heard of them, why has not everyone heard about those cold, sweet, juicy treats by now?" Ladyblanc asked with a hint of sarcasm.

       Adrien smiled at her despite himself, then pointed to the sofa. He sat down and hoped she would join him.

  Ladyblanc's POV:
     Ladyblanc grinned.

 "Do not tell me you have gone and gotten yourself a girlfriend while I was away," She pouted.

    "So what if I have," Adrien blurted.

   "I can not have any jealous girlfriends after me," She responded

      Adrien laughed and she thought he knew something.  It seemed to her as if he left her in the dark about it.  This is something that made her pout another immature pout.

      "Ha, ha, you should see the look on your face," Adrien rolled his eyes.

       "I prefer not to thank you very much," Ladyblanc shook her head with the same scowl on her face.

         Ladyblanc can not stand the thought of Adrien with someone else. She knew it was silly when she barely knew him and had no claim to him. Still, she rather not see him get hurt.  This was what she tried to convince herself of anyway.  It would not be proper for a superhero like her to fall for a civilian anyway.  This would make things far too complicated for her.  

       " What made you think of that particular snack?" She inquired once she snapped out of her silly behavior.

      "It has been a while since I have eaten any, to be honest.  Also, I recently found the proper items for making them," Adrien answered.

      "Adrien, that sounds rather sad to have no popsicles for who knows how long."

    "When you put it that way it does sound rather sad."

    Narrator's POV:

      Adrien and Ladyblanc continued to sit on his couch together.  The two never cared who saw them at the moment.  They enjoyed each other's company as they waited for the frozen goodies to be ready.

   "I think they have to stay in the freezer overnight," Ladyblanc stated.

   "I believe you are right."  Adrien sighed.

    "I suppose I will have to come over again tomorrow then to help you eat some," She replied/

    "You are coming over tomorrow?" Adrien said as more of a statement than a question.       

       Ladyblanc nodded her head as a response, then dozed off. She appeared to be tired. 

        Adrien stared at her and thought, will ever I get to know the real you?  He sighed as he heard her breathe as she slept. He stood up slowly so as not to disturb her, then turned off all the lights downstairs.  He went upstairs, got ready for bed, and thought, what a day.

     He grinned glad to know he has a friend overnight. Somehow things do not seem so bad when had you, someone, to share them with anyway.  He slept well that night.

    The next day, Ladyblanc was gone, but she did leave him a small note on the table.  Adrien saw it first thing when he fixed his breakfast and frowned. He missed her presence already as a small breeze blew in the now opened window. He knew this must have been the way she made her exit.  Too bad he did not get to tell her goodbye, then again she has done a lot of this lately.

    Adrien's POV:
       Adrien wondered, if he did something to offend her as he picked up the slip of paper she left behind.

     Dear Adrien,  

     I  am sorry, I had to rush off, but duties call.  It seems heroes' work is almost never done.

      Anyway,  I will drop by later to join you for the popsicles. 

 See you then, my friend.



 PS. What turns red when all embarrassed?

      Adrien read the postscript again and laughed. He thought it is either a zebra, or it is me she spoke about here. He was had not decided which of the two she wrote about since she was busy.  He grinned as he thought I can ask her tonight when she comes.  

    "Yes, that is it I will speak to her then," He said.

    Adrien's  POV:
      Later, that night,  Adrien finished his supper as a thud is heard outside the front door. He opened it with a gasp.  He saw it is her, but the only thing is she appeared to be uncomfortable. He is not so sure that it is going to work out to share the dessert with her after all.

     Adrien carried her inside and sat her down on the rug.  He closed the door and locked it. He sure hoped no one else followed her.  He supposed he will have to worry about that later, right now he has more important things to do.

     He heard her moan from the pain as she attempted to sit up, but can not. 

   "Shh, it is alright, I will take care of it."

     Adrien got out the first aid kit and some ice. He also has a washcloth with warm water on it in his hand. He used the washcloth to clean the wound. Then, he disinfected it as she winced to avoid crying out again.  He pulled the scissors, tape, and bandages out of the first aid kit.  He used the needle he already disinfected along with some thread to stitch her up a bit, then he applied some of the bandages to it, and fastened it in place with the tape. He cut off the extra tips to the bandages with the scissors. He stored the scissors where they belong. 

   He handed her the ice that is inside a bag, with a towel around it to hold across the small scrap on her face. He also gave her some medicine to take for the pain. He supported her head and feet with pillows to try to make her more comfortable.

    "Adrien?" Ladyblanc asked.

   "Yes, I am here," He said.

   "Thanks for your help."

   "It was the least I could do, " Adrien remarked.

      Adrien stepped out of the room, washed his hands, dried them, and pulled out two popsicles. The rest he left in the freezer for now.

    "Here," Adrien told her.

   Ladyblanc's  POV:
      Ladyblanc thought I was supposed to pay him visit and eat this, but I was not supposed to let him see me in such bad shape. She wondered what on earth she could have done to deserve all this since she did not hurt anyone at least not intentionally she did not.

    "Adrien, is this cherry?" 

   "Yes, you like it?" Adrien asked her.

    "Yes, it is my favorite," Ladyblanc answered as she takes another bite out of it.

       Adrien smiled when she finished her 's soon after he is done with his. He placed the sticks and covers in the sink to soak now.

      "Sorry, you have to see me this way," Ladyblanc told him.

     "Do not worry yourself," Adrien tried to assure her.

    "It just that I got hurt while I was at work," She explained.

        Ladyblanc noticed Adrien listens closely as if he wishes to hang onto every word. She thought goodness  I must have rambled on and on for nearly an hour. She felt her cheeks turn pink at the very thought.

    find out more in Chapter 4

   -Summer out!

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