Christmas Chaos

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At the woods we see it was snowing and we see some kids walking in the woods as Eri was leading them.

Eri: Come on, this is where I found him.

They all saw a snowman that was 9 feet tall.

Boy: Hey, Eri. I dare you to go grab the carrot.

Then Eri then looked at the snowman as she then climbed up to the snowman and tried to grab the carrot only to see the snowman wake up and show its sharp fangs as it scared Eri, as she fell down as the snowman smiled wickedly and did a sinister laugh then it took off it's head as it scared the kids

Eri: *screams* It's the headless snowman!

Then Eri begins to run as we see the headless snowman throws his head, we then go to the plaza as we see the gang walking to the plaza as we see many stands and a few rides were set up.

Dimitri: Nice work everyone. This is gonna be fun.

Asuka: You did a good job planning this all out.

Dimitri: Thanks Asuka.

Charlie: And all our families and friends will be here for the festival.

Then they saw Eri along with a few kids running away screaming.

Rad: What are they running away from?

Dimitri: Maybe because of that.

Everyone then turned and saw a snowman.

Asuka: Dimitri, that's just a snowman.

Daphne: Let's head inside for some Christmas cookies and cocoa.

They then started to walk to the plaza as Dimitri, KO, Shaggy, Scooby and Deku turned to look at the snowman as they saw it give them a sinister smile.

Dimitri: WAIT FOR ME!!!

Deku: US TOO!!!

They then ran as they crashed into the others.

Shaggy: Coming through.

We then see two groups of girls come as a girl with gray hair saw Asuka.

Yumi: Asuka?

Asuka: Yumi, you made it.

Ashton: Great, just what we need, more people.

They turned and saw Ashton.

Daphne: Come on Ash, be nice, it's Christmas.

Ashton: Don't say that word, I don't celebrate Christmas. You would celebrate it either if it meant dealing with the headless snowman.

Hibari: The headless snowman?

Ashton: For weeks now he's been terrorizing the town! Shows up right before Christmas and tears this place apart!

Dimitri: Yeah right, good one Ash. A snowman terrorizing the town before christmas. Nice going Ashton.

Ashton: The headless snowman is real! How else do you explain all those damages to the plaza?

Carmelita: I'm sure that it's just from technical difficulties, and I don't want to hear anymore about this headless snowman.

Ashton: Fine, but don't say that I didn't warn you. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go home and spend time by myself on this bullcrap holiday.

Ashton then walked off to go home.

Shaggy: Like great, a festival under attack by a 9 foot tall snow monster and our best friend hates christmas, break out the mistletoe it's winter wonderland.

Dimitri: Well maybe we can make Ashton a present to make him feel better.

KO: Good idea.

We then see Shaggy and Scooby going through the fridge.

Shaggy: Like Scoob and I are gonna make a Christmas sandwich. *looks in the fridge* Don't see any bread. *pulls out a fruit cake* Well this fruit cake will have to do.

Then a rumble was heard.

Shaggy: Boy Scoob, your stomach must be growling.

Scooby: Ruh uh.

Then the rumble was heard again but louder as everyone went outside to see what was making the loud noise as they saw a building of a funhouse was destroyed.

Shaggy: Like either Santa had a crash landing or the headless snowman was here.

Dimitri then saw Eri was near the wreckage.

Dimitri: Eri, what happened?

Eri: Well I was outside waiting for santa to come.

A flashback showed Eri by the funhouse.

Eri: Then a cold wind came and I got really cold and then I saw it.

Then she looked to see the headless snowman.

Eri: The headless snowman.

Then the headless snowman then came to the funhouse and tore it apart as the flashback ended.

Eri: How is Santa going to come if the festival gets destroyed?

Shaggy: Maybe we can put it together again.

Helsa: What is going on here?

Everyone then turned to see a demon girl who was accompanied by her parents and brother.

Charlie: Helsa, you and your family came.

Helsa: Of course I came, I only came because of the invitation you sent us.

Eri: What are we gonna do, we won't have christmas.

Dimitri: Don't worry lil sis, we'll save christmas.

We later see Dimitri and KO walking around the plaza.

KO: Why would a snowman want to destroy christmas?

Dimitri: Don't worry but soon we will stop it.

As they were walking we see a second snowman was there as it turns it head and slowly follows them as they then felt like they were followed as snow began to fall as they both turned and saw the snowman and it made a evil smile as it fired a breath of ice at them as Dimitri grabbed KO as the two began to run as the snowman was chasing them as they ran to the doors they closed them as Seviathan and Rad looked to see the snowman and it vanishes into the blowing snow.

Rad: Was that the headless snowman?

