Bear caught

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We see the group at the ring as Ashton got up with the help of Ava.

Ashton: I tried to suck Dimitri's blood.

Ava: Yeah, you would have, if Dimitri wasn't Machino.

Dimitri: *changes back* Your eyes turned yellow and red, your teeth turned to fangs, and you had vampire-like ears.

Ashton: Oh no, it happened again didn't it Ava?

Ava: Shh. It's ok.

Dimitri: Again? That happened before?

Ava: Yeah, it happens when the nanites get messed with by electricity.

Dimitri: The emp must have caused that to happen didn't it?

Ashton: Guess so.

Dimitri: Guys, any luck on the ghost bear?

Dendy: It's on its way.

Ashton: The people are starting to panic. We need some light.

Dimitri: On it.

He then transformed back into Machino as he flew to the air and then created an energy ball which illuminated the ring

Fans: Hey we can see!

Dimitri: Alright, now that that is taken care of now all we gotta do is catch the bear. *hears a roar* Oh and speak of the devil.

He turns and sees the bear fighting Ruben who was wearing an outfit with bones on it.

Ashton: It's him. And is that Ruben?

Dimitri: It must be his superstar outfit, the bone bender.

Ashton: Then let's help him out.

Dimitri: Alright let's go alien.

They both then transformed as Dimitri then became Shinaqua as Ashton became a large werewolf alien with metal platings on his arms and the badge was on his chest.

Sam: What is that?!

Ashton: This big guy? I think I'll call him...

He then slammed the ground causing it to shake making the bear fall as he charged at it.


He then grabbed the ghost bear and threw it to the ring as he and Dimitri then went to the ring.

Dimitri: Fred any chance that the power can be restored.

Fred: On it. Triple H lights please.

Triple H was seen outside with some trucks that had generators as they turned on and connected a cord to a generator as he turned it as the lights in the arena came back on Fred then pressed a button on the tablet causing a cage to form on the ring as Cena, Sin Cara, Aj,  and Ruben got inside with them as they all faced the bear

Cole: Someone's activated the cage. It's a cage match!

We then see Dimitri running at the bear as it tried to swipe its claws at him as Dimitri dodge the attack and had his tongue wrapped around its arm and got on it's back and pulled his tongue back making the bear hit itself in the face and stumble back hitting Ashton on the back of the head knocking him out

Dimitri: That wasn't supposed to happen.

Then the bear swung its arm making Dimitri get swung and was tossed but was grabbed by Cena as we see Sin Cara going to the bear as he got on its back and slid around the bear and hitting the bear as he leaped up and hit the bear on the head as Cena ran to the bear and lifted the bear over his head and threw the bear down to the floor as Cena held his arm up.

Cena: What's that bear? What's that? *does his signature move* You can't see me!

He then came at the bear and punched it in the face as he, Aj, and Sin Cara all leaped at the bear only for it to hit them making them hit the wall as we then see Dimitri walking to Ashton who was still out cold as he blasted water on his face as he opened his eyes and then got up as then saw the bear

Cole: The frog has woken up Generator Rex and he does not look happy!

He then charged at the bear as he then tackled it down as Ruben, Cena, Aj, Kane, and Sin Cara all pinned its limbs but could barely keep it down.

Ashton: D, we can use some help here.

Dimitri: On it.

He then jumped at the bear as he and Ashton pinned it down as it then stopped moving.

Ashton: Game Over Papa Bear.

The crowd then started to cheer for them as the cage opened up as the group came to them.

Fred: Now let's see who this ghost bear really is.

He then removed the mask to reveal it was Cookie.

Cena: Cookie?!

MacMahon: Cookie?!

Ruben: Uncle Cookie? But why? WWE is your life.

Velma: WWE was his life.

Dendy: But sadly your uncle Cookie never got the glory.

Houka: And his injury had put him out of the spotlight permanently.

Ryuko: He started to truly resent WWE knowing that he could never become the champion he always dreamed of being.

Satsuki: That resentment soon grew into hatred over the years training others to be what he could not.

Fred: That's when he developed his plan for revenge.

Dimitri: But he couldn't do it alone, Cookie needed a pawn to help him steal the championship belt. Enter the video game contest.

Houka: He hacked into the video game placing post-hypnotic suggestions into it, allowing only the perfect pawn to win and come here.

Ashton: Me.

Dendy: That's when he used the ghost bear to attack the game studio, to cover his tracks.

Dimitri: Cookie then used flashing lights to activate Ashton's post-hypnotic programming.

Satsuki: And when Cookie identified the belt in Ashton's bed as the championship belt he was actually lying. Having switched them already.

Wil: With Ashton taking the blame Cookie was free to carry out his plan.

Dimitri: Which was to turn out all the lights and use the bear to create so much panic and injury that Wrestlemania would be ruined and WWE would never recover.

