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"I'm wondering if you two would like to accompany me and Nino to a engagement party." Adrien said.

Alya disappointed that Adrien didn't ask just Marinette. Nino could of asked Alya anytime. Marinette seemed unfazed by Adrien's words which worried Alya. That wasn't like her to give up on romance.

"We be glad to." Alya agreed.

"I'll make sure to send you, both invitations."

"Who's getting married anyway?"
Alya questioned.


Adrien stopped at her name. He couldn't bring himself to mutter the name of his uncle he didn't know existed.

"To whom?" Alya added.

Adrien mumbled.

He looked as uncomfortable mentioning Chandler's name as Marinette was being dragged into a group date.

"Does he have a last name?"

Alya said prying for more information. She couldn't help it. It was her reporter instincts after all.

Alya looked stunned.

She looked at Marinette but she was a calm and composed as ever. Marinette already meant him. Making her think how the twin gene truly ran in the Agreste family tree.

Alya questioned.

"My uncle."

Adrien didn't think of him as a uncle more of a distant relative. Chandler was more outgoing than his father ever was. He had all the traits that he wished that his father possessed.

"Natalie's going to be your aunt?"

Alya asked making a pile of questions. Some were too personal so she left those to fester in the back of her mind. Which was a good thing most of them were about Marinette, anyway.

"Yes, but she refuses to take leave for a vacation after the wedding."

Adrien said recalling the bickering of Natalie and Chandler in her office. She wanted to stay. He wanted at the very least one day with just her.

"That reminds me, Marinette, can your parents make a cake for the engagement party? And one for the wedding if it's not to much to ask. I kept on bragging on how good the food was from the bakery. And how beautiful the cakes are."

Adrien rambled trying to get Alya off the topic of his complicated family matters. Marinette nodded in agreement to Adrien's request.

"Also, Natalie wants to see her whenever you are free." Adrien quickly added before he lost track of his mind.

"No, problem."

Marinette replied. She wondered why Natalie wanted to see her. Was it because she wanted a specific design for both cakes? Did she have allergies to certain ingredients that she had to account for? Or did she know something about how she felt about Adrien?

"So, when is the party?"
Alya said.

Adrien's face turned a shade darker. He was embarrassed that he forgot such a important detail. 

"Thursday." Adrien said.

"That's no time at all. I'll have to talk to her to get the idea of how many people are coming. Wether to have a vegan option or not. If she wants to provide cupcakes for younger guests. What flavor she wants the cake, what size, what color, what flavor of icing, and the decorations."

Marinette was puzzled on how her family was going to get this done in time. She knew they could do it but the time and effort would be enormous.

"I'm sorry, should of said something sooner."

Adrien said rubbing the back of his neck in guilt.

"If anyone can do it, it would be the Dupain-Chengs. The best bakers in Paris."
Alya proudly stated.

"Best? I don't know about that but we're certainly busy." Marinette joked.

She tried to make light of the pressure of being approved by the Agreste house threw her baking skills. If she messed up her chances with Adrien could be blown. Something equally as worse as having her secret identity revealed.

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