Another day another muder

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We see everyone as they were seen going to their rooms as they see Monokuma appear.

Monokuma: Attention everyone before you all go to bed I would require each and everyone one of you to donate some blood.

Ashton: What? Why?

Monokuma: I need to make sure that none of you all are sick.

Stone: Fine, let's get this over with.

We later see everyone at a room as they were seen giving their blood in blood packs as we later see them going to their rooms as we see Dimitri was seen going to bed as he was seen in a void as he sees an image of him and Ashton both blacking out as he sees the figure.

Dimitri: Who are you?

We later see Dimitri wake up as he was seen going to the cafeteria as he sees everyone was there as he walked to the table.

Dimitri:So everyone is here?

Asahina: Except Maizono.

Dimitri then looked and he saw Naegi walking off.

Dimitri: Excuse me for a sec.

He then got up and walked off to where Naegi was going and sees a dorm room open as he went inside and sees that the room was a wreck and sees a fake katana on the ground as he then sees Naegi going to the shower door and notices the doorknob was almost off its hinges as Naegi opened it up and they looked to see what shocked them was the girl Maizono found dead in the shower as a knife was seen stabbed in her stomach.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Dimitri: Oh my god...

We then see Dimitri run out as he ran to Ashton.

Ashton: Dude, what's wrong?

Dimitri: She's dead...

Ashton: Who?

Dimitri: Maizono.

Ashton: What?!

Dimitri: Naegi and I found her in the shower dead with a knife in her stomach.

Ashton: My god...

We later see everyone at the gym as we see their digital notebooks show them about Maizono's cause of death.

Cyborg: Hopefully this will help us out.

Jinx: There's an interesting bit, Maizono wasn't found in her own room but Naegi's.

Naegi then gasped in shock.

Owada: Should have known, you greased the poor girl didn't you?!

Naegi: Hold on, it's not what it looks like.

Togami: Best to explain.

Neagi: She came to me wanting to switch rooms for the night and I said ok, she was scared, she needed my help.

Owada: Oh sure, we'll believe that lie.

Leon: Stinks if you ask me.

Naegi: Oh come on, you guys really think I did it.

Togami: Naegi, put yourself in our shoes, what would you think?

Naegi looked and saw everyone looking at him in disbelief.

Togami: I'm sorry, but if your innocent the burden of proof is on you, everyone come, let's get this over with.

Everyone then left as Dimitri looked at Naegi and walked to him.

Dimitri: Naegi, I know that you're innocent, so I'm gonna help you with this case.

Naegi: Thanks.

We later see Dimitri, Kirigiri and Naegi looking around in Naegi's room as they looked and saw the katana on the floor as Dimitri saw a chip on the sheathe as he went to Maizono's body and looked to see some gold glitter on her right wrist and was swollen as Dimitri moved Maizono's body and saw numbers written in blood behind her as the numbers were 11037 as Dimitri got out a camera and took the photo as he and Kirigiri left the dorm room Dimitri noticed the door to Naegi's room had Maizono's nameplate as he looked at the door to the left and saw Naegi's name on it.

Dimitri: Kirigiri, isn't this strange?

Kirigiri pulled out her notebook and saw the rooms that showed Naegi's room was the door to the right and the one to the left.

Kirigiri: If this is Naegi's room why does it have Maizono's nameplate?

Dimitri: Weird.

We later see Dimitri with Naegi and Yamada in the trash room as we see Yamada use a key and a security gate open up as we see them go there as Dimitri noticed a burned piece of a shirt sleeve covered in blood and fragments of a glass ball as we see Dimitri and Naegi walk to the A/V room as Dimitri was seen holding a dvd as it has Maizono's name on it as we see him play the dvd as it shows a video of Maizono singing with her band as it then changes to see her band members were on the floor as Monokuma's face was seen on a screen as Nargi and Dimitri's eyes widened in shock.

Dimitri: That damn bastard. He did it so we would play his twisted game.

Monokuma: (through the speaker) Time for the next trial.

We then see everyone at the elevator as we see Dimitri and Naegi coming.

