Chapter 6 Gentlemen Do not Choke Hold Women

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       Ladyblanc's  POV:

     "Let go of her neck now!  Do not make me tell you twice,"  Ladyblanc yells at the creep.

         The creep snares at her, "Now, why would I do that for anyway?"

             "Two reasons, One because you are choking her.  Two, if you do not then I will call the police," She retorts.

      She is angry at the thug for attacking a person in broad daylight of all things.  

        Goodness,  the villains must be up on their game or something,  She thought.

          Villian's  POV:

         "I do not believe it is any of your business. This is between me and her, He scoffs.

             The villain drops the purse and laughs as the contents tumble to the ground. He could care less about the money or whatever else the bag holds.  He wants the woman to pay attention to him.  

              He tightens his hold on the ladies neck enough that Ladyblanc can see the poor woman is about to choke to death.  

            Ladyblanc's  POV:

          Ladyblanc pulls out her baton and attacks him with it.  To her surprise he loosens his hold just a bit on the person he has in the choke hold.  She watches as the woman gasps for air.

          She hits him again this time harder than before so that he has to let go of his hostage. She  notices the young lady run off in the opposite direction with the discarded purse in her arms.

           Ladyblanc sees he is distracted so she pushes in the button on the side of her staff. She grins as a few white blobs pop out of it.  Now, as the ropes surround him she hears him beg for mercy.

         "Sorry, but no can do," She remarks.

         "Oh, and just why not?"  He whines.

           " It is because gentlemen do not choke hold women,"  She spat out.

           Ladyblanc's POV:

             Ladyblanc runs away from him and calls the police. She smirks from afar as the police officers arrest the man for assault, for attempted murder, for kidnapping, and a slew of other things. She thinks he will be behind bars for a long time.

           She wants until the officers leave with the dirt bag in the backseat of the police car.  She races towards Adrien's place to check up on him. She sees him asleep on the sofa.

          Awe, she thinks, he looks so adorable when he is like this. She shakes her head in denial that she has any feelings for him. She is not the girl who gets the boy. She never gets the boy. She knows this is way things have to be for her.  She kisses his cheek, and leaps away.

         Once at her place, she enters, closes the window, sets the alarm, and detransforms.  It is one of the few places where she can be herself without anyone suspecting a thing.  She smiles at the knowledge that she took on one single bad due all by herself.  Yes, this is it. It proves she needs no partners.

         Adrien's  POV:          

     No sooner had she gone,then Adrien awoke.  He could smell a small hint of vanilla. Strange he thought that is exactly what Ladyblanc smells like.  He sighs when he recalls how she left suddenly.  He hopes she will be alright.

    He sees the news footage come on from that day and gasps. He recognizes the hero as the one he has on his thoughts lately.  Yes, it is her on the news alright, he thought as the news people go on about a masked hero in white coming out of nowwhere and saving the day for one lady in distress.

    The news people do not appear to know her gender. They say,  "So as you can see the city owes it to her or him whichever the case might be for without them we could all be in grave danger."

  Adrien chuckles under his breath, "She is most definitely a girl."  He  ought to know as he did help patch her up once.  Besides he can tell by her demeanour and everything she is a woman.

   He does wish she would let him in on her real indemnity, but does not say as much since he fears she will push him away further if he does.  He recalls how ticked off she was that one time when he asked if the mask ever came off.

       Ruth's  POV:

      Ruth thinks, well I sure showed him now did not I. She grins at the situation since she knows it could have gotten worse.  She is grateful it did not.  Somehow, like it or not she needs to be  here for Adrien.

     "I mean we are friends, right, Blancy?" She asks.

        "Sure,  whatever you say," Blancy answers.

         Ruth smiles glad that Blancy looks out for her. She thinks goodness if I had not found the ring, and put it on when I did I might not have become a hero. She realizes this means that she would not have met Adrien either.

         Blancy's  POV:

           Blancy thinks the poor girl tries to hard to shove others aside. She knows as well as anyone that it is not as easy to be by yourself.   She wonders what made the girl put on the ring in the first place. She does not think her holder seems like the hero type but is not about to tell her as much.

         She recalls how young the girl was when she first found her or rather the miraculous.

         Find out more in Chapter  7

     bye, bye little owlets!

    -Summer out!

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