Cold burning case

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We see Dimitri as he was in the library as he was seen reading a book as we see Ashton coming to the library.

Ashton: What are you doing D?

Dimitri: Reading, if we're gonna be trapped here then I should find a way to get out.

Ashton: I'm about to make a snack. Do you want something?

Dimitri: Surprise me.

Ashton: Alright.

We then see Ashton as he was seen heading to the kitchen as he walked to the fridge and as he opened the refrigerator and saw something terrible.

Ashton: OH MY GOD!

We then see Dimitri run to the kitchen.

Dimitri: What? What happened?

He then looked and his eyes widened as he saw that Jinx's head was in the fridge

Dimitri: Is that... Jinx? What happened to her?

Ashton: I don't know, we need to get everyone here now.

We later see everyone as they saw Jinx's head in the fridge.

Lexi: That is messed up.

Beast Boy: I think I'm gonna hurl.

Tech: What happened?

Ashton: I went here to find a snack and when I opened the fridge her head was in there.

Dimitri: And by the looks of it I would assume that she was killed and the killer is one of us. But the question is who did it?

Everyone then started to look at each other in fear.

Ashton: We should search this place for clues, maybe it can help us find out who did it.

Dimitri: He's right.

Squidward: This place is a nightmare!

Duck: We're all gonna die!

Dimitri: Look, let's all remain calm.

Squidward: How can we be calm when there's a killer in here?!

Ashton then walked to Squidward and slapped him in the face.

Ashton: Snap out of it, we just need to find out who did it before we all get executed.

Tech: Guys look at her neck.

Dimitri then looked and noticed that Jinx's neck had burn marks.

Dimitri: They look like burn marks.

Duck: And there's only one person we know of that has fire powers

Everyone in the room looks at Ashton.

Ashton: Why's everyone looking at me? I didn't do it!

Duck: Why wouldn't we, you're the only person that has fire powers.

Dimitri: Guys, let's not jump to conclusions everyone. If Ashton says he didn't do it then he didn't do it.

Ashton: Besides what about Stone? He has fire powers too.

Dimitri: Let's all look around and see if we can find clues.

We later see Dimitri as he was seen with the rest of the hive five.

Dimitri: Look, I know you guys are villains but I need to know what Jinx did last night before she was killed?

Gizmo: Last night Jinx said that she needed to grab something last night.

Dimitri: But did any of you see where she went or where she told you she was going to?

Gizmo: Well no.

Dimitri: I see.

We later see Dimitri as he was seen in the kitchen as he looked at the floor and noticed a red strain of hair as he picked it up.

Dimitri: Interesting.

He then looked at a clock and saw the time was seven thirty as he saw Cyborg.

Dimitri: Hey Cyborg, do you have a watch? I just need to know what time it is.

Cyborg: Well, it's basically nine thirty.

Dimitri: (points at the clock on the wall) Then why does the clock on the wall say that it's seven?

Cyborg: Hmm, think the clock is running slow?

Dimitri: seems suspicious.

We then see Ashton as he was seen going to his dorm room as he opened the door and as he stepped inside his room he saw a large blood puddle as he then noticed that the blood was coming from Jinx's body as Ashton's eyes grew big in fear. We later see everyone coming to the trial room as they look to see a portrait of Jinx was seen in her stand as we see everyone gather to their stands.

Dimitri: Did any of you all find any clues that link to Jinx's death?

Ashton: I found Jinx's body in my room on the floor in a large puddle of blood.

Dimitri: Ok... well I noticed that the clocks in the academy all said that the time was seven, but there was something that made me suspicious.

Beast Boy: What's that?

Dimitri: When I asked Cyborg what time it was he said it was nine. It had me thinking, what if someone tampered with the clocks.

Beast Boy: What?

Dimitri: Ash, did you find anything on Jinx's body?

Ashton: I found this note (holds up a note and reads it) It was for her to come to my room at 8 o'clock.

Dimitri: Hmmm. I think I have a theory, what if the killer sent that note to Jinx to lure her to kill her, and then left the body in Ashton's room and left Jinx's head in the fridge with the burnt marks to make it look like Ashton was the one who killed her.

Duck: But what about the burnt marks? Ashton is the one who would use fire powers.

Dimitri: But there was a detail you all missed.

Asahina: What detail?

Dimitri: When I looked at the burnt mark on Jinx's neck I noticed that it was uneven. When Ashton burns someone there's always smooth burns these are not the ones Ashton leaves.

Pearl: But what about the note? It clearly said to come to Ashton's room at 8 but at that time last night it was actually 10.

Dimitri: That was what the clocks turned back 2 hours in the academy wad for, it was to make us think that it would be 8.

Steven: So someone was luring Jinx to her death.

Ace: The only question is who killed her.

Dimitri: Well I thought this could help.

He then held up the pieces of hair as they saw it.

