Belt stolen?!

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We later see the group at a rooftop as they all saw Sin Cara there as he was looking at the sun.

Ryuko: Sin Cara?

Ashton: What are you doing up here?

Cena: Sin Cara knows the legend of the bear more than anyone.

Mako: But why is he even here?

Cena: He has a flare for drama.

They then saw Sin Cara flip to them as Dimitri and Ashton clapped for him.

Mako: Oh now I see.

Satsuki: Can Sin Cara tell us about the ghost bear?

Cena: Doesn't need to, luckily I speak masked luchador.

Dimitri: So do I, Cena and I will try to translate our best.

They then saw Sin Cara doing some moves as he made his arms make the shape of a beast's jaws.

Rad: What's he saying guys?

Dimitri: He's saying that the ghost bear was originally a bear that was part of a traveling show. They named him Vicious, and for a good reason.

Cena: He had a mean streak a mile wide and twice as ugly and never been beaten ever.

Dimitri: Until it met Sin Cara Grande. Sin Cara's great great great grandfather. He challenged the bear on this very spot long before WWE City was built

Cena: The battle between man and bear was epic.

Dimitri: The bear was an unstoppable horrible beast but it was man that triumphed over the monster.

Cena: Vicious couldn't contain his anger and wrecked havoc on the town.

Dimitri: Many lives would have been lost that day if it hadn't been for Sin Cara Grande.

Cena: While saving the innocent townsfolk he was injured.

Dimitri: Sin Cara Grande would never wrestle again and the bear escaped to the woods in a cave never to be seen again.

Cena: Until now. Sin Cara believes that the spirit of the beast has been stirred by Wrestlemania itself.

Dimitri: Which is why the monster has risen from the grave to have its revenge but fear not because it's now Sin Cara's honor and duty to continue his great great great grandfather's legacy and protect WWE City at any cost.

The group cheered as Sin Cara took a bow and a few hours later the group was back at the rock yard with Ashton carrying a few dozen sushi platters as we see Dimitri and Cena were with him.

Cena: I can't believe you're still hungry after the big meal we just had.

Ashton: This is just a late night snack right D?

Dimitri: Yeah.

As they were walking Dimitri then noticed a table and saw Aj Lee, Triple H, Brodus Clay, Santino, and Miz sitting at it with Miz being in a wheelchair covered in casts

Triple H: I have half a mind to go out in the woods, find that bear and rip its head off!

Brodus: I don't know Triple H, it's awfully tough.

Santino: I say we should stick together.

Aj: What do you think Miz?

Miz: *in pain* Stick... together...

Ashton: Hey guys great matches today.

Aj: Thanks Ash.

Dimitri: We happen to overhear your conversation about the bear.

Ashton: Forgive our rudeness but maybe half of you should join our friends in the woods cuz they're looking for the bear too.

Aj: That's a good idea Ash. But it made me wonder about something.

Ashton: Is it about the bear?

Aj: Actually it's about a large black alligator that showed up last night when the bear disappeared.

Dimitri: Guilty that was me.

Aj: You?

Dimitri: *shows his watch* I have this watch that allows me to turn into many different aliens with powers and strengths of varying levels.

Ashton: Like that alien you saw him called Unbreakabrawl he can lift what 10 tons in the form?

Dimitri: I think so, he's a new alien.

Triple H: That's pretty cool.

Ashton: You have no idea.

Aj: So how many aliens can he turn into?

Dimitri: We have no idea how many aliens.

Ashton: I lost count at seventy.

Aj: If there's more of them.

Cena: Then it would mean the watch must have aliens that number in the millions.

Santino: I heard about a large purple ape that destroyed a building a while ago. Was that you too?

Dimitri: Not me. *points at Ashton* It was Ashton. His watch is unique to say the least.

Ashton: He's right, I have a watch like his but the only difference is that my aliens are mutated and a bit stronger.

Aj: But how did you get the watch?

Dimitri: I got it during a camping trip with my mom and KO.

Ashton: I made mine from the nanites in my body. Little machines that let me heal myself after a really tough fight.

Dimitri: Well we all should get to bed just in case the bear shows up again.

Carol: I'll go with the guards and find the ghost bear. And I'll lock the cabin that you, KO and Ashton will be staying in.

KO: To keep the bear out mom?

Carol: To keep Ashton in.

Daphne: Wil and I will keep eyes on him at all points during the night.

