Just a dream

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*picture isn't mine* Enjoy! Ya thought you'd be getting rid of me, right? Nah, this is the last one.

The clock strikes midnight.

Marinette awoke gasping for air, damped in her own seat, her body shivering so much her mind so lost control of what was warmth. Everything around her came into tiny bits of pieces of blurry, faded memories. Nothing was certain in her vision. She tried to speak, but her voice sounded more like a dying croak, barely a sound.

Tick tock. Tick tock.

"Marinette!" A voice called, distant to Marinette's own ears. Everything danced in colors. Everything danced in numerous black spots, clouding over her vision. Her knuckles, over the force she had over the bed turned white. Whiter than the corner of her vision. "Marinette, I'm here! I'm here!"

Tick tock. Tick tock.

"I don't think she's answering." Another voice said, much different to the last one before. Marinette had trouble breathing. It felt like she was rocking between fainting and staying awake. Her blood pressure had gone insanely low, Marinette shivered like she was living in Antarctica with the penguins. "Marinette, can you hear me? Can you hear me?"

Tick tock. Tick tock.

"A-Adrien." Marinette managed to choke out, the last strain of her energy going with hit. 

"She's too weak." A voice said next to her. A warm pressure vibrated close to her arm. Someone was holding her hand, gripping it tightly it was the only way Marinette stayed awake. Marinette could barely see who that person was, but it was clearly a girl-maybe with glasses? She turned around that girl's direction, wishing to tell her where Adrien was. "Is she imagining this?"

Tick tock. Tick tock.

"Look, were going to need you to stand." A voice said awfully close to Marinette's ear. Marinette was already trying to stand up, the pressure in her abs burning like fire. With help, she was able to stand up as everything blurred around her. As everything was either blurry or not human shaped. "Sedate her! She's going to faint on us."

Tick tock. Tick tock.

"What happened?" Marinette asked clearly, her vision finally narrowing down to her surroundings. Hallways and hallways of coughing people, of flickering lights and the smell of old medicine. The sound around her was still uncertain, but she had enough knowledge to know she was in a hospital. She gripped the girl's arms next to her. "What happened?"

Tick tock. Tick tock.

"A crash." The girl finally answered, tears pooling in her eyes as they rolled Marinette into a room, her grip loosening on the girl's arm. The light in the room was much brighter than before, but Marinette's eyes were able to adjust to the new brightness. The girl stormed into the room, crying in relief as Marinette dangled her feet from the bed she was settled in. The girl panted next to Marinette.

A-Alya. Her name was Alya.

Tick tock. Tick tock.    

"You were going to visit your grandparents and you crashed." Alya explained, wrapping her arms around Marinette was everything came back in a blur. Blood, fire, blood soaking the snow outside of Paris. "God, Marinette, I'm glad you're alright."

"Where is Adrien?" Marinette asked, finally her surroundings stopping from moving around like individual minds. "Alya, I want to see my boyfriend."

Alya scowled, cupped Marinette's cheek. "You were in a comma for a short moment after you crashed."

Tick tock. Tick tock.

"I don't know what you imagined." Alya said, her voice lowering to sadness. "Or who you imagined." 

Marinette swallowed. "No, no. This isn't real. You're Volpina, right? I'm Ladybug-I'm dating Chat Noir who is Adrien!"

"Marinette-" Alya warned, her sentence cut off by Marinette's screams. "No, stop, you're delirious. You're not thinking straight-you just woke up from the comma and-"

"Where is Adrien?" Marinette asked frantically, tears gathering in her own eyes. No. It couldn't be. Everything felt so real. To the touch of his hand on hers, to the warmth of his lips brushing against hers, the hard and lovable gazes Adrien or Chat Noir would throw at her when she felt down. The realness of her emotions, the way her heart leaped. It couldn't just be ecstasy. 

Tick tock. Tick tock.

"Marinette, please, people already think you're insane-"

"NO!" Marinette yelled, attempting to lunge herself at Alya but several doctors held her back. She was alone now. Nobody could stop the tears from spilling over her cheeks. A prickle feeling appeared on her arm, traveling all over her body as everything around her started to sleep again like her world was constantly played between the real and fantasy world. 

Tick tock. Tick tock.

She was falling asleep again. Marinette knew it and deep down, even though her heart would shatter at the thought, she knew it. She knew Alya was right. Life was too good for her to actually be real, to actually be a work in God's art. Marinette closed her eyes, the dim light faltering above her. Marinette knew it. Knew she would eventually wake up depressed as ever, depressed like life took her happiness away. 

In a way, it had.

After all, it was just a dream. 



XD Don't kill me! This ending came to me in my sleep, thank Hypnos not me. Anyways, thank you for all the people who supported me while making this fanfic. Life couldn't be better without you. I put too much effort into this bloody fanfic it was the one thing that opened my mind into becoming an author. As much as I loved this, I need to let go. Believe me, if it were up to me I would've created this almost like  a Game of Thrones book. Also, now that the main taker of my time is out, I can focus on the other fanfics I have on board.

Yuri! On ice and RWBY, I'll be writing with them more often. I also wanted to start writing creative stories of my own, but I'll feel bad because I have thousands other fanfics I want to write about. I mean, Fairy Tail, SVTFOE, Overwatch, Voltron, Percy Jackson-there's too many! So, let's see how everything turns out.

Stay miraculous! (I'm going to miss that catch phrase)


Bug out

I'm not crying, you're crying. Oh bloody fine, leave me alone to cry.  

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