Seviathan: No, that's the sinister snowman, the ghost of Vladimar Harstikor. Years ago a man named Vladimar Harstikor lived here and hated people and only wanted to be left alone and when a toy store was built the clock tower drove him to madness and the legend said that he vanished in a flurry of snow.

Shaggy: Like one snowman was bad enough and now two?!

Fred: Then we better find these snowmen.

We later see the gang walking around as they followed footprints as they stopped at a bank of snow.

Velma: The tracks end here.

Then the headless snowman appeared out of the snow as it roared.

Fred: Run!

They all started to run as the snowman was after them as Asuka saw a shed.

Asuka: In there!

They then ran into the shed as the headless snowman came and opened the door as the gang were in it as he had them cornered.

Shaggy: Sorry man, like, occupied.

He then shut the door as the headless snowman then grabbed the shed as the gang then started to run but fell off a cliff as they slid down as they started to go up to the air as Scooby almost fell out as Shaggy got his scarf as they flew through the air as we see Eri at the plaza as she saw something at the sky.

Scooby: Ro ro ro.

Eri: Wow, Santa.

We then see them crash into the snow as we see them get up as scooby was covered in snow and looked like santa. We later see the gang at the plaza as we see Dimitri was using Rev's speed and was repairing the damages made around the plaza.

Dimitri: Ok that's it.

We then see Ashton coming as he looks to see the place was fixed.

Ashton: How did you?

Dimitri: Rev's speed made the repairs quick.

KO: But Ashton, can you please stay here for christmas?

Ashton: Hmmm, no. I only came here to get a few things and leave.

KO: Awww...

Dimitri: Don't worry dude, we'll just have to do it without Ash. And we will work on the thing right?

KO: Oh right. The thing.

Dimitri: Come on KO, let's split up and look for clues. Eri, KO and I will check around the festival, you guys look in the stockroom for clues.

Rad: Ok.

We later see the gang as they were in the stock room.

Asuka: Why was Dimitri in such a hurry?

Rad: Him and KO were discussing something.

Enid: Like what?

Rad: I dunno.

They then spotted some tanks and saw they were labeled silver iodide and train tracks.

Fred: Silver iodide and train tracks.

Asuka: We better tell the others.

As they opened the door the sinister snowman was there as it blew a blast of ice at them freezing them. We then see Dimitri along with KO and Eri as they were walking around the plaza.

Dimitri: This will definitely help Ashton get his Christmas spirit back. And for you Ko, I got you and Eri a special present too.

Eri: What is it?

Dimitri: I'll show you when the mystery is over.

Eri: But does Santa know about this?

???: Somebody mentioned me?

The three then looked and saw as Eri's eyes widened as he saw a man who was wearing a red suit and had a beard as white as snow.

Eri: *gasps* Santa!

Dimitri: Hi Santa.

KO: What are you doing here?

Santa: Well I received an invitation from your brother about this festival. I hope I'm not too late.

Dimitri: No, but there is a problem.

Santa: What would that be?

Then the headless snowman came and roared.

Dimitri: That!

KO: Come on!

Then he looked to see if the Sinister snowman was there as he blew an ice breath at him as KO jumped into Dimitri's arms as they saw the two snowmen as the sinister snowman shapeshifted to a spider.

Dimitri: Run!

They then started to run as we see the two snowmen were after them as we see them going through the festival as we see them run to a room as a generator was there.

Dimitri: Oh, I was so caught up with the repairs I forgot about the generator.

Santa: Don't worry, you tried your best, but let me help. If I can get the generator to work again, someone will notice us.

We then see Santa was working on the generator as we see Dimitri placing crates on the door to block it as we see KO and Eri handing Santa the tools to fix the generator as we see Santa had fixed it.

Santa: Got it!

Then he heard banging as we saw the door moving.

Santa: Run Eri! Run KO! Run Dimitri!

They then started to run as we see the snowmen come in as we see them running after the three as we see them running until the headless snowman was blocking their path as they ran the other way and saw the sinister snowman was there as they cornered the three.

Dimitri: This is it. Merry Christmas guys.

KO: Happy Holidays.

Eri: Season greetings.

KO: And here Dimitri.

He then handed Dimitri a present as Dimitri opened the box and pulled out a box with a crank as he started cranking it as a clown head then popped out as it laughed as the headless snowman screamed in fear and backed up and then crashed into the sinister snowman as they both fell into a hand of a giant santa animatronic as it turned on and then grabbed the two akd started to spin around very fast as Dimitri, KO and Eri saw it.

Dimitri: That's one Santa ride I'm not standing in line for.

then the animatronic tossed the two snowmen as they crashed into the wall and both became a splat of snow as we see the gang come while covered in frost.