Dimitri: Alright, then let's hit the sack.

They then began to walk to their cabins.

Cena: If you and Ash both have aliens with incredible strength then you both would be great superstars.

As they were walking to their cabins we see Ashton, Wil, and Daphne sleeping when blue lights wake Ashton up.

Ashton: *sleepily* What the heck?

He then looked out in the window and saw flashing lights as Ashton's good eye shrunk as he then walked out. In the morning we see Ashton still sleeping when a loud knock is heard and Wil answers as she then sees a woman with guards.

Wil: Is something wrong Ms. Richards?

Ms. Richards: Yes, the Championship belt has been stolen. And we know who did it. Your boyfriend.

Dimitri: But that's impossible.

KO: Ashton's been here all night!

Ashton: Yeah!

The blanket on his chest fell showing the belt for a second as Ashton then pulled the blanket up.

Ms. Richards: I saw that!

Then everyone went inside the cabin and walked to Ashton.

Ashton: Nothing to see here. Just me in bed.

Then Ms. Richards pulled the blanket off of Ashton as we then see Ashton was wearing the belt

Ashton: I swear I didn't take it!

Dimitri: But that can't be right, Ashton's changed.

Daphne: You have no proof that he took it.

Ms. Richards: I have proof. *shows her tablet* Last night's security footage. Take a look.

They then saw a video of where the belt was as Ashton was seen dodging the lasers around the vault and he punched in a code and pulled out the belt

Ashton: I did steal it.

Cena: Say it ain't true Ashton.

He then looked to see everyone looking at him with disappointment as he had a look of shame on his own as we see Dimitri and Velma looking at the video.

Dimitri: Do you guys see something odd about Ashton?

Satsuki: Aside from his face?

Ashton then took the belt off as Cookie took the belt and looked at it.

Cookie: Yup, this is the championship belt alright. I'd know it anywhere.

Ms. Richards: Take it. And we'll be taking the thief as well.

The guards grab Ashton by the shoulders

Ashton: Don't let them take me guys! I don't want to go!

Dimitri and KO then grabbed Ashton's legs.

Dimitri: Don't worry dude we got you!

KO: We won't let them take you.

We then see the guards taking Ashton away as Dimitri and KO were holding onto his legs.

Velma: Jinkies that's it!

We then see everyone at the Wrestlemania arena when Mr. MacMahon walks in

MacMahon: Alright kids, what's going on here?

Velma: Mr. MacMahon I have irrefutable proof that Ashton was framed.

Dimitri: That's right. He's no thief, he's just a pawn. Look.

He then showed everyone the video of Ashton at the safe.

Velma: Here's the footage from last night.

Then a video of Ashton doing Sin Cara's victory dance was seen.

Dimitri: And this is Ashton doing the victory dance from the memory card of our game. See anything similar?

Shaggy: Zoinks! It's the same movement.

Dendy: Which meant Ashton was given a post hypnotic suggestion to take the belt.

Wil: That explains why Ashton was sleepwalking since we got here.

Ms. Richards: And just how did Ashton get this post hypnotic program?

Ruben: My guess is from the video game itself. May I?

Velma then handed Ruben the tablet.

Ruben: Someone highlighted certain moves in the victory dance with light flashes, flashes which would plant post hypnotic suggestions into Ashton's brain.

Scooby: Yeah he's got a plant in his brain.

Dimitri: Nice one Ruben.

Cookie: That's my nephew, he's a computer genius.

MacMahon: As interesting as this theory might be I'm still a guy who likes looking at the facts.

Ms. Richards: And the fact is he stole the belt and he's going to jail.

Dimitri and KO: Jail?!

Ms. Richards: And it was your video game so you both are going to jail with him as his accomplices.

Ashton: They have nothing to do with this. I'll take the full brunt of the consequences.

Carol: Ms. Richards, isn't there anything we can do to prevent that?

Ms. Richards: No there isn't.

Mr. MacMahon: Actually there is.

Dimitri: Whatever it is sir.

KO: Ash will do it.

Mr. MacMahon: According to WWE City law says that anyone accused of a crime may compete in the ring for a chance to win their freedom. I have the power to give him that chance. And I have one competitor left who's looking for a match.

KO: Who?

Fire and organ music is heard as Ashton turns pale white

Ashton: Kane!?

Kane: I want another shot at the title. And it seems I have to go through you to get it. I accept the challenge.