Ishimaru: Nice one, don't you two know how to tell time, you had us waiting don't you know.

Toko: I suppose you can hardly blame Naegi, he knows it's only a matter of time before he's executed.

Ishimaru: We haven't proven anything yet. The man is on a fair trial.

Leon: Whatever man, look at him, he's totally guilty.

Dimitri: (thinking) I need to do something, unless I can prove that Naegi is innocent, we're all gonna die.

We then see them enter the trial room and they walk to the stands as we see it now has a portraits of Issei and Maizono in their places.

Monokuma: Now let the trial begin!

Beast Boy: So now what?

Dimitri: Well I say we start with the weapon, knowing where it came from, it was a kitchen knife.

Owada: We already know that Sherlock.

Naegi: Hold on, he could be on to something, the knife had to come from the kitchen.

Asahina: So whoever was in the kitchen last night is a suspect?

Leon: Naegi's just trying to get us to split hairs, he's the killer remember?

Asahina: Wait, I think I can prove that Naegi didn't take the knife. I would know because Sakura and I spent the rest of the time there.

Dimitri: Really?

Sakura: Yes, we were out late enjoying an evening tea.

Asahina: I was on edge, Sakura was kind enough to keep me company.

Jinx: What if you two were working together to kill her.

Dimitri: No, the rules said that if two or more people work together to kill someone only the actual killer will graduate, remember.

Jinx: Fine. So who took it?

Sakura: We know who took the knife cause we witnessed its removal.

Robin: Then why didn't you tell us?

Asahina: Cause it's rude to speak ill of the dead.

Naegi: What?

Asahina: It was Maizono. I don't know why but it was definitely her.

Naegi: But that doesn't make sense, why would she take it?

Dimitri: She must have wanted it to protect herself.

Togami: That being the case, the very thing she thought to fend off her attacker will prove to be her undoing. Simple tragic irony at its finest

Naegi: Yeah, no kidding.

Togami: All the same Naegi, your still rather far from clearing your name in this bloody business.

Naegi then looked down.

Toko: Aha! See! There's muder written all over his face!

Naegi: Dammit I told you it wasn't me!

Yamada: Oh, I got it everyone, he's attempting to steer the debate in his favor! (fixes his glasses) What a skilled manipulator you are.

Dimitri: (thinking) This isn't going well, if they pin it on Naegi, we'll all be executed.

Kirigiri: Careful, I still think it's quite too soon to point the finger at Naegi.

Duck: Wait what?

Dimitri: She's right, there are other details you guys are missing.

Squidward: Other details? What do you mean "other details?"

Dimitri: When me and Naegi were in his room we saw the doorknob to his shower room was thrashed.

Toko: So? What is that supposed to prove except he broke in to get at his prey, animal!

Kirigiri: That one small detail convinces me that Naegi couldn't have been the murderer.

Owada: What are you nuts? He made it in. Boom! He broke it, end of story. He didn't have any choice because she locked the door on him.

Naegi: I can prove you wrong! The shower doors don't lock in the boys rooms.

Dimitri: He's right, only the girls showers do.

Owada: Yeah, and how do you two know that?

Dimitri: Monokuma said it himself, our shower doors don't have locks installed. (to Monokuma) Go on, tell them.

Monokuma: Huh? Yeah, sure, whatever.

Pearl: Then why did the killer break the doorknob if it doesn't lock?

Naegi: Because my door's wonky, there's a trick to opening it.

Dimitri: The killer didn't know, and that led them to assume that they were in a girl's room. They thought that the only option was to bust the doorknob.

Kirigiri: If Naegi were the murderer he'd been aware that the door doesn't lock, and knowing the trick to opening it, simply walked in.

Ashton: When you think about it, it makes sense.

Steven: Then that would mean the killer is someone else. But why would they have the idea the door was locked?

Pearl: Weren't they aware that Naegi and Maizono switched rooms?

Dimitri: I think that was the point, from the evidence it showed the killer believed that they were in a Maizono's room.

Gray: Wait, so your saying that the culprit was in the dark about the room swap?

