Exposing the mastermind and leaving the academy

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We see Dimitri as we see everyone gather into the public bath as we see everyone was there.

Duncan: Ok, we're here, what is it?

Dimitri: Me and Ashton have a plan to bust us out of here and stop the perp's plan.

Duck: But won't this mastermind just stop us.

Dimitri: Look around in this bath house and tell me what you don't see.

They then looked around and noticed that there weren't any surveillance cameras.

Ace: Hey, there's no cameras around.

Ashton: Exactly, which makes this place an ideal hiding place. Everyone listen, last night me and Dimitri found a secret lab and found a machine that could bring our dead friends back.

Dimitri: And apparently this perp was trading off our blood to people for cash.

Ashton: So we all need to take this perp down for good.

Dimitri: Then it's time we get this plan into action.

We later see everyone at the gym as we see Monokuma pop out.

Monokuma: Hello everyone i see it's time for another-

We then see Dimitri appear as Machino and throw a disk at Monokuma as it sticks onto him and then light up as it creates a buzzing sound as we then see Monokuma stop moving and fall down.

Fujisaki: He stopped? How?

Dimitri: Because my jamming disk is keeping wireless commands from reaching Monokuma.

Ashton: And I'll bet the one sending those commands is in this very building.

We then see Ashton going to the dorm rooms as we see him going to a door with Junko's nameplate and kicked it open

Ashton: Come here!

We then see Ashton going in and coming out as he was seen holding Junko in his hand as she was seen trying to get out of his grip.

Junko: Let me go!

Ashton: Hmm, not gonna do that Junko. Or should I call you Monokuma?

Lexi: Wait, she is behind this? But we saw her die.

Dimitri: No, it was her twin sister, Mukuro disguised as Junko. Junko decided to kill her own sister so that way she would be able to have free reign while we all thought she was dead.

Ashton: She engineered this whole killing game just for her own entertainment.

Dimitri: And there was one thing about it that made me suspicious that Junko was behind it.

Ashton: How?

Dimitri: Ash, remember when me and you both blacked out when arriving at Hope's Peak?

Ashton: Yeah, why?

Dimitri: Well before I completely blacked out I saw someone coming and picked up you and me and that someone was Junko.

Ashton: When Junko realized that Dimitri saw her she was afraid that if Dimitri got out he could I.D. her, so she was coming up with a plan to set up the next trial game if someone killed someone just to get Dimitri executed. Isn't that right Miss Crazypants?

Junko: I knew that pesky copycat would ruin my plans so I thought that I could have him dead.

Dimitri: And you would have gotten away with it if it weren't for us meddling kids. And I also made a call to the police and they'll be on their way pretty soon.

Junko: Whatever. I'll just tell them that you all took me as a hostage and tried to kill me, it's my word against yours.

Ashton: Oh, actually.

He then held up a voice recorder and played it.

Voice recorder: (Junko's voice) I knew that pesky copycat would ruin my plans so I thought that I could have him dead.

Ashton: It's your word against yours. It's called a hustle sweetheart boom.

Dimitri: And you know what they say, the truth will set you free, but not in this case, you're going to jail. Only one more thing left to do. Ashton would you and Duncan care to do the honors of making our door?

Ashton: Thought you never asked.

Ashton and Duncan then walked to a wall and started to breath fire as we see the wall melt away

Dimitri: And we have one last thing on our list.

We later see Dimitri as jumper cables were connected to him and to the regeneration station.

Ashton: You sure you want to do this D?

Dimitri: I'm sure. Are the blood samples loaded in?

Ashton: All loaded and ready to go.

Dimitri: Good.

We then see Dimitri as he started to make himself be surrounded by crimson energy as we see the energy was traveling through the cables ands went to the machine as we see the machine started to activate as Ashton pulled the switch as we see the machine started to glow as Dimitri was keeping the energy going as we see the glow from the machine getting brighter as we then see the room engulfed in light as we see the machine stopped and the doors open as we see the doors open and we see the contenders who had died except for Issei and Stone were now alive as they came out of the machine.

Jinx: Hey, what happened?

Ashton: Welcome back guys, now it's time for us to get out of here.

Dimitri: Yeah, guess we all graduated pretty early.

We later see them as they were seen going to the hole but they then see Dev-N and Claudius.

Dimitri: Of course you guys.

We then see Dev-N transform into Shock Rock and Claudius become Rath.

Ashton: We see you got your knockoff watches to work now.

Dimitri and Ashton then both turned into the same aliens Dev-N and Claudius were.

