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Marinette had told her parents about the request and they were thrilled to have the Agrestes as their customers. The following morning she headed back to school to follow the norms of society once more. She was too concentrated on cakes to remember that she had patrol with ChatNoir. He was probably used to being stood up by his precious Ladybug by now.

During lunch, Alya made a joke about marrying Nino after high school which he didn't disagree  with. They were accompanied by Felix who didn't understand public affection. He thought it was unnecessary if people already knew they were dating.

"I don't get the appeal of being enslaved by another being."

Felix said ruining the fun of imagining a life of Nino carrying Alya bride style with always gave room for her smart remarks.

"Bro, just don't."

Nino disliked Felix negative vibes. He wasn't as  cheerful and pure as Adrien. Sure, they were both equally as clueless but at least one tried to find the rainbow in the storm. Felix just stood in it as if he was prepared to be struck by lightning.

"Close your eyes."
Alya ordered Felix.


He questioned back wondering what this girl had up her sleeve.

"Just do it."

He closed his eyes reluctantly.

"Now imagine, the girl you like. In your arms. She has a ring on her finger. You have the matching one on yours. They represent the fact you two belong to no one else. She's as equally as yours as you are to her. Now open."

He opened his eyes. Her point worked but now he wanted to find the girl he had mustered feelings for and offer to take her to the engagement party.

"So? Who did you picture?"

She questioned as Nino laughed. He was expecting her to ask 'how do you feel' but she wasn't that predictable.

"A girl."

As he said that he spotted Marinette. He walked to her.


His words got stuck in his throat. He knew she was in fact Ladybug which destroyed the friendship he built with her.

"Are you okay? You seem nervous? Is it because of the party?"

She asked. He nodded in reply.

"Don't worry my family's got this in the bag."
Marinette stated.

"Would you like to go to the party? With me that is?"

Felix asked not sounding like the cool, composed, emotionless, teen he appeared to be. He looked as if he was going to melt to the floor if she said no.

"Adrien, already asked me but I'm sure I can cancel. It was going to be a group date with Alya and Nino anyway."

Marinette didn't understand why she was so engird to decline Adrien and accept Felix. 


He said with pure disbelief that she would choose him over Felix.

"Well why not? I rather be with a friend one on one then stuck in an awkward double date."

She said with a cute little smile to top her innocence off. Which made the word friend pass her lips, poison to his heart.

"I don't want to be friends."

He stated as he moved her bangs and planted a kiss on her forehead a gesture more kind then a kiss on the lips.


This was the most emotion she had ever seen him display. She didn't know who to choose. She thought her mind was made up but she couldn't chip a heart that already had cracks in it.


He wanted to savor the moment that Ladybug was his. Maybe, she was the last girl he ever thought her to be but in the end he was glad she was his Dupain.

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