Dimitri: Yes.

Ashton: And Gray, your clothes.

Everyone then looked and saw Gray was only in his underwear as Gray looked down.

Gray: Crap! Not again!

Lucy: But if Maizono was scared like Naegi said then how did the killer get in?

Izuka: Was the lock picked?

Cyborg: Negative, all the tumblers to the doors are reinforced electronically.

Ashton: Then perhaps she let the killer in.

Naegi: She was too scared to open it, she told me that she wouldn't open it for anyone even if she knew it was me on the other side. So she wouldn't do that.

Dimitri: Unless that was what she wanted you to think.

Amethyst: What are you saying

Kirigiri: He means that her terror could have been a ruse.

Naegi: She wouldn't lie to me, me and Maizono were friends.

Dimitri: I found this.

He was seen holding up with a piece of paper as pencil was scribbled on it as it revealed marks for a note.

Dimitri: It read "there's something I want to talk to you about in private, please come to my room, make sure to check the nameplate so you don't go to the wrong room by mistake. Sayaka Maizono." I found it on the notepad in your room. She must have written it to lure someone in.

Momo: But the note said to come to her room.

Lexi: Right, then that meant whoever she was inviting would have gone to where Naegi was by mistake.

Dimitri: True, but not quite.

Lexi: What?

Dimitri: Maizono was clever.

Duck: Really? How?

Dimitri: After she and Naegi switched rooms she snuck out and swapped their nameplates. I noticed that after walking out of the room.

Ace: So that means she really was luring someone into Naegi's room.

Togami: If memory serves, I believe the phrase tossed out a bit earlier was luring someone to their death?

Dimitri: Yeah, that would seem about right. Which points the finger away from Naegi.

Naegi: Finally.

Katsuki: Fine, then who killed her?

Dimitri: The answer is quite simple. Whoever she invited to Naegi's room turned the tables on her, got to her first.

Steven: Wait, so you're saying that Maizono swapped rooms with Naegi to try and off someone?

Togami: Far from the worst of gambits, once the deed was done she'd have an out. She had to switch the nameplates to pin it on Naegi. Her fatal misstep was inadvertently giving her prospective victim the opportunity to fight back.

Cyborg: They got the first strike with that katana in Naegi's room.

Dimitri: Not exactly, the katana was used in self defense.

Togami: Yes, the damage to the sheath implies as much. If things went according to plan, Maizono would be standing here now pointing the finger at Naegi.

Ashton: Guys, I hate to break this conversation up but we're running out of time and going off track.

Tech: Right, the murderer is still at large.

Dimitri: (Thinking) Come on Dimitri, think, there has to be something we all missed.

Leon: Guess this is it for us. Damn, if only there was more to go on here. We're out of clues.

Dimitri: No! That's wrong, Maizono left a message for us not the one on the notepad but I wrote it down.

Leon: What are you driving at?

Kirigiri: She left a dying message. One scrawled in blood behind her.

Dimitri: Yeah, see.

He then showed the piece of paper that had 11037 on it.

Gizmo: 11037? What does that mean?

Duck: Aren't you guys smart with tech what does it mean?

Cyborg: We checked everything and it doesn't match any kind code we know.

Dimitri: (thinking) Ok, so when things took a wrong turn Maizono ran to the shower, then the killer forced his way in. Did he already have the knife?

Dimitri paused for a minute and then his eyes widened.

Dimitri: Of course! It was just like before!

Gizmo: What?

Amethyst: Dude, none of us have any idea what you are saying.

Dimitri: Maizono identified her killer. (holds up the paper) If you turn the numbers 180 degrees it's clear as day. (turns the paper upside down) L-E-O-N. What do you know, that's your name isn't it? (turns to Leon) Leon Kuwata?

Leon then stood shocked at what Dimitir had said.

Dimitri: Leon, if you have anything to say then say it.

Garnet: Disappointing.

Leon: Gimme a break! You're not seriously listening to this lying punk!

Ashton: Maizono identified her killer from beyond the grave. A name written in blood, it was written liken because of the angle of her head. She didn't have enough energy to turn around.

