Time to say goodbye

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*picture isn't mine* Enjoy! Also, y'all RWBY fans will know what I'm talking about.

As Tikki ate, Marinette let everything spill. She told Tikki, her absence clearly an important role in Marinette's life, everything that happened. How Nathaneal cheated on her, how Nathaneal is now single because of Juleka's announcement. How she and Adrien are now together, realizing they loved each other no matter the space between them, no matter how many arms. Tikki, surprisingly, listen to Marinette while she devoured her cookies rapidly. She didn't want to miss the final battle to take revenge on Hawkmoth. He took many things away from her and she wasn't going to let him go easily.

"Are you ready?" Marinette asked Tikki as the last bite of the cookie vanished. Tikki nodded and perched herself on Marinette's shoulder. They were alone in the Eiffel Tower, nobody possibly could enter while Ladybug and Chat Noir were fighting off an akuma. Marinette shared that familiar look with her kwami as she flickered her earrings and said, "Tikki, SPOTS ON!"

Ladybug raced around the Eiffel Tower to see Chat Noir, Queen Bee and Green Shell cornering Gabriel Agreste. She landed quickly at the tip and flashed an alarming look at Chat Noir. His face showed no mercy at all. She reached out to grab his shoulder, and yanked him backwards, his face snapping back to reality. Gabriel snickered as he stood on the railing.

"You're right. I cannot believe I lost." Gabriel muttered, locking eyes with the four super heroes as Volpina entered the Eiffel Tower, landing next to Ladybug. He pulled out two slim daggers and balanced them swiftly in his hand. He eyed the super heroes carefully as he jerked his arm back and then the knife flew out of his hand, landing a couple of inches away from Queen Bee's face. Gabriel laughed maniacally and jumped from the Eiffel Tower. Ladybug cried his name, then ran towards the edge. 

She looped her yo-yo around the railing and jumped out of the Eiffel Tower too. Thankfully, she was quicker than expected and managed to grab Gabriel before he fell into the ground. But she was naive and trusted easily. Gabriel smiled up next to her and took out his knife. Fear made her eyes widen as the tip of the knife grazed her skin. She cried out in pain and dropped Gabriel, touching the wound on her cheek, fresh and deep just like Chat Noir's.

She unhooked her yo-yo from the railing on top and started falling, the wind rustling in her ears. Above her, Volpina and Queen Bee had started jumping out of the tower themselves. Queen Bee with her wings and Volpina with her flying carpet. Despite the fact Gabriel had just hurt her, it wasn't enough reason to let him crash into his death. Ladybug threw her yo-yo at Gabriel's direction and tangled him up and she pressed him against the wall of the Eiffel Tower. Before Ladybug could react, Chat Noir had his arms wrapped around her waist and secured her into the little paths of the Eiffel Tower as Queen Bee dropped next to them.

"My heroes." Gabriel beckoned, his face close to spitting out cursing words. "Let me go. You're not doing anything with me, anyway."

"Suicide is not the solution!" Ladybug cried out, neglecting to belief someone might kill themselves only to shrug their problems away. 

"I knew you were going to rescue me." Gabriel said, his eyes narrowing to her cut. Ladybug forgot all about it. Her hand trailed up to touch it and when she lowered it, her fingertips were damped with blood. 

Chat Noir exploded.

Gabriel Agreste had his feet dangling, his neck covered by Chat Noir's black glove wrapped around his neck, his face slowly changing from icy snow, to ocean blue, to violet. The super heroes were yanking Chat Noir back, trying to stop his behavior, but he was suddenly the strongest man alive. They were unable to yank him backwards and unable to have Gabriel breathing again.

"You took my mother away from me." Chat Noir said through gritted teeth. His eyes darker than the shadows running wild at night. "You took my memories away, you nearly killed the love of my life various times. Touch her again and I will end you. Not caring if there's a damn code that stops me from doing so."

Chat Noir let Gabriel go abruptly. Gabriel coughed in the border of the Eiffel Tower, his neck sore as he looked up at Chat Noir. His eyes had some sort of mistakable pride. Gabriel swallowed and bobbled his head. It took some time for Ladybug to realize he was nodding. She sighed and turned around to face Chat Noir who had grown anxious. Queen Bee opened her wings again, grabbed Gabriel's knife and sheath it next to her shoulder. She wrapped her hands around Gabriel's shoulder and started to lift him. Soon, they were both gone.