Ashton: Um, on second thought.

Dimitri: Ashton accepts the challenge Mr. MacMahon!

Ashton: What?!

MacMahon: Ms. Richards, release this man so he can prepare for the match. Unless he can prove his innocence his match with Kane will kick off tomorrow night at Wrestlemania.

Kane then growled at Ashton as we go to the rock yard with Ashton panicking

Ashton: I'm doomed!!! I can't fight Kane.

Velma: We're only buying time to clear Ashton's name.

Ashton: I can't wrestle at all! Your butt is so haunted when I die in that match Dimitri!

Dimitri: Ash relax, Mom, Cookie and I can help train you for your match.

Cookie: Hey Aj care to help us out?

Aj: Sure Cookie.

We then see Aj Skipping towards the group.

Aj: Hi Ash, I heard you could use some practice sessions. Would want any hairs of yours to get bent.

Ashton: You know, maybe this won't be so bad after all

Then Aj started to frown and grabbed Ashton's shirt and brought him closer

Ashton: *gulps*

Aj: Never underestimate a diva.

We then see Ashton and Aj in a ring as Ashton was seen shaking in fear as Aj did a come on hand gesture as Ashton then ran at her only to be tossed to the ropes and hit the ground as Cookie facepalmed at it, we then see them at at gym as Carol and Aj were showing Ashton how to lift weights as Ashton was seen lifting a heavy weight but then fell back knocking three wrestlers down off their training bikes as they turned to him angrily as Ashton smiled at them nervously as Cookie facepalmed again as we then see Aj who was pulling a exercise machine as Ashton did the same but was flung to a wall as we then see Dimitri, Carol, Cookie and Aj passing balls to each other as Ashton held out his hands and was hit in the face by a ball as we see Aj jumping on a skip rope as Ashton was tangled in it and fell down as Cookie face palmed with both his hands as we see Ruben was looking upset.

Dimitri: What's wrong Ruben?

Ruben: I don't understand why my uncle is willing to train Ashton but not me just because he never won a championship doesnt mean I can't.

Dimitri then looked at him.

Ruben: Sorry, see it's just because my whole life I dreamed of being a WWE superstar, I even came up with my own name, The bone bender. I got an outfit I made out of spandex and bones, real bones I ordered off the internet. Wanna see?

Dimitri: Maybe later, but what I can do is tell you that you should follow your dream, you can be whatever you want to be, just choose what you feel is right to you.

Ruben: Thanks Dimitri.

Ashton: Dimitri!

He then looked and saw Ashton who was hiding underneath a wrestling ring.

Ashton: You gotta hide me! Aj's like Kane with lipstick!

Fred: Hey gang, we got maps of the whole area.

Velma: And I found the perfect place to find clues on the ghost bear.

We then see Aj was walking on the ring Ashton was hiding.

Aj: Ashton, where are you hiding handsome?

Ashton then ran behind Dimitri and Enid.

Ashton: What are we waiting for? Let's go!

As night came we see the group walking through the woods.

Ashton: Wouldn't it be better to clear my name than to go bear hunting?

Dimitri: Ash, I think that whoever framed you is connected to the ghost bear.

Enid: And keep it down, we don't want to attract Bayard.

Ashton: You mean the hillbilly with the thieving raccoon?

Velma: Yeah, they're cave is right on his property.

As they were walking we saw Bayard at a hill as he saw them.

Bayard: Can't say I didn't warn them.

He then fired at some rocks as we then see a rock slide.

Fred: Run!

We then see everyone running as they were running away from the rolling rocks as they ran to a side and saw the rocks hitting a large boulder making it fall and roll towards them as they saw that they were trapped.

Duck: I'm too handsome to be crushed!

Ashton: Duck shut up!

As the boulder was coming to them we then see Cena stopping it with his bare hands as he then made the boulder go down off the cliff.

Dimitri: Saved by John Cena!

Velma: How did you know we were here?

Cena: Daphne texted me.

Dimitri: Well now that that is all taken care of we can continue the search.

We then see them going to a cave as they were looking around as they then noticed a skeleton of a bear.

Ashton: That must've been Vicious once upon a time.

Dimitri: Not so vicious now it seems.

KO: If that bear we saw earlier wasn't really Vicious then what was it?

Ashton: Hey guys I found something.

They then looked and saw a part of a cave with a table and parts.

Rad: What is this place?

Enid: My guess, the ghost bear's lair.

