Heroes alone.

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We see Dimitri and Ashton as they were both seen walking home from the festival.

Ashton: Thanks for helping me get my Christmas spirit back D.

Dimitri: Anytime Ash. We help each other, that is what we do.

We then see them both walk to the door as Dimitri opens the door as his eyes widened as he blushed.

Dimitri: Uhh......

Ashton then walked to him.

Ashton: What is it D?

He then looked and his eyes widened to see that it was their girls as they were all seen wearing santa outfits.

Mary: Hello boys.

Ashton: Oh mama.

Dimitri: What's going on here?

Rias: Well we saw that you gave Ashton a present so we figure that we could give you two a gift.

Asuka: It was Rias and Mary's idea.

Mary: And there is a tradition that is my favorite.

Ashton: What?

Mary: Look up.

Dimitri and Ashton both looked up above them to see that there was a mistletoe

Ashton: D run for your life.

Dimitri: good call.

They both start to make a run for it but then they both get grabbed by a lasso by Mary.

Mary: Oh no you don't, now you both are gonna give us a present.

Ashton: We'll give you an I.O.U! Come on!

Amelia: We're cashing it in now.

Rias then places a sign on the door as it reads "Do not disturb" on it as we see it open up as Ashton was seen trying to get out.

Wil: Oh Ashy.

He was then pulled into the house as the door slammed shut as the next day came as we see Dimitri as he was seen in bed as the many girls in his harem were snuggling with him as we see Ashton who was being hugged by both Carmelita and Amelia in his bed as we see Dimitri getting up and heading to the bathroom as he brushed his teeth.

Dimitri: Hey mom, is breakfast ready? *gets no response* Hey mom?

We then see Dimitri looking around in the house trying to find Carol.

Dimitri: Anybody home?

He then only hears the sound of a cricket chirping.

Dimitri: We're by ourselves.

He then heads to Ashton's room as he sees Ashton who was in the thighs of Mary.

Dimitri: Dude, wake up.

Ashton: What is it dude?

Dimitri: Mom isn't here? We're home alone.

Ashton: Really?

Dimitri: Yeah, I better make a call.

We then see the scooby gang at the mystery machine as Velma heard her phone ring as she answered it.

Velma: Hello?

Dimitri: Hey Velma, we were wondering if you and the gang want to come over.

Velma: Well we kinda have a few things to do but-

Dimitri: Oh look! There's a huge spumoni snake crawling under my bed! HELP ME! *Gasp and gags*

He then hangs up the phone as Ashton comes and sees him.

Ashton: What did you do?

Dimitri: Like I said, I made a call.

He then walks to the door and is about to open it until it flung open hitting Dimitri as he hit the wall as we see Scooby and Shaggy come in wearing protective gear and holding brooms.


Daphne: Be gentle with it guys.

Dimitri: *muffled* Ouch...

Daphne then moved the door and saw Dimitri.

Daphne: Dimitri doesn't look too well.

Scooby: *gasps* THE SNAKE BIT DIMITRI!

Shaggy: Like we gotta extract the venom before it spreads through his veins! Like in the movies.

Shaggy then grabbed Dimitri's arm and sucked on the skin of it as Dimitri then punched Shaggy in the face.

Shaggy: He's fine.

He then fell down as we then heard Carmelita throwing up in the bathroom as Ashton came to her.

Ashton: Carm? You ok?

Carmelita: Just peachy.

Dimitri: Uh Ash, I don't think Carm is the only one throwing up.

He then pointed to Amelia, Asuka and Rias as they were seen throwing up in a trashcan.

Ashton: Oh boy.

Dimitri: But dude, what do we even do? Mom is gone and we're all alone at home.

Ashton: That can only mean one thing. It's party time!

Dimitri: Ok, but we need to make sure that nothing is out of place when it's over. Mom has the eyes of an eagle, and if she finds one thing out of place she's gonna flip.

Ashton: Relax, it'll be fine. Trust me, she's not gonna notice anything out of place.

He leaned against a vase as he pushed it off a shelf as Dimitri quickly caught it before it could hit the ground.

Dimitri: Just be lucky this didn't break, this is mom's favorite vase.

Ashton: Sorry, but rest assured this party will be fine.

Eri: What party?

Ashton then turned to see Eri was there holding a blanket as KO came out as well.

Ashton: KO? Eri? You two have been here?

Eri: Yeah.

KO: Where's mom?

We then see Carol, Piper, Rowan, Andruw, Grayson, Everette and Elliotte as they were in a car driving.

Carol: Is everyone here?