"We'll be with Master Fu, if you want to catch up with us later." Volpina said quickly, grabbing Green Shell in a tight embrace and jumping into her carpet, flying away faster than she came.

Ladybug sighed as Chat Noir's fingers brushed her wound. She turned around to face him. "I'm fine, don't worry."

"He continues to hurt you." He said sadly, his eyes lowering.

Ladybug softened at that. "But I'm fine. I had my strong knight and shining armor to protect me."

Chat Noir and wrapped her in an embrace. 

"Daddy, I promise I'm not running away!" Chloe cried, collapsing into the floor as her father paced back and forward in his office. His hair was grayer than usual and he had no mercy. She had hidden their family secrets for too much and he was stupid to think all the things he bought her would earn her silence. She stood up abruptly and brushed the dust off her clothes. "I-I slept with a couple of friends and-" 

Her father seized her shoulders and started shaking her so much, her vision went blurry. Chloe yanked her father's arms away from her and stared in awe as her father hit the desk hard, making the wood crack open. 

"You scared me, Chloe." He spoke gently.

"You don't even love me!" She replied, tears gathering in her eyes. 

Her father whirled around, a sort of hinted madness coming out clear in his eyes. He shook his head. "If that's the case..." He started. The mayor of Paris took out something from his drawer. A long, glass and transparent bottle of vodka. He put the bottle to his lips and drank it to the bottom.

Chloe let one tear fall. "You've started drinking again?" She asked softly, covering her mouth with her fragile and shaking hands. "Daddy, you said you wouldn't do that. Not after mum."

"I DON'T GIVE A DAMN!" Her father bellowed grabbing her ponytail from behind and yanking her forward. Chloe cried in pain as her father's stinking breath came closer to her. He smelled like alcohol poison and it seemed like he hadn't bathed in a few years. "Your mother is dead as a dinosaur. You're stupid enough you can;t even realize that. You still talk as if she's miraculously coming back from the dead like Isabella Agreste. She is gone! Get that through your thick skull!" 

The mayor pushed her away from him and Chloe landed on the ground again, taking a few chairs with her. 

"You've been a naughty girl, Chloe." The mayor said, taking something from around his hips.

Chloe closed her eyes. It couldn't be.

"Daddy!" Six-year-old Chloe cried out, collapsing into the corner of her room, shielding her eyes with her tiny, bare arms. Her father held no mercy as he took out something from a drawer. A bottle of vodka. He glued it to his lips and spilled it out into the floor. Chloe only then realized her father had thrown up. He advanced, drunker than ever, towards the little girl with something golden and glimmering in his hands. "Daddy-stop, Daddy-"

Her words were sealed by an agonizing pain reaching her arms. Chloe cried in pain and jerked her hands away from her face to find them red. Tears started to stream down her cheeks, hot and sliding easily. The pain came again, this time, on her chest. Chloe cried and cried and screamed until the world would shatter. Her father whirled her around and started to bring down the belt on her back. 

Chloe felt like her skin was being ripped apart from her body, like it was no longer hers. She bit her lip hard enough to smear blood and cried out as another blow started to prickle blood. Chloe was in more pain than ever before in her life and she knew her father wouldn't stop if she didn't do anything. Chloe cried for him to stop but her voice was mute to him. Everything reasonable to him was. 

She attempted to move out of his grasp but that only caused another strike to come down at her, on her cheek. Chloe screamed in pain as the bruise left a throbbing pain, that little pain colliding with the pain that was traveling in the rest of her body. She grabbed the bottle from the corner and smashed it down onto her father's head. He stood straight for a moment, then collapsed into the floor, the belt shining in front of her. Chloe started crying, rocking back and forward, the pain the images traumatized her mind over and over again like those horrible things were played on repeat.

"Daddy, you said you'd stop." Chloe said. The painful memories rushing back to her like a straight bullet. "You said you'd stop with the beating and the vodka-stop-"

She opened the door to her father's office and sprinted away as fast as she could. Her father was much faster than she was. He threw himself onto her, both collapsing into the ground as he stood up and started bringing down the belt. Chloe cried in pain as new bruises formed around her arms, back, and collarbone. New memories to hate her father carved into her skin. This time, she wasn't taking her father's abuse any longer. She kicked his father on the stomach with all the force she could find that wasn't taken away by the amount of tears leaking away from her eyes.

