Chapter 5 How Long Have I Been Here?

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          Ladyblanc's POV:

          She looks around her and groans. She knows it has been a while since she came here with an injury.   She was not sure how long ago it was or what all took place while she was out of commission as a hero.  The thought did cross her mind that perhaps someone was in great danger even now.

      "Adrien, how long have I been here?" She inquires.

        She sees him frown as he places a heat pack on her chest. She blushes as he slowly removes his hand. She knows the touch was innocent, but she feels so embarrassed.

         Adrien's  POV:

       Adrien thinks I will probably go all my life not knowing who she is anyway.  He sighs at the reality that she is a hero, and he is not.  So, it means a relationship with her would lead to trouble.

     "Let me see, it is August twenty-seventh," He offers.

      He can see she appears to be taken aback by his response.

        Adrien hands her some food and a glass of milk. He watches as she eats and slowly drinks the milk. He knows that any day now she will leave.  He also, believes there is no guarantee she will return.  He knew as much the day they became friends.

         Ladyblanc's  POV:

        "Thanks, you have been ever so helpful, but I must go," She tells him.

            Ladyblanc stands up, and enters the small hall closet. She detransforms for a few minutes to fed her kwami, "Blancy."  She might as well let the kitten take time with the meal since it has been awhile since the poor thing has eaten a morsel of food. A fact which makes her feel even more guilty about her plans for after the create finishes.

           "Blancy, I am sorry, but we must leave soon," She tells the small friend of hers.

           "I  know and I am sorry that you feel a need to push others away because of what happened to Trish and Klint years ago,"  Blancy responds.

             She can not believe Blancy remembers her former partner's names.  She feels a single tear drip and lands on her face at the sad memory of them.  She watches as the girl finishes and smiles.

          "Blancy claws out!"  She (Ruth) calls out.

             Now transformed she exits the closet and starts towards the door.

          Adrien's POV:

         "Duty calls, huh?"  This was all he spoke when he did speak to her.

             Adrien could tell she was hesitant about leaving this time around.  Yet he did not say a word to convince her to say.  As much as he wanted her to he knew he could not make her.  He has to let her do her job.   

            He swung the door open for her to show he had no intention to make her stay put this time.   Then, just like that, she sprinted out the door into the outside world.

            Adrien did not say a thing, he just stood there with the knowledge that he was in too deep now to go back.  He could not even if he tried. Yes, that is right he was in love with this heroine.

             He shut the door, locked it tight, and sat on his sofa.  He thought so that is it then.  

         He had no way to know if she would return or not.   

             Ladyblanc's POV:

             Ladyblanc sprinted across the street. Once outside a small store, she sat for a bit. Then, stood up when she heard a call for help. She thought well, there is no time to lose.

                "I am on my way!" She blurts out.  She was not sure who she spoke too only that she was about to kick some villains butt.

                She felt herself land with a thud in front of the man who held a purse in one hand, and a lady in the other one. She could tell the woman did not feel comfortable in the position the crook held her in at the moment. She felt fear fill her own body, but then she recalled her training.

             This is it she thought, the moment I have been waiting to prove myself to the world.

        Find out more in Chapter 6

        bye, bye little owlets!

       -Summer out!

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