Dev-N: They are not knockoffs. They are the Betatrix and Gammatrix and they are definitive improvements over the originals.

Cladius: Wanna see? (Turns his badge) Not only can we both transform into anything you two can, but we can evolve those creatures to their god forms

Claudius then slammed his watch as we see his Rath form transform into a four armed version covered in blades with three tails

Ashton: Raven get everyone away from here now!

Raven: On it.

She then made a platform and got everyone out as Ashton faced Claudius.

Claudius: Meet God Rath.

We then see Dev-N slam his badge as we see his Shock Rock form become a being made from dark purple energy.

Dev-N: And meet God Shock Rock.

Dimitri and Ashton then both looked at their double alien forms.

Dimitri: We beat tougher guys than you.

Claudius: Really? When?

Ashton: For starters how about now!

They both then charge at Dev-N and Claudius only for them to be swatted away to the cafeteria as we see Claudius and Dev-N come in.

Ashton: Ok that is tough.

Claudius: Tough is right, we can both change into god aliens while you two can't

We then see Dev-N fire purple energy balls at them as they both took cover as Ashton changed into Eye Guy and Dimitri became Shinaqua.

Ashton: Maybe Dimitri and "eye" don't need to change into god aliens.

We then see Ashton fire an eye beam at Claudius as we then see Claudius become a god version of Echo Echo as it appeared to look like a futuristic robot as he then sent multiple flying disks at Dimitri and Ashton as the disks created a powerful ultrasonic blast around the two.

Ashton: Eye-Caramba!

We then see Dimitri threw shurikens at the disks destroying them as we see Dev-N transform into a god version of Spider Monkey which appeared as a fifteen foot gorilla with eight eyes and six arms as he came at Dimitri and pinned him with his large hand and held him up as he went to the ceiling.

Dev-N: We could rip you two away from these watches but Draven has something special for you two.

Dimitri: (struggles) Let me go!

Dev-N: (chuckles) If you insist.

He then let Dimitri go, making him fall down to the floor as we see Ashton get up and transform into Heatblast.

Dimitri: Ash, we're gonna have to make a retreat.

Ashton: Guess we'll take them on later.

Dimitri then fired a blast of water as Ashton blasted fire as the two blasts created a massive steam cloud as we see Dimitri and Ashton get out of the academy.

Dimitri: That was close.

Ashton: Let's meet up with the others.

We later see Dimitri and Ashton as they were seen at a park as we see the police come as Junko was seen in handcuffs as she turned to Ashton as she was being put into the car.

Junko: Call me Ash, I'll see you after my sentence is up.

She then waved goodbye to Ashton as the police car drove away.

Ashton: Man, that girl is completely crazy.

Dimitri: No kidding.

Ashton: But at least we all got out.

Dimitri: Yeah, but I have a feeling that mom will try and send me to another school. (hears his phone ringing and answers it) Hello?

Carol: (through the phone) Good news Dimitri, turns out there was a mix up in the report cards and the F's didn't belong to you. You got A's and B's.


Carol: Whoops, my bad. It looked nice on the ad. And it means you both get to stay.

Dimitri: Alright mom, but hey, are you ok with us bringing some new friends?

Carol: Of course son, I'll see you soon.

Dimitri: Bye. (hangs up) Well I'm just glad that I get to stay at home.

Ashton: You know dude, I just started to wonder about something.

Dimitri: What's that?

Ashton: If that report card didn't belong to you, then who was the poor sap that got all F's?

KO: Me.

Dimitri: KO?

KO: I may or may not have given mom the wrong report card.

Dimitri: KO, you do realize that it got me and Ashton sent to an academy where we could have died?!

KO: Sorry.

Dimitri: (sighs) But luckily for you, I can't stay mad at my little brother.

Ashton: Myself on the other hand can stay mad at you!

KO: I'm sorry.

Ashton: "Sorry" doesn't cut it!

Dimitri: Let's just go home.

We then see them all walking off to home meanwhile at an island in an unknown location we see Draven as he was seen talking to Dev-N and Claudius.

Draven: So Junko was captured and taken into custody?

Dev-N: Yes.

Draven: And what of my experiment and the son of Kyrone.

Claudius: We almost had them, but they managed to escape. It won't happen again sir.

Draven: Though you may have failed in retrieving them but you did succeed in bringing the blood samples.

He then shuts off the screen as we see him walking to a room as we see fifteen pods as he looks at them as we see 8 men and 6 women in them.

Draven: You may have won the battle young heroes, but the war shall be mine.

We then see the screen fade into black as we see Draven's glowing red eyes.


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