He fell into the floor and Chloe took no time at all, to rush out the door. Pairs seemed happier than usual, but her word gloomier than ever before. She cried for what seemed hours, staring at the red marks in her collarbone and arms. She couldn't walk straight, not with the pain gathering up inside her. She knew she had to go with Master Fu and say goodbye to Gabriel once and for all, but she couldn't let her partners see her like this. 

Queen flew into her vision, her blue starling eyes seeming to calm her down, but it only lasted for a short moment.

"Chloe?" A voice asked that made her spun around. The blurriness of her tears didn't help at all to find out who it was. She whipped her tears away and saw the familiar, fiery red hair Nathaneal owned. He walked towards her slowly and picked her arms gently in his palms. "What happened?"

"Nothing!" She lied and yanked her arms away from his touch. His touch that would send thousands of jolts of electricity down her spine. Her mind was starting to hurt, like a long ache she didn't know she held. Nathaneal shook his head. "I'm fine....really."

"You look pale." He noted, dropping his notepad on his bag. "Chloe, it looks like your going to fall."

"No!" She said, though Nathaneal's before clear image had started to fade, and her eyelids suddenly became quite heavy and the unbearable pain in her mind and body wasn't helping. She tried opening her mouth, but the horrifying and crushing weight of her body stopped her and she would've been on the ground if it wasn't for Nathaneal's arms suddenly around her waist.

"What happened? The truth this time." Nathaneal said, catching a clear glimpse of the marks in her collarbone. "Chloe, was someone beating you? Answer me."

"He'll hurt me even more if I say anything." Chloe said, feeling safe in Nathaneal's arms but loner than before.

"He?" Nathaneal asked, his eyes squinting. "Do you mean your father?"

"Don't-don't tell." Chloe said, her eyes fading out and fading in back again. 

"This is ridiculous." Nathaneal said and put a hand on her back and another below her knees. He picked up bridal-style and started walking around Paris, Chloe's head resting on his shoulder, the world shifting with technicolor shapes and sizes. "Do you have anywhere else to go?"

"Master Fu's house." She told him quietly, starting to shiver. "The Chinese antique shop close to the Eiffel Tower."

Nathaneal nodded, his lips in a thin line. Chloe wanted to kiss that. What? No, she didn't. It was only the effect of the beating, of the pain Chloe was trapped in. "Nathaneal?" She asked in a high squeak. The red haired turned around to face her. "Thank you."

Nathaneal offered her a smile. "This is what happens when you have plenty of friends around. How are you treating Millie?"

Chloe, despite the pain she was in, managed to laugh, then pass out in Nathaneal's arms.

"I didn't know the mayor beat Chloe." Adrien said, touching his cheek like a memory flashed into his view. Marinette interlaced her fingers with his and he squeezed them tight. Nathaneal dropped Chloe into the nearest bed and positioned her head carefully underneath a pillow. If it wasn't for Nathaneal's broken heart, Adrien would've started to assume the the sparkle in his eyes meant more than taking care of a friend. "I always thought they had a good relationship."

Marinette shrugged. "Is she at least fine?"

Master Fu nodded, grabbing Nathaneal's hand and putting a wet cloth in it, then signaling it to Chloe. Nathaneal, turning as red as his hair, sat down in a stool and started nursing Chloe. "I didn't tell you how glad I am you managed to defeat your father. He and Lila will spend some time together in the cells."

Alya cracked a smile. "Another victory for the Parisian super heroes!" She grabbed some chips from the table nearby, sat down near a couch and started eating them.

"What will we do about Chloe?" Nathaneal asked, then squinted his eyes. "And how did you manage to defeat Gabriel Agreste?"

Marinette's face went like the color of ashes. "It's this game we like to play with-I'm not even going to try to get myself out of this."

Master Fu smiled and put a hand on Nathaneal's shoulder. "You are surrounded, just like Alya said, by the Parisian super heroes. And you will soon become one."

Alya choked on her chips.

Nathaneal looked terrified. "What? Does that mean Chloe is Queen Bee? Marinette is Ladybug...Adrien Chat Noir...oh my-"

"He's taking my mother's spot?" Adrien asked, perplexed. "Interesting. We'll leave you three to talk."

He wrapped his arm around Marinette and swung her on his back. He piggy-back ride Marinette out of the room with Nino and Alya behind them. Nathaneal was left alone with the old man and Chloe sleeping as beautiful as Sleeping Beauty. Nathaneal never noticed the way her chest would rise and fall gracefully. How he missed the sudden shining light in the depth of her eyes.