Leon: Maybe someone's trying to frame me. Do you think of that? Everything you got is circumstantial.

Kirigiri: Let's assume you're not the perpetrator. Care to explain why you tried to destroy evidence?

He then stood in shock.

Ishimaru: Somebody explain.

Dimitri: I think she means the charred pieces of shirt and glass ball fragments we found in the garbage room.

Yamada: Oh right, I forgot all about those.

Hagakure: You know, come to think of it, I haven't seen my crystal ball in a while. Think that's what happened to it?

Dimitri: From all the evidence we found here's what I believe happened. Maizono's killer was in over his head, he hadn't planned on killing anyone that night. The evidence had to be destroyed. But the garbage room was on lockdown, that was where Hagakure's missing glass ball came in. The killer used it to activate the incinerator, activating the incinerator from the other side of the gate would be impossible for any person, but the culprit had mad skills, specifically skills in baseball. When the ball hit the one button the incinerator activated and the killer threw the bloody shirt in and when the job was done our culprit thought he could walk back to his room and acted like nothing had ever happened. But that was his biggest mistake, a scrap of the burning bloodstained shirt fell out of the incinerator which was hard evidence. Our perp thought he improvised the perfect crime, but instead left a trail leading us straight to him. Deny if you want that's how it went, Leon Kuwata, the ultimate baseball star.

Leon was seen standing looking very angry.

Ashton: You stand accused, now would be the time to object.

Leon: Object? Yeah, let me think about that. You're damn right I object! This is all a bunch of BS!

Dimitri: You're the only one who can throw the glass ball far enough and hard enough to hit the switch and you know it.

Leon: Yeah, nice try! Screw you! What about Yamada? He's on trash duty, he could have unlocked the gate!

Dimitri: Which is why he wouldn't have needed the glass ball, he could have just used his access key and walked off without any of us knowing.

Leon: Ha ha! Big man trying to trick me into fessing up! But like I said it's all circumstantial!

Dimitri: Maybe but there is one piece of evidence that points directly at you.

Leon: What are you gonna make something up now?!

Dimitri: The shower door, the doorknob's screws were removed.

Leon: Who gives a flying rat's ass!

Dimitri: How do you think the murderer remove those screws?

Leon: Whatever you're driving at jerkwad you're barking up the wrong tree!

Dimitri: If what I'm driving at is on the money, there will be evidence in your toolkit. Why not give us a look?


Dimitri: You're guilty Leon Kuwata! I demand you show us what is in your tool kit? Well?

We then saw Leon looking shocked and stood and remained silent.

Dimitri: I'm sorry man.

Monokuma: Time for voting time.

We then see the slot machine going as the slots land on Leon's face as it got a jackpot revealing he was guilty.

Monokuma: Correct!  Well done everyone, Sayaka Maizono's murderer was indeed Leon Kuwata!

Owada: You dumbass! What the hell got into you?!

Leon: I didn't want to... She was.. I mean she was trying to kill me... I didn't know what to do ok. What if she'd gone after you I mean you could have done it in my shoes!

He then fell to his knees and started to cry.

Monokuma: Moving on to the punishment phase.

Leon: No, I didn't have a choice. The crazy girl was trying to kill me! I acted in self defense, I'm not really a murderer.

Monokuma: Yes, yes. I'm sure we're all relieved to hear that. But rules are rules, too bad so sad. I have thought of a special punishment. Play ball!

Leon: NOOOO!!!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

We then see monokuma pull out a gavel and used it to hit a button as the screen showed a retro game leon as Monokuma came and started to drag him away as the screen said "Game Over. Kuwata was voted guilty. Time for his punishment." as we see Leon as he looks at everyone as we see a metal clamp attached to a chain come and clamped on his neck and started to pull him away as we see him get dragged to a batting cage as he was clamped to a pole as pitching machine came as Monokuma appeared with a hat and bat and the machine started to fire one baseball at him at a time as it then started to speed up firing more baseballs at him in an immense speed as it started to spin around while firing baseballs at Leon as we see monokuma started to frantically pitch some balls as we see Leon beaten from head to toe as he looks to see multiple baseballs coming towards his face as the cage opens as we see the remaining students looked in horror of Leon's dead body that was still bound to the pole and surrounded by bloodstained baseballs.