Cena: But thanks to Fred here we got the lights back on pretty quick.

MacMahon: Then where is the real championship belt?

Enid: Easy, Cookie's wearing it.

Then Cena came to Cookie and unzipped his suit to see he was wearing the belt and took it.

Cena: Sorry Cookie, but the championship belt isn't for cheaters, it's for champions.

Then the crowd began to cheer.

Ms. Richards: Good call hiring these kids Mr. MacMahon, I figured they might come in handy.

MacMahon: Just get Cookie out of here!

Ms. Richards: Yes sir, right away.

Cookie: Just so you know Ashton you were the best fighter I trained and I'm sorry for what I did.

Ashton: It's ok, you just wanted to be a champion.

The guards then started to take Cookie away.

Nonon: He would have gotten away with it too if it weren't for us meddling kids.

Ruben: I guess after what my uncle's done I guess you won't be wanting me around here anymore.

Aj: Not so Ruby.

Dimitri: *changes back* She's right, you're one of them.

Brodus: You got the funk.

Ashton: *changes back* Yeah dude, you showed great skills on both the ring and the computer.

Ruben: Thanks guys.

Dimitri: Anytime, bone bender.

Then laughter was heard as everyone began to look around.

Dimitri: Did you guys hear that?

Enid: Yeah we hear it.

Then they saw a black mist appear at the ring as a man in black and grey armor wearing a cape appeared out of the mist.

KO: A villain!

MacMahon: Who are you?

Draven: I am Draven, and I've come to take back my creation.

He then pointed at Ashton as Dimitir then stood by Ashton holding Enduring Crimson.

Dimitri: I won't let that happen.

As Draven saw Dimitri his eyes widened.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

This will help you see what the fight will be like but in my own way.

Draven: You! I destroyed you with my own hands! How are you here now?!

Then in Draven's eyes he saw crimson colored energy forming around Dimitri.

Draven: Just as I suspected, he has the power of crimson energy. It's just like Kyrone's... No, it's even stronger than his.

He then looked at Dimitri.

Draven: You know you could join with us, son of Kyrone. That power of yours.... it would be a shame to waste such a resource.

Aj: Like hell he's joining you!

Carol: Careful, he's stronger than he looks.

Gar: We'll do our best to shield you.

Then a fire blast was fired as Draven dodged it and saw Ashton as Hot Shot.

Ashton: There's a heap of things I want to know, and you will tell me, I'll make you tell me!

Then everyone began to run at Draven as we see Rad trying to hit Draven only for Draven to dodge it and kick rad at Sam as we see Luke trying to punch him as he dodged Draven's hit as Dimitri leaped at Draven to slice him as Draven dodged the attack as Ashton was throwing fireballs at Draven as he only deflected them away as Ashton tried to punch Draven only to be pushed back as Draven saw Dimitri charging as a wall of spikes appeared as they looked to see a woman in armor.

Draven: Why are you here Lamia?

Lamia: To keep you from going too far.

Draven then looked at them and then walked to Lamia.

Draven: Fine, that's enough. I'll stop, for now... *looks at Dimitri* But remember, I'll be coming back for you. Give my offer some thought hm?

Then Draven and Lamia were surrounded in black mist as the two then disappeared as the others saw them vanish.

Shaggy: Like who was that creepy guy?

Dimitri: And mom what did you mean by he's stronger than he looks? It sounded like you knew him.

Carol: It's because he took your father away from me.

Dimitri: What?! You mean... he murdered dad?

Carol only nodded her head as Dimitri's eyes widened in shock.

Dimitri: But why? And why does he want me to join him?

Carol: Because Draven knows that your power would help him.

Rad: Draven wants Dimitri's power mimicry?

Carol: No, it's not his power mimicry Draven wants, Dimitri I haven't told you this but I think it's time you knew the truth about the rest of your powers.

Dimitri: What do you mean?

Carol: You inherited not only my power but your father's power as well. You have the ability to generate and control crimson energy, it's a very strong power.

Rad: Dude! Why didn't you tell us you had such an awesome power?

Dimitri: I-I didn't know about it. Wait, why didn't I know?

Carol: It's because I didn't want you to know. Dimitri, Draven knew about your father's power and he wanted to harness it for himself but when he tried to take it your dad was caught in the crossfire.

Dimitri: I don't believe this.

Carol: Son, I'm so sorry, I should have told you this sooner.

Dimitri then hugged Carol.

Dimitri: No mom, I understand you were just trying to keep me safe.

Carol then smiled as she hugged back.

Ashton: I think we all should be getting ready to go home.

Dimitri: Right.

Aj: I'll be sure to visit you guys.

Ashton: Ok.

Aj then kissed Ashton's cheek making him blush red and fall down as the others laughed at his reaction.


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