Andruw: Yeah, Dimitri, Ashton, KO and Eri are asleep.

We then go back to the others at home as we see a party was happening as Dimitri was seen trying to make sure the house wasn't a total mess as he was seen catching any items that fell as he then put them back.

Dimitri: Look, it's all fun and parties until something gets broken. *Gasps and catches a ball about to hit a window* Phew. Look everyone, just keep everything under control.

Ashton: Look, everything will be fine, trust me. Nobody will know that this happened.

Dimitri: Hope mom is doing ok.

With Carol we see them going to a gas station as she got out.

Carol: Ok kids, let's go.

She saw Andruw, Elliotte, Grayson Piper, Grayson and Everette come out as she saw the blankets.

Carol: Come on sleepyheads.

She moved the blankets and saw that there was nothing there as her eyes widened as she let out a loud scream as the others heard her.

Carol: Dimitri, Ashton, KO and Eri aren't in the car! Oh my god, we must have left them at home!

Andruw: Oh boy.

With Dimitri he had heard the scream as his eyes widened.

Dimitri: Ash, mom just found out we aren't with her.

He then sees a police car coming.

Ashton: Oh boy, she must have panicked and called the cops.

Dimitri: Ash, I don't think it was mom who called for them.

They looked and saw Bakugou was there as we see Rad, and Hal coming as they and the sheriff were heading to the door.

Dimitri: We're dead.

Ashton: D, do something.

Dimitri then saw a tv remote and turned the tv on as we see it show a man.

Tv: Hold it right there.

From outside we see Bakugou, Hal and Rad along with the sheriff stopped as they opened the door.

Bakugou: We're here about the noise.

Dimitri then fast-forwarded the movie a bit.

TV: I knew it was you. *dimitri fast forwards a bit* You was here last night too, wasn't you?

Bakugou: Yeah, I live in this neighborhood you idiot.

Dimitri: *whispers* Watch this.

He then fast forwards the movie.

Tv: You was here, and you was smooching with my brother.

Bakugou: What are you blabbering about, I never do that!

Dimitri and Ashton began to snicker a bit as Dimitri fast forwards a bit.

Tv: Don't give me that, you've been smooching with everybody! Snuffy, Al, Leo, Little Moe with the gimpy leg, Cheeks, Boney Bob, Cliff.

Then the sheriff gasped as Hal, Rad and Bakugou looked at him, seeing his name was Cliff.

Cliff: No. That's a lie!

Tv: I could go on forever baby.

Bakugou: Hey you got the wrong guy!

Dimitri then fast forwards a bit on the movie.

Tv: Alright, I believe ya, but my tommy gun don't!

Then the ones from outside gasped at the sound of it.

Tv: Get down on your knees and tell me you love me!

Bakugou: Ok, on your knees guys.

They then got on their knees.

Bakugou: I love you!

Dimitri and Ashton were both trying to hold in their laughter as Dimitri fast forwards the movie a bit.

Tv: You gotta do better than that.

Bakugou, Hal, Rad and Cliff: I love you.

Dimitri then fast forwards to the movie.

Tv: Maybe I'm off my hinges, that's why I'm gonna let ya go. I'm giving ya to the count of three to get your lousy, lyin, low down four flushing carcass out my door!

Hal: Let's go!

They then started to get up and run away out of the door.

Tv: One, two...

Then gunfire was heard along with laughter in the house as Dimitri saw they were gone.

Tv: Three. Merry Christmas ya filthy animal. *gunfire was heard again* And a happy new year. *Gunfire was heard yet again*

Then Dimitri and Ashton both looked at each other and started to laugh as they both high fived each other.

Ashton: Good one D.

Dimitri: Thanks man.

Ashton: We should do some shopping, and the others will clean up so your mom won't freak out.

We then see Dimitri and Ashton as they were both seen walking to the store. As they were walking we see a van drive by and Dimitri and Ashton see it as they move out of the way as we see four men were in it.

Harry: Hey, you both need to work on your traffic skills.

Marv: Santa doesn't visit funeral homes.

Ashton: Sorry.

Harry: Merry Christmas.

He then smiled at them as Dimitri saw the gold tooth as he then started to walk off as Ashton followed him as we see Issei and Stone were the two people in the van with them.

Issei: Hey, those guys were the reason me and Stone were in jail!

Stone: We spent 6 months there because of them.

We later see Dimitri and Ashton coming with many bags of groceries as they were walking home as they went inside.

Ashton: Ok, this will help with the time until Carol gets back.

Dimitri: Yeah, just hope we can keep things under control until then.

We then see Piper appear in a puff of smoke as they see her.