"We have a lot to talk about." Master Fu said, putting one reassuring hand on Nathaneal's arm.

Marinette walked around Paris uncertain. Sure, she was glad she defeated Hawkmoth and nobody died, but now-what would she do? She had Adrien to keep herself entertained and thousands of turn in assignments she should soon turn it, but she wanted to be Ladybug again. Maybe they would patrol for any signs of Theo. He was still out here. that didn't calm her nerves, but everything else did.

"So," Adrien sighed, wrapping an arm around her. "You give me ten euros if we return and find the two kissing."

Marinette nudged Adrien's ribs. "Deal."

"What are we doing to do now?" Alya asked as the four of them sat down in a table and ordered some fresh lemonade. "No Hawkmoth or Gabriel...we wouldn't have a job. Do you think Master Fu would want his miraculous back?"

Marinette shook her head, taking a sip from her lemonade. "Theo is still out there. If that won't cause trouble, I'm still not sure our kwamis will be taken away from us."

Nino sighed in relief. "To ourselves. The heroes of this generation."

They all smiled to themselves and made a toast. 

Chloe sat up in the bed, her head no longer hurting and the pain in her arms was bearable. Next to her was Nathaneal holding a glimmering object. She gasped in surprise and almost chocked by the gasp. Nathaneal patted her back and stared at the object, then right up at her. "Can you believe it? God, I can't. Why didn't you tell me you were Queen Bee?"

"It was a secret, Nath." Chloe replied. "You can't go around telling or else it wouldn't be a secret."

Nathaneal laughed and wrapped his arms around her. Chloe reacted surprised, hesitated, then wrapped her arms back around Nathaneal. He broke apart to cup her face. Chloe froze in fear. She had never been this close to a boy  before, not even Adrien who, as children, would be the one person she would spill all her problems. In that moment, Nathaneal looked beautiful. He was nothing compared to diamonds, to oceans, to any other beauty humans had seen. They clearly hadn't seen Nathaneal.

"I always fancied Queen Bee, right after I broke up with Marinette." Nathaneal admitted, taking loose sketches from his bag. "I thought she was cool with her silver sword and the bees at her command. I always wondered who she was."

Chloe stared at the sketches in her hands. They were her definition of art. Nathaneal caught Chloe's hair color precisely. Most people didn't know if it was wheat, honey, golden or just regularly blonde. Her eyes were the bluest of blue, with one look similar to the ocean, with another to the night sky. Queen Bee had her elegant, thin sword at her side, gleaming as bright as her miraculous, when in other sketches, Queen Bee had her wings spread out or was surrounded by bees.

"Do I disappoint you?" Chloe asked, grimacing for the answer. She was deadly afraid of it. Chloe feared of Nathaneal's answer she wished she hadn't asked that question at all. "It's better if you don't answer."

"Chloe, you don't disappoint me." Nathaneal replied, leaning closer for their foreheads touching. "Quite the opposite, actually. You're just like Queen Bee. I'm glad I could see the other shards of her."

"This close to you..." Chloe started mumbling. She titled her head to the right side. "I will push you off the bed if you don't kiss me."

Nathaneal rolled his eyes. "Such manners the queen has."

Chloe smiled,but her smile was cut in half as Nathaneal's lips crashed down to hers. As much as she didn't want to admit it, he was right. She knew nothing of love, this was her first kiss. She wanted it to be special, but her mind filled with all the rules on how to kiss were blank when the electricity of Nathaneal's lips moved against her own. Chloe laughed against his lips as Nathaneal wrapped his arms around and lifted her up, their lips never breaking apart.

He set her down carefully and kissed her lips again. 

"How did it feel?" Nathaneal asked, blushing furiously red. "Because if I did it wrong I wouldn't want you to feel uncomfortable and-"

Chloe cut him off by her lips brushing his quickly. "No, it was perfect for my first kiss. Thank you."

They crashed their lips down together again as Nino and Alya, Marinette and Adrien behind them. They broke apart, blushing furiously but Nathaneal's hand remained solid on her back. Adrien laughed and high-fived Marinette. "You all owe me ten euros, then."

Master Fu paced in front of Gabriel, Theo, Kim and Lila. His super heroes behind, glaring daggers at those captive. Master Fu sighed and stepped into the light. Gabriel looked hurt, this throat had a couple of bruises and he looked tired, tired like he was no longer fighting with purpose. Lila looked ready to explode in anger and Theo looked perplexed, like he didn't remember anything at all. "We've won."