Ashton: Complete with hypnotism books.

Dimitri: Ash, I think we found our first piece of evidence to get you out of that fight with Kane.

Ashton: Awesomesauce!

Cena: Hey guys, check this out.

He then showed them blueprints.

Tech: These look like schematics for an emp.

Rad: Emp?

Dimitri: Means electromagnetic pulse.

Ashton: Bombs that make technology go on the fritz?

Velma: Look what I found.

She then found a calendar as she grabbed it.

Velma: This calendar has the date for wrestlemania circles in red. *reads the calendar* R.I.P. WWE.

Then a flash was seen as Fred was holding a camera.

Dimitri: Fred!

Fred: Evidence photos.

Cena: So something thinks they're gonna knock the lights out in wrestlemania not on my watch.

Then the ghost bear appeared smacked him into a wall

Ashton: Dimitri, you and KO get Mr. Cena, the evidence, and the others out of here. Smoky is mine.

Dimitri: On it. Come on KO.

Dimitri then slammed his watch as he became Four Arms

Dimitri: Four arms!

Then his badge started to emit blue electricity as he was seen being covered in stone armor and blue electricity as two of his arms had two fists.

Dimitri: Four arms *looks at his four hands* plus four? Alright.

He then picked up Cena as the others started to leave as Ashton faced the ghost bear and made his smack hands

Ashton: Time to call yo mama!

He then ran at the bear and tried to hit it but the bear grabbed him and threw him out of the cave and disappeared as we see the others as they were running out of the cave as they see Ashton flying past them

Ashton: I'm ok!

Fred: And I got the evidence right here.

Daphne: Ash watch out for that tree!

Ashton: Huh?

He then crashed into a tree as he fell down with a dazed look on his face as mini versions of himself with boogie wings were seen flying around his head

Ashton: Oh that tree.

Ashton then opened his eyes as he then saw he was face to face with Aj and he screamed and hid behind Fred.


Dimitri then walked to Ashton as he was still four arms and then slapped him in the face.

Ashton: I needed that.

Dimitri then slapped him again

Ashton: I needed that too.

Dimitri then used the two fists and punched Ashton in the face.

Ashton: You're pushing your luck Dimitri!

Enid: Guys come on, we got all the evidence we need to clear Ashton's name.

Aj: Sin Cara was nice enough to lend Ash his white outfit.

Dimitri: But I have a feeling that the bear is gonna be on its way here for the fight so we got one to do and you know what it is Fred.

Fred: We gotta turn Wrestlemania into a trap.

Cena: A big bear trap. Whatever you plan Fred, count me in.

Dimitri: Let's go, we don't have much time.

Ashton then takes the suitcase Aj had and goes to the locker room and puts on Sin Cara's white costume.

Ashton: Oh man, I hope the others solve this mystery soon cause there won't be any mysteries to where I'm going Scoob.

Scooby: Yeah, to the hospital.

Ashton: No, the morgue.

We then see Cookie walk to him.

Cookie: Come on Ash, you gotta have confidence, you gotta give it your all, if you don't hold back if you battle with your heart and soul, if you give it all you got you might not only survive this but you could win!

Then Kane walked by as he looked at Ashton and moved his thumb across his neck as Ashton then screamed in utter terror as Kane walked off.

Cookie: You're doomed. Nice knowing ya.

He then walked off as Ruben came by.

Ashton: Ruben you here to wish me luck or to say goodbye?

Ruben: I'm here to wish you luck so break a leg out there Ash.

Ashton: If I'm lucky.

We then see the match going on as we see the others in their places.

Dimitri: Everyone ready?

Enid: Still waiting for KO and Rad to show up.

We then see KO and Rad as they were walking around.

KO: *sees a photo of Dwayne Johnson* Look Rad, a signed photo of the Rock himself.

Rad: *touches the photo* Touch.

Guard: Don't touch.

KO: *sees a Sin Cara luchador mask* Wow, a Sin Cara mask.

Rad: *touches the mask* Touch.

Guard: Don't touch.

KO: *sees Miz on the wheelchair* Hey look It's Miz who was attacked by the bear and lived.

Miz: *talking to others* Well it only hurts when you touch it.

Then Rad touched Miz's cast.


Rad: Touch.

Guard: *seen next to Rad* Do I have to follow you all day?

KO: Rad, I just remembered we gotta meet up with the others.