Dimitri: Oh god...

We later see everyone was going to their rooms as we see Dimitri going to Naegi.

Dimitri: Dude, I'm sorry about what happened to Maizono, and I think why she did it was she wanted to protect you.

Naegi: You think so?

Dimitri: I mean, Jay saved my life by switching rooms with me and he died a hero.

Naegi: Oh.

Dimitri: Dude, you need to keep moving, she would want you to keep going. And I'll be there to help ya out.

Naegi: Thanks.

He then walks off as we go to the next day as we see the security gates to the stairwell for the third floor open up as we see the third floor had a game room, art room, art supply room, and physics lab.

Monokuma: (through speakers) Attention students just to let ya know that there will be something that will make your day a bit tricky.

We then see the vents start to release a green gas as we see the others in the cafeteria.

Dimitri: I'm still worried about the others, they must be worried sick about us, especially our harems.

Ashton: Yeah.

Blitzo: Oh please, it would take a roided up hippo to take those women down.

Dimitri: But we never faced a situation like this before, if they try to come and get us the girls will be put in danger and this worries me even more thinking about it.

Ashton: (groans) Do you honestly ever shut up about your girls? It's always "Oh, how's Jessica?" "I can't tonight, I'm with Enid." "I'm so worried about Rias." and they're always five freaking feet away from you dude! It's pathetic.

Dimitri: Ash... that was... oddly personal.

Ashton: (realizes) Wait, you're right. I don't know why the hell I let my guts spill like that. Dude I'm so sorry!

Dimitri then looks up and sees the vents releasing gas.

Dimitri: Guys, that bear is filling the entire academy with something.

Ashton: Crap.

Blitzo: The hell is this?

Dimitri: I think it's some kind of airborne truth telling serum.

Ashton: Oh, you just guessed that's what it is?

Dimitri: Well one of you guys try asking any of us something specific that we wouldn't normally tell.

Blitzo: Ok uh, (to Dimitri and Ashton) do any of the other girls in your harems besides Rias and Mary sleep with you two naked?

Dimitri and Ashton: Sometimes.

Dimitri: (realizes) What?!

Ashton: Dude! Why that?!

Blitzo: Heh, I knew it.

Ashton: I am so gonna kill you when this is over.

Dimitri: Well Ashton's hair is tacky. (realizes) Crap, I'm sorry!

Ashton: (gasp) How freaking dare you?! You have awful taste in clothes and your feet smell like bad cheese! (realizes) I'm sorry!

Dimitri: Bad taste? But... you said you liked that outfit I made for you once.

Ashton: I lied, I burned it to ashes.

Dimitri: You... You said you loved it...

Ashton: It was awful Dimitri, it was like something from a cheesy, stupid, horrible movie!

Dimitri and Ashton then both fell to their knees and started crying.

Ashton: Oh Dimitri, I said so many lies to you!

Lexi: Guys.

We then see Dimitri and Ashton both running around while crying.

Mina: Guys?

We then see Dimitri and Ashton crying on the ground while Dimitri was banging his feet and fist on the floor and Ashton was seen banging his face on the floor.

Ace: Guys?

We then see Dimitri as his tears shot out like a hose and went into Ashton's mouth and Ashton then fired tears into Dimitri's mouth

Asahina: Ew.

Lexi: Ok that does it.

We then see Lexi walking to Dimitri and Ashton as they are seen rolling around the floor while having their thumbs in their mouths and she smashes their heads together.

Dimitri and Ashton: Ow!

Lexi: Both of you get a hold of yourselves, we're trying to find a way out of this place and you two are acting like a couple of babies.

Ashton: Sorry Lexi.

Dimitri: She's right, we just have to focus on the matter at hand.

Ashton: Right, and if we're gonna get out of this then we're gonna have to work together so we all just have to keep ourselves under control.

We later see them walking off to think.


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