Daphne: What happened? We saw the animatronic.

Velma: You three captured the headless snowman and the sinister snowman.

Dimitri: Well, not exactly.

KO: But close enough.

Fred: Now let's see who they both really are.

Fred then walked to the snow as he wiped some away and saw a helmet and removed it as we see it was Seviathan.

Charlie, Alastor and Vaggie: Seviathan Von Eldritch?!

Daphne: And the headless snowman is...

She then wiped the snow away and saw a large triangle-like cone.

All: Nobody?

Dimitri: Hold on.

He then pressed a button as the cone opened up and it revealed...

All: Ashton?!

Tech: I knew it!

They all looked and saw Tech looking a bit angry.

Tech: Some of my inventions went missing. I was beside myself trying to find them.

Helsa: And money was missing from my parents account, mom and dad were beside themselves trying to find it. Only tonight did we discover that my own brother was stealing from us to finance this charade.

Tech: And for me to discover that our own friend was stealing from me to use for his charade.

Fred: Well we kinda knew it too. We did figure out quite a bit. For example, Seviathan used the silver iodide to lace the clouds and cause the snowstorm.

Shaggy: Then he used the remote control snowman on miniature train tracks.

Velma: That's how Seviathan could be with Rad during the sinister snowman's attack.

Daphne: And they both created their snow with liquid nitrogen, and added to ice nanites for Seviathan and he could shapeshift as well.

Dimitri: Ashton used snow for his disguise so he used a device that would create cold wines to refrigerate it.

KO: And why the snowman got scared by the jack in a box because Ashton is afraid of clowns.

Helsa then looked at her brother.

Helsa: You tried to ruin this and make me look crazy.

Seviathan: That's right, all I had to do was blame it on the legend of Vladimar Harstikor.

Velma: Which may not be quite the legend you think. *holds up a card* I found this card Vladimar sent, he vanished alright. *turns it to reveal Vladimar at Miami beach* To a bungalow at Miami beach.

Seviathan: Yeah, well I still would have gotten away with it, if it weren't for you meddling humans and those christmas crazy kids!

Daphne: The only thing I'm wondering is why Ashton would do this, it makes no sense.

Dimitri: Actually, it makes perfect sense.

Shaggy: It does?

Dimitri: Ashton was upset because he felt that Christmas was one of the things that ruined his life, so he wanted to ruin Christmas. He wanted to get back at the holiday for what it had done to him and the best way to do that, ruin the festival.

Carmelita: Well I never.

Ashton: And I would have ruined it too if it weren't for you meddling kids! I guess I have to go to jail for all the trouble for what I did. Just another reason for me to hate christmas.

KO: Mom, can't we forgive Ashton?

Carol: Maybe.

Eri: Well I forgive him.

KO: Me too.

They then walked to him as Eri handed him earmuffs and KO handed him a scarf.

Ashton: Really? You two are giving me presents?

Eri: Of course that's what christmas is about.

Dimitri: And speaking of which, Ashton, me and KO both have a present for you and KO I have a present for you and Eri.

He then handed them two boxes as KO and Eri both opened the box and we then see a blue puppy pop out of the box as Ashton opened his box as we see a magenta colored puppy came out along with a white puppy with blue, pink, purple, yellow, and orange spots as they saw them.

Dimitri: Well I took a trip to the pet shop and found these three and I figured you guys would like them. Their names are Blue, Magenta, and Sprinkles, and Ash, the last two are for you.

Ashton: Really?

Dimitri: Me and KO thought it could help cheer you up and you would love christmas again. Do you like it?

Ashton then looked at Magenta and Sprinkles as he smiled.

Ashton: I love them. Thanks.

Santa: That is the true meaning of christmas.

Ashton then turned and he looked to see Santa.

Ashton: Oh... Santa....

Daphne: Ashton, isn't there something you want to say to Santa?

Ashton: Santa, I'm really sorry I tried to ruin Christmas, I spent my whole life hating Christmas and yourself. I almost did something that I would regret. Can you ever forgive me?

Santa: I already have, you will always be on the nice list.

Ashton: Thank you Santa.

Santa: You're welcome Ashton. And remember to always help others.

Ashton: I will Santa.

We then saw everyone was walking to a large christmas tree.

KO: This is good.

Dimitri: Merry Christmas KO.

Ashton: Merry Christmas Everybody.

Shaggy: Like, there's one thing missing.

We then see a shooting star come as it lands on the top of the christmas tree as everyone saw it.

Shaggy: I was gonna say presents, but that's pretty good too.

We then see everyone together at the christmas tree as they all were glad to see that christmas has been a success.

Scooby: Scooby Dooby Doo! Merry Christmas to you!


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