Rad: Oh right, I won't get distracted again.

He then saw Kane who was on his way to the match.

Rad: Oh my gosh! Kane! Wait Kane, I have to touch you!

He then ran after Kane as we see the guard running after him.

Guard: Hey!

At the match we see everyone was here as we see MacMahon walking out of the entrance.

MacMahon: Welcome to Wrestlemania! Allow me to show you why we're all here. Bring it out!

We then see Ms. Richards with two guards carrying the championship belt.

MacMahon: The WWE championship belt. The superstar who wins tonight's event will be the new WWE champion.

Velma then saw the belt.

Velma: Jinkies! Fred I know where the electromagnetic pulse device is.

Cole: Tonight's first match is a big one folks, we have the newcomer Generator Rex

We then see Ashton coming out of the entrance as Dimitri was with him as Machino as the two started to do a dance as Ashton takes the mask off and throws it to Sin Cara

This is Ashton's outfit.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

This is the dance they did.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

this is his theme entrance.

Cole: Tonight, He'll be facing the meanest competitor in and out of the ring, back for revenge, determined to destroy anyone between him and the title. Tonight I give you the red monster, Kane!

Then Dimitri and Ashton both turned and saw Kane as he was running towards them.


Dimitri jumped into the stands as Ashton runs into the ring with Kane after him

Ashton: Looks like this is my last day.

Cole: After Kane is finished with Generator Rex we'll be scraping him off the ring with a spatula.

Kane then growled at Ashton as the bell rang.

Cole: And there's the bell!

Then Ashton saw Kane charging at him as he then ran as Kane ran and smacked the referee out of the ring.

Cole: Oh there goes any chance for a fair match.

We see Ashton as he was trying to run out of the ring as Kane then grabbed his leg and threw him at the ropes as he was launched at Kane knocking him back.

Cole: Generator Rex slammed into the big red monster. That blow can only increase Kane's fury.

Ashton continue to run away from Kane as we see Velma, Dimitri and Cena run to Ms. Richards.

Dimitri: Ms. Richards you need to open the safe and get the belt out.

Ms. Richards: Are you crazy? Look I checked the entire place for your electro what-you-would-call-it, it's not here.

Dimitri: It's right here. *points at the belt* Look.

He then made his hand form into a magnet as he pointed it at the belt as we see the belt stick to the magnet.

Velma: See? It's made of iron. And it's a fake.

We then see Ashton was held by Kane.

Cole: Generator Rex is caught in the clenches of Kane.

We see Ashton was tossed out of the ring as he ran under the ring.

Cole: and he is flung out of the ring offering him a chance to escape.

Then Kane ran under the ring.

Cole: Oh, Kane has just taken the match under the ring.

Then a large dust cloud was seen as we see Ashton running towards Cole's chair as Kane was hot on his tail as he tried to punch Ashton as it smashed Cole's table.

Cole: Not again. Somebody get me a desk out here please.

Ashton then ran back to the ring as Kane then tangled him in the ropes as the others saw the emp was at thirty seconds.

Dimitri: It's about to go off.

Ms. Richards: We'll never get it out in time, the generator is right beneath us.

Dimitri: I have an idea.

He then rolled the belt up as he made his arm a blaster and loaded the belt in it as he aimed it.

Dimitri: Fire!

He then fired the belt only for it to hit Kane making it fly up in the air as the timer reaches zero as the emp went off as Ashton started to scream in pain as the generator went out as we then see the ghost bear come out as it caused havoc around Wrestlemania as we see blood come out of Ashton's ears

Daphne: What's wrong with Ash?

Dimitri: The emp!

He then ran to the belt as he made his hand into a mace as he smashed it and then checked Ashton's pulse

Dimitri: Please don't be dead, please don't be dead.

He then felt a hand wrap around his neck as Ashton had yellow and red eyes and large fangs

Dimitri: Ash?

Ashton: Ashton's not here.

Dimitri was then thrown to the ground as he got up and saw Ashton's ear grew larger and pointed as Ava shot him with a taser web using Peter's web shooter.

Ava: Oh no you don't.

Ashton howled in pain as he collapsed turning back to normal

Dimitri: Phew, that's a relief.

He then saw Kane looking at him.

Dimitri: Right, I forgot about you.

Kane: Is he ok?

Dimitri: I think so.

Ava: He'll be fine

Ashton: What happened?

Ava: You almost drained Dimitri of his blood.


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