"Noticed." Lila replied with a grumble. "Are we going to stay here forever?"

"You're going with Roger." Master Fu said, the door opening as Officer Roger came out, his fiery orange hair and turquoise eyes similar to Sabrina's. Marinette stared in awe as the whole room was surrounded by police officers. From the corner of her eye, she saw Nathaneal lean closer with Chloe, putting his hand solidly on her back. She smiled. Her temporary heartbreak of him wasn't going to let her stop Chloe from finding happiness. She looked much better, despite the fact that she was beaten with a belt a couple of hours ago. "You're staying with him until someone pays you out."

Gabriel sighed as Roger pulled him to his feet, surveying the room quickly and then pulling him out quickly. Theo, Kim and Lila followed on his footsteps. Marinette, once they were out, allowed herself to breathe. She was fine. She was alive. She had Adrien with her and Alya, Nino, Chloe and Nathaneal and everything was fine. They had won. Her heart beat with relaxation as she cried in relief and Adrien lifted her off the ground, spinning her around and brushing his lips against her eventually.

Master Fu turned around to eye his heroes. They were all different. To the adorable clumsiness of Marinette, Nino's pureness, Alya's curiosity, Adrien's kindness, Nathaneal's imagination to Chloe's inner strength. They were all different, but put together...he was glad they were able to save Paris. He was also glad he didn't have to worry every moment he woke up, to the moment he closed his eyes in loosing someone he loved. Hawkmoth was defeated and all his heroes were standing on their feet, closer with each other than ever.

"Thank you." Master Fu said quietly, the laughter of his heroes dying out. "I wouldn't be this relaxed if it wasn't for you. Paris and I thank you."

Marinette smiled, followed by the rest of her team as she opened the door, dusk falling gracefully over Paris's gleaming lights. Master Fu waved goodbye at them as the all changed into their super heroes form, swinging around Paris better than ever, like defeating Gabriel was one physical weight off their shoulders. Nathaneal had trouble getting used to his suit at first, after all, Master Fu had bent the rules of Duusu for Nathaneal to get the miraculous. In the end, the kwami admitted she wanted to get back into action not caring if the holder was female or male and invited Nathaneal with open arms.

Ladybug sat down next to her black cat. From the distance, they saw Nathaneal wrap his arm around Queen Bee and her head lean into his shoulder. Green Shell smiled and kissed Volpina's cheek. "So much love."

"I'm just glad we're done." Chat Noir admitted, his arms coming behind her waist and putting her on his lap. Ladybug flashed him an alarming look and Chat Noir blushed scarlet. "Oh, the car I-if you weren't ready-"

"It's not that I wasn't ready." Ladybug replied, laughing at his ears standing straighter than the Eiffel Tower. "I love it when you blush."

Chat Noir smiled at that and started to make braids with the little left over strands of her hair while Ladybug leaned back on his chest. Her hair rested on his temple, her back on his chest and their legs dangled together. Ladybug was glad she could patrol with her friends, create little parties and also do their job which she adored. Continued to adore. Chat Noir was also with her, and that fragment of him was something she couldn't loose.

She couldn't afford to.

"What will happen after this?" Ladybug asked seriously. "I mean, I've know we've talked about this but-"

"Time to say goodbye." Chat Noir answered and pulled his lady closer. "I mean, we'd still hang out as super heroes but not as much. We  used to do it daily, someone was always getting akumatized in Paris and after all we've been through, I think it's safe to say we should get a break  once and for all."

Ladybug smiled. "I'm going to miss being Ladybug."

"And I'm going to miss calling you bugaboo and m'lady." Chat Noir replied.

"You can still do that, you know." She informed him.

"We'd blow out our cover." Chat Noir replied, flipping her around so their noses were millimeters apart. "So I must enjoy my time with Ladybug as precious as possible."

Ladybug smiled as she pressed her lips against Chat Noir. Just a peck, yet enough for her whole body to explode into jittery feelings. She sighed in relief and relaxed against his chest, happy that for once, Ladybug and Chat Noir could gaze into the city, fingers interlaced, without having to rush and save people. For once, Ladybug and Chat Noir could enjoy each other's company and let the tears of sadness spill from their faces.

Every hero was crying over their time coming to a close, but deep down, they all knew it needed to happen.

It was time to say goodbye.  

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