Dimitri: I found it on the floor of the kitchen. It looks like the killer left this behind.

Ashton: (looks at the hair) There's only one person I know who has red hair and that's (points at Stone) you.

Dimitri: Just admit it, Stone.

Stone: Admit what?

Brian: That you killed Jinx and tried to cover  your tracks.

Asahina: And made it look like Ashton did it.

Stone: I did no such thing.

Dimitri then turned into Shock Rock and made an electric mace as Stone freaked out.

Stone: Ok! I killed Jinx!

Everyone then looked at Stone in disappointment after hearing him.

Dimitri: And here's what I believed happened, After Stone killed Jinx he needed to make sure no one found out he did it, that's when he got the idea of framing Ashton he hid Jinx's head in the fridge and then hid her body in Ashton's room hoping it would throw suspicion towards him. But unfortunately a strain of his hair fell off and landed on the floor of the kitchen after he put Jinx's head in the fridge. He thought he came up with the perfect crime.

Monokuma: And now he shall receive the perfect execution. Having his head explode from math!

We then see Monokuma pull out a gavel and hit the button with it as a screen showed Stone as Monokuma came and started to drag him away. We then see Stone as he was seen tied to a chair as we see giant speakers appear and surrounded Stone as we then see the speakers started to turn on as they started to play out math equations very loudly around Stone as we see the the sound from the speakers started to cause Stone's ears to bleed from the noise as his head then exploded.

Ashton: Good riddance.

We later see Dimitri as he was seen as Machino in the gym as he was seen scanning the area as Ashton came to him.

Ashton: What are you doing?

Dimitri: Trying to figure out something about this place. I used Machino's scanner to scan the entire academy to create a map and I remember through each trial we survive we gain access to the next floor.

Ashton: And so far we all have access to three floors. So how many floors are left?

Dimitri: So far there are two left. By tomorrow the gate for the fourth floor will open allowing us access.

Ashton: I see.

Dimitri: And I'm just trying to find this mastermind's secret room.

Ashton: What?

Dimitri: We're being trapped by a psychotic mastermind, there's got to be a secret room where we can leave

Ashton: Oh please the only way we would find one is if we would fall right into it.

Ashton then leaned to a wall as the part he was leaning on revealed to be a hidden door as he then fell down and started falling down stairs.

Ashton: (while falling down the stairs) OW! OW! OW! OW! MY SPLEEN! MY KIDNEY! MY LEFT PINKY!

We then see Ashton fall to the floor face first as we see Dimitri come down as he looks and his eyes widened as he lifted Ashton's head up as he gasped as they looked to see a hidden lab.

Ashton: What is this place?

Dimitri: This must be the mastermind's hideout.

Ashton then looked as he saw a piece of paper as it was revealed to be a list and it showed various names and showed various types of blood they were given to.

Ashton: It looks like some kind of blood.

Dimitri: And it looks like this is a list of what kind of people got what kind of blood. (looks at the lists) Oh no, not him....

Ashton: What?

Dimitri: Look.

He then pointed at a name on the list as Ashton saw Dimitri was pointing at a name he and Dimitri are both familiar with.

Ashton: Draven?!

Dimitri: Looks like this person is working for him.

Ashton then sees a computer and sees an email from Draven as he saw it was for a pick up on the blood samples by tomorrow and then sees another email for a blood pick up yesterday as Ashton saw the emails read that they were offering a high amount of money.

Ashton: Of course, the blood donation. It all makes sense.

Dimitri: What?

Ashton: Whoever kidnapped us is trading our blood to supply Draven for his experiments. Correction: Not anymore.

Dimitri: And I think Draven left our perp a present.

He then removed a tarp and revealed a metal chamber.

Ashton: What is that?

Dimitri: From the looks of it... (gasps) I saw it before. This was one of POINT's projects.

Ashton: What are you talking about?

Dimitri: This is a regeneration station. It was designed to bring any person back to life.

Ashton: Stand back. I'm taking this away from the perp.

Dimitri: Hold on, maybe we can use it, if we insert the dna of the dead contenders, we can bring them back.

Ashton: Dude I'm not gonna break it. I'm absorbing it so the perp can never use it and we can bring the contenders back when we leave.

Dimitri: Oh. But i think there's a problem, in order to bring back the dead contender this machine needs a strong power source.

Ashton: But where are we gonna get that?

Dimitri: (realizes) Ash, we can use me.

Ashton: What?

Dimitri: My body can generate crimson energy, so if we hook me up to it and power it.

Ashton: That could work, but won't that hurt you.

Dimitri: True, but it's like you said Ash, the hardest part of being a hero is the sacrifices one has to make.

Ashton: Well said. (absorbs the machine) Got it. We better go before that mastermind comes in.

We then see them leaving the secret lab as we see Dimitri as he finds a photo of the students in class 78 as he looks at it and sees Junko in it as his eyes widen.


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