Dimitri: Piper? What are you doing here?

Piper: I came to see if you guys are alright and to see if you guys trashed the house.

Dimitri: Everything is fine.

Piper: I can see that.

We see the van was near the house as Issei, Stone, Marv and Harry were seen watching it.

Harry: You sure this is the place?

Issei: Yup. They should be in there.

Stone: And I have to guess that they're alone in there.

Harry: Alright, we'll move in tonight.

We then see the van leave as Dimitri looked out and saw it.

Dimitri: Oh boy. We're in trouble. The wet bandits are coming here tonight.

KO: What do we do?

Dimitri: Well, we need to protect it and the little ones at all costs.

Ashton: Dude, you sound like Carol.

Dimitri: Yeah. And if I'm thinking like Fred it's time we all start setting up traps.

We later see them as they were seen setting up traps as we see KO was putting metal wires around as Eri wrapped red yarn on it covering it up and plugged a cable on it, we see Piper as she was using her magic to lift a fridge and put it on a pair of skis, we see Ashton as he was seen putting grease on the walkway as we see the van come as we see Marv, Harry, Issei and Stone come out.

Stone: So how do we go in?

Harry: Let's go to the door.

Marv: Yeah, maybe they'll let us in.

We then see them going to the door as we see Dimitri and KO were there as Dimitri had a BB gun as they heard knocking.

Harry: Merry Christmas little fellas. We know that your in there, and that your all alone.

Marv: Yeah kid come on, open up. It's Santy Claus, and his elf.

Harry: We're not gonna hurt ya.

Marv: No, no, have some nice presents for ya.

We see the doggy door open up as the BB gun was aimed at Harry's crotch.

Harry: Be good little fellas now and open the door.

Then the BB gun shot Harry's nards.

Harry: Oh! Shoot!

He then started to jump around as the others saw it.

Issei: What?

Harry: *mutters in frustration*

Stone: What happened?

Harry: Get those little- *groans*

We see Marv as he stuck his head in the doggy door as he looked and saw Dimitri and KO as KO was now holding the BB gun as he smiled at them.

KO: Hi.

He then fired at Marv's head as he screamed in pain and pulled his head out.

Dimitri: Nice shot KO.

KO: Thanks.

Marv: Those jerks are armed!

Harry: That's it! That's it!

They then started to walk around the house to find a way in as we see Stone noticed the yarn fence and saw a sign saying "Warning: Electrified!"

Stone: Yeah right, like I'm gonna fall for that stupid trick.

Stone then brought out a pair of scissors as he had it at the yarn as he was then electrocuted from the wire as his hair stood up as he was then sent to the ground as he saw Issei come to him.

Issei: What are you doing?

Stone: Don't touch the yarn, it's wired. Those kids got the place booby trapped.

Issei then removed the plug and pulled the yarn away as we see Dimitri watching them through a window as he pulled out a walkie talkie.

Dimitri: Ashton, are you and Eri in position?

We see Ashton and Eri as they were both on the roof as Ashton was holding two buckets of honey and Eri held a rope that was attached to a lid of a box.

Ashton: We're in position.

Dimitri: Alright, commence operation beekeeper.

Ashton: Roger that.

Ashton then dropped the buckets of honey on Stone and Issei covering them both in honey

Issei: The hell is this stuff?

Stone: *licks the honey* It's honey.

Issei: Why would someone cover us in honey?

Ashton: *turns to Eri* Release the kraken! Hee hee.

Eri then pulled the rope as the lid of the box was removed as we see a swarm of bees come out and flew towards Issei and Stone as they saw the bees and the bees started to swarm around them making the two scream in pain as they ran to a pool of water as they were seen with bee stings.

Stone: Is that all they got?

We see Ashton as he is looking through a pair of binoculars.

Ashton: No, but thank you for asking.

We then see a bear walk up to Issei and Stone as they saw it growl at them and roared at the two and started to attack them as they were seen covered in scratches and their clothes were a bit tattered as they ran to the front of the house as we see Ashton walk to the bear and gave him twenty dollars.

Ashton: Thanks Mr. Bear.

Mr. Bear: No prob.

We then go to Harry as he went to the front door and checked the doggy door and twisted the knob seeing that the door was unlocked.

Harry: *chuckles* Your dead kids.

He opened the door as we see a string was attached to it as we see the end was tied to a blow torch as it blew fire on Harry's head as he screamed in pain as he started to run out of the door and jumped into a pool as his head was burnt. We see Marv as he was walking through a part of the house as there was a tar path as his shoes and socks were removed as he got his foot out and then stepped on a nail as he looked down and screamed in pain as we see Harry as he heads to the front door as he kicks it open making the blow torch fall down as he then heads in but falls on the floor due to the grease as he got up.

