Chapter 4 It is like De Ja Vu

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       Adrien's  POV:

        Adrien thought she is so adorable and he blushed a bit. He sighed because he felts suddenly awkward around her though he is not sure why.  It is not like she knew how much he enjoyed her company.  He has never felt so upset as he was when he saw her injury.  

     "Who did this to you?"

      "Oh, I am not sure.   I was just out on a call to help someone when I was attacked and I fell forward.  I was in so much pain that I was afraid someone would find out my identity.  I got the person I was after to safety. Then, I hobbled over here and fell on your porch. I suppose it was from the wound," Ladyblanc explained.

     "I am sorry," Adrien said sympathetically.

      "It is okay, " Ladyblanc replied.

        "It is like De Ja Vu," Adrien pointed out.

          Ladyblanc's POV:
            Ladyblanc gave him a puzzled look at his words. She wondered what he could have been through in his past that could make him say such a thing.  She never recalled anything quite like this.  She never did have someone worry about her before at least she does not think so anyway.

          Adrien remained quiet for the moment which left Ladyblanc alone to her thoughts.

           Ladyblanc wished he would not trouble himself over the whole thing.  She thought this is why I choose to keep my identity a secret.  It was to ensure others are safe.  It was to make sure no one can got close to me.  Besides, why should I let anyone in when I have gone too far to turn back now.

           "Adrien, I must be going."

            "Wait, you can not go," Adrien responded.

              "I beg your pardon, but  I do not live here,"  She stated.

              "I know you do not.  It is just that the place where the stitches are needs time to heal," Adrien explained.

          Adrien's  POV:

          Adrien thought I can not believe she would even consider leaving when she is hurt. He realized she must not be thinking straight since she is hurt.  He knew she did not trust him and sighed.

         "Please, stay just until the area where the stitches have time to heal completely,"  Adrien pleaded with her. He hoped he did not sound too harsh.

          "Fine, but once they do I will be back out there again," Ladyblanc told him.

           Adrien grinned relieved she is willing to stay at least for now. He knew tomorrow might another problem altogether.  "Here, drink this," Adrien says as he handed her a cup of water.

          "Thanks," she answered.

          Ladyblanc's  POV:
        Ladyblanc thought goodness this was not how it is supposed to be for me. 

          She saw Adrien's grin and rolled her eyes. She can not see why he has to give her that cute look again.

          "Adrien, I uh," Ladyblanc said.

          "You what?" Adrien wanted to know.  He is unsure of how to proceed now.

   Ladyblanc's Flashback...

     Ladyblanc remembered it all too well.  It was the day she found this awesome ring that came with a warning.  

        To whoever finds this:

          Make sure to take special care of this ring.  It has a unique quality to it.

            Whoever wears it must remember to recharge as the being that goes with it must have nourishment like anyone else.  This special being is called a kwami and the ring is a miraculous. It is gray now, but when charged up turns solid white. 

         To transform into a hero, put on the ring and say, "Blancy claws on!"  Once transformed into this white cat hero, you pick a name for yourself, you must remain hidden from others when it comes to your true identity and must be willing to come to those in danger no matter the cost.  
     Failure to obey these simple rules could result in worldwide panic, or something far worse.



      The girl who found it thought to herself strange I never seen a piece of jewelry quite like this and as for the note that is a prank, right?  It is just a ring.  What could be so special about it?

      She put the ring on without another thought and grins. She might as well as she felt she has nothing to lose.  She does not know how hard this will be on her from here on out.  

      Little does she know what is about to become of her and those around her.  No sooner had she placed it on her finger than a small  white cat kwami, says, "Hi, I am Blancy, so you must be my new holder."

       "Yes, that is me," The small child said with a grin.

     "What is your name?"  Blancy asked.

      "Just between you and me, I wish to remain anonymous,"  She answers.

        "Fine by me, so I suppose you know and understand the rules," Blancy replies.

       "Sure thing," The girl said with a grin. She looked over at the white cat and thinks it is the funniest looking kitten she has ever seen. She was happy to have someone to guide her though as her family is nowhere to be found.

        A  loud crash is heard, and some screams are at the same time, so the girl calls out,  "Blancy, claws on!"  She transformed into the white cat hero. She called herself,  Ladyblanc.

      Little does she know that in the future this is the name everyone will call her as her real identity behind the mask will be long forgotten.  Her life before the mask will soon fade away as if it were a dream.

       Ladyblanc ran to the scene and the villain laughed at her.  She can tell he does not take her seriously because of her short height and her age.  She could have cared less. She still planned to do this.  She can not turn back now.  

      Ladyblanc managed with some help from others to defeat the villain.  A few years later, her helpers go missing never to be heard from again. She felt the guilt on her shoulders despite her still being rather young.  It was from that moment she decided never to get close to anyone again.  It was too hard to lose those close to you.

     End of  Flashback...

       Ladyblanc's POV:
          Ladyblanc can tell Adrien awaits her answer. She frowned when she realized she has none to give him. She closed her mouth so she will not blurt out something she might regret later.  It has to be this way.  It must be since it was her promise to herself ever since she lost her two close friends.   

        "Oh, you are the silent type again, are you?"  Adrien said this to tease her as she has been anything, but quiet since they met.

       "Yes, I suppose you could say that Adrien," Ladyblanc stated.  She frowned again.

       Ladyblanc noticed Adrien has not taken his eyes off her and blushed. She wished he would not look at her this way.  It made her job harder and she knew it will only make things so awkward once she is better.

      She rolled over and closed her eyes so he will think she is asleep.

 Adrien's POV:

   Adrien smiled at her and could tell she is fake sleeping. He decided to humor her a bit. He wrote her a note and left it on the nightstand beside the sofa.  He stood up and exited the room.

    He fixed himself a glass of tea.  As he sipped on the tea, he heard her sigh and wondered how a hero like her can be so secretive.  He also found it hard to accept that she might walk away forever.  He knew she has not said as much in words, but in actions she has.  

    He decided he must not let her know he is on to her.  He might as well play along as if he has not a clue in the world.   Who knew maybe in time she will open up to him more?   

     Find out more in Chapter  5

    -Summer out!

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