Harry: Where are you, you creeps?

We see Marv as he was seen walking barefoot as he saw an open window.

Marv: Harry, I'm coming in.

We then see Harry as he was in the house as he walks to a closed door.

KO: Oh no, we're really scared.

Harry: It's too late for you kids, we're already in the house, we're gonna get ya.

Dimitri was seen putting a string on a fan switch.

Dimitri: Alright, come and get us.

He and KO then ran off as Harry opened the door as a bucket of glue fell on him covering him in glue as he pulled the bucket off and threw it.

HArry: Now you're dead!

He walked by and stepped on the string as it pulled the switch opf the fan turning it on as it blew feathers at him covering him in them as we go to the window as we see Marv was there as he peaks in to see it was clear unaware glass ornaments were on the floor as he goes in and steps on them as he screams in pain and falls down.

Marv: *Screams in pain* I'm gonna kill those kids!

He then gets up as we see Issei and Stone walk in as he sees Marv and Harry.

Issei: Guys? Marv, why did you take your shoes off?

Harry: Why are your clothes torn up?

Stone: Why are you covered in feathers?

We see Dimitri and KO in the hall.

Dimitri: We're over here ya morons, come and get us.

They then ran to where Dimitri and KO were and they then slipped on many small toy cars as they fell to the ground.

Dimitri: You guys give up? Or ya thirsty for more?

They both then ran to the door of Dimitri's room as he closed it as he took KO to the window and opened it and brought him to the roof as he puts a rope on the fridge with skis and attaches it to the door as he goes out the window as we see the bandits as they head to the door as they opened it and saw the rope pulled the spring as it pushes the fridge towards them and smashes them to the wall as they pushed it away and went to the room and saw the open window as we see Dimitri, Ashton both carrying Eri and KO as Piper used a rope to get them to a treehouse as the bandits came to the roof.

Stone: where'd they go?

Dimitri: Over here ya big horse's butt!

They looked to see they were at the treehouse.

Piper: You better get us before we call the police.

Marv: Let's get them!

Harry: No, that's what they want us to do. Go back through their funhouse and get all tore up.

Marv: But they'll call the cops.

Harry: They're not calling- From a treehouse? Come on.

We then see them using the rope to get across as Marv smelled the air.

Marv: You guys wearing aftershave?

Harry: That's not aftershave that kerosene, the rope is soaked in it.

Stone: Why would anyone do that?

We then see Dimitri as he was holding Eri to the rope as she had a match.

Dimitri: Merry christmas.

They then saw Eri light the match asd the bandits saw it.

Harry: Go back!

Eri then lit the rope on fire as we see it spread across the rope as we see the bandits trying to go back but the fire got to them making them fall down and land into a hole as Ashton came to it.

Ashton: Well hope you guys like it cause you all will hang here until the police find a nice cell for ya.

We later see the police arrive as they took Issei, Stone, Marv and Harry away as we see them going inside as they all cleaned up the mess as we see them putting KO and Eri to bed as we see Dimitri and Ashton in the living room.

Ashton: Well now we have to do, is wait till Carol gets here.

Dimitri: Yeah.

We then see Rias, Carmelita, Asuka and Amelia come to them.

Rias: Boys, we have one gift left for you both.

Ashton: What?

They then handed the two pregnancy tests as they saw they all showed a plus on them as their eyes widened in shock as they fainted.

Carmelita: Boys will be boys.

The next day we see Dimitri and Ashton waking up as they both looked at each other.

Dimitri: Dude, how long were we out?

Ashton: I think for a whole night.

Dimitri: We should wait for mom to come home then. *sees the car pull up* Oh, and speak of the devil. She's here.

The door opened as we saw Carol come in as she hugged Dimitri and Ashton.

Carol: Oh, I'm so glad you all are ok.

Dimitri: It's ok mom, we held the fort while you were gone.

Rias: And we have wonderful news, me, Asuka, Carmelita and Amelia are pregnant.

Carol: Pregnant?

Ashton: Right, we forgot to mention that.

Dimitri: We know that you are mad but-

He was then pulled into a hug by Carol.

Carol: Mad? I've always wanted grandchildren.

Dimitri: Really? So we're not in trouble?

Carol: Oh, you're still in trouble. And Ashton *grabs Ashton by his shirt* Don't be a deadbeat dad!

Ashton: I won't.

Carol: Good.

We see Dimitri and Ashton both look at each other.


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